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Chapter 42 She's a Girl, Girls Don't Go to the Men's Restroom

Chapter 42 She's a Girl, Girls Don't Go to the Men's Restroom (Part [-])
Shen Lin drove to Lantian Kindergarten, and a few minutes later, he arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten.

At this time, it was the rush hour after school, and many cars were parked in front of the school, including some luxury cars.

However, compared with Shen Lin's McLaren P1, these cars are undoubtedly much weaker.

However, Shen Lin didn't mean to show off, this car was rewarded by the system, he couldn't discuss it with the system, let's get a normal car, there's no need for that, sometimes you have to be a high-profile person.

Not long after, Chen Qi came out bouncing around, and behind her was Teacher Jiang Cui who had met once in the morning.

"Brother-in-law!" Seeing Shen Lin's McLaren P1, Chen Qi's eyes were bright, and he ran directly towards here.

"Girl, did you listen to the teacher at school today?" Shen Lin got off the car, hugged Chen Qi, and asked with a smile.

"Of course you are obedient, the teacher even rewarded me with a piece of chocolate." Chen Qi said with a pair of beautiful dimples.

"That's good." Shen Lin smiled, and then looked at Teacher Jiang Cui, "Thank you, Teacher, this really caused you trouble today."

"Qiqi is very obedient and not troublesome at all." Jiang Cui laughed.

"Well, teacher, let's go first." Shen Lin said, the neighborhood is very congested, if you stop here and don't go, it will also affect the traffic.

"Okay." Jiang Cui nodded.

"Qiqi, say goodbye to the teacher."

"Goodbye, Teacher Jiang."

"Goodbye Qiqi, please be obedient when you go home." Jiang Cui smiled.

Afterwards, Shen Lin put Chen Qi in the car, fastened his seat belt, and then walked away.

"Brother-in-law, can we still go to your place for dinner tonight?" Chen Qi blinked her big beautiful eyes and asked.

"You little greedy cat, tell me, what do you want to eat tonight?" Shen Lin laughed.

"Well, I want to eat pizza, and I also want to eat fried chicken." Chen Qi thought for a while and said, "My sister usually doesn't let me eat these things."

Speaking of this, Chen Qi couldn't help complaining.

"You girl, when you are growing up, my sister did this for your own good." Shen Lin laughed.

Generally, this kind of food is instant food, with a lot of food additives added. It may not be a big problem for adults to eat it, but if children eat it, it will affect their physical development a bit.

"I'll make it for you tonight, so you can try my handicraft." Shen Lin said with a smile.

"Really?" Chen Qi's eyes lit up, and there was a touch of admiration in his eyes, "Brother-in-law, you still make this kind of thing?"

"What's so difficult about it? If you want to eat it in the future, I will make it for you every day." Shen Lin smiled.

"Brother-in-law, you are so kind." Chen Qi was quite happy. With her brother-in-law, she also has a backer, and she will no longer be afraid of her sister's dictatorship.

Hehe, Sister Smelly, I will never be afraid of you again!
After a while, Shen Lin came to Daxia Supermarket.

After parking the car in the underground garage, Shen Lin took Chen Qi into Daxia Supermarket.

As the largest supermarket in Daxia, Daxia Supermarket is divided into several stores, such as fresh vegetable area, daily chemical products area, clothing area, snack area and so on.

As for Shen Lin, he took Chen Qi to stroll around the snack area and bought a lot of snacks for Chen Qi.

Of course, there are many of them that Shen Lin likes to eat.

Suddenly, Chen Qi stopped and stopped moving forward.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lin looked at Chen Qi and asked with some doubts.

After arriving at the supermarket, the girl was like a happy bird, chirping, wanting this and that, why didn't she leave all of a sudden now.

"I...I..." Chen Qi's face flushed red, as if it was quite unbearable.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Shen Lin asked a little worried.

This is the case with children. Even if they feel uncomfortable sometimes, they don't express clearly, and adults need to ask patiently.

"I want to go to the toilet." Chen Qi said a little embarrassed.

"What am I supposed to do? Let's go, I'll take you there." Shen Lin smiled, and led Chen Qi to the bathroom.

However, when she reached the bathroom door, Chen Qi stopped again.

"Come on, don't you want to go to the bathroom?"

"That's the men's room. I'm a girl, and girls have to go to the women's room!" Chen Qi said stubbornly.

"But I can't go to the women's toilet either!" Shen Lin sighed.

Chen Qi is only three or four years old, so if she wears summer clothes, there must be no problem for her, but now it is winter, and the little guy still can't take off winter clothes, she needs someone to help her take them off.

And this little girl actually didn't go to the men's room with him. Do you want him to follow her to the women's room?

If this is the case, he will not be beaten to death!

"Let's go, I'll take you to the men's room." Shen Lin persuaded.

In fact, he really didn't dare to go to the women's restroom!
"No, no, I'm a girl. My sister said that girls can't go to the men's room." Chen Qi's little head shook like a rattle. No matter how Shen Lin tried to persuade him, she refused to enter.

"Qiqi, what are you doing here?" Just as Shen Lin and Chen Qi were arguing, a slightly familiar voice rang in their ears.

"Teacher Jiang!" Seeing the beautifully dressed girl in front of her, Chen Qi couldn't help being overjoyed and shouted happily.

The visitor was none other than Chen Qi's kindergarten teacher, Jiang Cui.

"Mr. Jiang, you came just in time. This girl wants to go to the toilet, can I trouble you." Shen Lin said embarrassedly.

"Well, I'll take Qiqi to the bathroom right now." Jiang Cui laughed.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Afterwards, Jiang Cui took Chen Meng into the women's toilet.

Shen Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. For him, this is really a huge challenge. Fortunately, he met Jiang Cui here, otherwise, it would be miserable.

If this little girl can't bear the film anymore, the consequences will be disastrous.

A few minutes later, Jiang Cui walked out with Chen Qi.

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang." Shen Lin smiled.

"Sir, you've already said thank you several times, so you don't need to keep saying it." Jiang Cui felt amused, "Besides, Qiqi is my student, so it's normal for the teacher to take care of the students."

"Teacher Jiang is humble. Now there are fewer and fewer people as beautiful and caring as Teacher Jiang."

"Sir, have you always praised girls like this?"

"Uh..." Shen Lin was slightly taken aback, he didn't seem to have praised girls much.

"Okay, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Jiang Cui smiled, and then looked at Chen Qi, "Qiqi, the teacher is gone, you have to listen to your brother-in-law."

"Understood, Teacher Jiang." Chen Qi nodded vigorously.


Seeing Jiang Cui leave, Shen Lin also looked away, and took Chen Qi to stroll around the supermarket.

Today he can be said to be shopping a lot. In addition to snacks, he also bought a lot of ingredients, and he is going to do a big job at night.

(End of this chapter)

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