Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 11 Seems a little bleak

Chapter 11 Seems a little bleak
Shen Lin was lying on the bed, brushing the fighting eagle, but he saw that his private messages were getting more and more, and what made him curious was that the fan named "This weather is absolutely perfect" has been giving He sent a private message.

Especially after I marked all private messages as "read", "This weather is absolutely perfect" sent more than ten more.

Out of curiosity, Shen Lin clicked on the private message he sent.

"Is ugly brother there?"

"Brother Ugly, if you are here, please send me a message."

"Brother Ugly, I'm a big fan of yours. I brushed more than ten rockets for you last night."


Looking at the message sent by "The weather is terrible", Shen Lin couldn't help but feel funny. This guy can talk about things if he has something to say, but he keeps asking if he is here.

Chatting with girls, do you also talk like this?

However, it doesn't matter, what the hell is that "ugly brother", my screen name is clown, not ugly brother.

However, since you gave me ten rockets last night, I forgive you.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Shen Lin still politely replied to his die-hard fans.

"Wow Kaka, Brother Chou, you finally replied to me. I kept sending you private messages after you got off the mic last night. I didn't expect you to finally reply. I'm so touched."

"Stop it, don't call me ugly brother ugly, you can call me Shen brother in the future." Shen Lin said with shame, if this name is used, it will become a black history of himself in the future.

"Understood Brother Chou." The weather is absolutely perfect and he still calls it like this.

Looking at the message sent by "The weather is perfect", Shen Lin felt quite speechless, and told him not to call him that, but he still couldn't change it.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a fan, and it's a benefit for fans.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Shen Lin asked.

"It's nothing, the main reason is that I admire you so much. The song you sing is really beautiful and I like it so much." Said the weather.

"Brother Ugly, which city are you in? Can I go over and take a photo with you?" Said the weather.

"I'm in Ningcheng." Shen Lin said with a smile.

He just smiled when he said "the weather is absolutely perfect" to take a photo with him. He didn't believe that with his current fame, someone would come all the way to take a photo with him.

What's more, I'm not a celebrity, so it's not like someone likes me so much.

"I'm also in Ningcheng." The weather is absolutely perfect and he said impatiently, "Brother Ugly, I'm also in Ningcheng, can I go to find you now?"

Seeing the reply message of "the weather is absolutely perfect", Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, the world is really small, he just said it casually, he did not expect that the weather is absolutely perfect and he is in the same city as him.

However, it's rare to meet such a loyal fan, if you refuse, I'm afraid it will hurt the fan's heart.

"Maybe I don't have time today, I have something to do this afternoon." Shen Lin said.

"That night, I will treat you to a big meal in the evening."

"Live broadcast tonight." Shen Lin said with a wry smile, this fan is really persistent, it seems that this side must be seen.

"How about tomorrow, tomorrow during the day, Brother Chou should be fine." The weather was absolutely dead and asked.

"It's okay." Shen Lin thought for a while.

Apart from live broadcasting, I really don't seem to have much to do now, and I don't have a girlfriend, I don't need to date, I don't need to give gifts, I don't need to figure out what girls think.
Uh. Thinking about it this way, it seems a little bleak.

"By the way, Brother Chou, what time will you start the broadcast in the evening, and I will definitely support you then." The weather was absolutely dead and asked.

"Eight o'clock." Shen Lin said.

"Okay, see you tonight!" After the weather was so bad, he didn't say anything else, presumably because he was afraid of disturbing Shen Lin too much.

After confirming tomorrow's itinerary with "The weather is absolutely perfect", Shen Lin put down his phone.

"Let's set up the live broadcast room first. I don't know when I can come back in the afternoon." Shen Lin thought for a while, then returned to the first floor, walked into the study room, and arranged the live broadcast room according to his favorite style.

In the rental house before, the space and lighting were limited, and the video effect during the live broadcast was not good.

But now, the room is big enough and the lights are very bright. When I think about it, the live broadcast effect will be very good.

After tidying up, a fine layer of sweat appeared on Shen Lin's forehead.

"It's finally packed." Looking at the furnished room, Shen Lin couldn't help showing a smile.

"Go take a shower, and you can go to the banquet later." Shen Lin looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the morning, and he couldn't be late for the banquet at one o'clock in the afternoon.

No matter what the date is, attending the appointment on time is also a kind of respect for the other party.

After taking a shower and changing into a brand new set of clothes, Shen Lin walked out of the room.

The community is very large, and after walking for more than ten minutes, Shen Lin walked out of the community.

"It's better to have a car." Looking at the luxury cars passing by him from time to time, Shen Lin couldn't help muttering.

However, he wasn't too entangled. After completing the hidden mission, the system rewarded him with a McLaren P1, which would arrive tomorrow.

At that time, he can also drive a luxury car and go for a ride here.

After Shen Lin walked out of Wanshi Park, he hailed a Didi and headed towards Christie's Restaurant.

This world is quite similar to his original world. Transportation, logistics, online shopping and communications are all exactly the same. After coming to this world, Shen Lin did not feel any discomfort.

Christie's Restaurant is located in Ningcheng Central Fortune Square, which can be said to be the most prosperous place in Ningcheng. In addition to the square, there are also supporting facilities such as the Town God's Temple and a snack street nearby. It can be said to be quite complete.

And those who can settle in Fortune Plaza are all powerful chaebol forces, such as this Christie's restaurant.

Christie's Restaurant is a Michelin three-star restaurant. It mainly specializes in western food. The chef is also a master of western food cuisine invited from abroad. It can be said that a meal here will cost at least tens of thousands of yuan.

Tens of thousands of yuan may not be a big deal to Shen Lin now, but to ordinary people, it is one or two months' salary.

Therefore, those who can come here to consume are all elites of the upper class.

It can be seen from this that in order to sign Shen Lin, Luo Jiang spent a lot of money, and this kind of expenses may not be reimbursed, and it is very likely that he will pay for it himself in the end.

"Box 036 at Christie's Restaurant." Shen Lin looked at the message from Luo Jiang on his mobile phone, and then walked towards Box 036.

Before coming, Luo Jiang sent Shen Lin a message, which included restaurant information and a photo of Luo Jiang.

However, when he came to the box, he found that there was not only Luo Jiang in the box, there were two other people besides Luo Jiang.

(End of this chapter)

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