Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 58 Nian Wutong, Playing Blindfold Chess

Chapter 58 Centennial Indus, Playing Blindfolded Chess
A journey of mountains and rivers, a story.

Shen Ruolin loves Dashan and is reluctant to learn, so she continues to stay in Lijiaao to support education.

Gao Xiaojun, Pan Yuting and others hitchhiked away with the audience, their minds filled with memories of the deep mountains.

The green hills are faint, the green water is long, the breeze is blowing, and the white clouds are floating.

With a calm and indifferent heart, Li Changqing put the recliner next to the orchid under the bamboo forest.

Taste a cup of fragrant tea, hold a few volumes of antique scriptures, and occasionally make fun and joy.

When the interest came, he took Zhuge Liannu and went to Zhongnanshan to inspect, but found no trace of the wolves.

Instead, I found a lot of wild vegetables, and transplanted some valuable herbs into the field by the way.

In the middle of the sixth mountain, Li Changqing found a plane tree that had been struck by lightning.

The upper part of the sycamore tree is dark, but green leaves grow from the roots, and the exposed core is not rotten.

Li Changqing went back to the cabin and took the hacksaw and cut a section from the middle.

There are dense annual rings on the cut surface of the trunk, which is estimated to be at least several hundred years old.

According to the "Book of Music", in the past, Shun made a five-stringed qin to sing the south wind, and Kui began to make music to reward the princes.

In the long history of China, Qin has expressed its arrogance and elegance with its clear, harmonious, light and elegant music character.

Literati and scholars regard the guqin as the only way to cultivate one's morality, but its production materials are relatively strict and demanding.

Generally speaking, the wood should be light, with clear texture, and old wood is suitable.

After Li Changqing studied the "Book of Music", he always wanted to make a lyre by himself.

But it is difficult to find suitable materials, but I did not expect to find a hundred-year-old sycamore wood after walking around the mountain.

The guqin is generally made of sycamore wood, described in the "Book of Songs", the hazel chestnut tree, the tung catalpa lacquer for the chair, and the qin mulberry.

Centuries-old sycamore wood is one of the most favorite materials for luthiers, and it is a material that cannot be found.

But if you want to make a good piano, the craftsmanship is also very important.

Li Changqing had to use ordinary wood to hone his craft first, and then use century-old sycamore wood after he became proficient.

It is not easy to transport the sycamore wood from the sixth mountain back to the cabin, and it is necessary to climb five high mountains.

Li Changqing spent a lot of effort to move the sycamore wood to the cabin at dusk.

During the period, Shen Ruolin came to ask for advice with her own works, but unfortunately she did not see Li Changqing.

At night, Li Changqing entered a hundred schools of thought.

Study mathematics classics in Jiugong Academy, and then go to Tianyuan Chess Room to read chess records.

"Young man, chess records are dead, but people are alive." Fan Xiping glanced at Li Changqing with a thin face and said.

"Senior, please advise!"

Li Changqing realized that the plot task might be triggered, and said respectfully.

"Actual combat is the best way to improve chess skills, especially against masters!"

Fan Xiping was wearing an ordinary navy blue robe, but there was a domineering arrogance in his words.

When it comes to chess skills, Fan Xiping is a generation of national players, known as a master of chess, so he is more than just a master?

"Hehe, senior, would you like to have a plate?" Li Changqing asked with a smile.

"It's been a long time, it's nothing to do, just treat it as a pastime!" Fan Xiping glanced at Li Changqing and did not refuse.

"Senior, you have to be careful!" Li Changqing said intentionally, knowing Fan Xiping's temper.

"If you can beat me, I will give you this chessboard!" Fan Xiping said angrily.

"Senior, you are a generation of chess masters, and I am just a latecomer, it seems unfair!"

"Close your eyes, let your nine sons, what's the problem?"

The chess game starts, and Li Changqing takes the sunspots first.

The chess pieces in his hands are neither gold nor jade, and the chessboard exudes a unique woody fragrance.

Li Changqing has been in a passive state since the beginning of the game, and has been defeated after dozens of steps.

The chess pieces can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and dredge the meridians, and the fragrance of the chessboard can refresh the mind. The whole chessboard is absolutely extraordinary.

After a game of chess, instead of feeling tired, Li Changqing was full of energy.

It is a beautiful thing to win such a miraculous chessboard and chess pieces.

"Young man, how are you?" Fan Xiping asked proudly.

"One more dish!" Li Changqing said.

Even if they play blindfold chess and handicap nine pieces, the strength of Go players should not be underestimated.

After more than a dozen sets, Li Changqing has improved, but there is still a long way to go from Fan Xiping.

In the early morning, Yamazaki is dense.

Li Changqing carried a hoe to the field to weed, and planted some summer cucumbers on the wasteland.

The mountain road is narrow, and when I came back, my clothes were soaked in dew.

It's not a pity to stain the clothes, but Li Changqing doesn't care if he fulfills his wish.

After tidying up, Li Changqing went to Lijiaao Primary School to sell leeks. The primary school was as lively as a market.

But as long as Li Changqing started to lead the reading, everyone would calm down and follow the reading seriously.

There are many new faces among the readers, and Du Qiyou is particularly conspicuous among them in a suit.

After graduating from university, Du Qiyou started a small company with his friends, which was in its infancy and faced many difficulties.

I often quarreled with my partners because of different ideas. When I was thinking of parting ways, I heard the magical sound of reading in the mountains.I drove to Lijiaao alone with a relaxed attitude, and met many people who had the same troubles.

"When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are too hasty, there will be no wisdom."

"It's better to be righteous and not enough than to be evil and have more than enough."

"Don't wait for right and wrong to come to your ears. What used to be love has turned into hatred."

Shusheng's detailed elaboration of the philosophy of dealing with people in "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" has inspired many people.

Du Qiyou was greatly touched after hearing this, because he was too impatient when communicating with his friends before.

I always want to impose some ideas on others, which leads to deeper and deeper estrangement, but I never find the reason in myself.

Du Qiyou bowed to Li Changqing, turned around and drove to the company to try to save him, which was just a microcosm among the many listeners.

"No matter what troubles you have in your heart when you come here, after reading the book here, you can always find a solution."

"As the old saying goes, there is Yan Ruyu in the book, there is a house of gold in the book, there is freedom in the book, and there are thousands of bells in the book friends."

"In the sound of Mr. Li's book, there are bright and righteous paths, allowing those who have lost their way to find the correct way again."

After reading the book, the old audience who often came to follow, gathered together to exchange ideas, and couldn't help sighing unanimously.

Li Changqing never stayed in Lijia'ao Primary School for too long, and returned to the cabin from the back mountain after finishing his studies.

"Qingwa, go to the village and buy some better vegetables and come back!" Liu Cuie called Li Changqing to stop.

"Why, are you here today?" Li Changqing asked.

"Your aunt is not in good health, she will come to live here for a while!" Liu Cuie said worriedly.

"What's the matter, auntie?" Li Changqing stayed in the mountains almost all day, rarely caring about other things.

"I don't know the details. Anyway, I always have insomnia, dreamy dreams, and hair loss."

"Didn't my uncle take my aunt to the hospital?"

"All the people in the city and the province have gone. If you take less medicine, it will not get better!"

"Oh, I see, I'm going to buy vegetables!"

 To start a new plot, spend more time thinking about it

(End of this chapter)

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