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Chapter 44 1 Must Be Chen Meng, A Deliberate Accident

Chapter 44 It Must Be Chen Meng, A Deliberate Accident (Fourth Update)
Chen Meng made a bet with Shen Lin before, if he lost, he would grant Shen Lin a small wish.

But now, Shen Lin has already won, and even pretended to be Chen Meng's boyfriend, driving away the annoying bald man Zhou Ming, and even ate today's dinner at Shen Lin's place.

And the little wish she promised Shen Lin has not yet been fulfilled!

"What do you want?" Hearing Shen Lin mentioning this, Chen Meng couldn't help but become more vigilant, and wrapped his clothes.

"I've said it before, I don't have any meat on my chest, I'm not interested in you!" Shen Lin muttered.

"Shen Lin, can you say one more thing?" Chen Meng jumped up and glared at Shen Lin.

She couldn't get through on the balcony before, so she let Shen Lin go, but now at Shen Lin's house, she doesn't believe she can't get Shen Lin.

You know, although this sentence is not very lethal, it is extremely insulting!

For girls, in addition to caring about their appearance, the most important thing is their figure.

And in the figure, the most important thing is the lordosis and the back curl!
This is like saying that you are short and sharp for men. No man likes this evaluation.

When Shen Lin said this, it was equivalent to saying that she was not in good shape, so if Chen Meng could agree, why not just tear her up.

"I couldn't see it at first, so I won't let people tell me." Shen Lin muttered.

"The surname is Shen, I will fight with you!" Bie Meng was furious, stood up from the seat directly, and came to kill Shen Lin with claws and claws.

"I was wrong!" Seeing Chen Meng killing him, Shen Lin immediately begged for mercy and confessed directly.

It shouldn't be too embarrassing to confess to a girl.

"Is it too late to confess now?" Chen Meng didn't care about Shen Lin's confession, rolled up his sleeves, and scratched at Shen Lin.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Shen Lin grabbed Chen Meng's wrist directly.

"Let me go!"

"If you tell me to let go, I will let go. Wouldn't I lose face?"


With both hands controlled by Shen Lin, Chen Meng had less room to resist.

She struggled violently and pushed Shen Lin to the side, trying to use her inertia to push Shen Lin to the side and achieve the purpose of punishing Shen Lin.

Under the action of inertia, Shen Lin was directly pushed to the sofa by Chen Meng, and then fell down.

However, Chen Meng also didn't stand firm, leaned forward, and fell directly into Shen Lin's arms. What's more, her lips were actually printed with Shen Lin's.

The four eyes met, and the air seemed to freeze.

Chen Meng felt his whole body was stiff, he even forgot to breathe, his head lacked oxygen, and he lost the ability to think.

And what made her feel even more unacceptable was that she actually pressed on Shen Lin, as if she pushed Shen Lin to the ground.

"Oh, it's not suitable for children." Seeing this scene, Chen Qi stretched out her little hand and covered her eyes.

But she couldn't help leaving a slit in her little finger, and looked at the two with a smile.

Chen Meng just lay on Shen Lin's body like this, and forgot about it for a while.

Until a certain moment, she felt something push her against her, which made her already flushed cheeks instantly turn red to the bottom of her ears.

She is no longer an ignorant girl, and she naturally knows a little about things between men and women.

In Shen Lin's current situation, how could she not know why!
Therefore, she got up immediately and gave Shen Lin a big mouth.

"Stinking rogue!"

"Why are you a stinky hooligan? This is a normal reaction of a man after being thrown down by a beautiful woman!" Shen Lin rubbed his aching cheeks, arguing with reason.

People are also very wronged now, okay?
If you hadn't hit me, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

Yes, it was all because of Chen Meng, it must be because she was greedy for her own beauty, so she intentionally created this accident!

Yes, it must be so!
Shen Lin shamelessly pushed the reason to Chen Meng.

Thinking about it this way made me feel more relaxed.

"I... I'm going to the bathroom." After Chen Meng said something, he ran to the bathroom without looking back, and locked himself inside.

"This girl is really violent, she was almost pushed." Shen Lin wiped his mouth and couldn't help muttering.


It seemed that she had really pushed her there, but the following things hadn't happened yet.

"What are you looking at? Eat." Sitting up, Shen Lin happened to see Chen Qi's eyes protruding from between his fingers.

"It's so fierce, it's not like I haven't seen it before." Chen Qi muttered, picked up a piece of pizza, and continued to eat.

Seeing this, Shen Lin could only shake his head helplessly.

The little girl is a big kid, and when she grows up, that's fine!
Chen Meng hid in the bathroom, and in front of the sink, kept rinsing his cheeks with water, trying to calm himself down.

"Chen Meng, you have seen big wind and waves, isn't it just kissing, what's the big deal?" Chen Meng raised his head, looked at himself in the mirror, and cheered himself up.

"That was my first kiss!"

Being handsome for less than three seconds, Chen Meng's face collapsed immediately, with an annoyed look on his face.

Although Shen Lin is also very handsome, can cook, has a good personality, and is rich, he is the perfect male god in the hearts of many girls.

But she already has a male god in her heart, and that male god is Brother Chou.

Although Brother Chou rejected her invitation, in her heart, she had already been conquered by Brother Chou.

So a talented man is the perfect boyfriend, right?
"However, Brother Chou is an existence that is elusive, but Brother Lin is a real person around him. Shouldn't people cherish the people in front of them? Those unrealistic fantasies can only make people miss the best. people……"

Chen Meng was entangled in his heart. If Shen Lin could sing, not to mention surpassing Brother Chou, even if he was half as good as Brother Chou, even one tenth would be fine!

Chen Meng sighed, tangled up!

"Hey, Mengmeng, why don't you come out? Could it be that you fell inside?"

"Do you want me to go in and fish you up?"

Shen Lin's words almost pissed Chen Meng to death, and the mood that had just calmed down immediately became angry.

"You just fell in!" Chen Meng said angrily.

She was just calm and calm, how could she fall in.

"That's good. If you fall in, I'll go and get you. How stinky!"

After hearing Shen Lin's words, the corner of Chen Meng's mouth twitched. Couldn't this guy speak well?
She took another deep breath and tried to keep herself calm!

Fighting, she couldn't beat Shen Lin, and she was even taken advantage of by herself.

Then there is only one left, so I can only endure it!
Chen Meng tidied up her clothes, walked out of the bathroom, returned to the dining table, and continued to eat, as if nothing had happened.

After suffering such a big loss, she just endured it like this?
(End of this chapter)

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