Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 18 The Beautiful Neighbor

Chapter 18 The Beautiful Neighbor

After these sets of clothes, there are almost 100 million yuan, and the consumption of Gucci is more than 100 million yuan, but it is a big customer, enough to become a platinum member.

Platinum members, however, can get a [-]% discount.

At the final settlement, Shen Lin paid a full 96 yuan, excluding the discount.

It cost close to a million just to adjust some clothes. The world of the rich is really too extravagant.

And Shen Lin also had a rare experience of spending money like water.

"Mr. Shen, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I will deliver these two sets of clothes to your place of residence." Mu Qing sent Shen Lin to the door of the store and said.

"I'm sorry." Shen Lin nodded.

"It is my honor to serve Mr. Shen." Mu Qing smiled.

"You are too polite." Shen Lin shook his head with a smile, but he didn't care too much. Maybe this is the treatment that rich people should have.

"Did you buy clothes?" Just as Shen Lin walked out of Gucci, the saleswoman from Versace looked at Shen Lin who was wearing hundreds of thousands of clothes, and couldn't help being stunned.

It took only half an hour to get into the shop, and I got my whole body done. Do you want to be so bold?

After working in Versace for a few years, the female shop assistant still has a good eye, so she can naturally see that Shen Lin's clothes cost at least 20.

20, according to Versace's 2.5% commission, at least [-] rewards.

This reward is more than what ordinary workers earn in a month.

And these were originally hers, but because of her impulsiveness, she gave them to the shop next door!
"Mr. Shen is our platinum member." Mu Qing smiled and said nothing.

After hearing Mu Qing's words, the female clerk couldn't help shrinking her pupils even more. He naturally knew what conditions Gucci Platinum members have, and the consumption must be at least one million.

That is to say, when this young man entered Gucci, he bought not only this outfit, but also other things!
At this moment, the clerk's intestines were green with regret. If it was possible, she would definitely not treat Shen Lin like before.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world!

But this has nothing to do with Shen Lin. He left Gucci, walked around Fortune Plaza, and left here without finding anything to buy.

Before arriving at Fortune Plaza, Shen Lin called Didi and headed towards Wanshi Park.

"Sir, are you sure you called Didi?" The driver looked at Shen Lin in disbelief and said.

The young man in front of him was wearing a famous brand, especially the GUCCI logo, which shocked him even more.

He knew it was Gucci, synonymous with high-end clothing.

Shen Lin's body cost at least hundreds of thousands.

People who cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for a suit of clothes, don't they have a car?
"I called it!" Shen Lin also froze for a moment, wondering why the driver would ask such a question.

"I just didn't expect that a rich man like you would call Didi." The driver smiled wryly.

"I just ordered a car, but it hasn't arrived yet." Shen Lin smiled.

"What kind of car, do you still need to order it online?" The driver muttered, and then left all the way.

Half an hour later, Shen Lin returned to Wanshi Park.

However, he didn't go home directly, but went to the supermarket, bought some vegetables and meat, and planned to cook for himself tonight.

For cooking, Shen Lin is quite enthusiastic.

In his last life, when he was free, he liked to find some cooking video teachings from the Internet, and then buy some ingredients by himself, and cook and eat by himself.

The surrounding supporting facilities in Wanshi Park are still very complete, and there is a large supermarket nearby, called Daxia Supermarket.

It is said that Daxia Supermarket is a national chain supermarket with a market value of at least 300 billion. It is a comprehensive supermarket that integrates eating, drinking and entertainment.

However, Shen Lin didn't intend to go shopping here. He came to the fresh food store and bought some vegetables, rice noodles, meat, and of course various seasonings.

He just moved into Wanshi Park today, and there is nothing else in the kitchen except pots and pans. These daily necessities are still needed.

After all, it's impossible for him to go out to eat every day, and sometimes it's good to cook a little by himself.

After paying the bill, Shen Lin walked towards the residence.

"and many more."

Just as Shen Lin pressed the elevator and the elevator door was about to close, a panting voice came, causing Shen Lin to press the "door open" button immediately.

I saw a tall, good-looking beauty with dyed chestnut hair, and a little girl who looked like a porcelain doll ran in with an ice cream in her hand.

"Thank you." After the woman rushed into the elevator, she thanked Shen Lin.

However, when the little girl entered the elevator, she stumbled, her body became unstable, and she almost fell down.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Shen Lin dropped the shopping bag in his hand and supported the little girl.

"Little sister, are you okay?" Shen Lin helped the little girl up and asked with concern.

"It's okay, thank you big brother." The little girl blinked her beautiful big eyes and said.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I stained your clothes, and I will pay you later." The woman apologized.

Before, when the little girl stumbled, the ice cream in her hand spilled onto Shen Lin's pants, leaving a stain on it.

And she also recognized the clothes Shen Lin was wearing, it was actually Gucci!
Every piece of Gucci clothes is worth a lot of money, especially the ones worn by Shen Lin, which look more like new ones, and are worth at least [-] yuan, maybe even more expensive.

"There's no need to pay for it, just take it to the dry cleaner and wash it later." Shen Lin shook his head with a smile.

The little girl didn't do it on purpose, so there's no need for others to pay for it.

"Hehe... Brother, you are so nice, not as fierce as my sister. I am worried that she will not be able to marry in the future." The little girl smiled, looked at the woman and curled her lips.

"You little cunning, you actually called me fierce, see if I don't take care of you later." The woman couldn't help being furious when she heard this.

If it wasn't for this little girl's gluttony, she would eat ice cream even in winter, how could she stain Shen Lin's clothes?

"It's just a child, it's not, it's not." Shen Lin smiled and smoothed things over.

"By the way, sir, do you live in this building?" the woman asked curiously.

"Well, I live in 403." Shen Lin nodded.

"403? I live in 404, we will be neighbors from now on." The woman was slightly surprised.

Room 403, she knows, has been vacant since it was built, but she never thought it would be bought by someone now, and he is still such a handsome, gentle little brother.

It should be a good experience to be a neighbor with such a person.

"You live in 404?" Shen Lin was slightly surprised, he didn't expect such a beautiful girl to live in 404.

This is the gap!

When I was in the happy community, I was not happy at all. Every day I faced the landlady's aunt's face that was darker than the bottom of the pot, and I panicked thinking about it.

But now that I moved to Wanshi Park, the neighbor is actually such a beautiful young lady, even if she can't do anything, it's still eye-catching to look at every day.

(End of this chapter)

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