Chapter 59
Li Changqing rode a broken motorcycle and went to Lingxia to buy vegetables.

Guyang County, Sunshine Garden, the third floor of a certain building, inside a resident's house.

A tall, middle-aged man with short hair was pacing back and forth in the living room restlessly.

"Old Wu, you are walking around, my eyes are blurry!"

Liu Yulian lay on the sofa with a pale face, the hair on her head was thin, and she said wearily.

"Yanjing may have experts in this field, why don't we go and have a look?"

Wu Xiongbo was a little unwilling, unwilling to give up hope, and persuaded him.

"There are so many hospitals in Jianghan, but no reason has been found out, forget it!"

Liu Yulian started suffering from insomnia, dreaminess and hair loss a month ago, and she has undergone multiple examinations with no results.

"See how haggard you are? How can I have the heart to let you go to the mountains and wait!"

Wu Xiongbo and Liu Yulian are a couple in need, looking at it with some distress.

"Hehe, maybe the environment in the mountains is good, so you can recover by yourself after staying for a while?"

"Hey, go! If it doesn't work, I'll take you to Yanjing!"

Not long after Li Changqing came back from shopping in the countryside in Lingxia, he heard the horn of a car.

"Qingwa, your aunts are here!" Li Dahai shouted outside.

"Uncle, aunt!", Li Changqing went out to say hello.

"Sister, are you feeling better?" Liu Cui'e also came out of the kitchen and asked with concern.

"Still the same, can't sleep, loves to have nightmares, and grabs a lot of hair!" Liu Yulian said helplessly.

"Qingwa, don't mind what happened last time." Wu Xiongbo said in an authentic voice.

"I'll introduce you to someone after my aunt gets better." Liu Yulian squeezed out a smile and said.

"It's okay, you can't force it."

Li Changqing didn't have any feelings for Hu Xiaojing, so he couldn't blame Wu Xiongbo and Liu Yulian.

"Young baby, you have a good friend!" Liu Cui'e said proudly.

"I..." Li Changqing's head was full of black lines, why didn't he know that he had a girlfriend?

"Whose girl is so blessed?" Liu Yulian asked curiously.

"Teacher Shen who came to support education in the city is beautiful!" Liu Cui'e had already identified Shen Ruolin.

"Don't talk nonsense, they are just ordinary friends." Li Changqing said with a smile.

"Xiao Shen often goes to the cabin in the mountains to look for you, what can a lonely man and a widow do?"

There is a saying that it is easy to hide from the obvious, but hard to guard against the dark, Li Dahai said suddenly, and everyone was shocked.

With his current self-cultivation, Li Changqing was speechless, and almost broke his merits directly, and looked at Li Dahai with admiration.

"Hey, speaking of which, is there a master of Chinese studies from Lijia'ao Primary School?"

Wu Xiongbo stayed in the provincial capital for nearly a month, and when he came back, he heard the legend of the sound of books deep in the mountains.

"Master of Chinese Studies? Never heard of it!" Liu Cui'e shook her head and said.

"No way, I heard from a friend that there is a master of Chinese studies reading Confucian classics in Lijia'ao."

"Some people who are not filial can feel filial piety from it, some people who are not good at dealing with others can learn the way of life from it, and some teachers can even learn how to educate students from it!"

"It is said that after the master finished reading the book, he began to sell leeks for 50 yuan a catty, and he often couldn't get them!"

"You said it so well that I almost believed it!"

After Wu Xiongbo returned to Guyang County, the sound of reading in the deep mountains was discussed at the dinner.

But Wu Xiongbo had never seen it with his own eyes, so he didn't quite believe such a miraculous thing.

"Haha, you mean someone who studied in Lijia'ao?" Liu Cuie laughed and said.

"Yes!" Wu Xiongbo replied doubtfully.

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us!" Liu Cui'e pointed at Li Changqing and said.

"Young baby? Are you the legendary master of Chinese studies?" Wu Xiongbo asked in surprise.

"I don't dare to be a master of Chinese studies. I just lead everyone to read books and sell leeks!"

Li Changqing refused to go to the Cultural Square to give lectures, trying to keep a low profile as much as possible but it backfired.

"Are you really that good, boy?" Wu Xiongbo looked at Li Changqing and asked suspiciously.

"Others are exaggerating!" Li Changqing said indifferently.

"It seems that you are really different, no wonder Director Gu invited you to the mountains three times!"

Wu Xiongbo narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Changqingdao, he couldn't imagine that the master of Chinese studies was actually his nephew.

Moreover, it is basically a foregone conclusion for Gu Cunming to become the executive deputy county magistrate, and the road ahead is still broad.

"Hehe, it just happened to be absent the first two times!" Li Changqing said with a slight smile.

"Why would anyone buy your chives for 50 yuan a catty?"

"The chives under Zhong Nanshan can relieve my aunt's condition, so it won't be expensive!"

"Can your leek relieve your aunt's condition?" Wu Xiongbo said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Li Changqing nodded.

There are many causes of hair loss, and Chinese and Western medicine explain them differently.

Western medicine believes that it is related to genetic factors, autoimmunity, chronic poisoning, endocrine dysfunction, low stress ability, lack of trace elements, and excessive mental stress.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, it is due to weak heart-blood and insufficient liver blood, resulting in deficiency of blood and wind, which cannot nourish the skin and hair due to wind, or stagnation of Qi and blood stasis, loss of nourishment, etc.

The specific situation is very complicated and needs to be analyzed from many aspects.

Liu Yulian conducted multiple inspections on the Han River, but failed to find out the root cause.

It can be seen that the condition of the body is very complicated, and it is not caused by one or two reasons.

Leeks can invigorate the spleen and appetizers, invigorate the kidneys and strengthen Qi, and can slightly improve Liu Yulian's physical condition.

"Qingwa, why don't you show Auntie?" Liu Yulian said.

"The hospital uses high-tech equipment for examination. Qingwa has nothing now. What can I do?"

Wu Xiongbo was shocked by the sound of Li Changqing's writing, but he still kept his senses so as not to go to the doctor in a hurry.

Li Changqing used to focus on breast augmentation, which had nothing to do with insomnia, dreaminess, or hair loss.

"You can try it!" Li Changqing nodded.

"Don't you need any equipment?" Wu Xiongbo asked suspiciously.

"Just one pair of hands!" Li Changqing stretched out his right hand and said.

"Your aunt's disease is all inside the body, how do you see it with your hands?"

"Cut the pulse!"

In "Nan Jing" No. 60, a difficult cloud says: Knowing by looking is called god, knowing by hearing is called sage, knowing by asking is called work, and knowing by feeling is called cleverness.What do you mean?

Those who know by looking at it can see its five colors to know its disease.Those who know it by hearing it can hear its five sounds to distinguish its disease.Those who know by asking, ask what they want and the five tastes, so as to know the origin of their disease.Those who know the pulse by feeling the pulse, examine the cunkou, see the deficiency and excess, so as to know the disease, and where the disease is located.The scriptures say that what is known externally is called the sage, and what is known internally is called the god.

From the first chapter to the 22nd difficulty at the beginning of "The Classic of Difficulties", a large space is used to describe the pulse.

Wu Xiongbo heard the light in his eyes, and he had an extravagant hope for a miracle to happen.

Li Changqing used it in practice for the first time after starting his career as a doctor, and tried his best to do his best with concentration.

 It's [-]:[-] in the morning, my God, I wrote this chapter twice, from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning, I don't know how I persisted...

(End of this chapter)

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