Chapter 30 I'm Embarrassed (Part [-])

The person who came was none other than Mu Qing, the shopping guide I met in the Gucci store yesterday.

In Mu Qing's hands, there were two packages, which contained the clothes that Shen Lin bought yesterday, and she sent them to Shen Lin today.

Seeing someone coming, Chen Meng was startled, and immediately got up from Shen Lin's arms, wiped his eyes, and returned to his home as if fleeing.

With a bang, the door was closed.

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were busy." Mu Qing smiled awkwardly.

Interrupting other people's good things made her feel like a crime.

"You think too much." Hearing this, Shen Lin couldn't help but smiled wryly, but he didn't do anything, even hugging, it was also Chen Meng who threw himself into his arms, and he didn't reach out to wrap his arms around Chen Meng's waist, just busy Ball.

"Mr. Shen, these are the clothes you ordered in our store yesterday, please check them." Mu Qing handed the handbag in front of Shen Lin and said.

"Come in first." Shen Lin smiled and let Mu Qing into the room.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, I'll change the shoe cover."

"No, just be casual, there is usually no one at home."

"Let's change it." Mu Qing took out a pair of shoe covers from his pocket and put them directly on the shoes.

As a high-end clothing shopping guide, she has naturally undergone extremely strict training. If she delivers clothes to customers, she will carry a pair of shoe covers with her to avoid soiling the floors of customers' homes.

Mu Qing walked in. This was the first time she came to Shen Lin's house, and she was stunned by the high-end and elegant decoration style of Shen Lin's house.

This is not the first time she has come to a customer's home, and she has even been to some customers' villas.

But even those villas are still a bit worse than the duplex in front of them.

"Mr. Shen, I will put the clothes here." Mu Qing came to the sofa and put down the clothes.

"Thank you." Shen Lin smiled.

"You're welcome, Mr. Shen, if you have nothing to do, I'll leave first." Mu Qing said.

"I really have something to trouble you." Shen Lin thought for a while, "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Shen Lin headed towards the second floor.

Seeing this, Mu Qing couldn't help but blushed a little. Generally speaking, the second floor of the duplex is the master bedroom. Shen Lin took her to the master bedroom. Could it be that he wanted to do something bad?

She also heard some colleagues say that if you send clothes to customers, you must be careful, maybe some bad customers will have some bad ideas.

Could it be that such a thing was encountered by me today?
However, Shen Lin seems to be polite and gentlemanly, so he shouldn't be that kind of person.

"Mr. Shen, what's the matter, can you tell me directly, so you don't have to go up to the second floor." Mu Qing still asked the doubts in his heart.

Although she doesn't believe that Shen Lin is that kind of person, what if he is, there are really too many beasts in clothes now.

And if that kind of thing really happened, it would be unacceptable to her. Although Shen Lin looks handsome, but after all, she has no emotional foundation, and she is not ready to hand everything over to strangers.

"The clothes are on the second floor. How can I get them if I don't go to the second floor?" Shen Lin asked in a daze.

"Clothes?" Mu Qing was stunned. Didn't Shen Lin take her to the second floor to do something bad?

"Yeah, the clothes I bought yesterday were stained by the kid next door. I would like to ask you to show me how to clean them." Shen Lin said.

After all, the clothes I bought belonged to Gucci, which is an international brand, and I'm afraid ordinary dry cleaners really can't wash them.

And Mu Qing is an employee of the Gucci store, and he is more familiar with how to wash this kind of clothes than himself, so it is best to give the clothes to her.

"Did the kid get dirty?" Mu Qing muttered to himself.

She thought of the two who hugged each other at the door just now. Shen Lin and the girl next door should be boyfriend and girlfriend, and the clothes are on the second floor. It is conceivable that something indescribable must have happened last night.

"Pfft, Mu Qing, what are you thinking, can you control the affairs between them!" Mu Qing spat inwardly, and her pretty face turned even redder.

"When I came back last night, when I entered the elevator, the kid next door put the ice cream on my pants." Shen Lin said as he came to the bedroom and took out his pants.

"Mu Qing, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? Are you sick?" Shen Lin looked at Mu Qing, who was pretty and flushed, and asked with concern.

"It's nothing."

Mu Qing was extremely embarrassed!

She did not expect that Shen Lin's pants were so dirty.

It's so embarrassing that I actually imagined that kind of picture.

Fortunately, she didn't say it, otherwise, now she would like to find a crack in the ground and get in.

"Are you really okay?" Shen Lin stretched out his palm and touched Mu Qing's forehead, "It's a bit hot, you should sit down and rest for a while, I'll get you a glass of water to drink."

After saying that, Shen Lin came to the kitchen and started to boil water.

Looking at the busy Shen Lin, Mu Qing had an illusion, as if this was only the concern between male and female friends.

Although there is no such relationship between her and Shen Lin, Shen Lin still cares about her so much, and even boils water for her to drink, how warm it is!
"It would be nice to have such a boyfriend." Mu Qing couldn't help thinking.

"Bah, Mu Qing, what are you thinking? You said that if you are ugly, you will not marry, so you can't be half-hearted and put your feet on two boats." Mu Qing shook his head, cheering himself up.

She has the lover of her dreams, and this person is Brother Chou.

For Brother Chou, last night, she had boldly confessed, and even quarreled with the No. [-] player in the live broadcast room for her own status.

If it wasn't for Brother Chou's persuasion, she wouldn't let it go.

"If there is no ugly brother, Mr. Shen is also a perfect male god." Looking at Shen Lin's busy figure, Mu Qing couldn't help but sigh.

Not long after, Shen Lin brought over the hot water.

"Thank you Mr. Shen, I'm fine now." Mu Qing said with a smile.

"Let's drink some water first." Shen Lin brought the water to Mu Qing.

"Thank you." Mu Qing said thanks.

"You, don't say left to Mr. Shen, but right to thank you. If you don't mind, you can call me Shen Lin directly." Shen Lin smiled.

It still feels awkward to be called Mr. Shen.

"Then I'll call you Brother Lin." Mu Qing laughed.

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

"Brother Lin, it will take two days to clean these trousers. I'll bring them to you after they're cleaned." Mu Qing said.

"At that time, I'll go to your store to pick it up. It's so embarrassing to keep you running around." Shen Lin laughed.

"Brother Lin, you are a VIP member in our store. Satisfying customers is our goal." Mu Qing smiled and said.

"Okay Brother Lin, I'm leaving first, and I'll contact you if there is anything to do." Mu Qing put down the water glass, took his pants and left.

"This girl, why does she seem to be running away from a disaster?" Seeing Mu Qing who seemed to be running away, Shen Lin couldn't help muttering.

(End of this chapter)

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