Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 31 Chen Meng's suitor, this guy is so ugly

Chapter 31 Chen Meng's Suitor, This Guy Is Too Ugly (Third Watch)
Shen Lin sat on the sofa, turned on his mobile phone, and was about to contact "The weather is terrible", after all, he had promised him to meet him.

"Hello, Brother Lin!" After answering the phone, the weather was absolutely perfect and he shouted happily.

"We meet today, I'm only free at noon." Shen Lin said.

"Okay, Brother Lin, where are you, I'll pick you up."

"Farewell, it's too troublesome, just tell me the address, and I'll tell you when I arrive," Shen Lin said.

"Longhu International Hotel, just call me when you come, and I'll go down to pick you up." Said the weather.

"Okay!" Shen Lin nodded.

As for the Longhu International Hotel, he still knows that it is a super five-star hotel in Ningcheng, and the price of the most common room there is more than [-] Daxia coins per day.

After finalizing the itinerary with "The weather is terrible", Shen Lin planned to pack up and go.

But at this moment, the phone rang again.

"Modu's mobile phone number!" Looking at the mobile phone number, Shen Lin couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Luo Jiang is the only person he recognizes from the people in Modu, and this number does not belong to Luo Jiang, so who is this person?

Still, he picked up the phone.


"Excuse me, is this Mr. Shen Lin?"


"Hello, Mr. Shen, I am from Tianhao Auto Store in Modu. You ordered a McLaren P1 from our store, and we delivered it to you today."

"McLaren P1?" Shen Lin couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and sat up directly from the sofa.

McLaren P1 is the reward he got after unlocking the hidden mission.

However, the McLaren P1 is not in Ningcheng, but in Shanghai, and it will take some time to deliver it.

"Yes, Mr. Shen, I don't know where this car is going to be sent?"

"You can send it to Wanshi Park, and call me when you arrive." Shen Lin smiled.


Afterwards, Shen Lin hung up the phone, but he was very excited inside.

McLaren P1, a super sports car worth 500 million yuan, this kind of sports car can be considered luxurious, not to mention in Ningcheng, even in the magic capital where rich people gather.

And now, this super sports car is his own.

"I can't wait, how can I break it?" Shen Lin couldn't sit still, "Forget it, let's go downstairs and wait."

Shen Lin put on the Gucci clothes that Mu Qing had just sent, and walked out.

After a while, he came downstairs in the community.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Shen Lin saw Chen Meng.

But at this moment, Chen Meng was not alone. Besides Chen Qi, there was a young man standing in front of him.

This young man is wearing a casual suit, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand, and a Rolex watch on his wrist. He is very high-profile. The only regrettable thing is that he died at a young age.

This person's name is Zhou Ming, the young owner of the Zhou Group.

Zhou's Group is much bigger than Chen Meng's advertising company, with an annual revenue of more than one billion, a proper giant.

And Zhou Ming, for more than a month, has been crazily pursuing Chen Meng.

But Chen Meng didn't have the slightest feeling for him. The helpless thing was that the other party never gave up and stalked him to this day.

"Mengmeng, you know my heart for you. As long as you nod your head, the one-year advertisement of my father's company will be yours." Zhou Ming looked at Chen Meng with a smoldering look in his eyes.

Zhou Group's annual advertising investment is at least 1000 million, which is also a big piece of cake for any advertising company.

However, Chen Meng has no interest in this.

It's not that she has trouble with money, but that she doesn't want to do things she doesn't want to do for money.

What's more, she herself is not short of money.

In addition to opening an advertising company by myself, my parents are also executives of companies with a market value of tens of billions, so their annual income goes without saying.

"Zhou Ming, it's impossible for us, you should die!" Chen Meng sighed, this guy is really persistent enough, he has already spoken very straightforwardly, so can't he be a little more discerning?

"It's impossible, I can deliver whatever you want." Zhou Ming said unrelentingly.

In his view, chasing a girl means stalking and spending money, as long as he can do his best, no girl can escape from his grasp.

In this way, he has won the favor of many girls.

In his opinion, Chen Meng is just testing him, as long as he persists, he will definitely be able to move Chen Meng, and then be with him.

Then, you can do whatever you want!
Persistence is victory, Chen Ming often cheers himself up like this.

"Sister, this person is so ugly!" Chen Qi tugged at the corner of Chen Meng's clothes and said.

"Qiqi, what nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Meng pulled Chen Qi behind her and winked at her as if to encourage her.

Don't look at Chen Qi being young, but she's smart, she's a big kid, she's weird, she's the one talking about.

Hearing the conversation between the two sisters, Zhou Ming couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Look at him, he looks like a dog, but he doesn't know how to be funny. A toad wants to eat swan meat, and he doesn't pee in the mirror. Is he worthy of you, sister?" Chen Qi pinched Xiao Man's waist, He glared at Zhou Mingdao.

"Qiqi, why did my sister tell you to be polite outside, you know?" Chen Meng rubbed Chen Qi's little head and said happily.

"That's right, little sister, if you say brother is good-looking, how about I buy you candy?" Zhou Ming squatted in front of Chen Qi, showing a smile that he thought was very charming.

However, in Chen Qi's eyes, this smile looked ferocious.

"Wow" Seeing Zhou Ming's smile, Chen Qi burst into tears immediately, as if she was frightened by something.

"Qiqi, what's wrong with you? Don't scare my sister." Seeing Chen Qi crying suddenly, Chen Meng couldn't help but panicked, and immediately hugged Chen Qi, comforting her non-stop.

But at this time, Zhou Ming was extremely embarrassed. He wanted to tease Chen Qi and get closer to him, but he didn't expect this girl to be so shameless and burst into tears.

"Woooo. He's too ugly, too scary, wooooo" Chen Qi cried exaggeratedly as she lay on Chen Meng's shoulder.

Hearing Chen Qi's words, the corners of Zhou Ming's mouth couldn't help shaking.

Damn, am I really that ugly?

Aside from a bit of head resting and a little fatter body, where is it ugly?
Besides, the most important thing for a man is not his appearance, but his ability!

With his ability, women have always been chasing him. Why did he spend so much energy chasing a woman?
If he didn't like Chen Meng very much, he would have used other means to force Chen Meng to submit.

When Shen Lin walked out of the residential building, he saw Zhou Ming pestering Chen Meng.

However, he didn't intend to rescue Chen Meng, after all, they were just neighbors and they were not very familiar with each other.

Moreover, this Xieding man looked like a rich master. This kind of person has always been fearless, and if he is provoked, it will be a troublesome matter.

Although he is not afraid of trouble, it would be good if there is less.

However, just when Shen Lin was about to avoid Chen Meng and the others, he met Chen Qi's gaze.

And Chen Qi's next address directly drove Shen Lin crazy.

"Brother-in-law, you are here."

(End of this chapter)

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