Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 12 I signed you because I think highly of you

Chapter 12 I signed you because I think highly of you
In addition to Luo Jiang, there were two other people, one of them had combed shiny hair, put on hairspray, and his eyes were slightly closed, but he was handsome, not enough between his brows, but exuded a faint sense of aloofness, It makes people unhappy.

The other person is like an assistant, standing behind this person, quite respectful.

"This is Mr. Shen Lin Shen, please come inside." Seeing Shen Lin coming in, Luo Jiang immediately got up to greet him, and let Shen Lin take his place.

As for that person, when he saw Shen Lin coming in, he just opened his slightly closed eyes, glanced at Shen Lin, and then looked away.

At this time, he had already positioned Shen Lin.

Although she has a bit of good looks, the outfit on her body is not very good. At first glance, it looks like a street stall bought from Tianmiao, with no identity background at all.

He has seen this kind of anchor a lot, he only needs to take out the contract and promise some benefits, and he will definitely be able to sign it smoothly.

There is no difficulty at all.

Under Luo Jiang's guidance, Shen Lin sat down.

This was the first time Shen Lin saw Luo Jiang.

The beard on his face is neatly trimmed, his eyes are clear, and he is full of energy, just like the big brother next door, giving people a feeling of being in the spring breeze.

Similarly, this was the first time Luo Jiang saw Shen Lin, a handsome young man with a slender figure and a handsome face. His appearance was not much better than some popular male stars.

It's just too thin, maybe it has something to do with my usual living habits.

"Who is this?" Shen Lin looked at the man sitting on the seat and asked.

"Oh, Mr. Shen, I'm very sorry." Luo Jiang said apologetically, "This is Mr. Chen Weihua, the person from the headquarters, the chief operating officer of the Douying headquarters."

Chen Weihua arrived in Ningcheng in the morning, and through his own connections, he found him. His purpose was the same as his, and he also wanted to sign Shen Lin.

Now that the people from the headquarters have come forward, and they are also the chief operating officer, the hope of signing Shen Lin is undoubtedly much greater.

For this, Luo Jiang also felt very helpless, after all, the benefits provided by the headquarters were much better than him.

Moreover, Chen Weihua is quite well-known in the industry, with a lot of channels in his hands, and the Internet celebrities he fancy and sign, each has more than one million fans, and there are many super Internet celebrities with a level of tens of millions.

These little anchors, if they knew that Chen Weihua wanted to sign them, they would definitely readily agree!

"Douying headquarters, chief operating officer?" Shen Lin frowned slightly when he heard this.

The chief operating officer sounds quite bluffing, but it is equivalent to a manager-level person in the operation department.

"Shen Lin, right?" Chen Weihua put his arms on the dining table, leaned forward slightly, and glanced at the assistant behind him.

The assistant understood, took out a contract, and placed it in front of Shen Lin.

"I am a person who likes to be straightforward when doing things. This is a contract I drew up. Let me highlight the key points."

"A monthly subsidy of tens of millions of traffic, an annual salary of 500 million, and [-]% reward from fans. Of course, if Mr. Shen has more than [-] million fans, the salary can be adjusted."

"Besides, you can receive artist training from the headquarters for a week every year, and you can participate in the year-end Eagle Fighting Ceremony held by the headquarters every year. If you win the ranking, there will be generous rewards!"

"I think Mr. Shen has no reason to refuse this conditional treatment!"

Chen Weihua smiled slightly, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

And the conditions offered are already quite generous. Generally, anchors who have just become famous will be ecstatic and sign without hesitation.

In his opinion, Shen Lin is no exception.

When Luo Jiang heard this, he couldn't help but smacked his lips. As expected of the chief operating officer of the headquarters, the offer was extravagant, with a traffic subsidy of tens of millions and an annual salary of 500 million. Which rookie who just set foot in the live broadcasting industry refused this?
Not to mention Shen Lin, if he came to be the anchor, he couldn't help but sign it directly.

However, then he sighed again in his heart. It seemed that Shen Lin was going to be signed away by Chen Weihua. There is a big gap.

"What do I need to pay?" Shen Lin asked.

This is what he cares about. He doesn't believe that there will be a pie in the sky. It is simply impossible to want to pay back without paying.

The Douying Group is not a fool and cannot make profits, so why should they give him such generous conditions.

"Four hours of live broadcast every day, the copyright of the music created belongs to the platform, and at least five solo singles must be created every year. Considering this requirement, it is not too much." Chen Weihua folded his arms and smiled slightly.

He believed that as long as he was an anchor, he would not be able to refuse his offer, after all, it was already rich enough, and paying such a price, in his opinion, was worth the money.

"Not too much? Hehe..." Shen Lin smiled and shook his head, "Sorry, I'm not interested in the contract you proposed!"

Hearing Shen Lin's words, the smile on Chen Weihua's face gradually froze, and even his pupils could not help but narrow slightly. He never expected that someone would reject his invitation so simply and neatly.

"Hmph, kid, do you know what you rejected?" Chen Weihua said with a slightly gloomy face.

"I don't know." Shen Lin shook his head, "However, I'm not interested in knowing either!"

What was turned down, he didn't care!
For ordinary newcomers, this is already a very generous condition, and there is nothing wrong with paying this price.

But Shen Lin is different!
First of all, he doesn't like being tied down, and the live broadcast time will be adjusted according to his own rules. He doesn't like being directly kidnapped by the contract!

Secondly, with an annual salary of only 500 million, you want to buy the copyright of your own songs. Isn't it a bit too contemptuous of him?
Not to mention anything else, the three songs I sang last night, each of which is a classic among classics, will definitely become a divine song on the Internet in the future, and the royalties will start at least tens of millions.

Just 500 million, so you want to buy him and send the beggar away?
What's more, what he upholds is still win-win cooperation, not such a seemingly generous but in fact outrageous and unreasonable request put forward by Chen Weihua!

"Hmph, boy, why did you talk to Brother Hua, pay attention to your words, believe it or not, I blocked your Fighting Eagle directly?" Chen Weihua's assistant Xiao Liao said in a deep voice, and even threatened directly.

"Are you threatening me?" Shen Lin's face was slightly gloomy. He just rejected the unreasonable contract request, and he didn't expect to cause such a big reaction from the other party.

Could it be that he doesn't even have the right to refuse?

"You can think so!" Xiao Liao sneered, "Boy, I value you by signing you, don't be so shameless!"

"If you are sensible, sign it quickly. Don't waste our Brother Hua's time. You must know that Brother Hua's time is very precious."

Hearing this, Shen Lin smiled and shook his head, "The contract is a good contract, but you have found the wrong person!"

Shen Lin picked up the contract, stabbed it, and tore it up!

(End of this chapter)

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