Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 43 When will you fulfill the wish you owe me?

Chapter 43 When will you fulfill the wish you owe me? (three more)
After making a lot of purchases, Shen Lin took Chen Qi back to Wanshi Park.

"Qiqi, watch TV first, I'll go clean up and prepare dinner for today." After returning to the room, Shen Lin said to Chen Qi.

"Oh." Chen Qi responded, and came to the sofa, picked up the remote control, found her favorite channel, and watched TV.

Seeing this, Shen Lin smiled, this little girl is really not afraid of life, when she grows up in the future, she will definitely be a powerful woman.

With the ingredients in hand, Shen Lin walked into the kitchen.

Shen Lin is still good at handling ingredients. In his last life, he liked to cook and eat by himself when he had nothing to do, which also made his cooking skills quite superb.

Although there is still a big gap compared with the chefs of five-star hotels, it is still much better than the chefs of ordinary restaurants.

As for pizza, Shen Lin has also made it before. You can choose what ingredients you need according to your own taste.

Just as Shen Lin was putting the finished pizza into the oven to bake, the doorbell rang.

No need to guess, Shen Lin also knew that it was very likely that Chen Meng had returned.

"Here we come." Shen Lin responded and went to open the door.

It really was Chen Meng.

"Sister!" Seeing Chen Meng coming back, Chen Qi happily ran over and threw herself into Chen Meng's arms.

"You little rascal, are you obedient at brother's house?" Chen Meng picked Chen Qi up and asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm obedient, my brother-in-law cooked delicious food for me today." Chen Qi smiled triumphantly.

"What delicious food did you make?"


"Brother Lin, I'm sorry to trouble you." Chen Meng smiled.

"Hey, this is not like you. In the morning, you were screaming and beating me to cook for you. Why are you so polite now?" Shen Lin blinked and looked at Chen Mengdao with a smile.

After hearing Shen Lin's words, Chen Mengqiao couldn't help but blushed. In the morning, she was too angry. Shen Lin kept bullying her, so she threatened Shen Lin and asked him to cook for herself, so as to save some face.

It's just that she didn't expect that Shen Lin would make fun of it.

"It's just a moment of anger, Brother Lin, don't take it to heart." Chen Mengqiao said with a flushed face.

"I really took it to heart." Shen Lin said very seriously with a straight face.

Seeing Shen Lin like this, Chen Meng was also taken aback, did Shen Lin really mind what she said?
"I'm teasing you." Shen Lin smiled, "Wash your hands, you can eat later."

"Tricking me again." Chen Meng said angrily.

But she seemed helpless, for Shen Lin, she really couldn't tell what it was like.

Shen Lin returned to the kitchen to cook some dishes.

Chen Meng came to the sofa and watched cartoons with Chen Qi.

But she looked at the kitchen from time to time, and when the man in the apron looked at him, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes unconsciously.

"He's pretty handsome when he's not pissing people off." Chen Meng couldn't help muttering.

Shen Lin's cooking speed was quite fast, and after a short while, several dishes were served by him.

"It's time to eat." Shen Lin shouted.

"Wow, it smells so good." Chen Qi got off the sofa, lay down on the dining table, looked at the dishes on the table, and kept swallowing.

The rice cooked by Shen Lin is full of color, fragrance and taste, which whets people's appetite.

Especially for a child like Chen Qi, it is even more attractive.

"You little greedy cat, this is your favorite pizza." Shen Lin brought up the pizza, put it in front of Chen Qi and said with a smile.

"It looks delicious." Chen Qi's eyes narrowed into a smile, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Sister, look at your brother-in-law, and then look at you. You know how to use your mobile phone to fight eagles all day long. Besides playing with your mobile phone, do you have any other hobbies?" Chen Qi looked at Chen Meng and asked.

"You girl, your skin is itchy again, isn't it?" Chen Meng couldn't help grinding her teeth and said angrily after being teased by Chen Qi.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. You are so fierce. Be careful that my brother-in-law will not want you in the future." Chen Qi muttered.

"Let's eat your meal." Chen Meng couldn't bear it any longer, so he picked up a piece of pizza and stuffed it into Chen Meng's mouth.

Perhaps in her opinion, only food can stop Chen Qi's mouth.

When Shen Lin saw this, he just smiled. It was indeed too lonely to eat alone. With Chen Meng and Chen Qi around, he was much happier.

Although the two often quarrel, he can also feel the deep affection between the two sisters, which will not be wiped out by a few words.

"Okay, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold later." Shen Lin smiled and gave Chen Meng a piece of fried chicken.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, hammer. I haven't heard you say thank you for coming to Cengfan." Shen Lin said.

"That's right, we're all a family, why are you being polite." Chen Qi murmured.

"Eating can't stop your mouth." Chen Meng said angrily.

"Okay, don't be as knowledgeable as a child." Shen Lin smiled, "By the way, don't your parents live with you?"

Although it has only been two days since they moved here, Shen Lin has never met Chen Meng's parents. Chen Meng has always been with Chen Qi. Could it be that they lived separately from their parents?
"My parents are executives of multinational companies, and they don't work in Ningcheng. They are in Shanghai, and they only come back during holidays." Chen Meng said.

"I see." Shen Lin nodded.

As the top international metropolis in the Great Xia Kingdom, Modu is even more prosperous than the Great Xia City.

Moreover, many multinational companies in Shanghai have set up branches of the Great Xia Kingdom to take charge of the business of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Maybe it was because they were too busy at work, so they handed Chen Qi over to Chen Meng to take care of them.

"By the way, Brother Lin, you are so good at driving, can you teach me how to drive?" Chen Meng said suddenly when he was about to finish his meal.

"Teach you to drive?" Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, "The coach can't teach you, do you think I can teach you?"

You know, Chen Meng knelt down eight times in a row for subject three, and was directly dismissed by the coach. It can be said that he is one of the people with the least talent for driving.

If you teach her to drive, there will probably be another road killer in this world.

For the sake of the safety of the drivers and friends, Shen Lin does not intend to take this muddy water.

"How about you send me to work tomorrow?" Chen Meng said.

"No delivery."

"Brother Lin, look at such a cold day, do you have the heart to let me, a weak woman, ride a shared bicycle and shiver in the wind?" Chen Meng showed a lonely and pitiful look, looking deeply Lin's heart melted immediately.

This girl, it's really his itching to scratch there!

If you don't teach this girl, you will probably pester him every day in the future, asking him to send him to work.

"It's okay to teach you." Shen Lin pondered slightly, "But..."

"But what..."

"However, when will you fulfill the wish you owe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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