Han Shimou

Chapter 1397

"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much. I believe that the reason why Zhu Zhi is willing to accept Zhuge Kongming must be to use his unpredictable wisdom to relieve the danger of Eastern Wu. The so-called scorpion is gone, and the good bow is hidden. The cunning rabbit dies, and the lackeys cook it. Once the crisis is over, even if Zhu Zhi does not kill him, Sun Zhongmou will never tolerate it. However, with the wisdom of Zhuge Kongming, he will prevent it. In this regard, sooner or later, there will be changes in the land of Wunan. According to Tong Tong's opinion, Your Majesty, why don't you gather troops on the border of Jiaozhou first, and when something happens, send troops to attack, first seize Jiaozhou, and then seek the land of Wunan! Among them, Zhuge Kongming wants to accumulate power again, so he must teach people to secret information in Sichuan, so that People from Sichuan who were loyal to the Shu Han came to join them one after another. In this way, the king can take advantage of the opportunity to work secretly and cooperate with the outside at the right time, how can it be invincible!?"

When Wen Han heard this, he opened his sword eyes and burst into light. He was very happy and laughed repeatedly.

"Hahaha!! Shi Yuan's plan is very clever, very clever!!"

Therefore, Wen Han followed Pang Tong's plan, and quickly dispatched each of them. After discussing with the officials, he taught Xu Shu and Zhao Yun to guard Yizhou with one article and one military. He also taught Zhang Liao to guard Jianping to guard against Jingzhou soldiers. , one by one transfer order has been determined.The next day, Wen Han, together with Pang Tong, his son Wenshun, and a group of civil and military officials, went back to Chang'an, the capital of the Western Tang Dynasty.

Seven or eight days later, the teacher Wang Wenhan of the Western Tang Dynasty returned, and he had been ordered to go to Chang'an first.Xu Huang, Zhou Long, Zhong Yao and other civil and military personnel, as well as the people in the city, were waiting at the city gate.Gradually, seeing the flags fluttering in the distance, the people all cheered and rushed to admire the majesty of the King of the Western Tang Dynasty.When the army came to the city, there were cheers one after another, and the soldiers couldn't stop them at all.And Wen Han has always regarded the people as his sons, and he has won the popularity of the people. In the eyes of the people in the Western Tang Dynasty, he is like a god!The enthusiasm of the people surged like a tide, and the soldiers did not dare to hurt the people by mistake, so they had to persuade them well.

I saw Wenhan wearing the scarlet dragon armor, riding on the cloud and the black horse, and all the soldiers were behind. The people saw them, and the cheers were even louder, shouting long live.Pang Tong saw it from behind and was amazed in his heart. A monarch who can be so loved by the people is probably rare in ancient and modern times.In fact, sowing causes and reaping fruits, Wen Han was able to gain the popularity of the people in this way. One is that he practiced the strategy of farming, so that all the people had land to cultivate and food to satisfy their hunger.The so-called food is the most important thing for the people, and the people of the Western Tang Dynasty lived in troubled times, but they could not eat enough to worry about, so they were naturally grateful.Two, Wen Han, as a person of later generations, knows that the reason for a country's long-term prosperity is to develop commerce, and talents from all walks of life can be useful, so that the people can be self-sufficient and self-reliant, and do not need to rely on state aid everywhere.Wen Han has no feudal ideology, and he is unwilling to concentrate power in the royal family. Since then, he has controlled the people, not only encouraged the people to start businesses, but also implemented various policies to support them.Therefore, the states and counties of the Western Tang Dynasty can be said to be prosperous in all industries, and all walks of life emerge in endlessly, extremely prosperous and prosperous.The people of the Western Tang Dynasty had no worries about food and clothing, were rich and wealthy, and young talents dared to start their own businesses boldly, so they were very grateful to Wen Han.Third, since the Qiang and Hu rebellions, Wen Han has imposed extremely strict criminal laws on corruption and bribery, and has specially set up the post of supervisor, and all supervisors are selected from among the people.Any officials who are reported will be immediately removed from office and strictly investigated. If it is proved to be true, they will be beheaded for public display.At the same time, Wen Han repeatedly increased the salaries of officials.The person in charge of this matter is Zhang Hong, who has always been known for his strict law enforcement.Here, officials of the Western Tang Dynasty would not rashly try risks because of greed for money and profit.Officials were clean, and the people of the Western Tang Dynasty naturally supported the country, and the authority of the royal family was thus consolidated.Fourth, the army of the Western Tang Dynasty has always been famous for its elite.The people all hope that the Western Tang Dynasty can conquer the world, end the troubled times, and usher in a peaceful and prosperous age.Therefore, people with lofty ideals joined the army one after another.The army of the Western Tang Dynasty was strong, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, with few worries.The people of the Western Tang Dynasty are all rejoicing. They regard Wen Han as the son of heaven. During festivals, they will burn incense and worship the gods, and ask all the gods to bless the king of the Western Tang Dynasty.

Under the wild and endless cheers, Wang Wenhan of the Western Tang Dynasty, who was regarded as a god by the people, led a group of civil and military men back to the Chang'an Palace. BEST Blessings.

"Huaxia Shenzhou, it is really a blessing for Huaxia to have this monarch!"

Pang Tong's eyes were hot, looking at Wen Han's back, he felt as if he was at the same height as the sky.Afterwards, Wen Han returned to Chang'an Palace, where he had family reunion with Queen Cai Yan, Wen Shun's wife and children, Zhou Long, Xu Huang and other brothers.Zhang Hong, Zhong Yao and other ministers knew that Wen Han had not been with his relatives for a long time, nor was he disturbed by state affairs.However, Cai Yan, the queen of the Western Tang Dynasty, became sick with longing for her husband and became thinner day by day. When she heard that the King of the Western Tang Dynasty was coming back, she was overjoyed.However, Cai Yan knew that he was in poor health, so he persuaded Wen Han to make him a concubine.Wen Han didn't care about this matter, but Zhang Hong, Zhong Yao and other ministers also came day and night to persuade this matter, and hinted that Cai Yan's health was not good and it would be difficult for him to have children.However, the royal family of the Western Tang Dynasty has weak connections, which is a serious disaster for the country and must be taken seriously.Wen Han was very troubled, and later not only Zhang Hong and Zhong Yao, but also Zhou Long, Xu Huang, Pang Tong and other civil and military officials from the court came to persuade him.The expectations were overwhelming, and Wen Han had no choice but to agree.

As a result, the news that Wang Wenhan of the Western Tang Dynasty wanted to have a concubine quickly spread throughout the states and counties of the Western Tang Dynasty, and immediately stirred up waves like a stone.All the famous families and wealthy businessmen exchanged contacts one after another, fighting for their heads, and using their own methods to squeeze their daughters into the candidates for concubine recruitment.After all, Wen Han is only in his fifties, and because of regular exercise, his comprehension of Tai Chi has reached the level of a great master, and he respects his body very well.What's even more commendable is that Wen Han has only one son under his knees. If his daughter can give birth to a son for the royal family, wouldn't the glory and wealth be inexhaustible?

At this point, Wen Han's life in the palace was no longer stable. During the day, he chose concubines with Cai Yan's company, but at night he had to review memorials.Wen Han did this just to avoid those officials who kept asking to see him, so that he could have some free time at night.

Although there are many young girls who have both ability and political integrity, excellent appearance, and beauty like flowers, Wen Han has no intention of having another concubine at all.Even if a hundred flowers are blooming, they are too beautiful to be harvested, and they have no intention of picking them.Even Cai Yan couldn't see it, complaining that although Wenhan envied others, he didn't know his blessing.

One day, Wen Han solemnly told all the officials that he wanted to investigate public opinion, so he, together with Pang Tong and Xu Huang, pretended to be fleeing and left the palace.Wen Han was rarely at leisure, and he was in a good mood. He wandered around in the busy city and was overjoyed to see how prosperous Chang'an was.Suddenly, there were bursts of crying.Wen Han frowned, and talked to Xu Huang.

"Under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, the common people lived and worked in peace and contentment. How could there be crying in the market. Could it be that there is something unfair and deceiving the people!?"

When Xu Huang heard this, he hurriedly cupped his hands.

"Third brother calm down, brother, I'll go and have a look first."

Wen Han nodded slightly, Xu Huang glared at him, and then he took a few attendants dressed up by the imperial army and left to see the sound of crying.When Xu Huang arrived, the crying had already turned into cursing like ducks.

"You wait for sisters, a pair of catastrophes, to kill your mother and your father, and want to beat my mother!? Don't think that my mother is easy to bully, I will kill you two disaster stars!!"

Xu Huang heard the sound and looked around, and saw a woman who was nearly forty years old, with a ghastly complexion, in front of a pharmacy, beating two women with a wooden stick, cursing while beating.The people around are pointing and pointing, but no one pays attention.When Xu Huang saw it, he stared with tiger eyes and shouted sharply.

"In broad daylight, this cunning woman dares to be so presumptuous, there is no law! My Tang law advocates doing righteous deeds, but anyone who helps others can receive rewards from the government. No matter how you wait, you are indifferent!!"

As soon as Xu Huang shouted, the people around him all looked at him.An old man with a hesitant look on his face, seeing Xu Huang dressed in gorgeous clothes, extremely majestic, immediately tensed up, and said hastily.

"Master, you don't know everything. It's not that we are indifferent. It's that these two sisters are disaster stars. I heard that the two were born together on the Great Ghost Festival. They are destined to kill their parents, husband, relatives and friends. As long as they are with her Anyone who has contact with the two will be in trouble.

No, the two of them killed their mother when they were eight years old.Lao Wang was both a father and a mother and brought up the two sisters. Fortunately, he has some medical skills and moved here with his family a few years ago.Wang Rende of the Western Tang Dynasty supported common people like us to start businesses.So Pharaoh set up a shop here and opened a pharmacy.

Lao Wang is kind and friendly, and soon became friends with me and other neighbors in the neighborhood.On weekdays, if we are cautious, Old Wang will help.The two sisters also often help each other in the store.In the past few years, seeing that Lao Wang's family has flourished and he has taken in a concubine, I am also happy for him.Unexpectedly, the good times don't last long, Lao Wang suddenly died of illness a few months ago, and later his concubine Lin said that the two sisters were disasters, and they killed Lao Wang.At first we didn't believe it, so we went to stand up for the two sisters.It's a coincidence that anyone who spoke for the sisters either fell down while walking in the middle of the night, was attacked by someone, or was ransacked at home.Over time, the big guys believed it, and now that Mrs. Lin wants to kick the two sisters out of the house again, there is nothing we can do to help! "

Xu Huang heard the words and was about to answer.At this time, behind him, there was a burst of majestic shouting.

"Hmph! Such nonsense, you wait to believe it, but I don't believe it!"

All the people looked over one after another, and saw Wen Han wearing a yellow brocade auspicious robe, not angry but powerful, exuding a frightening power all over his body.Seeing Wen Han's aura, all the people knew that he was not an ordinary person. They were all shocked, and their faces changed, but they didn't recognize Wen Han's identity for a while.

At this moment, Mrs. Lin was still beating the pair of sisters with sticks, and the sisters were crying, kneeling and worshiping.One of the women kowtowed even more.

"Mother, don't fight anymore! My sisters lost their mothers when they were young, and they depended on their father for life. A few months ago, my father died of no illness. If my mother drives my sisters and me out of the house again, we will have nowhere to go!"

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