Han Shimou

Chapter 1304 Cao Cao provokes Sun Quan

() "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. If Wei Kou uses a ladder to attack the city, we can quickly prepare fire starters such as fish oil and saltpeter. When Wei Kou gets close to the ladder and set it on fire, Wei Kou will definitely be defeated!!"

Sun Quan's face brightened when he heard this, and he clapped his palms and said hello.At this moment, Gu Yong attended with a frown and said.

"But old thief Cao has always been familiar with the art of war. Don't you know how to use ladders to attack the city, and take precautions first!? I'm afraid that the old thief has hidden schemes in the dark!! You must guard against it!!"

As soon as Gu Yong said this, the hall suddenly became silent.Sun Quan frowned more and more tightly, then looked at Lu Su who had been silent all the time, and asked in a concentrated voice.

"According to the chief inspector's opinion, what should we do?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Things on the battlefield are changing rapidly. We, the generals and counselors, will work together, perform our duties, and adapt to the situation. With the danger of Nanchang, we will not be afraid of the Wei invaders!!"

Lu Su's face was solemn, and his words were clanging. Sun Quan's heart grew stronger when he heard it, his blue eyes shone brightly, and he slapped the table and nodded in response. . .

"What the governor said is true. Although Wei Kou's soldiers are strong, but we are the heroes of Eastern Wu Juncai. If we can unite as one and fight to the death, what fear will Wei Kou have!?"

After Sun Quan finished speaking, Lu Meng, Lu Su, Ding Feng, Zhu Ran, Quan Cong and other officers and men, as well as Gu Yong, Bu Zhi and other counselors attended, all knelt down and shouted at the same time.

"The ministers must use all their strength to repel the Wei Kou!!"

One night passed, and the next day, Asahi was promoted.With the beating and drumming of Wei Jun's Dazhai, the three links were fired in succession, and the army moved wildly. Nearly 16 troops marched all over the mountains and plains to Nanchang City.The waves of shouts and killings shook the heavens and the earth.The Wu soldiers at the north gate of Nanchang City saw the mountains and forests in front of them, banners and flags all over the sky, swords and guns shielding the sun, and people's heads swarming, full of Wei soldiers and horses. The faces of all the Wu soldiers changed drastically with fright, and their hearts jumped with fear.Zhu Ran, the guard of the north gate, saw that the Wei army gathered troops to kill them at the north gate, so he hurriedly reported to Sun Quan.Sun Quan heard this, and led the generals to come. When Sun Quan arrived, he saw Wei soldiers in the city seven or eight miles away, arranged in formation, and divided into four groups according to the team and color.I saw that the red army of the former army was led by Zhang Jaw, the left and right wings were green and soap, the green army was led by Xia Houyuan, and the soap army was led by Jiang Wei.Cao Cao led the black army himself and stayed in the rear.There are [-] soldiers and horses in each department, and they move according to the drum order, and each takes a position.Let’s talk about Jiang Wei’s young age, and he became an official not long ago, but he has repeatedly set up a joint attack. When he first came to the army, he offered advice and saw through Lu Xun’s plan to rob and gather Tieshan. Later, he offered advice to Dianwei and successfully intercepted Gan Ning .Not long ago, he made meritorious deeds as an escort, and was granted a high position by Cao Cao, and now he is able to unify the army himself.It can be seen how much Cao Cao attaches importance to Jiang Wei.Of course, Jiang Wei's ability is extraordinary, and more importantly, he is Guo Jia's disciple.Cao Cao knew Guo Jia's way of knowing people very well, if Jiang Wei was a foolish idiot, or a person with evil intentions, Guo Jia would never accept him as his disciple.Moreover, Guo Jia also had a word with Cao Cao that Jiang Wei's character is loyal, affectionate and righteous, and he will repay the kindness of dripping water.At the time of parting, Guo Jia even had something in his words, implying that if he passed away, Jiang Wei's talent would be enough to assist Cao Cao for him.The relationship between Cao Cao and Guo Jia is extraordinary, so I naturally keep it in mind, and sometimes Jiang Wei is regarded as Guo Jia's shadow, of course, these are digressions.

Back to the story.At present, there are only 16 Wei troops, each according to the team, forming a formation, beating drums and three links, and the sound of shouting and killing suddenly resounds, and the soldiers of all ministries hold their weapons high.Cao Cao rode his horse and galloped from the rear army to under the banner of the front army gate, shouting loudly, telling Sun Quan to come out and answer.Sun Quan heard it from the city, his face was cold, and he snorted coldly, so he went down to the city, took two generals Lu Meng and Ding Feng, and hundreds of cavalry, and rushed out of the city gate. Sun Quan was not afraid of Cao Cao ordering his troops to attack suddenly.

Seeing Sun Quan galloping out of the city, Cao Cao's face was startled, he rode his horse for a few feet, and shouted loudly.

"Bi Yaner, you are exhausted, why don't you surrender to me. As long as you serve Dongwu in the dark, I will return your status, and you can still be alone in Dongwu, and preserve your father and brother's foundation!!"

Sun Quan's face froze when he heard this, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.At this time, Lu Meng, who was beside him, hurriedly persuaded him.

"The king must not fall for the tricks of the old thief. If the king surrenders to Wei, all the officials like us can keep their wealth, but the king will be humiliated!!"

When Sun Quan heard this, his eyes widened suddenly, and he asked in a cold voice.

"Ziming, why do you say that?!"

Lu Meng's face was full of emotion, his eyes flickered, and he said in a concentrated voice.

"If Meng and others descended to Cao Wei, they should return to the township party with Meng and others, secretly monitor, and teach the ministers under his command to hand over Dongwu prefectures one by one. Over time, all the ministers of Dongwu will vote under Cao Cao's command. And the king Surrendering to Cao Cao was a big disappointment, although he managed to survive, but his chariot was no more than one ride, no more than one horse, and no more than a few people, so what's the use of being lonely in the south!!?"

As soon as Lu Meng drank it, Sun Quan suddenly came to his senses, his face was full of anger, and he shouted angrily.

"Old thief Cao!! Don't talk nonsense, I'm not as good as you!!"

Sun Quan's voice was like a torrent of bells, shaking all directions.All the soldiers of the Wu army in the city were shocked when they heard this.Cao Cao on the opposite side turned cold when he heard this, but he quickly returned to normal and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"Bi Yaner, your father and brother, Sun Wentai and Sun Bofu, are heroes of the time. The two of you started a business through hard work, which is how you achieved the prosperity of Soochow. Now that you are no longer able to secure your foundation, yet you teach Dongwu's talented people to work for you innocently, so that Soochow's life is ruined. You How can I bear it!! Under the nine springs, how can he have face to see your father and brother!!?"

When Sun Quan heard the words, Bi Yan shot and killed them all, and with a loud roar, he wanted to order his soldiers to fetch Cao Cao.Seeing this, Lu Meng was afraid that Sun Quan would be tricked, so he quickly persuaded him again.

"Your Majesty, calm down!! Old Bandit Cao is very skilled, and he is the best at using this provocative method. Don't fall for it!!"

Sun Quan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and blushed, but he knew that Lu Meng's words were right, so he endured his anger and roared.

"Old thief!! You raised an unrighteous soldier and violated the lonely Soochow, how could the lonely be humiliated by you! Soochow's talents are all loyal people, how can they be your pawns!!"

"I will fight against Wei Kou to the death, and I will never die!!"

As soon as Sun Quan finished speaking, Lu Meng raised his weapon and shouted loudly, and the soldiers around him also shouted together, and soon all the generals and soldiers in the city also raised their weapons angrily, and shouted one after another.

"I will fight against Wei Kou to the death, and I will never die!!"

"I will fight against Wei Kou to the death, and I will never die!!"

In an instant, Wu Bing's voices shook the sky, as if the whole city of Nanchang was shaking.Cao Cao's expression became colder as he heard it, and he said with a cold snort.

"Stubborn, self-defeating! Death deserves more than guilt!!"

After Cao Cao finished drinking, he reined in his horse and retreated to the army behind the horse.After a while, in the Wei army's formation, the sound of beating drums was heard everywhere, and 16 Wei soldiers shouted to kill in unison.Cao Cao drew out the Yitian sword and let go of the military order.The red army of the former army moved after listening to the order, opened their jaws and shouted angrily, and led their troops to charge.Seeing that Wei soldiers had moved on the city, Sun Quan's expression froze, his eyes widened, and he shouted to order the soldiers to get ready.Zhang Jai led the army to rush forward, stepped over the deep ditch, avoided the earth barrier, and the Wei soldiers rushed up.Seeing that Zhang Jaw's army was approaching, Sun Quan gave an order, and the crossbowmen on the city immediately drew their bows and strings, and the rain of arrows shot down overwhelmingly.Zhang Jaw yelled angrily, and hurriedly taught the sword and shield hand to build a shield wall to resist. Countless arrows hit one side of the shield wall, and there were bursts of loud noises.Cao Cao looked at it coldly, and then gave another order. The sound of the drums suddenly changed, and the Jiang Wei and Xia Houyuan armies rushed up, transporting soil around and filling the trench with all their strength.The soldiers and horses in front of the jaws are covered by shield walls.When Sun Quan saw it in the city, his face changed rapidly, and he hurriedly asked Lu Su beside him.

"Wei Kou fills up the trenches and wants to attack the city with weapons, what should I do!?"

Hearing this, Lu Su looked solemnly, squinted his eyes, and replied quickly.

"Although Wei Kou has a large number of soldiers, it will take a lot of time to fill up all the trenches outside the city. During that time, our army will wait for work in the city, and when Wei Kou is exhausted, we will be able to kill Wei Kou. No piece of armor left!!"

When Sun Quan heard the words, he was overjoyed immediately, and secretly said that it was wonderful, and he was convinced, so he issued orders to the generals behind him to teach them to prepare.Lu Meng, Ding Feng and other generals took orders to go separately.As a result, 16 Wei soldiers and tens of thousands of Wu soldiers faced each other at the North Gate of Nanchang until noon. With the combined efforts of nearly [-] soldiers, one-third of the trenches outside the city were filled.Seeing that there was no movement in the city, Cao Cao just taught the archers to shoot arrows randomly, and sneered in his heart, but it was known that Wu people waited for work with ease.At this time, a general rushed over suddenly, and Cao Cao took a closer look, and it was Jiang Wei.Jiang Wei urgently persuaded Cao Cao.

"Your Majesty, there is no movement of the Wu soldiers in the city except for attacking with crossbowmen. There must be deceit. Our army has already marched out, and each has its own strength. If the Wu bandits stay in the city and wait for work, our army will be exhausted. And come out, what should I do!?"

When Cao Cao heard this, he laughed and talked to Jiang Wei.

"Bo Yue, don't worry too much. I have already figured it out. You can quickly teach the ditch-filling soldiers to slow down in secret to preserve their strength, but obey the order and withdraw immediately. I also sent my order to teach Zhang Junyi to prepare secretly and act according to circumstances! ! I have my own plan to deal with it!!"

Jiang Wei's heart was shocked when he heard this, and he suddenly remembered Guo Jia's words, saying that Cao Cao is an unstoppable hero, and his strategy is very high, which is beyond expectations.Only then did Jiang Wei realize that what his master said was true, and he respected Cao Cao even more.

Gradually, as time goes by, the sun sets in the west, and it is dusk now.The color of the sky is orange-yellow, with a touch of demon red.Under Cao Cao's order, the Jiang Wei and Xia Houyuan armies had slowed down their efforts to fill the ditch, and the Red Army led by Zhang Jaw in front also retreated one after another, and most of the arrows on the city could no longer reach them.Suddenly, the sound of Wei Jun's beating drums changed again, and the troops of Jiang Wei, Xiahou Yuanqing, and Zao retreated slowly.And the Red Army led by Zhang Jai retreated further and further.

Lu Su, who was commanding the soldiers and horses to fight, was overjoyed when he saw this, and he saw at a glance that the Wei army was about to withdraw, so he quickly sent a general to report.

But he said that Sun Quan was waiting in the enemy building above the city, and suddenly heard the report from the soldiers that the Wei army was suspected of withdrawing, so he was overjoyed and hurried out to watch.Sure enough, the three-color Wei Kou in the city retreated slowly, and the black rear army led by Cao Cao also tended to retreat.Sun Quan's blue eyes lit up with a flash of light, and he laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, the old thief has no plan, this time I will teach you that hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses will flow like rivers of blood, and the army will be defeated like a mountain!!"

After Sun Quan laughed, he was about to give an order.At this moment, Lu Xun suddenly changed his expression and said in a loud voice.

"Wait a minute, my lord! I see that Wei Kou, the two armies filling the soil, has been slowing down since noon. If the old thief has already planned, what can I do!? The king still needs to be cautious!!"

As soon as Lu Xun said this, Sun Quan frowned, but his face showed displeasure.Lu Xun's repeated miscalculations in the previous rounds resulted in heavy losses to his own army, and even the two generals Gan Ning and Ling Tong, allowing hundreds of thousands of Wei Kou to cross the Yangtze River.Although Sun Quan Ming didn't blame Lu Xun heavily, he had already felt disgust in his heart. If it weren't for Lu Xun's outstanding achievements in the past and the fact that he was employing people, Sun Quan might have killed Lu Xun long ago to vent his anger. hatred!

As soon as the thought passed, Sun Quan looked cold, turned to look at Lu Xun, and shouted coldly.

"Now the war is tense, Dongwu is at stake, and now is a great opportunity to severely injure Wei Kou, how can it be delayed!!? If Bo Yan is timid, he can wait for the good news in the city!!"

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