Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 17 This box is full of money

Chapter 17 This box is full of money
The store next door also sells high-end clothing, the name of the store is GUCCI.

"Gucci!" For this brand, Shen Lin still knows, not to mention the big summer, even looking at the world, it is synonymous with high-end luxury goods.

What Shen Lin didn't expect was that the female shop assistant next door would directly invite him into the shop to have a look.

"Mu Qing, this is my guest!" Versace's shop assistant frowned slightly.

Although she didn't think that Shen Lin could afford Versace's clothes, and directly rejected Shen Lin, she didn't want Shen Lin to enter the next door.

Because what they operate are both high-end clothing, they are considered competitors.

"It was before, but it's not now." Shen Lin looked at the female shop assistant and said very seriously.

Immediately, under the angry eyes of the female shop assistant, she walked to the next shop.

"Mu Qing, this kid is dressed in street clothes. You don't have any money at first glance. You are just a shop assistant. If you stain the clothes in the shop, with your meager salary, you can't afford to pay for it." Versace female shop assistant With a sneer.

"This is my business." Mu Qing looked at the female shop assistant without changing her expression.

"Are you really not afraid that I will stain the clothes in the store?" Shen Linwei looked at Mu Qing in surprise and asked.

Wearing this outfit, he was turned away wherever he went. This was the first time he had seen someone look at him like this.

And this also made him take a second look at the little girl in front of him.

The little girl is about 20 years old, wearing a small blue suit, exquisite makeup, a straight nose, slender and straight legs, black trousers and high heels.

Such a beautiful girl is not far behind even those entertainment stars.

"Of course I'm afraid, but I can't bear their bullying." Mu Qing said.

People are here to buy clothes, and they don't allow people to go in. Doesn't this mean that they are looking down on people with dog eyes?

"I see." Hearing Mu Qing's words, Shen Lin couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. This girl is not only beautiful, but also has a good heart.

"Little sister, I don't want to listen to you saying that. We are just telling the truth." Song Fan said with a smile, "If this kid can come up with 1 yuan, I won't do that either." explain."

"Why do you think I have no money?"

"Why? I, Song Fan, have been in the shopping malls for many years, relying on my pair of eyes, a bumpkin who sells goods all over the place, what money do you have?" Song Fan sneered.

"Do you see what this is?" Shen Lin raised the suitcase in his hand and asked.

"It's just a broken box." Song Fan curled his lips, not paying attention.

"Really, what if this is the case?" Shen Lin put the suitcase on the ground, entered the password, and slowly opened the suitcase.

As the suitcase was opened, there seemed to be a faint light emitting from it, and the eyes of Mu Qing, Song Fan and the female shop assistant all came together.

"This is."

Looking at the stacks of Da Xia coins that were neatly stacked in the suitcase with a faint red light, Mu Qing's heart couldn't help beating wildly.

There is money in the suitcase, at least a few hundred thousand.

It's just going out to buy some clothes. As for bringing so much money?
"Impossible, how could you have so much money?" Looking at the stacks of big summer coins in the suitcase, Song Fan and the female shop assistant immediately screamed like cats whose tails had been stepped on.

Isn't he just a poor boy in street clothes? How could he be so rich?
If you are so rich, what does it mean to wear street stalls, showing off your wealth in a low-key way?

"Am I qualified to enter here now?" Shen Lin looked at the two female shop assistants and said indifferently.

The reason why he did this was to stand out for Mu Qing. After all, if he really entered the store like this, it is hard to guarantee that the female shop assistant will not make irresponsible remarks in the future, which may have some influence on Mu Qing.

The shop assistant lowered her head, she didn't dare to look at Shen Lin, she couldn't even imagine how rich she was to be able to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy clothes.

At the same time, he regretted it very much. If he hadn't stopped Shen Lin, the order might have been his own.

But it seems too late to say this now.

"Sir, I didn't expect you to be so rich." Walking into the store, Mu Qing looked at Shen Lin and couldn't help but smiled wryly.

With Shen Lin's worth, she doesn't need her to help him out, and he can handle the previous matter well.

"It's just some money, it's all external possessions." Shen Lin smiled, "Okay, stop standing here and recommend some clothes to me."

He came here to buy clothes, and he felt more comfortable when he came to this store to buy clothes.

"Alright sir, please follow me." Mu Qing led Shen Lin to stroll around the store.

"This dress is very nice. It is made of velvet and has a retro design. If you wear it, you must be very handsome." Mu Qing introduced Shen Lin to a velvet double-breasted jacket.

"Well, very good." Shen Lin nodded, "Take it off and let me try."

"Sir, what is your height?" Mu Qing asked.


"180, what a standard." Mu Qing couldn't help muttering.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I'll get it for you right now." Mu Qing blushed slightly, turned and walked into the shop.

After a while, Mu Qingzhou came out with a blue jacket and handed it to Shen Lin.

After Shen Lin took it, he walked into the fitting room.

"Sir, this dress is really suitable for you." Seeing Shen Lin wearing this velvet jacket, Mu Qing's eyes shone slightly.

There is a really good saying that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. After wearing this clothes, Shen Lin's whole temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before, Shen Lin was wearing street stalls and looked like a dick, but now he looks like a young elite with a successful career.

"Then this one." Shen Lin said with a smile, but he didn't take it off, presumably he planned to wear it directly.

"Okay sir, do you need anything else?" Mu Qing asked.

"Shirt, pants, belt, purse" Shen Lin said while looking at the clothes in the store.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

In the next quarter of an hour, accompanied by Mu Qing, Shen Lin straightened up his whole body, which cost about 30 yuan.

"However, this suit is not enough to wear." Shen Lin muttered.

The clothes you wear still need to be changed and washed, at least two more sets are needed to wear them.

Finally, at Shen Lin's request, Mu Qing chose two more outfits for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's figure is really great, like a walking clothes hanger, every piece of clothes is very decent.

"Okay, just these few sets. I'll just wear the ones on my body. Please send these two sets to Building 403 in Wanshi Park."

"Alright sir, please also leave your contact information."

(End of this chapter)

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