Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 29 The effect is remarkable, and there are many chapter heads

Chapter 29 The effect is remarkable, and there are many repeat customers

Bid farewell to Yan Hui and withdraw from the schools of thought.

Many listeners were burdened with mixed emotions in their hearts, and they could not speak.

Like the believers kneeling under the seat of a Zen master listening to the Dharma, they cast grateful eyes on Li Changqing devoutly!
Li Changqing stood in the crowd, his eyes rolled like a smile.

Every listener felt that Li Changqing was smiling at himself, his eyes were silently encouraging, and he couldn't help nodding.

"How do you sell these leeks?"

Wang Guang secretly wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and wanted to buy some food to express his respect.

"50 yuan a catty, the price is not cheap, do what you can!"

Li Changqing could see Wang Guang's motive for buying vegetables, and said with a smile.

"Okay, here's a catty! Go home and make leek egg pancakes for my son. He loved it the most when he was a child!"

Wang Guang learned the truth very readily, and the sound of reading made him suddenly realize, what is 50 yuan worth?

And I remembered that when my son was a child, he liked to eat leek egg pancakes that he made himself, and he looked very cute every time he devoured them hungrily.I can't wait to get my son home, and cook him a delicious meal with all my heart.

Tell him: Actually, Dad loves you very much!

"Please give me a catty as well, and add a dish tonight!"

Liu Xu had already bought the food, and he wanted to thank Li Changqing, but also wanted to take his old lady home for dinner later.

Some people bought some one after another, and Li Changqing praised them one by one!
After the crowd dispersed, Li Changqing's booth regained its calm.

"Brother Changqing, you are really amazing! Reading books is like those eminent monks opening an altar to give lectures. I, a vulgar person, are very moved!" Zhang Danian gave a thumbs up and said in admiration.

"It's nothing special, it's just some very simple principles!" Li Changqing said with a faint smile.

Not long after, a middle-aged man rushed to Li Changqing's booth with two people of similar age.

"My fellow, do you still remember me? The one who bought your leeks yesterday!" asked the leader.

"Yeah!" Li Changqing nodded.

Li Changqing's own memory is very strong, and after being instilled with Confucianism, his mind is wide open again after advanced learning!

Even the childhood things that I had forgotten can be clearly recalled.

"Haha, my fellow, you may be the most expensive in the whole country for 50 yuan a catty of leeks!"

"I thought you read well yesterday and planned to support you, but I didn't want to come here for a second time!"

"Hey, but your leeks..., there's nothing to say! No, I brought a few good brothers here again!"

The man danced his hands and feet, and talked about it with high spirits as if the grievances accumulated for many years had been vented.

"We are about the same age, we ate Brother Changqing's leeks last night, and today we were forced by our mother-in-law to buy another catty!"

Zhang Danian took out the leeks he bought at Li Changqing's at the right time, and said to the man with an expression of "I understand you".

"I said brother, you bought the vegetables yourself, and you still want to buy leeks from him?" One of the man's companions asked curiously.

"There are a lot of leeks at home, but eating them doesn't work! I don't know how Brother Changqing grows leeks. It's like a special medicine. Why is there such a big difference between all leeks?" Zhang Danian was also very puzzled.

"You guys don't understand this, have you ever heard of a kind of bark that grows in the Cabinda region of Angola?" the man said coquettishly, pretending to be an old driver.

The others shook their heads blankly and looked at the man with great interest.

"That kind of tree grows in the mountains at an altitude of 4000 meters, and the living environment is very harsh. It is indeed effective for men after being identified by the World Health Organization! But only the bark at the altitude of more than 4000 meters on that mountain has an effect. It is estimated that The environment where the fellow grows leeks is very special, similar to the bark of Cabinda, so it has special effects!", the man explained quite confidently.

"Is it as amazing as you said? How much is it per catty?" asked a person next to him.

"Hehe, how much is a catty? Hundreds of dollars per gram! If there is no way, it is difficult to buy authentic products! As for the effect, I drank some wine soaked in cabinda bark at a friend, and I can only say that it is barely It's barely strong, it's not as effective as the leeks from the hometown!", the man said with a smile.

"According to what you said, Brother Changqing's leeks are not only not expensive, but also very cheap! No, brother Changqing, give me another catty!" Zhang Danian said with a smile.

"My fellow, give me five catties!"

"Give me three catties, Lao Du's character is still guaranteed!"

"Give me three catties too, and the serf turns over and sings when I go back, seeing how my mother-in-law dares to despise me!"

After hearing that the man named Lao Du wanted five catties, the two people who followed him also asked for three catties.

Li Changqing bought leek seeds and soaked them in spiritual water, and watered them with spiritual water every day, rain or shine.

The leeks grown have remarkable effects, which is also expected by Li Changqing!
"One catty can make one dish, and each person can only buy two catties at most! I will come here often in the future, and I will buy it after eating! Eating too much will cause internal heat, which is not good for your health." Li Changqing said with a smile.

"Fellow man, we don't want to buy so much at once! The main reason is that after the efficacy of your leek is known, more and more people will come to buy it. Then the price will naturally rise. I'm afraid it won't be 50 yuan a catty. Already!" said the man.

"You can rest assured that no matter how many people come to buy, I will not increase the price!"

"Haha, this fellow is interesting! It's the first time I saw a vegetable seller, and I advised them to buy less! Just because of this, I feel that the leeks from my fellow villager should be effective, so give me a catty too!", looking at the bustling humanity beside him. .

"Okay, listen to the fellow! The three of us only need two catties, come back tomorrow!" Old Du said.

"Nourishing is very important, but you should also pay attention to exercise, and don't eat it with honey!" Li Changqing warned.

Later, several regular customers from yesterday came to buy leeks, and some of them brought their friends with them like Lao Du, and they showed their own experiences and strongly promoted leeks for Li Changqing.

Some people want to buy a lot, Li Changqing told them as usual that each person can only buy two catties, and some precautions.

At the height of the sun, Li Changqing sold forty or fifty catties, and there was only half of it left.

Li Changqing didn't intend to continue, and returned to Lijia'ao on a broken motorcycle.

"Qingwa, how are you doing today? How much is left? How about selling it cheaper!"

Liu Cuie heard the sound of the motorcycle and knew that Li Changqing was back, so she came out and asked.

"It's sold for more than 2000 yuan, and there is still half left!" Li Changqing said as he untied the remaining leeks from the car.

"Ah, so much! You still have a lot under Zhong Nanshan. Two thousand and ten days a day is 18, one month is [-], and three months is [-]! Not only did you get back your capital, but you also earned [-]. Those people are not optimistic about your contracting Zhong Nanshan!" Liu Cuie said in surprise.

"Hehe, my mother can't calculate like that! You take the money and do less work!" Li Changqing took out a handful of money from his trouser pocket and stuffed it to Liu Cuie with a smile.

"You keep the money yourself, but someone actually buys leeks that cost 50 yuan a catty. It's so strange!" Liu Cuie was still puzzled.

"Mom, I still have this, so you can take this! Do less work and go to the village to play cards like others!"

"Hey, you child, then Mom will save it first! But Mom can't be free, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't work for a day!"

"Just don't get too tired. I'll give some of the remaining dishes to Uncle Qin, and share the rest with Second Uncle, Uncle Chang Wu, and Uncle Jianguo!"


After delivering the food, Li Changqing returned to Zhong Nanshan and continued to build the chicken coop!

There are birds frolicking in the forest, the sound of running water chasing after the mountain springs, and the scent of flowers from time to time, but I don’t feel lonely!
PS: Thank you *Benyin for tipping 50000 starting coins yesterday and NanYu 10000 starting coins today~
 There are also many friends who donated 500 and 100. It is very inconvenient to write and paste names with the mobile phone writer assistant, especially some special symbols. I will not list them one by one. Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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