Han Shimou

Chapter 1398

"Shut up!! You catastrophe, who is your mother, you want to kill my old lady, why don't you just let it go!!"

Lin's face was ferocious, like a dominatrix, she raised her stick and threw it at the woman.Another woman hastily pulled it away, raised her eyebrows, and shouted angrily.

"Sister, don't ask for this wicked woman!! Father's death is a strange thing!! But your wicked woman spit out blood, and somehow invited a Taoist priest, saying that my sisters are disasters, and blamed my sisters for my father's death My head!! I think my father's death must have something to do with this vile woman!! If it wasn't for your kind hearted sister, who repeatedly obstructed me, I would have reported to the authorities long ago!!"

"Wow!! You girl, I already knew that you are not a kind person! This is good, but I want to frame my old lady, see if I can't beat you to death!!"

Lin was like a criminal who was said to have committed a crime. He was furious and furious. He picked up the stick and wanted to kill him.But Wen Han is here, how can Lin be so presumptuous!


Like a thunderbolt exploding, Wen Han fought against Chunlei with his tongue, and shouted angrily, as if there was heavenly power.Not to mention that wicked woman of the Lin family, even the people around her were terrified.Lin quickly turned around and looked, seeing Wen Han's majesty, she was frightened and turned pale with fright. She secretly thought it was wrong, but suppressed her panic, and yelled loudly with a bucket in one hand.

"Who are you! How dare you take care of my wife's housework, don't blame me for not reminding you, this pair of sisters is a disaster, you are not afraid of disaster!?"

After hearing this, Wen Han said calmly without any fear.

"I have experienced countless things in my life, even if disasters come, I have to avoid them!"

"Hey, this official has such a big tone! Don't think that the official is a big bully. I wait for the common people to have supervisors to stand up for me. The king of the Western Tang Dynasty governs the country strictly. Wang, I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat and walk around!!”

Lin's hissed and yelled, with her big face turned away, as much as she was, she was as much as she was.Wen Han frowned when he heard this, but he didn't expect that he strictly followed the law and made the officials behave restrained, but instead connived at the unruly people like Lin's!

"Don't be a bitch!!"

Suddenly, Xu Huang shouted angrily, and walked out aggressively from the crowd with seven or eight attendants.Seeing this, Mrs. Lin turned pale with fright, and then burst into tears, yelling that there are officials bullying the people.Several women who were acquainted with Mrs. Lin rushed to find the emissary in charge of the street.After a while, a man who was about 27 or early eight years old, dressed as a scholar who seemed to have studied for a few years, rushed over and shouted.

"Under the rule of the king of the Western Tang Dynasty, who dares to bully the people!"

"Hey, Master Supervisor, you are here, quickly make the decision for the grassroots!! This official is going to kill the grassroots!!"

Lin's posture was crying, and the emissary followed Lin's expectation, and saw Wen Han, Xu Huang and others.Wen Han's face was calm, calm, and he didn't explain.But the people around couldn't see it, and they all spoke for Wen Handao.When the emissary heard the truth, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous. He bowed his hands and asked Wen Han.

"I am Zhou Cong, the supervisor of the West Street. I wonder if the official can report my name?"

"I'm just an idler who sees injustice. You don't have to worry about it. You can deal with it as you want."

Wen Han's eyes sank.Now, he just happened to see if the emissary, which was specially set up from the people, could play the role of making decisions for the people and distinguishing between black and white as he wished.The emissary named Zhou Cong nodded slightly when he heard the words, and asked the people around him one by one.Regarding this matter, Zhou Cong had already heard a thing or two about it before, and he said in a deep voice with a condensed expression.

"It's common for people to have misfortunes and blessings. However, the old king died without a disease. His death was strange, but there is something wrong. As his concubine, you should report to the officials for investigation. How can you blame it on disasters!"

When Lin heard this, her complexion changed drastically, and she quickly explained.

"Master Supervisor doesn't know something, this is not nonsense, it is created out of nothing! This pair of sisters, who killed their mother when they were young, and killed the old king a few months ago, many neighbors and neighbors helped them, and they all suffered disasters. If you don't believe it, you can ask Ask everyone!!"

As soon as Lin's words came out, many troublesome people in the crowd echoed them one after another.Two more people sneaked away secretly.Wen Han's face darkened, and he suddenly said such and such to the attendants beside him.After hearing this, the attendants quickly took orders and left, scattered among the crowd.

At this time, Zhou Cong's face turned cold, and he said in a condensed voice.

"What's going on here. I will find out, but I can't believe this calamity!!"

After Zhou Cong finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the gentle woman among the sisters and said.

"I don't know if Miss Wang is willing to open the coffin for an autopsy. Find out what happened. If so, I will report it to the government!"

The gentle woman's expression darkened when she heard this, and another woman who looked more heroic hurriedly answered first.

"The Taoist priest invited by the evil woman said that my father was invaded by the evil spirits of our sisters and us, so he could only burn his body with fire, otherwise the house would be bloody. After hearing this, the evil woman hurriedly taught me Someone burned my father's body!"

When Zhou Cong heard this, he frowned, probably already had some idea in his heart, narrowed his eyes, and turned to ask Lin.

"Where is that Taoist priest?"

When Lin heard this, her face panicked, and she quickly replied.

"That Taoist priest is half immortal and half human, traveling around, and I don't know where he went!"

"Hmph. If this is the case, there will be no evidence to prove it, and let you, a wicked woman, stir things up!"

Xu Huang snorted coldly when he heard this, and the tiger's eyes glowed brilliantly.Lin's heart was full of ghosts, she didn't dare to look directly, and cried loudly again, begging Zhou Cong to make decisions for her.Zhou Cong shook his head slightly, as if he was looking for another way, so he asked the people around him about the so-called flying disaster.When he was young, Zhou Cong already had one or two in his mind, and said in a deep voice.

"This so-called sudden disaster, in my opinion, is someone secretly instigating and intentionally setting the blame on."

As soon as Zhou Cong said this, there were bursts of exclamations in the crowd, and many people reacted and looked at Mrs. Lin with different colors.Immediately, Lin's face was full of panic, and he hurriedly shouted.

"Zhou Cong, what do you mean!? Could it be that I ordered you!? Zhou Cong, don't think that you have studied for a few years and have a little talent, so you can spout blood. Do you have proof!?"

Zhou Cong said in a cold voice with a cold face.

"It's not difficult to obtain evidence. I'll personally inquire. Whoever you have been in contact with in the past few months, the Skynet has been meticulous. If you do evil deeds, you will definitely show your feet!!"

Lin's face turned cold, his eyes were full of hatred, and he grinned.

"I'm afraid that you will be killed by these two scourges without finding out!!"

Just as Lin's words were finished, there was a burst of shouting from outside the crowd.I saw that the attendant who was with the official just now left without knowing when, but now he came with two men behind him.One was thin, with a pair of triangular eyes, slightly shrewd.The other one had a strong figure, but looked stupid, and now he was panic-stricken and shouted for mercy.Those attendants escorted the two of them to Wen Han, and subconsciously knelt down to Bingdao.

"Just as the master expected, these two people took advantage of the chaos to leave just now and went to a house in the alley on the west side, making a mess. They happened to be caught by the villain. The villain asked the people everywhere, and the house was exactly Zhou's house. The emissary's house!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people around immediately shouted and cursed at those two people.Zhou Cong's expression was startled, and he turned around and shouted at Mrs. Lin.

"This matter is really man-made!! Lin, why don't you plead guilty quickly and return sister Wang's innocence!!"

Seeing that the two were captured, Lin's heart was in turmoil, but she still refused to recognize them.The people around all realized with enlightenment, accusing and scolding Lin's viciousness one after another.At this moment, the face of the slightly heroic woman among the Wang sisters changed drastically, and she pointed at the emaciated man among the two captured, and shouted.

"This person is the Taoist priest invited by the former Fanlin family!!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the matter was almost revealed.Wen Han glared, and took a step forward, with a terrifying momentum, showing the might of the emperor, and shouted sharply.

"Diao Fu, the matter has come to this, do you still dare to deny it!!?"

Frightened by Wen Han, Lin staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. She just howled like a wolf, but didn't recognize her.Wen Han's face turned cold, he turned to look at the two men and shouted.

"I guess you will never admit to colluding with this Lin. But you have been caught for burglary, and you cannot deny this crime! You know, for burglary, you will be imprisoned for at least one year , and you steal the imperial envoy, the crime will be aggravated, and the second finger will be cut off first!! And he pretends to be a ghost, slanders others, it should be tattooed on the face, and he will be assigned to the frontier!!"

As soon as Wen Han said these words, the two of them were scared out of their wits.The burly man hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Officer, forgive me!! This is all directed by Mrs. Lin, the two brothers and I are just taking money from others and doing things for others!!"

"You idiot, you killed me too!!"

The man with the triangular eyes suddenly turned livid and screamed.The big man wanted to beg for mercy, but he was suddenly scolded, and he didn't understand why.At this time, many people around him gradually discovered Wen Han's identity.It turned out that everyone had already seen Wen Han's extraordinary bearing. Although they deliberately restrained themselves, they couldn't hide his majesty that was different from ordinary people.After all, it has been decades since Wenhan became a vassal and founded the Western Tang Dynasty.In addition, just now, those attendants dressed up by the Imperial Forest Army bowed down to Wen Han.At this time, many smart people have discovered that Wen Han's face is exactly the same as that of the king of the Western Tang Dynasty!

"Then the official is the king of the Western Tang Dynasty!"

"Yes, yes. It's the king of the Western Tang Dynasty!!"

"Ah! It really is the king of Xitang!!"

There was a whisper in the crowd at first, and suddenly the people all around bowed respectfully, all with fiery expressions, as if worshiping a god, and shouted long live.Zhou Cong, Lin's, and Wang's sisters all looked pale. As for the two captured thieves, their faces were pale with fright.Seeing that he could no longer conceal his identity, Wen Han's expression froze, with a gentle smile on his face, and first asked the people to get up.Everyone was so excited that they bowed down again and again before they got up.Wen Han then turned around and shouted to the man with the triangular eyes.

"How do you collude with Lin, don't tell me quickly, are you going to deceive the king!?"

As soon as Wen Han said this, the man with the triangular eyes immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy, shouting repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, spare your life! The villain's name is Cheng Jiong. The Lin family doesn't abide by women's morals and hooks up with the villain. The villain can't bear it for a while. In addition, the Lin family spends generously for the villain to squander. The villain is born with a low life." I was lazy, so I followed her! Later, Lao Wang discovered the adultery between the villain and Mrs. Lin. Lao Wang wanted to go to the government to expose it. Lin asked for mercy, and Lao Wang was kind enough to forgive her. The villain learned of this Afterwards, she didn't dare to entangle with Mrs. Lin again. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lin secretly poisoned Lao Wang to death with resentment in her heart, and then taught the villain to pretend to be a Taoist priest, slandering the Wang sisters, and calling them disaster stars. The sisters all won the old king's mantle and were highly skilled in medicine. Lin was afraid that the two sisters would find out that the old king had been poisoned to death, so she taught the villain to burn the old king's body, so that there would be no proof. Later, Lin thought again Monopolizing Lao Wang's family business, he wanted to sweep the two sisters out of the house.

Neighbors in the neighborhood learned that they all came to stand up for the two sisters.Lin taught the villain and took revenge in private.I am timid, and I usually have a little friendship with Daniel. Daniel is simple and honest, and he looks strong. The villain said that a widow in the Lin family was being bullied.Daniel also believed it, and together with the villain took revenge on those neighbors who stood up for the two sisters.The villain secretly asked for money from Lin, and distributed some to Daniel.The matter has been up to now, and the villain dare not hide anything anymore.But Daniel didn't know what was going on, he was just instigated by the villain.Also ask the king to spare his life! ! "

Now that Cheng Jiong told the facts one by one, all the people were furious when they heard it, and shouted and cursed at Cheng Jiong and Lin.When Lin heard that her adulterer had betrayed her, she didn't cry or scold, she was paralyzed on the ground, her eyes were empty, as if she was in a daze.When the Wang sisters heard it, they hugged each other and wept endlessly.Wen Han shook his head and said coldly.

"The so-called most poisonous woman's heart, come here, put this wicked woman in jail, after the trial, the government will declare her crime and punish her, so as to give justice to the Wang sisters and Lao Wang!!"

As soon as Wen Han's order fell, two attendants beside him walked out vigorously and took away the infatuated Mrs. Lin.Then Wen Han said to the two thieves again.

"The Western Tang Dynasty prospered and prospered. It set up a political platform repeatedly and encouraged people to start businesses. Otherwise, they could cultivate the land or enter the industry to earn wages. They could be self-sufficient. Cheng Jiong, you are lazy by nature, not only with a married man He colludes with his wife, and even colludes with her, persecutes others, steals and disturbs, and the crime is unforgivable. Can you plead guilty!?"

"The villain admits it!"

Under the majesty of the king, Cheng Jiong would not dare to be presumptuous again.Wen Han looked solemn, and cast a wink at the attendant who was escorting Cheng Jiong.

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