Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 47 Lu Mei's visit, sketching in Xijian

Chapter 47 Lu Mei's visit, sketching in Xijian

"Hehe, brother Meng is over the prize!" Li Changqing said with a smile.

"What are you two talking about secretly?" Li Hongdou asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing!" Meng Yuncheng and Li Changqing said in unison.

"Hmph, if you don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to know!" Li Hongdou said angrily.

"Who made Hongdou angry again!" Shen Ruolin laughed when she saw the motorcycle she rented just arrived at Lijia'ao Primary School.

In addition, there are three motorcycles carrying two men and four women respectively.

Among them is a middle-aged man with long hair wearing a peaked cap, with deep wrinkles on his forehead, but very deep eyes.

The remaining one man and four women are very young, with childishness on their faces.

"Who else!" Li Hongdou said squinting at Meng Yuncheng and Li Changqing.

"Haha, let me introduce you, this is my teacher, Professor Gao Xiaojun!"

Shen Ruolin pointed at the long-haired middle-aged man with guiding gestures, and introduced Li Changqing and Meng Yuncheng with a smile.

"This is the principal of our Lijia'ao Primary School, Li Changqing!"

"This is also the teacher who came to teach, Meng Yuncheng!"

Shen Ruolin then introduced Li Changqing and Meng Yuncheng to Gao Xiaojun.

"Hello, Professor Gao!" Li Changqing held out his hand to Gao Xiaojun.

"Hello, Principal Li!" Gao Xiaojun shook hands with Li Changqing very politely.

Meng Yuncheng was never enthusiastic towards strangers, he just nodded his head.

"Two handsome guys, I am Pan Yuting, sister Shen's junior."

A tall beauty in denim shorts showing long white legs boldly looked at Li Changqing and Meng Yuncheng, and introduced herself proactively.

"Wang Zhuyun!" said the round-faced, short-haired girl.

"Sun Qiongyan!" said the slightly dark-skinned girl.

"Luo Xuefang!" said the small and delicate girl.

"Zhang Junwen!" said the young boy.

"Hey, Xiao Shen, is there a guest?" Li Jianguo came out of the village committee and said.

"Mr. Gao, this is Secretary Li Jianguo, the village party secretary of Lijia'ao!" Shen Ruolin said.

"Welcome Professor Gao to Lijia'ao!", Li Jianguo deliberately came out to say hello at the village committee.

"I need to trouble Secretary Li more!" Gao Xiaojun said.

"Is there a place to live?" Li Jianguo asked.

"I heard from Xiao Shen that there are many empty classrooms in the school. I wonder if it is convenient?" Gao Jiaojun asked.

"You have to ask Qingwa, he is the principal!" Li Jianguo said.

"It's okay if Professor Gao doesn't mind, but there's no bed yet!" Li Changqing said.

"Brother Qing, do it for me!" Li Hongdou seized the opportunity and said.

"Yes, Qingwa, I will leave the bed to you!"

Li Jianguo still remembered what happened last time, so he deliberately helped.

"Yes!" Li Changqing said indifferently.

"Principal Li can still make beds?" Gao Xiaojun asked in surprise.

"A little bit!" Li Changqing said.

"Amazing!" Pan Yuting said with a thumbs up.

Li Changqing took some tools from Li Dajiang's wood workshop and made a wooden bed on the playground of Lijia'ao Primary School.

Turning wood from logs into planks and then processing the planks.

"It's so fun, why don't you let me try it?" Pan Yuting asked aside.

"Tingting, don't make trouble!" said the dark-skinned Sun Qiongyan.

"The bed will fall apart in the middle of the night, who to cry to?" Wang Zhuyun said with a smile.

"It took four modes of transportation: plane, bus, motorcycle, and train to arrive. I just wanted to rest early and beg to let go."

Luo Xuefang's eyes were sleepy, and she tried her best to open them.

Seeing everyone's unanimous opposition, Pan Yuting had no choice but to give up.

"Hey, isn't it a holiday? Why are there so many students in school?" Gao Xiaojun asked suspiciously.

"Principal Li leads the children to study every day, rain or shine, and weekends are coming!" Shen Ruolin laughed.

"Do you read Chinese textbooks?"

"No, Confucian classics such as "San Zi Jing", "Di Zi Gui", "Thousand Characters" and so on."

"Brother Qing is good at reading, many people from the city come to listen to it every day!"

Li Hongdou still defends Li Changqing in front of outsiders, quite proudly.

"The sound of reciting Confucian classics from deep in the mountains is very artistic!"

Gao Xiaojun thought about it, and he had some expectations for the scene of Li Changqing reading.

"No wonder there are a lot of private cars on the way here, I didn't expect this to be the reason!" Zhang Junwen said when he remembered the scene.

"Why don't you go home after reading, and what are you doing by the stream?" Pan Yuting asked puzzled.

"The principal said that if the willow trees I planted can survive, they can earn a lot of money when they grow up!" Li Qianjin replied passing by.

The principal of Shancun leads the children to read Confucian classics, cultivate their hearts, and do carpentry.

"Hehe, your principal is right, go and have a look!"

Gao Xiaojun found it very interesting, stroked Li Qianjin's head and smiled.

"The scenery by the creek is nice, let's go sketch there!"

Pan Yuting got out of temper and couldn't stay idle, she grabbed Sun Qiongyan's hand and suggested.

"Okay, you can still go down and fish!" Sun Qiongyan nodded.

"Well, let's go, take the drawing board together!" Wang Zhuyun said.

"Well, actually I want to sleep more!" Luo Xuefang said in a daze.

"Let's go, let's go!" Pan Yuting said, dragging the sleepy Luo Xuefang.

"Take me!" Zhang Junwen said awkwardly.

Li Changqing rushed to make six beds before dark, and he was doing carpentry work seriously due to the tight schedule.

Pan Yuting, Sun Qiongyan, Wang Zhuyun and others laughed and played and went down the path to Xijian.

On the other side of the creek is the lushly forested Duimen Mountain, behind which are layers of green terraced fields.

The smooth stones in the stream stirred up water, turning out a white wave.

Under the green aquatic plants on the shore, small fish can be seen swimming freely.

Five willows on the mud hill beside the west stream are spreading their branches and leaves, and many willow branches are planted along the bank of the stream.

There are red, white, yellow, and mountain flowers of different colors under the willow branches.

Some children are taking good care of their transplanted willow branches or flowers, their dark eyes full of hope.

There are so many pleasant scenery, Pan Yuting, Sun Qiongyan, Wang Zhuyun and others don't know where to start writing.

After two or three hours, Li Changqing disassembled the main materials, and then only needed to cut and assemble them.

Gao Xiaojun was pointing Shen Ruolin's paintings, while Pan Yuting, Sun Qiongyan, Wang Zhuyun and others returned from Xijian.

Everyone was smiling, as if they were getting some benefit.

"Teacher, what do you think of my painting?" Pan Yuting was the first to step forward bravely.

"Look at your sister!" Gao Xiaojun just took a look and said to Pan Yuting.

From the perspective of composition, color, and level, it is also a landscape painting by the side of Xijian.

Shen Ruolin's paintings are far superior in terms of expressive techniques and observation skills in small parts!
"Ah! I lost!" Pan Yuting looked at Shen Ruolin and said sincerely.

 Thank you for your rewards, I am deeply grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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