Han Shimou

Chapter 1303 The Evil Wind

() Jiang Wei's complexion changed, he twisted his halberd and waved it wildly, sweeping away the Wu soldiers who were approaching from all directions. In the blink of an eye, two Wu generals rushed towards him, one from the left and the other from the right.The general on the left is Zhu Ran, and the general on the right is Quan Cong.Without any fear, Jiang Wei gave a loud shout and met the two of them. Zhu Ran brandished his spear and Quan Cong swung his saber.On the other side, Lu Meng led a group of horsemen to gallop, and suddenly turned out from the intersection, blocking Cao Cao's way.Cao Cao's complexion changed drastically, and he saw Lu Meng's eyes were extremely red, and he shouted with endless resentment and murderous intent.

"Old thief Cao!! Take your life!!!"

Behind Lv Meng suddenly appeared a giant god wearing blue armor and holding a jug gun, as if becoming one, he charged towards Cao Cao on his horse.Lu Meng knew that this was a great opportunity to bring Soochow back to life. If Cao Cao could be killed, the Wei army would be in chaos, and they would be defeated if they did not attack, and they would retreat in embarrassment soon!Therefore, as soon as Lu Meng came, he used his ultimate move, and he must demand a one-hit kill!

"Zhang Junyi is here, Lu Ziming is going to be presumptuous!!"

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Jaw galloped from Cao Cao's side, and behind him appeared a huge blue lion.After a while, the two crossed horses, their guns collided, and saw the green armored giant god and the blue wild lion fighting together impressively.The green-armored giant swung his spear fiercely, and the blue-colored wild lion, with raging flames all over its body, kept rushing towards the green-armored giant with its fangs and claws. . .

With a loud bang like the earth cracking and the sky falling, the wind and dust suddenly rolled up, Zhang Jaw and Lu Meng retreated and flew away almost at the same time.He opened his jaw with an uh sound, a trace of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, and shouted anxiously.

"Your Majesty, withdraw quickly, there will be an end here!!"

With Zhang Jaw's shout, Cao Cao was startled, he reined in his horse and ran away.The wind and dust dispersed, Lu Meng's eyes were red and red, his face was extremely red, blood was filled between the five fingers of his right hand, and drops of blood flowed from the spear in Lu Meng's hand.The eyes of the two met, and they uttered the word 'kill' together, and then they rode their horses and entangled each other again.Seven or eight cavalrymen behind Zhang Jai, as well as dozens of cavalry led by Lu Meng also quickly fought into a group.

Let's say that Cao Cao led a dozen cavalry to escape, and fled in embarrassment in the direction of the camp.Suddenly, Cao Cao's heart skipped a beat, a gust of cold wind blew past, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.At the sudden moment, as if in response to Cao Cao's premonition, there was an earth-shattering shout of killing from the high slope on the right.I saw a fierce man wearing red armor and holding a big knife, leading troops from the high slope to kill him.Cao Cao looked around and soon recognized that fierce general as Ding Chengyuan, one of the generals of Eastern Wu Huben.


"Where is the evil coming from, save me quickly!!!"

At such a critical time, Dian Wei was the first thing Cao Cao thought of, and now he regretted that he didn't bring Dian Wei with him.Cao Cao cried out repeatedly, and several cold arrows shot from behind.Cao Cao hurriedly turned around and swung his sword to resist. After the sound of "bang bang bang" repeatedly, his body was in a mess, and he fell off his horse and rolled to the ground, screaming repeatedly.At this time Ding Feng had already killed through the crowd, and was chasing after him, when he saw Cao Cao fell off his horse, he was overjoyed and laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha!! Old thief Cao, you will kill yourself if you do too much unrighteousness!! God accepts you!!!"

Ding Feng galloped wildly with murderous aura, and the flame ghost behind him shot flames all over his body, as if hissing and roaring, extremely ferocious.At this critical moment, a ray of light shot across the sky like a thunderbolt, so fast that it was impossible to catch it.When Ding Feng opened his eyes in a hurry, he saw that the light was a short halberd, shooting towards it with bursts of frightening cold light.Ding Feng was so frightened that his heart jumped, and he hurriedly swung his knife to chop it off. The moment the knife collided with the short halberd, a dragon image appeared in front of his eyes. , the body swayed, and almost fell off the horse.When Ding Feng regained his composure, he saw one member wearing black armor, with endless evil spirits all over his body, as if he was born with it, a pair of evil eyes made people tremble.

"Dian E is here!! Who dares to hurt my Great Wei Emperor!!"

It is Dian Wei who is talking.It turned out that Dian Wei Yiling was patrolling in the village, and suddenly he felt trembling and frightened. Hearing that Cao Cao, Jiang Wei, and Zhang Jai went out to inquire about the enemy's situation again, they always frowned. He ordered to guard the camp, so he led dozens of tiger guards out of the camp to look for Cao Cao.

Strange to say, Cao Cao and Dian Wei had a tacit understanding, when Dian Wei arrived nearby, he heard a cry of surprise, it was Cao Cao's call.Knowing that Cao Cao was in danger, Dian Wei rode his horse and galloped to rescue him.

But Cao Cao felt relieved when he saw Dian Wei coming, Dian Wei hurriedly dismounted to help Cao Cao, then knelt down and shouted.

"The guilty minister came too late to save me, and I hope His Majesty will forgive me!!"

"Get up quickly when the evil comes. If you hadn't arrived in time this time, I would have died!! You have made great achievements, and you should be rewarded heavily. What crime is there!?"

While Cao Cao was speaking, Ding Feng swung his sword and ordered soldiers and horses to surround and kill him.Cao Cao heard the shouts of killing, but he didn't panic at all, as if even if the sky fell, he would be safe and sound with Dian Wei by his side.

"Evil is coming, the Wu thief is rampant, drive it away for me!!"

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes as if he could swallow the sky, and waved his hand.With a loud shout, Dian Wei accepted the order, raised his two halberds and rushed to block the front.A number of Wu soldiers charged towards Dian Wei, striding like flying, holding his halberds to meet him. While waving a pair of iron halberds, several people fell off their horses, and blood suddenly appeared. Cao Cao slowly got on his horse, with a calm expression, and looked at Dian Wei coldly. fight.Seeing that Dian Wei was killing faster and faster, he rushed into the crowd of Wu soldiers alone, and his halberds danced like two whirlwinds.Seeing that Dian Wei is so powerful, Ding Feng was already thinking of retreating.At this time, I saw a group of dozens of cavalrymen coming behind Cao Cao. I knew that it was hopeless to kill Cao Cao, so I didn't dare to hesitate, so I shouted loudly, reined in my horse and fled.Ding Feng fled, and the rest of the tribe didn't dare to fight Dian Wei again, they fled one after another.Dian Wei hurried forward, chopped off a horse with a halberd, and the blood rained violently, Dian Wei was covered in red, when he wanted to chase him again, Cao Cao stopped Dian Wei and said in a cold voice.

"The Wu thief is familiar with the terrain, so it's hard to catch up. Mu Yi and Boyue rescued me, but they were surrounded by Wu soldiers. Go and rescue them first if evil comes to you!"

Hearing this, Dian Wei's expression froze, he bowed his hands to accept the order, and then jumped on the claw Huang Feidian, leading the dozens of followers to drive away.As for Cao Cao, he rushed back to the village with the rest of the dozen or so cavalry.

Dian Wei rode his horse and galloped all the way towards the place where the shouts of killing were heard, and after a while he rushed to Zhang Jai's place, just as he saw Zhang Jai being killed by Lu Mengwei, he yelled and crashed into the crowd.Seeing Dian Wei's attack, Lu Meng's complexion changed drastically, he was startled and disappointed at the same time, probably expecting that Ding Feng didn't succeed, so he shouted angrily, he didn't dare to make more troubles, and led his troops back quickly.

Dian Wei rescued Zhang Jaw, killed the rest of the crowd, and rushed to Jiang Wei's place together.When Dian Wei and Zhang Jai arrived, they saw Jiang Wei, one man and one cavalry, coming and going like the wind in the Chaos of Wu Bing, rushing from left to right, as if entering a land of no one, Wu Bing generals couldn't stop him at all. From time to time, it shows a golden roc and a big bird, which is extremely brave.Dian Wei and Zhang Jai were amazed to see that Jiang Wei has such superb martial arts at such a young age.

"Haha! It seems that my younger brother Jiang is not an ordinary person! Given time, he will become a great weapon!!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Jai also nodded secretly, and strange colors flashed in his eyes.At this moment, Zhu Ran was in the army of Wu Bing, and suddenly heard a burst of laughter not far away. Seeing the two generals Dian Wei and Zhang Jaw, he was startled, quickly reined in his horse, and chased Jiang Wei Quan Cong shouted loudly and told him to retreat.When Quan Cong heard this, he was very angry and hated, but he knew it was powerful, so he didn't dare to hesitate, so he quickly reined in his horse and left.Seeing that Zhu Ran and Quan Cong were about to flee, Dian Wei and Zhang Jai hurried forward on horseback. After fighting for a while, hundreds of Wu soldiers lost most of them, and Zhu Ran and Quan Cong fled away with only a hundred men and horses.

But when Dian Wei, Zhang Ja, and Jiang Wei led their troops back to the stronghold, it was already night shift.Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard that the three had returned, and rewarded them heavily.Cao Cao escaped a catastrophe, but because he was not familiar with the terrain, he was repeatedly frustrated, so he taught his soldiers to watch around, and made detailed maps in various dangerous positions.

Nanchang City was in a hurry to get down, Cao Cao dared not move, and took trees from the mountains to secretly build a ladder.Since then, the two sides have refused each other for more than ten days, but they have not fought.

The morale of the Wei soldiers became more and more depressed after the war was not carried out for several days, and a lot of food and grass were burned by the Soochow army before, and the morale of the soldiers was unstable.One day in Cao Cao's barracks, a group of civil and military soldiers sat on their seats and were discussing the war.Xia Houyuan was anxious, and said in attendance.

"Your Majesty! So far, the battle in Nanchang has been delayed for a long time, and the morale of the army is broken. If you continue to stand still, sooner or later, something will happen!! I hope that your Majesty will issue an order soon, and the final general is willing to go forward and fight to the end!!"

As soon as Xia Houyuan finished speaking, Zhang Jai, Xia Houmao, Cao Zhen and other generals also came out one after another, begging for orders to fight.Cao Cao just smiled and said nothing.Suddenly Jiang Wei asked to see him from outside the tent, Cao Cao's face was overjoyed, and he quickly summoned him in. After Jiang Wei entered the tent, after worshiping, he whispered a few words in Cao Cao's ear.Cao Cao laughed out loud and talked to the generals.

"The so-called preparedness. I don't know the importance of the war, but I have made preparations in secret. Now I know the dangerous places tens of miles away in Nanchang, and I have ordered the soldiers to draw detailed maps. In addition, during the past ten days, there are hundreds of ladders. Now I want to take this city of Nanchang, so why is it so difficult!? Pass on my orders, the three armies are ready, but follow the orders, and the army will fight tomorrow, and all the troops must advance bravely, but those who retreat will be dealt with by military law!! "

As soon as Cao Cao's words fell, all the generals showed joy, and they took orders one after another, and each went to dispatch.That night, after all the generals had been dispatched, Cao Cao summoned all the generals to set up their accounts.

But the other side is in Nanchang City.Seeing that Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops had been stationed outside Nanchang for a long time, Sun Quan felt uneasy, so he discussed with all the civil and military personnel.

The next person in the hall, wearing silver armor and a white robe, with a handsome face, was Lu Xun.Lu Xun's eyes sparkled, and he told Sun Quan.

"The last general heard about it and reported it in detail. During the past ten days or so, the soldiers of Wei scattered everywhere and made detailed maps at various key points outside Nanchang City. The old thief Cao has always been treacherous. He was repeatedly frustrated because he was not familiar with the terrain. Now The old thief has already taken precautions. Our army must not act rashly again, so as not to fall into the tricks of the old thief. The old thief also ordered the soldiers to build ladders, so that the Wei army is fully armed and will attack the city sooner or later!!"

Hearing this, Sun Quan's heart trembled, his blue eyes narrowed into a thin line, his brows were deeply furrowed, he looked around at the ministers, and asked in a deep voice.

"Just like Bo Yan said. What if the other army attacked the city with ladders!?"

When Lu Meng heard the words, he came out with emotion, his face was cold, and he said in a cold voice.

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