Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 48 Appreciating Paintings, Gongmeng

Chapter 48 Appreciating Paintings, Gongmeng

For ordinary people, appreciating a Huaxia painting.

It is often judged by whether it can be understood, which is divided into three steps.

What is the painting?Does it look like a painting?What is the meaning of the artist painting this image?
If you can't answer, it is considered to be incomprehensible.

In terms of techniques alone, Huaxia paintings can be divided into freehand brushwork and representational painting.

Generally speaking, specific, realistic fine brushwork and realistic works are easy to appreciate and fall into the category of understanding.

Freehand works are more difficult to appreciate.

The professional field mainly depends on the overall momentum, appreciate its "spiritual charm" or "similarity".

But it is not an easy task to experience a kind of "spirit" from the painting.

Not only requires a certain aesthetic ability and artistic accomplishment, but also requires a certain basic knowledge of traditional Chinese painting.

Especially a kind of "feeling" trained through "painting" requires multi-faceted talents and artistic accomplishments.

Xie He's six methods are vivid, vivid, bone-based brushwork, pictograms according to objects, coloring according to categories, location management, and transfer and touch writing, which are the basic principles for appreciating Huaxia paintings.

Before Li Changqing began to practice painting, he had already enjoyed all kinds of theoretical techniques in the bamboo forest.

The appreciation of Chinese paintings has reached a certain level, so I came here to look at the works of Shen Ruolin, Pan Yuting and others while I was free.

Lumei enjoys a high reputation in the Chinese art circle, and Professor Gao Xiaojun is also a mainstay.

The works of Pan Yuting, Wang Zhuyun, Sun Qiongyan and others can draw a relatively complete landscape painting, but the composition is simple, the picture is uneven, and the brush and ink are relatively single.

Shen Ruolin can be more meticulous, and is more skilled in techniques such as clipping leaves and spotting trees.

The active guest-host relationship in the composition is properly handled, and the color and ink are well coordinated, but it lacks a kind of artistic conception.

Li Changqing compared Shen Ruolin's sketches of Xijian with his own painting "Clouds Dwelling, Bamboos, Trees, and Orchids Manning Mountains".

"Clouds Dwelling, Bamboo Trees, Luxurious Orchids and Mountains" is much better in terms of technique and artistic conception.

"Principal Li, are you also interested in landscape painting?" Gao Xiaojun asked Li Changqing to join in the fun.

"Landscape painting is one of the essence of Chinese painting, so I like it naturally." Li Changqing said.

"Hehe, not many people like it now." Gao Xiaojun laughed.

"Teacher, give me some pointers!" Sun Qiongyan said while holding her own painting.

"Yeah," Gao Xiaojun nodded.

Li Changqing continued to immerse himself in making wooden beds, and Gao Xiaojun pointed out the flaws in each student's paintings one by one.

As a young and middle-aged representative among contemporary painters, Gao Xiaojun has a profound understanding of traditional Chinese painting, and his explanations are extremely detailed.

Li Changqing can occasionally hear a sentence or two of bright insights and integrate them into his own theory.

At noon, Li Changqing went back to Zhong Nanshan to feed the two weasel cubs and the chickens in the chicken coop.

I went to Lijiaao Primary School to work again, and finally completed the three beds when the sun went down.

"Mr. Shen, the bed is ready!" Li Changqing said to Shen Ruolin.

"Thank you!" Shen Ruolin said sincerely.

"Principal Li has worked hard, thank you very much!" Gao Xiaojun said.

"Hey, I can finally sleep!" Luo Xuefang yawned.

"You don't have a quilt yet, are you going to sleep on the plank?" Pan Yuting said.

"You can borrow some." Wang Zhuyun said.

"Qingwa, your skills are getting better and better, why don't you just take your second uncle's class."

Li Jianguo came over and shook the bed frame with his hands, but sighed without moving.

"Haha, Uncle Jianguo, you came at the right time." Li Changqing said.

"Why, what's the matter?" Li Jianguo asked.

"The bed is fine, but there are no bedding, sheets, or pillows yet!" Li Changqing said.

"Okay, I'll look for it in the village!" Li Jianguo said.

Li Changqing bid farewell to Gao Xiaojun and others, and returned to the cabin under Zhong Nanshan.

The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, and the green bamboos are swaying and rustling in the wind.

One person, one book, one cup of tea, one meal.

Life in the mountains is so simple, but Li Changqing has gotten used to it.

At night, the empty mountain is silent.

Two candles, a shallow moon, and a little bit of starlight.

Li Changqing read "Gongmeng" in front of the window of the small wooden house, feeling his spirit of thinking about the common people in the world.

"Gong Mencius said to Zi Mozi: "It is true that people do not know what is good. It is like good jade, but there is a lot of money. Don’t take it. How hard it is for me to follow everyone and talk about it today!”

"Zi Mozi said: "Today's world is in chaos, and there are many people who seek beautiful women. Although beautiful women don't come out, many people seek them. Today, there are few people who seek goodness. If you don't force people, people don't know.And there are two born here, who are good at divination, one who does divination for others, one who does not come out of one place, and one who acts divination for others, and one who does not come out of the place, which one is more? "

"Gong Mencius said: Those who behave in a pot have a lot of pots."

"Zimozi said: benevolence and righteousness are so important, and those who talk about others have many merits and goodness. Why can't we talk about people?"

Gongmengzi said to Mozi: "No one knows the real good deeds. It's like a beautiful jade that can't be hidden, but still has an extraordinary brilliance. It's like a beautiful woman who can't be hidden, and people are chasing after her; but if she shows off herself, people will be jealous. Don’t marry her. Now you follow people around and persuade them with words, why are you working so hard!”

Mozi said: "Nowadays the world is chaotic. There are many people who pursue beautiful women. Even if they can't hide, many people pursue them. Now there are too few people who pursue goodness. If you don't try hard to persuade people, people will not know. If here There are two people who are good at divination, one person goes out to divination for others, and the other cannot hide, the one who goes out to divination for others or the one who cannot hide, which one will get more food?"

Gong Mencius said: "Going out to give people a lot of food for divination."

Mozi said: "He who advocates the sameness of benevolence and righteousness, and goes out to persuade people, he has made many achievements and benefits. Why don't he come out to persuade people?"

Its essence is the "universal love" of the Mohists, which promotes the great benefits of the world and eliminates the harm of the world.

In the morning, Li Changqing woke up in the boundless spring.

After reading in the morning, I started watering bamboo, orchids, tea trees, and leeks, and then took the leeks to Lijiaao Primary School.

There are more than a dozen private cars parked near Lijia'ao Primary School, and many car owners and villagers consciously stand behind the primary school students.

"Come and see, a group of adults and elementary school students stand together, it's so funny!" Wang Zhuyun greeted immediately after getting up early and brushing his teeth.

"Looking at the situation, they should be here to listen to Principal Li's reading!" Sun Qiongyan thought about it.

"I thought it was bragging, but I didn't expect it to be true!" Pan Yuting said in surprise.

"Principal Li is here!" Zhang Junwen said when he saw Li Changqing walking from a distance carrying four bags of leeks.

Gao Xiaojun squinted his eyes and watched with great interest. Is the sound of reading really so magical?
Li Changqing put the leeks away, and stood calmly at the front of the line. In terms of dressing, he was no different from ordinary villagers.

When he was about to study, he seemed to be a different person, and a strong bookish temperament swept over his body!

 It's the weekend, tomorrow, I'm going to add an update... let's see how long it lasts

(End of this chapter)

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