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Chapter 62 Zhao Changfeng Arrives, Punishment and Rectification

Chapter 62 Zhao Changfeng Arrives, Punishment and Rectification

"Just because I am the permanent director of the Daxia Music Association!"

Although this sentence is light and fluffy, it weighs more than a thousand catties, and no one dares to ignore it.

But how is this possible?

Shen Lin is only in his early twenties, how could he be the permanent director of the Great Xia Music Association?
In the Daxia Music Association, the highest status is of course the chairman Zhao Changfeng, followed by the permanent directors.

There are a total of three permanent directors. Except for Fang Jun and Yao Jun, there is one seat that has always been vacant, and this last seat is also a seat that many rotating directors are competing for.

As long as they can become permanent directors, their status in the music world will be greatly improved.

However, after so many years, no one can be promoted successfully.

But now, Shen Lin actually said that he is the last seat, he is the permanent director, how can it not be surprising?
"Xiao Shen, don't be impulsive. The permanent director's seat is not a joke." Fang Hao came to Shen Lin's side and said solemnly.

Although Shen Lin's attainment in music has reached a level that even he is far behind, but the permanent directors are not available through ordinary channels, and they need to be approved by the chairman.

"Teacher Fang, everything the boy said is true."

For Fang Hao, Shen Lin still respects him quite a bit. This person is upright, and he has always supported him since he came and gave him a lot of support.

In Shen Lin's view, Fang Haocai really fits the status of a permanent member of the Great Xia Music Association.

As for Yao Jun, in Shen Lin's view, his virtue is not worthy of his current status!
"Hehe... boy, do you think I will believe you when you say that? Even I can't get that seat. Why do you get it?" Hu Chengxun sneered. He applies for permanent director every year, but every time he gets rejected , and because of this, he felt that what Shen Lin said was just a gimmick.

"You can't get it because you are too stupid!" Shen Lin slapped him mercilessly.

Hu Chengxun couldn't help being furious when he heard the words. He is a rotating director of the Music Association, with a very high status, but now he is called an idiot by a young boy, how can he bear it?

"Boy, I must teach you a good lesson today!" Hu Chengxun raised his palm and wanted to hit Shen Lin.

However, Shen Lin had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and kicked Hu Chengxun directly in the stomach.

Hu Chengxun was obese, and he didn't exercise much, so he was not as flexible as Shen Lin. Under Shen Lin's feet, he staggered and fell to the ground!
"I'll fight with you!" Being beaten in front of so many people, Hu Chengxun couldn't hold back his face, he struggled and killed Shen Lin again.

"Stop me all!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

The door of the meeting hall was slowly opened, and an old man in his seventies came slowly with a sandalwood cane in his hand.

The old man was wearing a gray fleece coat and a black hat, but he was in good spirits!
Beside the old man, stood a young man in his 20s. This young man was about 1.8 meters tall, with a handsome face and a tall and straight figure, which looked like everyone else.

"I will... grow up, my lord!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the person coming, because it was none other than Zhao Changfeng, the president of the Great Xia Music Association!

Zhao Changfeng came to Yao Jun's side and looked at him very disappointed.

"Little Yao..."

After hearing Zhao Changfeng's address to Yao Jun, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

That's Yao Jun, one of the permanent directors of the Daxia Music Association. It can be said that his status is respected. Who would dare to talk to him like that.

But the old man in front of him has enough qualifications, because he is Zhao Changfeng, the president of the Great Xia Music Association!

But Yao Jun looked very respectful, like a child in front of the old man.

"You are my favorite student. You have outstanding musical talent and are proficient in everything from composing lyrics to music. I used to have high hopes for you, but your performance today really disappointed me..."

The old man sighed, and his expression seemed to be getting older again.

"Teacher, I'm sorry..."

Facing Zhao Changfeng's reprimand, Yao Jun didn't dare to refute in the slightest, he lowered his head and blushed.

"You should resign from the position of permanent director. These years in this position have made you less and less able to see yourself clearly. Let go of the rights in your hands. Maybe you can re-recognize yourself, return to the music itself, and find your original purpose of making music. .” Zhao Changfeng sighed.

Hearing Zhao Changfeng's words, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that when Zhao Changfeng, who usually doesn't show up much, appeared, he would directly remove Yao Jun from the post of permanent director.

But no one dared to refute, because Zhao Changfeng had enough say in the music association to dismiss anyone.

"Yes..." Yao Jun trembled, gritted his teeth, and complied.

He knew that once the teacher made a decision, no one could change it.

Letting him voluntarily resign as the permanent director has already given him enough face.

After dealing with Yao Jun, Zhao Changfeng looked at Hu Chengxun again.

"As a rotating director of the Music Association, when dealing with copyright issues, you must speak with facts, and you awarded Shen Lin's copyright to others for your own selfish desire!"

"With your character, staying in the Daxia Music Association is also a disaster!"

"From today onwards, you will be expelled, and at the same time, you will be investigated for relevant responsibilities, so please do it yourself!"

Zhao Changfeng's words made Hu Chengxun's face ashen, and his body immediately went limp.

He had Yao Jun backing him before, so he was confident, but now facing Zhao Changfeng, Yao Jun could not protect himself, who else could save him?

"Master President, I know I was wrong. I am willing to hand over all the money I received from bribes. Please forgive me!" Hu Chengxun knelt down and kowtowed non-stop.

His matter was not too hidden, and he would find out after a little investigation, so he begged for mercy without hesitation.

"Drag it out!" Regarding Hu Chengxun's begging for mercy, Zhao Changfeng just sighed and ordered someone to drag him out.

Afterwards, Zhao Changfeng looked at Fang Hao and showed a smile.

"Xiao Fang, although you are not outstanding among my many students, you are upright and sincere. The teacher is very pleased!"

"It's better to be cultivated by the teacher!" Fang Hao replied respectfully.

"You kid..." Faced with Fang Hao's compliment, Zhao Changfeng shook his head. If he really cultivated well, Yao Jun would not be like this.

The master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. This sentence is not false at all.

Finally, Zhao Changfeng looked at Shen Lin, took a deep breath and said:
"He is right, he is indeed one of the permanent directors of my Music Association!"

(End of this chapter)

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