Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 32 Brother-in-law?intimate action

Chapter 32 Brother-in-law?intimate action (one more)
"Brother-in-law?" Hearing what Chen Qi said, Chen Meng and Zhou Ming both looked at Shen Lin.

Chen Meng was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Shen Lin to appear here, and what she didn't expect was that after seeing Shen Lin, Chen Qi actually called her brother-in-law directly.

However, Zhou Ming looked at Shen Lin with a gloomy look.

In his opinion, sooner or later, Chen Meng will be his own. Although Chen Meng has rejected his confession now, it does not mean that it will be impossible in the future.

After all, he is a well-known rich second generation, and his family assets are billions, which is enough for him to have enough capital to pursue the girl he likes.

And as long as I persevere, I will definitely be able to impress Chen Meng, and then Chen Meng will be my own.

Therefore, he has long regarded Chen Meng as a taboo and does not allow anyone to approach him.

What's more, Chen Qi directly calls Shen Lin "brother-in-law" now. Although Chen Qi is young and what he says is not credible, it may be that Chen Qi's approval is already one step closer to Chen Meng than him.

Regarding Chen Qi's address, Shen Lin was also taken aback for a moment, he never thought that this little girl would call out such two words in such a strange way.

"Little sister, you've got the wrong person." Shen Lin didn't want to be used as a shield, and after replying, he was ready to leave.

"Brother-in-law, don't leave, you cooked for us last night, you have to admit it." Chen Qi said in a childish voice.

After hearing what Chen Qi said, Zhou Ming couldn't help but become more gloomy. He had known Chen Meng for more than half a year, but he never agreed to his invitation.

Last night, he went to this guy's house to grab a meal, which also made him jealous, and it burned up immediately.

"Wait!" Just as Shen Lin was about to leave, Zhou Ming stepped forward and stood in front of Shen Lin.

"What's the matter?" Shen Lin couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Boy, I don't care what your origin is, stay away from Chen Meng in the future, otherwise I will make you unable to eat." Zhou Ming looked at Shen Lin and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhou Ming's words, Shen Lin couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

He doesn't like trouble, but it doesn't mean he is afraid of trouble.

He had already said that he had nothing to do with Chen Meng, but Zhou Ming still blocked his way, did he really think he was easy to bully?
"Can't eat and walk around? I'm afraid you don't have the ability!" Shen Lin sneered.

"It seems that you don't give me any face at all." Zhou Ming smiled lightly and shook his head, "Boy, have you seen that Porsche, mine!"

"Do you know how much it is?"

"250 million!"

"Can you afford this kind of car?"

"Do you really think that wearing some fake high-end clothes makes you a member of the upper class?"

"To tell you the truth, I can crush you to death with one finger stretched out!"

"I'll give you another chance to stay away from Chen Meng. She is not someone like you who can touch her."

Zhou Ming showed off to the best of his ability, his words were all about how rich he was, and how big was the gap between Shen Lin and him.

However, Shen Lin directly chose to ignore this.

He's just a mentally disabled rich second generation. Apart from showing off how rich he is, he has nothing to show off.


"Brother Lin, there's nothing wrong with you here, you can go quickly." Chen Meng came to Shen Lin's side and said very embarrassedly.

This is a matter between her and Zhou Ming. It is really not good to involve Shen Lin.

However, Chen Meng's words fell into Zhou Ming's ears, which made Zhou Ming's expression darker.

Is Chen Meng caring about this kid?
To show concern so unscrupulously in front of him, do you really think he has a good temper?
"Who said there's nothing wrong with me?" Shen Lin stretched out his palm and directly blocked Chen Meng's waist, pulling her in front of him no matter whether Chen Meng liked it or not.

"Qiqi is right. You are my girlfriend. Now that someone is chasing you, you say you don't care about my affairs?"

"And this guy is really too ugly, so I don't have any sense of crisis at all."

Being hugged by Shen Lin like this, Chen Meng's pretty face turned red instantly.

She has never been hugged by other boys like this. It would be a lie to say that she is not shy.

It seems that this is not the first time. This morning, she seemed to have thrown herself into Shen Lin's arms, crying so hard.

Thinking of this, Chen Meng's pretty face turned even redder.

"Damn boy, let me let go of your salty pig's hand!" Zhou Ming's chest heaved slightly, and his eyes were burning with anger.

"Let go, what are you thinking, this is my girlfriend, I can't do anything too much." Shen Lin looked at Zhou Ming, as if looking at an idiot.

Not only that, he hugged Chen Meng even tighter.

"Don't go too far." Chen Meng gritted her teeth and whispered in Shen Lin's ear.

"If you don't want to be pestered by this guy in the future, then cooperate with me." Shen Lin also whispered.

And such an intimate action made Zhou Ming even more furious!

Is it really appropriate to show such affection in front of him?

"Boy, are you worthy of Mengmeng?"

"Please pay attention to your wording. You can't call Mengmeng. From now on, only I can call her Mengmeng!" Shen Lin looked at Zhou Ming and said very seriously.

"Also, I don't need you to say whether I deserve it or not. A rich second generation who has nothing but money, I want to ask you, what else do you have besides money?"

"I still have a car, the 250 million Porsche I just mentioned."

"Hehe, 250 million, you really dare to ask for it, but this number is really a perfect match with you!" Shen Lin smiled and shook his head.

"Pfft!" After hearing Shen Lin's words, Chen Meng couldn't help laughing.

Shen Lin is also true, he doesn't use dirty words when swearing, and Zhou Ming is speechless when he speaks directly!

Zhou Ming gritted his teeth. He really didn't think of this. This number really doesn't sound so good.

"You don't need to worry about the money, I just want to see what kind of car you drive!" Zhou Ming took a deep breath to calm himself down as much as possible.

"Boy, with Mengmeng's conditions, I don't have a luxury car worth more than a million yuan, so I can't afford it." Zhou Ming sneered.

How can a guy in fake high-end clothes be able to afford a million-dollar car.

"Isn't it just a car? There's nothing to show off." Shen Lin couldn't help curling his lips, "Even if I bought a car, I wouldn't buy this kind of [-] car. It affects my IQ too much."

"Hmph, boy, I want to see what kind of car you drive that can make you so proud!" Zhou Ming sneered.

There are several parking spaces nearby, and there are no other cars except his Porsche, which means that Shen Lin doesn't have a car!

"You'll see it later." Shen Lin smiled and didn't care.

At this moment, Shen Lin's cell phone rang, and it was a call from the delivery staff of Tianhaohao Car Store.

(End of this chapter)

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