Chapter 63
Shen Lin also said before that he was a permanent member of the Daxia Music Association, but no one believed it at the time, because in their opinion, this was simply impossible.

But now, when Zhao Changfeng said this sentence, no one doubted it anymore.

Because he is Zhao Changfeng, the president of the Daxia Music Association, even if he is a permanent member, he has the right to appoint and dismiss.

"Boy Shen Lin, I have met Mr. Zhao!" Shen Lin bowed with his fists in his hands, and said respectfully.

For the president of the Daxia Music Association, he still has a lot of respect in his heart.

Although he has seldom interfered with the affairs of the Great Xia Music Association these years, judging from his actions just now, this old man is worthy of admiration.

After all, not everyone has the guts to take their own students under the knife!
" don't need to be polite, little friend Shen Lin!" Zhao Changfeng waved his hand.

"Little friend's musical accomplishments are really beyond compare. With Xiaoyou in Daxia, he will definitely have a place in the world's music scene!" Zhao Changfeng exclaimed.

Over the years, he has also met many young people who are quite talented in music, and they are proficient in writing lyrics and composing music.

But like Shen Lin, who integrated music into his soul and opened his mouth to sing a classic divine comedy, he had never seen it before.

Shen Lin's musical attainments can be said to be breathtaking.

"Mr. Zhao is just joking, you are still young, and you still have a lot to learn!" Shen Lin smiled shyly.

"Not arrogant or impetuous, he is a good seedling!" Zhao Changfeng nodded in satisfaction.

He was also worried that Shen Lin, who was young and energetic and proud of his talents, would instead ruin his talent in music.

But judging from now, he was too worried.

"Little friend, the copyright of your songs should be yours, and no one can take it away!" Zhao Changfeng concluded, and then he looked at Fang Hao, "A follow-up announcement will invalidate the previous copyright! "

"Also, this kind of plagiarism also needs to be dealt with seriously. If the relevant personnel want to conduct music copyright review in the future, they need to submit manuscript files!"

"Yes, teacher!" Fang Hao nodded in response.

"Little friend Shen Lin, since you are the permanent director of my Music Association, I will ask you to help take care of the affairs of the Music Association in the future." Zhao Changfeng smiled.

He had just dismissed Yao Jun as a permanent member of the board of directors. The things that Yao Jun took over before also needed to be handled by someone. Since Shen Lin was one of the permanent members of the board of directors, it would be best to leave it to him.

Many rotating directors couldn't help showing envious expressions when they heard the words.

He entered the permanent council seat at a young age, and if he still gets it in the future, he must be a candidate for the chairman!
And they know even more that Shen Lin will be their immediate boss in the future!
"Uh..." Shen Lin couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard the words, "Old Zhao, I'm used to being free and undisciplined, and I don't like the feeling of sitting in an office every day."

"So, you should just let me go!" Shen Lin smiled wryly. He has no interest in being an official. It's better to be free. Drinking tea, chatting, bickering with Chen Meng, life is quite comfortable of!
"Okay!" Zhao Changfeng just said casually.

Shen Lin is a good face, if he is placed in the music association's power, it will definitely distract his mind, and it will be difficult to create better music in the future.

Letting him go might be the best option.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Shen Lin heaved a sigh of relief.

"However, there is one more thing, I hope Mr. Zhao can understand." Shen Lin hesitated and said.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Changfeng asked.

"The kid doesn't want to spread the news about what happened here today. The kid is used to keeping a low profile and is not used to being sought after by others." Shen Lin said.

"Everyone wants to be famous right away. Such a good opportunity to be famous, and the boy actually gave up on his own initiative like this?" Zhao Changfeng was also taken aback when he heard this. Fame and fortune have always been the goals pursued by everyone, and now there is a chance to become famous. In front of Shen Lin, he actually gave up just like that, is there any mistake?

"Old Zhao, I just want to make music quietly." Shen Lin said very seriously.

Looking at Shen Lin's serious expression, Zhao Changfeng showed a gratified smile, which reminded him of himself when he was young, didn't he just devote himself to music creation, the love of music made them give up too much.

"Okay!" Zhao Changfeng nodded, then looked at the tall young man behind him, "Xiao Zhen, I will leave this matter to you."

Qin Zhen nodded when he heard the words, looked at everyone present and said, "What happened today must not be spread to the outside world. If you let me know who spread the rumors, you should be punished as treason!"

Qin Zhen's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, so breathtaking that people dare not look directly at them.

No one refuted it, because the crime was too serious and no one could bear it.

"Okay, let's talk about you young people. I'm old, my body is failing, and I get tired after standing for a while." Zhao Changfeng smiled and said.

"Teacher, I'll help you to rest." Fang Hao helped Zhao Changfeng and left the conference hall.

Seeing this, everyone left one after another. They knew that the young man who followed the chairman seemed to have something to do with Shen Lin. They were too intrusive here.

"Mr. Shen, I'm going out first." Luo Jiang said.

"En." Shen Lin nodded.

It wasn't until everyone left that Shen Lin looked at Qin Zhen.

"Thank you."

"Mr. Shen, you are being polite." Qin Zhen shook his head, "Mr. Shen is a great talent, and someone in Qin really admires him for being able to create such a magnificent song as loyal and loyal to the country."

Regarding this, Shen Lin just smiled. This song makes people's blood boil, especially for those in the army. It can stimulate their nerves most intuitively and make them feel empathetic.

"Mr. Qin came to me to serve the country faithfully?" Shen Lin asked.

"Yes." Qin Zhen did not deny it. "I want the original soundtrack of Loyalty and Serving the Country. I wonder if Mr. Shen can record one for me?"

"It's just a song. I'll record it and send it to you later." Shen Lin smiled.

"Haha... Refreshing!" Qin Zhen laughed loudly, "Mr. Shen, I'm sure you are my friend!"

"Since we are friends, Mr. Qin will not be the one on the left or the one on the right in the future, just call me Shen Lin." Shen Lin laughed.

Qin Zhen should be a member of the army, and his status in the army is definitely not low. If he can make friends, it would be a good thing for him.

"Then I'll call you Shen Lin from now on." Qin Zhen smiled, "I think I'm two years older than you, if you can afford it, you can call me Brother Qin!"

"Brother Qin!" Shen Lin shouted without any pretension.

"Haha... good! It's also my honor, old Qin, to know Brother Shen Lin." Qin Zhen laughed, and there was a touch of joy between his words.

"Brother Shen Lin, I will hold a banquet tonight to welcome you!"

"Thank you, Brother Qin, but I still have some private matters to deal with when I come to Daxia City, so I may have to disappoint Brother Qin's kindness!" Shen Lin said apologetically.

"Brother Shen is busy, let's meet another day!" Qin Zhen said.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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