Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 407 The sword of the great river is coming from the sky!

Chapter 407 The sword of the great river is coming from the sky!
With a destructive thunderbolt, the tip of the sword uttered a cry like a dragon's chant, and slashed at Aruta Saruta.

Aruta Saruta has enjoyed worship in Fusang for many years, and it was the first time that someone came to him after breaking through the realm of the gods. The violent breath in his heart had already gushed out, and he had no intention of dodging at all. He waved the mace in his hand and smashed at Li Changqing's flying sword.

The black devilish energy lingering from the mace counteracted part of the lightning from the flying sword, but some of the destructive lightning still fell on Saruta's body, scorching the fur of Saruta's fur, and the flying sword was also killed by Saruta. The great strength of the ancient ape was smashed away.

The drunken Taoist took a sip of his wine, clapped his hands and laughed, his face turned red, as if he had seen something extremely funny, "Haha, Li Xiaoyou, your swordsmanship is not good! You can't cut this sword with one sword!" That's all for that little bastard, but he was blown away by this little bastard's stick!"

Li Changqing is very aware of his own situation. Although he has learned a lot of different schools, and his swordsmanship is not weak in his realm, but he is two realms higher than Zui Taoist, and he specializes in swordsmanship. Everyone is naturally much inferior in comparison, and said with a wry smile, "Senior, please advise!"

The drunk Taoist laughed heartily, "My boy, finally you will be deflated! There are four realms of swordsmanship, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and swordsmanship. Your swordsmanship has comprehended the meaning of thunder and lightning, but you have not After comprehending the power of thunder and lightning, you have just touched the first realm of swordsmanship, and you are still far behind!"

Li Changqing has been walking all the way. Although he is assisted by various schools of thought, every kind of exercise is achieved by himself. The alchemists and strangers he has come into contact with before are not as good as him, and he is usually the one who gives advice to others. , but he himself has seldom been taught by others, so although he has made rapid progress in the realm of cultivation, it is inevitable that there are some flaws, at least in the way of swordsmanship, it is indeed not his strong point. Being polite, I asked after hearing what the drunk Taoist said, "Senior, how can we reach the realm of sword power?"

The drunk Taoist drank and laughed, and suddenly his expression turned upright, he no longer had that cynical look, standing there was like a sharp sword soaring to the sky, which could pierce the sky at any time, Li Changqing, with his body in the realm of Martial Arts Blood Pill, With a cultivation level, he could still experience the piercing sword intent emanating from the drunk Taoist from four or five meters away!

This is the real swordsmanship!
The drunken Taoist looked calm, but the aura on his body suddenly exploded again, and the infinite sword intent soared into the sky.

Suddenly, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and the white clouds all over the sky lined up on both sides. There was a roaring sound from the distance in the blue sky, and a huge wave rushed towards the blue Milky Way like a mountain torrent and a tsunami!

The river was getting closer and closer, and the sound became more and more similar. Even the sky seemed to be trampled by the raging river.

The water of the big river is coming from the sky!
The turbulent waters of the Tianhe River instantly turned into a brilliant sword, which is not only a sword, but also a Tianhe River hanging in the sky!
The giant sword fell from the sky, turned into a stream of light and fell into the hands of the drunk Taoist!
Sword come!

The drunken Taoist held the divine sword transformed into Tianhe, and looked down at Yuantian Guyuan with lowered eyes.

Yuantian Guyuan was completely stunned when he saw the formation that the Taoist drunk had just caused, holding the huge mace in his hand, he dared not put it down or move it, for fear that the Taoist drunk would cut him off with a sword in anger.

The drunken Taoist glanced at Yuantian Guyuan, and snorted coldly, "You beast, you are not worthy of letting me do it!"


The drunk Taoist slashed towards the towering mountain with his sword.

The towering mountain collapsed in an instant!

A sword shatters the mountain!
Li Changqing still felt very touched by his current state of mind, and squinted his eyes to carefully appreciate the subtlety of the sword that Zui Taoist just made.

Before the turbulent and rushing water of the Tianhe River came, there was already a phenomenon of surging clouds in the sky!

Li Changqing saw a flash of light in his mind!

He suddenly understood!
Zui Taoist practiced Tianhe swordsmanship, but only comprehending the water sword intent of Tianhe swordsmanship is too weak. Only after comprehending the wind sword intent and cloud sword intent can he cultivate the Tianhe swordsmanship!
And what he cultivated was Thunder and Lightning Sword Intent!

Thunder and lightning are accompanied by wind and rain. If he wants to cultivate the sword power of thunder and lightning sword intent, he must comprehend the sword intent of wind and the sword intent of rain at the same time!

Both the Sword Intent of Wind and the Sword Intent of Rain belong to the phenomena of heaven and earth, and they are relatively difficult to comprehend among all sword intents, let alone comprehend both at the same time!

The drunk Taoist pointed to Li Changqing, just wanting to plant the seeds of sword power in Li Changqing's heart, he didn't expect Li Changqing to comprehend the sword intent immediately.

After Li Changqing figured out how to cultivate the sword power, he didn't open his eyes, but continued to comprehend the sword intent of wind and sword intent of rain!
After he became a holy fetus, Zhong Nanshan's air-locked little dragon ran all the way to Yang Zijiang, and was chopped off and swallowed by him with a sword. Afterwards, he used dragon blood to refine the dragon blood pill, so that he had The ability to summon wind and rain.

So he has an innate advantage in comprehending the sword intent of wind and sword intent of rain.

Li Changqing stood there with his eyes closed, but he seemed to have disappeared from there, but he was still there when he fixed his eyes.

And around Li Changqing, a thin wind slowly blew up, and the air became a little humid. The wind and moon blew bigger, and the air became more and more humid, as if water was wrung out!
"This is... the Sword Intent of Wind and the Sword Intent of Rain!?"

Daoist Zui's expression was very calm at first, he thought Li Changqing was still thinking about how to reach the realm of sword power, but he didn't expect that Li Changqing was already comprehending the sword intent of wind and sword intent of rain!
woohoo hoo...

The wind was whistling, and thick dark clouds were condensed in the sky, as if there was a reservoir hanging above the head, and the water might splash down at any time.

It rained cats and dogs in an instant!

The drunken Taoist's Realm Rain naturally couldn't get to him. Holding the wine gourd and looking at Li Changqing, he shook his head, but his eyes were full of light. He is a genius in swordsmanship, and this kid's sword intent is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this kid learns swords with me, he might have a chance to see the pinnacle of swordsmanship!"

The wind is roaring, the rain is howling!
The drunk Taoist stared at Li Changqing as if he was staring at a piece of peerless uncut jade, "This level of wind and rain sword intent can barely form a momentum, but whether it can be successful depends on understanding the wind sword intent and the rain sword intent. Not enough, you need to fuse the sword intent of wind and the sword intent of rain to use the sword power of thunder and lightning sword intent!"

Li Changqing stood proudly in the wind and rain, the sword intent on his body was gradually increasing, but it didn't come out, as if it was a dam storing flood water!
 long time no see...

(End of this chapter)

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