Han Shimou

Chapter 108

"The Black Wind Cavalry is under orders! The enemy is half a mile to the south, put your bow and arrow!"

Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at the Langya cavalry guards led by Langya Wuhai who were getting closer and closer.Just when Guan Yu saw that the distance was right, he was about to issue the command to shoot from the back.

Suddenly, the weather was not good, and a violent northwest wind blew, blowing the grass one after another on the prairie to bend down to the ground.Guan Yu frowned, the northwest wind was blowing fiercely, if he shot upwards at this time, not only would he not injure the enemy, but the trajectory would be changed by the wind direction, and the shot would instead hit his side.As for the flat shot, there are too many cavalry guards in Langya, and the flat shot needs to be aimed at a short distance. I am afraid that they will be charged by them and break up the formation, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Guan Yu was frowning and thinking, and so was Wen Han. As soon as he felt the northwest wind, he knew that something was wrong.As soon as the northwest wind came, it was equivalent to restricting the skill of shooting from the back, which is the most suitable skill for consuming the enemy's troops.As for flat shooting, it is not suitable for use when the enemy has twice as many troops as the own, otherwise it is easy to be charged by the enemy.

Langya Tiewei was getting closer and closer, Langya Wuhai shouted in Qiang language at the front, probably saying some threatening or insulting words.

Suddenly, Wen Han had a flash of inspiration, and immediately gritted his teeth and made up his mind, ordering.

"The whole army obeys the order, go to the wolf god!"

Wen Han came out of the wolf vein, and after occupying the small tribe, he learned from some of the Langya people that the difficult mountain range that seems to have endless wolves living together is called the wolf vein.When Wen Han heard it at the time, he also thought it was appropriate.In that mountain range, the wolf is the most powerful animal.Unless hundreds of thousands of soldiers are going to sweep up immediately, they should avoid the limelight.

When Hei Fengqi heard this, a trace of fear flashed across the faces of many soldiers.As if hearing it again, the terrifying and incessant howl of the wolf sounded again.Some people in Heifengqi are still in a daze, but most of them have already started to follow the three generals Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Gao Shun.

Those dazed people heard the movement, quickly squeezed out the thought of fear, and followed.Langya Wuhai, who was leading the Langya cavalry guards in pursuit, saw Wenhan's army started to run again, so he quickly ordered to speed up, and the whole army hurriedly chased after him.Until Langya Wuhai saw that Wen Han led his soldiers to immediately attack the wolf spirit.

Langya Wuhai was startled suddenly, pulled back the horse and sat down, looking at the black and boundless mountain not far in front of him, his face constantly changed, sometimes fearful, sometimes unwilling, sometimes angry.The Langya cavalry guards under his command all showed fear.

Several Langya generals opened their mouths, wanting to persuade Langya Wuhai not to chase after them, but they also thought that there were three clan elders in the hands of this Han army. Responsible, even their subordinates have to be implicated to a certain extent.

"Chasing! Erma Ling is willing to face the wolves of the wolf god veins, but also unwilling to face the furious Langya Wutian!"

Suddenly, Langya Wuhai straightened his face and made up his mind.Flicking the whip again, he took the lead and ran towards the wolf god.When Langya's cavalry guards saw the general moving, they all understood his intentions, all of them looked vigilant, followed closely behind one after another with a slight timid look.After a while, they got on the wolf vein together.


Half an hour later, Langya Wuhai led Langya's cavalry guards up to the halfway up the mountain, when he heard several wolves howling, and huge black shadows were constantly running around.There was a constant sound of shaking branches and leaves in the woods.Langya Wuhai didn't say a word, with a cold face, the leader kept pushing forward, walking a bumpy slope.

At the top of this sloping hill, Wen Han, Guan Yu, Gao Shun, and a group of Hei Fengqi were looking down coldly. The three clan elders who were captured by Guan Yu and Gao Shun had their mouths gagged and covered with cloth. Eyes, but ears unplugged.When they heard the high and low howl of the wolf, they knew that the place they were in must be the forbidden land of the wolf god.I was so frightened that I almost lost control, my soul flew away, and my body was shaking violently.Guan Yu and Gao Shun thought they were bothersome and trembling uncomfortably, so they gave each of them a knife and knocked the three elders unconscious to avoid trouble.

Suddenly, Guan Yu waved his hand!Two thousand and eight hundred Heifeng cavalry immediately set up their bows and arrows, bent down and aimed at the Langya cavalry guards led by Langya Wuhai below.Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the shooting range, the [-] black wind riders were all sweating profusely and extremely nervous without exception.

They are not nervous because they are afraid of missing the enemy or that they will engage the enemy next.The Black Wind Riders have gone through dozens of battles, and have fought many hard battles. They will never be nervous because of the above reasons.What they were nervous about was that they were going to violate the taboo of the wolf god.That is, there must be no slightest smell of blood from the wolf veins.Otherwise, there will be endless wolves attacking all over the mountains and plains.

And Langya Wuhai who was below was also anxious in his heart, seeing this taboo, if he was usually calm, he would definitely not lead the army to this wolf vein.Even if he had no choice but to go, he would not choose the time of night.The fighting power of the wolves at night can be said to have increased several times, all because it is difficult for people to see the scene in front of them in this mountain forest where they can't reach their fingers, but animals like wolves can't. They are familiar with the mountains and can see at night. Clear all, the speed is more agile.


Langya Wuhai was startled by another roar of wolves without warning.

"Heifeng Cavalry is under orders! Shoot down!"

Swallowing, that is, leaning over and shooting arrows from a high place.Most suitable for fighting in the mountains.Among the skills of riding and shooting, the downward shooting is not as far away as the upward shooting, and it is not as lethal as the flat shooting, but its coverage and speed are the strongest.

At this moment, on the top of the inclined hillside, only the voice of the majestic order was heard, but no one was seen.Afterwards, countless bowstrings were plucked again and again, Langya Wuhai opened his mouth, his heart beat up his throat, and looked at the height of the slope.I saw many unknown objects falling rapidly, covering the entire line of sight in front of Langya Wuhai.


This was Langya Wuhai's first thought.

"Back off!"

Then came the thought.Langya Wuhai had a second thought, and immediately drank it.Langya's cavalry guards were densely packed and wanted to retreat, but in this hazy mountain forest, the retreat was in disarray. In addition, the unknown object's speed was astonishingly fast due to the falling force.

Huh huh huh huh.

Countless arrows pierced through the air and fell densely, a large rain of arrows covered all Langya cavalry guards.Although the accuracy was not high, it completely disrupted its formation. The formation of Langya cavalry guards was completely disrupted, and many of them were hit by arrows.The smell of fresh blood, one after another, slowly spread out.It's like, bleeding in a vampire's den.It is a fatal temptation, a kind of suicide.

"Three rounds of diving! Retreat immediately!"

Guan Yu could hear the commotion around him getting louder and louder, and the sound of wolves' hooves seemed to be everywhere, coming from all directions.Following Guan Yu's order, Heifengqi fired three more rounds of arrows neatly.At this time, Langya's cavalry guards had already lost their formation, and the three rounds of arrows fired together took away many lives, pools of blood-red blood seemed to be teasing the limits of the wolves' endurance.The sound of the hungry wolves baring their teeth and grinning around them touched people's heartstrings.

"Go! Go! If you slow down, it will be too late!"

Wen Han's pupils dilated suddenly, and he could feel countless pairs of green wolf eyes staring at his army.Wen Han quickly ordered to turn the horse's head and lead the whole army to the secret path of the wolf's vein.Everyone in Wen Hanjun has experienced the strength of the wolves in this wolf spirit vein, and knows what kind of tragedy will happen, so they dare not stay for a second.

They all followed Wen Han. Wen Han traveled through the forest and mountains based on his memory, and encountered several packs of wolves among them. He didn't dare not have any contact with them.And these wolves, as beasts, can judge where the prey is the most attractive at this time.The bloody smell coming from not far away was constantly stimulating their nerves, and instead of chasing Wen Han's army, they ran towards the sitting position of Langya Wuhai's army.





A pack of wolves howled one after another, and the sound of wolves' hooves was getting closer and closer, from all directions, giving Langya Wuhai a feeling that everything was in danger.Only now did he remember the taboo of the wolf spirit vein, his heart shrank with fright, and he just wanted to shout.It was discovered that the Langya cavalry guards in the back were constantly retreating.Langya Wuhai looked over, and was startled again, the ramp behind was densely packed with huge wolves, all of them were drooling, and their eyes were glinting.

"Ahhh. There are also here!"

Langya Wuhai's heart tightened, when he heard a cry coming from ahead, he looked ahead again.I saw that the ramp ahead was also crowded with packs of wolves, seemingly endless, and the number was innumerable.

"Ah. Help. There are both left and right!"

On the left and right sides of this slope, there are high slopes of mountain gorge.Langya Wuhai's eyes became more and more desperate, first he looked to the left, a horizontal line at the left mountain gorge was full of big wolves, and then he looked at the right mountain gorge as well!A horizontal line, a row and a row are all animals, wolves!big wolf!

The big wolves approaching in groups.It was the first time in Langya Wuhai's life that he felt what is called the fear of despair. Now he has to make a decision immediately. If he can break through the wolves, he may have a chance.However, this Langya cavalry guard seems to be annihilated here.

"The whole army obeys orders! Break through to the rear! Immediately!"

Langya Wuhai turned his horse's head and launched an attack first. He galloped up to a big wolf and stabbed him to death with a single shot.The big wolf struggled violently before it died, and the blood that flowed from the big wolf's body aroused the killing intent of the wolves behind.All of a sudden, they moved together and launched an attack. In an instant, five or six big wolves rushed towards Langya Wuhai.Langya Wuhai fought hard and fought with him.At this moment, the Langya cavalry guard also realized, and hurried over to join the fight.The pack of wolves in the back, one after another, galloped one after another, the more wolves sacrificed, the next wolves became off-road!

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