Han Shimou

Chapter 109 Capture

At this time, the wolves in the front, left, and right sides, fearing that they would be slow and eat less human flesh, swarmed away in dense numbers.The shadows of wolves are all over the mountains and plains, and the number of them cannot be counted.The howl of the wolf was loud and high-pitched, non-stop, firmly suppressing the killing cries of the Langya people.Almost every Langya person has to face the pounce of five or six big wolves, the whole body is covered with wolf claws and bloody mouths left by wolf mouths, and some people have almost half of their body flesh, which was bitten off, and bled to death. .

The endless big wolves either bit people or bit the horses that sat down on them. The horses neighed in pain continuously. In just half a stick of incense, more than half of the horses were killed by the wolves.Langya Wuhai led the Langya cavalry guards, broke through less than [-] meters away, and was killed by the wolves back.Langya Wuhai saw with his own eyes that a general Langya, who was unable to support himself, was bitten off his horse by dozens of wolves, his head and limbs were instantly bitten off, and his death was extremely terrifying.


Suddenly, several packs of big wolves rushed over, and the entire wolf veins were covered by the strong smell of blood.Langya Wuhai didn't know how many wolves he had killed. He saw that the soldiers and horses under his command were getting fewer and fewer, while the pack of wolves was getting more and more.The despair in his eyes has become numb, and he hacked to death another big wolf that rushed at him, and the iron gun in his hand snapped with a bang.Then dozens of big wolves rushed forward, biting Langya Wuhai's upper body, limbs and the horse he was sitting on. Langya Wuhai fell off the horse. The pieces of meat were bitten piece by piece, Langya Wuhai kept screaming until he died.The Langya Iron Guard under his command also survived for less than half an hour, and all of them were swallowed up by the wolves.Blood, minced meat, and human bones were all over the ground. Afterwards, the wolves competed for food, and several groups of wolves who smelled the blood came and joined the queue for food.

Wen Han's whole army came down all the way, listening to the terrifying wolf howling, fighting, and meat-eating sounds, everyone was frightened into a cold sweat.The terrifyingly strong smell of blood made people smell it, as if they felt like they were covered in blood.If you lick it, it will taste like blood.Rao Wenhan, Guan Yu, and Gao Shun are famous for their boldness, there are few people in the world who make them fearful, and their heartbeats are so fast that they swallow their saliva from time to time.

"Listening to the sound, I guess the number of wolves has reached more than [-]!"

"That's right. About [-] Langya people, I think all of them have become the food in the stomachs of those wolves at this time. This wolf god is indeed the first forbidden place in the Qianghu territory. After tonight, I think it will increase again." It’s a bit of a reputation. And we have learned that there is a secret path, otherwise we will not be able to escape tonight.”

Guan Yu and Gao Shun looked back, each sighing differently.Hei Fengqi and his group listened, and unconsciously nodded in agreement.The roar of the wolf still rang in their ears, which made some people shrink back unknowingly, and looked around vigilantly to see if there were any wolf shadows, and they felt relieved when they found out.

"It is not a pity for these Langya people to die! At present, all 6000 people have been killed by the wolves of the wolf gods. I think there must be not many people left behind in the base camp. Headquarters!"

When Wen Han thought of the cannibal banquet, his face became cold and heartless, and he had no sympathy for those Langya people who were preyed upon by wolves.After ordering in a cold voice, he led the way and ran in front, passing through forest after forest, and after half an hour, the wolf spirit vein came out.At this time, the sound of the wolves biting and roaring was still ringing, thinking that tonight would be a sleepless feast for them.

Wen Han squinted his eyes and looked back, with an inexplicable expression, and wiped the map on his chest.In my heart, I thanked cautiously, Zhang Ping was protected by the spirit of heaven.If you want to count, this map has saved Wen Han's soldiers and horses of the Han army twice, once when he first got on the wolf spirit vein, and once again to lead this Langya man up the mountain tonight and avoid the pack of wolves.

At the same time, the Langya base camp tribe on the other side.The three elders, the fifth elder, the sixth elder, the seventh elder, and the eighth elder are now the five most noble people in the headquarters.The clothes they put on are full of expensive gold silk clothes, which are all purchased from the distant Han territory, and ordinary people without status are not allowed to wear them.They stood at Zhongyang Square in the base camp, surrounded by Langya soldiers.

Two hours ago, they were hiding in their own tent, when they heard the roar of the wolf god veins, they all ran out in fright, and ordered all the soldiers guarding the tribe to come over to protect them.The seemingly unstoppable howl of wolves made them tremble uncontrollably, thinking that the pack of wolves with the wolf spirit veins was violent and was going down the mountain to attack people.At the same time, he was also thinking why Langya Wuhai hadn't decided the outcome with the Han army and led the troops back.It stands to reason that Langya Wuhai leads the Langya Clan's most elite unit, the Langya Cavalry Guards.Its number is twice that of the Han army.It should be able to return triumphantly soon.

Could it be that this has something to do with the rampage of wolves in the wolf vein?

This thought just flashed through the minds of the five elders.Suddenly, not far away, they saw a cavalry rushing quickly.They couldn't help but look happy, and they were about to go to greet him.


Unexpectedly, they led the Langya soldiers behind them halfway.The cavalry suddenly shot lightning-like arrows in unison. Many Langya soldiers couldn't sense it, and fell down when they were hit by the arrows. Around the five elders, arrows passed through continuously, and blood flowers bloomed one after another. , splattered their fine clothes with blood.The five elders all stared wide-eyed, staring at the Han army rushing in, shooting arrows and killing people continuously.

"Langya Wuhai lost! The six thousand Langya cavalry guards lost!"

This unbelievable thought occupied the minds of these five elders.Two thousand and eight hundred black wind riders, led by Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Gao Shun, fired three rounds with flat shots, and after killing seven or eight hundred Langya soldiers, they began to charge and fight.After those Langya soldiers reacted, some chose to fight against them, while others lost the courage to fight again and fled in all directions.The five elders also wanted to escape, they used their fleshless arms like chicken bones to grab the Langya soldiers who passed by them, and screamed sharply, asking them to protect them from danger.These Langya soldiers, at this time, only had the idea of ​​running for their lives, no matter how noble they are, they tried their best to shake off their hands, and then fled.

The five Langya elders had no choice but to spontaneously form a team of five and flee towards the back door of the tribe.It's just that they were not far away when they were blocked by a big red-faced man.They can recognize the red face, and their two brothers in his hands and on the mount.The five Langya elders were so frightened that their faces turned blue, they turned around and fled, but just as they turned around, they were paralyzed to the ground.I saw the heroic young man with a tiger-headed silver gun in one hand looking at them with a sneer.That smile, like the laugh of Hell Shura, sent chills down their spines.

"Don't kill Erma! Erma is a valuable person. Also, Erma knows that there are still those powerful people in this base camp, even the wives and children of Erma's patriarch Langya Wutian. Erma can Take you to find it!"

"That's right. Erma can take you to find it! Erma can dedicate all the treasures in this base camp to you. I just ask my lord to spare Brother Erma's life!"

The three elders and the fifth elder, these two old slickers, knew how to save their lives, and immediately revealed their most valuable chips.With disdain all over his face, Wen Han raised his tiger-headed silver spear, motioning for them to lead the way.Half an hour later, all the soldiers who resisted in the Langya base camp were killed, and because most of the tribes living in the base camp were powerful and well-known people, unlike other tribes, most of them were civilians.These nobles in Langya didn't resist at all, they knelt down and begged for mercy.

Under the identification of Langya Five Elders, Wen Hanjun captured batch after batch of Langya dignitaries, including Langya Wutian's wives, concubines, and children.Langya Wutian has a main wife and three concubines, all of them are charming and charming, with big eyes and watery eyes, and they are all about 25 to [-] years old.There is a five-year-old boy, a three-year-old daughter, and a newborn baby boy.

Langya Wutian's children were tightly hugged and surrounded by his four wives and concubines, fearing that Wen Han's army would suddenly kill them and hurt the children.They are well aware of the deep blood feud between the Qiang and Hu people and the Han people.At this time, the cauldron placed in the central square looked particularly ironic.Sometimes Langya Wutian's wives and concubines would be terrified when they saw it unconsciously, thinking that if the Han army wanted to use their own body to retaliate against their own ways, then what should they do.

Those Han slaves in the Langya main camp, since they saw the Han army rushing, captured the three elders of the Langya tribe, led the six thousand Langya cavalry guards out of the camp, and then charged again like heavenly soldiers and generals. Come back and occupy this Langya base camp.The eyes that were originally dead were constantly glowing with bursts of brilliance.In the end, after confirming that the Han army really occupied the Langya base camp, most of them did not cheer loudly, but knelt down on their knees sincerely, kowtowing to the position of the big man.Some people even wept loudly, crying miserably and presumptuously.It seems to be crying and venting with all the strength in my body.

Wen Han looked at the surrounding scene, squinting his eyes, as if he was about to be unable to suppress the Shura demon in his heart, and his hostility disappeared.The hundreds of dignitaries in Langya who were kneeling behind him were all trembling, wishing to spend all their family property to coax these Han people, and stop irritating the general of the Han army with the cry of his father and mother who had just died.Gao Shun ran back and forth for several laps, and after roughly counting the results of the battle, he returned to Wen Han to report.

"Report to Wen Sima. In the Langya base camp, 280 guards, including the guards, were all killed. Dozens of our army were slightly injured, but none were killed. [-] Langya dignitaries were captured, and eight of them were Langya elders. , the head of the Langya clan, Langya Wutian, has four wives and concubines, and three sons and daughters. Countless gold, silver and jewels were seized."

"Well. Most of these gold, silver and jewels are heavy and inconvenient to carry. Later, you will ask Heifeng's subordinates to get them as much as possible, but be careful not to take too much, which hinders their skills. All the rest will be shared with the Han people."

"Yes. I understand!"

"Also. Among these 280 dignitaries, except for Langya Wutian's wives and concubines, as long as they are women, they will all set up wooden platforms for me. Let me cook that cauldron!"

Wen Han has been adhering to humanitarianism all the way down, and he doesn't want to do things that are too extreme, so that his reason is occupied by the demon Shura in his heart.But this time he really couldn't help it. Seeing the scene of the cannibal banquet with his own eyes made the demon Shura in Wenhan's heart infinitely stronger.If Wen Han doesn't take some action, I'm afraid he will be suffocated by his evil thoughts.

"Ah!!!!!! Don't~!!!"

"Please!! I beg you, officials! Erma can serve you!!! You can ask Erma to do anything!!! As long as you don't let Erma cook the dishes for the cannibal banquet!!"

"Kill Erma. God damn Han people! You killed Erma! Otherwise, Erma will curse you, and the Han people, the Han nationality will be wiped out by the barbarians one day. The men will be slaves and the women will be prostitutes!!!! !"

"Shut up! You disobedient girl, how dare you provoke a Han general! You want to kill your father! God general, Erma is a disobedient woman who is ignorant, so don't get angry."

At this time, Wen Han only had the face of a demon Shura, smiling coldly.With a wave of his hand, hundreds of Black Wind Riders swarmed up, and tied them up one by one amidst the screams of these Langya female dignitaries who were terrified.Suddenly, puddles of yellow water were sprinkled on the ground at unknown times, exuding the smell of sheep.

There were five or six powerful women, incontinent.

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