Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 30: Reading "The Classic of Difficulties" and Treating Little Squirrels

Chapter 30: Reading "The Classic of Difficulties" and Treating Little Squirrels

In the season of Huangmei, there is no period for wind and rain.

Birds fly low in the forest, ants move under the trees, and fish jump in the stream.

Li Changqing smelled the strong moisture in the mountain wind and knew that the wind and rain were coming again.

As soon as I got back to the cabin, there was indeed a light rain falling outside the window, which gradually became heavier.

Thousands of families in the mountains and mountains were shrouded in rain, and there were bursts of frogs singing by the grassy pond.

Under the thatched shed of Zhong Nanshan, Li Changqing paced back and forth with a cup of steaming spirit tea in his left hand and "Song of Soup" in his right hand.

Finally, I closed the "Soup Song", closed my eyes and recited it silently in my mind from beginning to end, knowing all the prescriptions and their accompanying explanations, and then entered the schools of thought.

In front of Huichun Hall, Bian Que stroked his long silver beard and smiled kindly at Li Changqing.

"Grandpa, I can already recite "Soup Song"!" Li Changqing stepped forward and said.

"That's right, it's not easy to memorize and understand the entire "Soup Song" in such a short period of time!" Bian Que said with a finger pointing between Li Changqing's eyebrows.

"Hehe, good memory!" Li Changqing said with a smile.

"The road to medicine is long and endless, "Soup Song" just lays the foundation for you, and I will give you a copy of "Nanjing" as a reward!", Bian Que took out a thicker classic than "Soup Song" from his sleeve. Li Changqing said.

"Thank you, grandpa, is this a new mission?" Li Changqing asked after thanking Bian Que.

"Correct solution! "The Book of Difficulties" is a book that I proposed and explained 81 difficult questions on the basis of "Lingshu" and "Suwen", including pulse diagnosis, meridians, viscera, yin and yang, etiology, pathogenesis, nutrition, health, Acupoints, acupuncture, disease syndromes, etc. If you can understand the profound principles, you can expect extraordinary medical skills!" Bian Que explained with a smile.

"I will live up to my expectations!" Li Changqing said solemnly.

Withdrew from all schools of thought, the rain outside the thatched shed showed no signs of stopping.

The cold air in the mountains became more and more serious, and a biting cool wind blew in the air from time to time.

Li Changqing even felt a little chilly, so he took out some stored dry firewood from the small wooden house and lit it, holding the newly acquired "Nanjing", carefully flipping through it.

"Nanjing" is also known as "Huangdi 81 Nanjing", and the versions circulated in the market are all compiled by later generations.

The "Book of Difficulties" in Li Changqing's hand is a real unique copy, the knowledge in it covers a wide range of all kinds, and it is a peerless treasure that can drive any Chinese medicine practitioner crazy!

But Li Changqing has opened up a sea of ​​learning, which can almost reach the level of photographic memory, and the difficulty of learning will be greatly reduced.

As the sky darkened, flames danced in the air with the wind, reflecting Li Changqing's figure reading a book.

When Li Changqing stopped to take a rest, he heard slight screams from the wooden house where the sundries were stored.

Putting down the "Nanjing" in his hand and walking into the wooden house, after listening carefully, he removed a bundle of dry firewood and found a fiery red squirrel on the haystack.

When the little squirrel found Li Changqing, it quickly erected its long, fluffy tail, and its small ears stood up cleverly.

After careful observation, Li Changqing found a blood stain on the little squirrel's left leg, which was almost the same color as the fur.


Seeing that Li Changqing would not leave, the little squirrel issued a threatening warning.

Li Changqing thought that although he did not understand the language of animals, he could express his kindness through the sound of books.

"Gentle and polite, then a gentleman."

"Is benevolence far away? I want benevolence, and benevolence is the end."

"A gentleman can't know a little but can accept a lot; a villain can't accept a lot but can know a little."


Listening to the sound of Li Changqing's reading, the little squirrel slowly relaxed his vigilance, and ran to Li Changqing's feet in a hop.

Gently touching Li Changqing's calf with the tip of his nose, his big nimble eyes were full of prayers.

Li Changqing squatted down and stretched out his palm, the little squirrel immediately jumped up and sat on the palm with its little paws tucked in.

"Little guy, you're quite spiritual!"

Li Changqing took the little squirrel out of the wooden house, put it on the table in the straw shed and thought to himself.

There was no medical gauze in the wooden house, so Li Changqing had no choice but to use a cotton cloth instead.

Wash the little squirrel's wound with clean water, then wrap it up with cotton cloth, and feed it some spiritual water.

After drinking the spiritual water, the little squirrel jumped onto Li Changqing's lap and tapped Li Changqing's body with his nose.

"Hehe, do you still want to drink?"

Li Changqing could see what the little squirrel wanted to express, and smiled.

But the little squirrel couldn't understand Li Changqing's words, so he continued to touch Li Changqing with his nose.

The long fiery red tail swept back and forth on Li Changqing's body, as if to please Li Changqing.

Li Changqing bought some spiritual water for the little squirrel, and sat down on the table contentedly after drinking it, uttering a 'woo-woo' cry.

The little squirrels are fine, but Li Changqing has no intention of adopting them. After all, nature is their best destination.

Li Changqing stopped paying attention to the little squirrel, and continued to sit by the fire and read a book.

Suddenly felt a little thing stepping on his shoes, and looked down.

It was the fiery red little squirrel, standing by the fire like an elf walking out of the flames.

The little squirrel stared at Li Changqing with wide eyes, and immediately jumped into Li Changqing's arms.

Li Changqing thought about the cold weather and the little squirrel's leg injury was still not healed, so he didn't chase the little squirrel away, and just read the book on his own.

Not long after, Li Changqing heard a slight snoring sound coming from his arms, and the little squirrel actually fell asleep!
Li Changqing built a nest with dry grass in the storage room and put the little squirrel inside.

After a night of wind and rain, the birds began to sing again.

After Li Changqing got up, he found that the little squirrel was still sleeping soundly, and shook his head with a smile.

As usual, I read in the morning, watered the tea trees and leeks with spiritual water, and then harvested the leeks and rode a motorcycle into the city.

The corner of Dongmen Vegetable Market where Li Changqing often set up stalls was bustling with people of all kinds.

In addition to many happy brothers and sisters sharing the results of the battle, there is also a group of students in school uniforms standing in line, which are particularly conspicuous in the crowded crowd.

"We old men are here to buy leeks, what do you think that person brought so many students here?"

"Haha, you didn't understand it when you came here for the first time! There are two unique skills in fellow villagers, one is leeks, and the other is reading!"

"Yeah, at the beginning, I felt that I benefited a lot from the sound of my fellow reading, and saw that no one bought his leeks, so I decided to buy something interesting. Who knew that the leeks were so effective?"

"The fellow is here, everyone make way, give way to the fellow!"

People with sharp eyes saw Li Changqing's figure from a distance, and cleared an aisle for Li Changqing.

Li Changqing parked the motorcycle and spread out the leeks as if no one was there.

People who had heard Li Changqing read before instinctively kept quiet, and the friends who came with him couldn't talk anymore.

In the noisy vegetable market, there is actually a group of people standing quietly, like Christians waiting for the priest to come to pray!

 Thank you for your rewards. I wrote hundreds of words from 2:[-] to [-]:[-] last night. My eyes were bloodshot. I didn’t write Chapter [-]. Sorry~ Today is better, it should be ok!
(End of this chapter)

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