Chapter 406

How difficult is it to condense three thousand little Nascent Souls?
But this happens to suppress his breakthrough!

What Master Qingxuan taught was only the skill of splitting the mind, not the technique of splitting the mind.

Teaching him how to fish is worse than giving him fish!

But those present are all current masters, as long as they comprehend the technique of splitting the mind, they can create their own skills of splitting the mind.

Li Changqing absorbed Daoist Qingxuan's light group that contained the splitting technique of spiritual thoughts.

A palace of literature appeared above the head, and three thousand students were studying in the square.

Li Changqing separated a mass of consciousness from the golden core of his dantian, rising from his middle dantian like the sun above Nigong Maru Xuehaiwen Palace.

Spiritual consciousness is like raindrops again, turning into [-] fireflies, flying into the [-] illusory figures of students.

The figures of the three thousand students suddenly solidified a lot, and each figure had its own characteristics, and it was no longer the vague appearance before.

"Li Xiaoyou, can turn three thousand in one thought!" Fairy Ziyan said in shock after seeing Li Changqing separate out a cloud of consciousness and merge with the phantoms of three thousand students.

"When the cultivation level reaches our level, the spiritual will will encounter a bottleneck, and it is common to divide the spiritual will and put it on some items, and even cultivate the identity! But even the two of us can't manage to use our own spiritual power Divide the thought into three thousand copies, Li Xiaoyou, you just got the teaching from Qingxuan Daoist, and you did it immediately!" Fairy Bibo was also extremely surprised.

"You guys still underestimated Li Xiaoyou's hand that turns three thousand in one thought!" Master Qingxuan squinted and stared at Li Changqing closely, his expression didn't change on the surface, but his heart seemed to be overwhelmed.

"You just like to play tricks! Li Xiaoyou's hand is three thousand a year, what's so special about it?" The drunk Taoist said dissatisfiedly.

"This is not simply entrusting the division of one's own spiritual thoughts in it, but between the sustenance of spiritual consciousness and identity, that is to say, after the fusion of the three thousand gods and three thousand phantoms that Li Xiaoyou differentiated just now, In the future, it may become [-] identities, or even condense [-] Nascent Souls and [-] Nascent Souls!", Master Qingxuan said solemnly.

Condensing three thousand Nascent Souls and three thousand Nascent Souls?

Zui Taoist, Ziyan Fairy, and Bibo Fairy were all stunned!

What kind of concept is this?
In the same realm, other monks only have one Nascent Soul, but you have three thousand Nascent Souls!
Among the five, Taoist Zui and Daoist Qingxuan are in the Yuanshen Realm, also known as Yuanxians in the past, and Zi Yan and Bibo are Earth Immortals in the Yuanying Realm.

"If Li Xiaoyou can really do it, once he breaks through to the Nascent Soul Realm, he might be as strong as the two of us!" The drunk Taoist sighed to Master Qingxuan.

"Well! But it is extremely difficult to condense one Nascent Soul, let alone three thousand Nascent Souls? Even if Li Daoyou is the chosen one, the chances are probably very slim!" Master Xuan is still growing, and after recovering from the shock, he is worried about Li Changqing again, "If you delay Li Xiaoyou's path, it will not be worth the loss!"

"Hehe, it's not long before the spiritual energy recovers. If it were someone else, it would be hopeless to condense three thousand Nascent Souls! Li Xiaoyou, you are the one chosen by heaven, and you might have a chance!", Qingxuan Real people can't deduce Li Changqing's fate, and because of this, he also thinks that everything can happen to Li Changqing.

"The opening of the Heaven's Gate this time is an opportunity, but the inside of the Heaven's Gate is also very dangerous. Although Li Xiaoyou has a good cultivation, his attack methods seem a bit monotonous. You wait here. Pindao takes Li Xiaoyou to Fusang Country to try the sword!", Zui Taoist looked impatient, and without waiting for Qingxuan and others to agree, he pulled Li Changqing towards Fusang Yujian.

Fusang country.

Li Changqing and Taoist Zui stood in the air.

"Huh, the so-called 800 million grass-headed gods in Fusang Kingdom are essentially no different from the monsters in our Huaxia Cave World. Let's come here to try our swords and do justice for the heavens!" The drunk Taoist looked down at Fusang Kingdom under the clouds, There was a lot of disdain in his eyes, "The entrances to their so-called God's Domain are in various shrines, let's go down and fry fish!"

Although Fusang Kingdom is a small country, it has never been a peaceful master.

Li Changqing fought against the Onmyoji from Fusang Kingdom in Shennongjia Cave.

They have extended their hands to the territory of Huaxia, and Li Changqing would also mind giving them some flair.

The two descended from the clouds, turned into two ordinary tourists, pretended to be traveling, and approached an ancient Saruta shrine on the street.

Various decorations such as stone lanterns and straw ropes are hung in the shrine.

The drunken Taoist led Li Changqing to a stone gate in the shrine, pointed to the stone gate and said to Li Changqing, "This stone gate is called the bird gate, and it is the entrance to the God Realm!"

"Can we enter God's Domain by stepping through this door?" Li Changqing asked curiously.

"Of course not, without the key to God's Domain, we can't get in! But we're not guests, so we can just break in through the door!" The drunk Taoist said with a smile, and then stretched out two fingers.

The fingers bloomed with bright sword energy!

Li Changqing was two or three meters away, and his skin felt a tingling sensation.

This sword...

Li Changqing has also been practicing swordsmanship in Zhong Nanshan during this time, and he thinks that his swordsmanship has improved a lot.

You can see the sword fingers of the drunken Taoist, and find that your sword skills are still far behind!
The drunk Taoist's fingers blooming with bright sword energy poked at random.

The whole stone gate collapsed.

A circular gap appeared in the barrier of God's Domain.

"Let's go in!" The drunken Taoist skillfully stepped into the realm of the gods.

Li Changqing also followed in, stepping in step by step.

The surrounding space changes.

There is a blood moon in the sky just like the Catacomb world.

The place where they were located was a pitch-black mountain covered with tall iron trees.

There is a dark cave on the mountain.

In the cave, a huge ancient ape has been having sex with several delicate women.

After hearing the movement outside.

The ancient ape slapped the woman in front of him into minced meat, picked up a huge iron rod, and led many demon apes down the mountain.

"That beast is the ancient god Aruta they believe in! In fact, it's just an ape-like monster! His strength is not enough for me to take action, so I'll leave it to you, Li Xiaoyou!" As if preparing to watch a play.

"Senior, please enlighten me!" Li Changqing understood that the reason why Zui Taoist dragged him to the God Realm of Fusang Kingdom to test his sword was actually just to teach him swordsmanship.

Before Yuan Tian came up from Dahei Mountain, a flying sword came through the sky with a gray thunder, pointing directly at its eyebrows!
The purple lightning on the sword seems to destroy everything.

(End of this chapter)

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