Han Shimou

Chapter 316 The Tragedy of Niuhe Village

"Aman, I don't know if these white-eyed wolves have reported our whereabouts to the imperial court beforehand when our identities are revealed. We can't stay here!"

Cao Cao gritted his teeth, and the eyes that opened again were filled with ice-coldness, exuding a kind of indifference that made people stop and dare not touch.

"Well. Leave."

Cao Cao walked step by step, the blood around him stained his boots red.It made his steps seem particularly heavy.

Cao Cao got on his horse, and without taking another look at Niuhe Village, he led his troops and galloped towards Hulao Pass.

In the early morning of the next day, Huang Er, who had been rushing back to Niuhe Village with a team of imperial soldiers and horses with a happy face, was shocked when he saw blood-stained corpses all over the village.Seeing this, the military general of the court knew that Cao Cao must have escaped from Niuhe Village, and was about to turn his horse's head and chase after him, but Huang Er ran in front of him and blocked his way.

"General, general. It is clearly written on the wanted notice that anyone who reports information will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold. This... I don't know..."

The general smiled coldly and looked down at Huang Er.

"Everyone in your village is dead. I don't see any sadness in you. Can you really see it?"

"Hehe, my lord general is joking. These people are incompetent. I clearly brought them a big opportunity, but they didn't know how to grasp it. Instead, they ended up like this. I haven't blamed them yet. I let Cao Cao, a big fish, take them away. Just let the corpse vent its grievances. How can you feel sad for them!!"

Just when Huang Er was about to speak, the general suddenly raised his spear and pierced his head with a spear.Before Huang Er died, he still had a sinister smile on his lips, and his body slowly fell to the ground, blood rushing from the opening in his head.

"Bah! Death is not a pity."

The general spat at Huang Er's body in disdain, muttered something, and led the army away from Niuhe Village.

Cao Cao, who had successfully diverted the eyes of Dong Zhuo's pursuers, exposed his whereabouts because of a momentary benevolence.So Dong Zhuo's soldiers and horses kept coming in the Hulao area.

Cao Cao had a deep understanding of what it means to be a soldier, and then he encountered Dong Zhuo's pursuers all the way. During several chases, there were only less than 20 men left under his command, and he also had many wounds on his body. Injured, one time was the most thrilling, a hidden arrow shot suddenly, if Xiahou Dun hadn't had a hand to block, Cao Cao would have died long ago.

Cao Cao's face was pale, his mouth was dry, and his battle robe was dyed red. Xiahou Dun next to him could only hold a knife with his left hand because he injured his right hand last time, and three of the soldiers following him couldn't hold on. He fell off his horse and could no longer open his eyes.Cao Cao and his group have not drank a drop of water or eaten half a grain of rice for several days in a row, and all of them are wounded and bleeding profusely.

Cao Cao and his party walked halfway, and there happened to be a pass in front of them. The guards at the pass saw that Cao Cao and his party were disorganized and disheveled, so they became suspicious and led their troops to surround Cao Cao.At this time, Cao Cao was powerless to escape, and just at this time the wound broke out, and he fell headlong from the horse.Xiahou Dun glared at the tiger, and yelled sadly, and saw that the soldiers and horses at the pass were tightly surrounded, and Xiahou Dun would never leave Cao Cao, so he had no choice but to capture him without a fight.

General Guankou captured Cao Cao and his party, and sent them to the magistrates of neighboring counties.After the county magistrate met Cao Cao, he didn't send news to Luoyang immediately.Instead, it made people call a doctor to treat Cao Cao.

After Cao Cao woke up, the county magistrate ordered someone to find food to feed Cao Cao and his party.After receiving the treatment, Cao Cao's health has improved a lot, and his spirit has improved a little after eating.

"You all go out and watch. I have something to say to this man."

The county magistrate waved to the jailers behind him, and those jailers didn't dare to disobey their orders, so they left one after another.

"Cao Cao, I heard that Lord Xiangguo treats you well. Why do you bring yourself into trouble? If you follow Lord Xiangguo, with your ability, wouldn't you be able to get riches, wealth, power and official positions with just one hand?"

Cao Cao leaned his back against the wall, his eyes were weak but sharp.He sneered and looked at the county magistrate indifferently.

"Humph. If you want to kill or cut, just point directly, don't beat around the bush here. What kind of person I am, Cao Cao, how can I join forces with the bullying and unrighteous Dong Gou!"

After the county magistrate looked at Cao Cao for a while, he knelt down suddenly and said his name.His surname is Chen Minggong, and his style name is Gongtai.After Chen Gong learned that Cao Cao had assassinated Dong, he was overjoyed and sincerely convinced Cao Cao, but at the same time worried about his safety.Therefore, I have always paid attention to Cao Cao's whereabouts.

Today, he happened to meet Cao Cao, and he immediately expressed his sincerity and wanted to follow Cao Cao.Cao Cao was overjoyed after hearing this, and asked Chen Gong's family members again.Chen Gong replied that they were all within the county seat.Cao Cao didn't want Chen Gong to abandon his family in order to follow him, so he immediately asked Chen Gong to go home to pack his luggage, pick out guards tonight, bring his wife and mother, and leave with his troops all night.

Hearing that Cao Cao cared about his family, Chen Gong decided to follow Cao Cao's idea. After discussing with Cao Cao, he went home and prepared to go.At three o'clock at night, Chen Gong transferred the guards, found a carriage to house his mother and wife, rescued Cao Cao and the others, and then fled the county.

"Ah! We're running for our lives! It's inevitable that Chen Gong's family will be dragged down by them."

Xiahou Dun rode his horse to Cao Cao's side and said in a low voice.Cao Cao glared at him, and punched back what Xiahou Dun wanted to say.

Because of the relationship with Chen Gong's family, Cao Cao and his party's footsteps will inevitably be a bit slower, and if Cao Cao has a brave Xiahou Dun by his side, who has repelled several small numbers of pursuers, I am afraid that now Cao Cao and Chen Gong will fall into prison.

After a group of people walked for two days, they were less than half a day away from Hulao Pass.Xiahou Dun observed the surrounding terrain, suddenly pointed to a place and said.

"Aman, look quickly. I remember that Lu Gong's Zhuangzi is nearby. Lu Gong treats you like his own son, and will not betray you. Why don't we go to Lu Gong's Zhuangzi to rest for a day, make some supplies, and then ask Lu Gong Borrow some people. After tomorrow, go to Hulao Pass to join Mr. Xun You and Cao Ren. In this way, our escape career is over."

"Yes. That's fine. Father Lu and my father are sworn brothers, and they have loved me the most since childhood. Today I am in trouble because of the righteousness of assassinating Dong. He will definitely not ignore me."

The father Lu mentioned in Cao Cao's mouth is named Lu Boshe. Hearing Cao Cao call him Father Lu, it can be heard that the relationship between the two is not shallow.Cao Cao and his party rushed to the gate of Luzhuang. Luzhuang covers an area of ​​tens of mu, and it is the largest villa within a hundred miles.

The guards at Lu Zhuang's house saw a pair of men and horses approaching, and immediately recognized Cao Cao at a glance, and hurried into the village to report.When Cao Cao arrived, Lu Boshe, who was about 60 or [-] years old with gray hair and simple but dignified clothes, greeted him anxiously.

"Aman, I heard that the imperial court is looking for you. Seeing your disheveled appearance, you must have suffered a lot. Ah, why are there so many bloodstains on your body? Get off your horse quickly and let the old man see."

After saying that, Lu Boshe ran to Cao Cao's horse, and grabbed Cao Cao's hand very distressed. Cao Cao hurriedly got off the horse, but before he could say anything, Lu Boshe kept reaching out his hands to stroke the blood-stained places on Cao Cao's body, and kept asking Cao Cao's injury was concerned and distressed.

"Father Lu, don't worry, Aman is fine. It's just that the soldiers under Aman's command are exhausted all the way, and they want to spend the night at Father Lu's house. They will leave tomorrow. I don't know, is Father Lu willing?"

"Oh, what are you talking about, kid. The old man has always told you, whenever you want to come here. Luzhuang is your Cao Aman's home. Judging by your breath, you must be exhausted. Hurry up and come in. Rest and rest."

Lu Boshe held Cao Cao's hand tightly, and as soon as he pulled Cao Cao, he walked into the Zhuangzi. Xiahou Dun, Chen Gong and others, led by Lu Zhuang's servants, also entered Lu Zhuang.

Lu Boshe ordered his servants to find dozens of sets of clean clothes for Cao Cao and others to change into. He then ordered his servants to slaughter the pigs and sheep in the village to entertain Cao Cao and others.

After Cao Cao changed his clothes, he thanked Lu Boshe repeatedly, but Lu Boshe waved his hands again and again, and reprimanded Cao Cao with a smile.

Later, Lu Boshe asked about Cao Cao's escape all the way, and he would turn pale with fright when he heard the danger, and couldn't help holding Cao Cao's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that Cao Cao would suddenly disappear in front of him.Then, when he heard that Chen Gong had rescued Cao Cao, he saluted Chen Gong on the spot and thanked Chen Gong.

How dare Chen Gong accept this great gift, he quickly helped Lu Boshe and was about to speak when a man who looked somewhat similar to Lu Boshe walked in from outside the hall.

But when the man saw Cao Cao, his expression changed on the spot, his eyes first flashed a trace of strong disgust, and then they became gloomy again and again.

"Hehe, long time no see Zhongji. How have you been in recent years?"

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he saw this man, stood up and smiled.

This man is the son of Lu Boshe, named Lu Zhongji.When Cao Cao was young, he lived in Luzhuang for a long time, and he and Lu Zhongji were childhood friends.

"Hmph. What can I do as a small person? Compared with you, Cao Mengde, who is known as the capable minister of the troubled times, and the famous Cao Mengde, I am far behind. No, Aman assassinated Dong Xiangguo a few days ago , made the city full of wind and rain, and your name Cao Mengde is mentioned by people every day."

"Presumptuous! When did the old man teach you to speak so yin and yang! Naturally, you can't compare with Aman. Aman is more than ten times better than you since childhood. The old man often hears many teachers talking about Aman, and everyone is not. Thumbs up, saying that Aman is a dragon and a phoenix among people!

You, you have been idle all day long, not knowing what is right and what is wrong.If he had one ten thousandth of Aman's ability, the old man would die now with his eyes closed! "

Under the scolding of his own father, Lu Zhongji's face instantly became extremely ferocious. Lu Zhongji stared wildly, his whole face was shaking, and his breath was hot.

"You are so old!! You have compared me to this Cao Aman since you were a child! You scolded me everywhere!! Everywhere in my body is unbearable, and I am disgusted by you!!

Could it be that I am the bastard you picked up!And this Cao Aman is your own son! ! ! "

Lu Zhongji roared in his heart, the resentment accumulated over the years was about to explode.

"Father Lu, this statement is wrong. Zhongji's talent is by no means inferior to mine, but he has not shown it. I believe that Zhongji will definitely achieve a reputation that Father Lu can be proud of in the future."

Cao Cao's words did not reduce the resentment in Lu Zhongji's stomach in the slightest, but made it even more victorious.Lu Zhongji heard it in his ears, only felt that Cao Cao was making trouble, and laughed at him.

"Enough! Since I was a child, my father thought that I was not as good as Ru Cao! Anyway, I am an insignificant person, and I dare not compare with you, a big person. I will leave now, so as not to be an eyesore to my father!!"

Lu Zhongji flicked his sleeves, turned and left angrily.

"Ru Ru!! You this!!"

Lu Boshe was so angry that his white hair stood on end, he chased after Lu Zhongji, pointed at his back, and almost blurted out the word disobedience.But Cao Cao grabbed him, and instead went to speak well for Lu Zhongji.

"Father Lu, Zhongji was only angry for a while, or maybe he was worried that Aman would bring harm to Lu Zhuang. It is understandable that he hates me. It is Aman who is not thinking enough and waits for my troops to rest. After a while, leave Luzhuang immediately."

A look of grief flashed in Cao Cao's eyes, and he couldn't help but recall in his mind the scene of Lu Zhongji, who was still a child in Luzhuang when he was a teenager, with a snot in his nose, chasing after him and calling him his brother affectionately.At that time, Lu Zhongji admired him very much, but for some reason, time passed and the situation changed. After more than ten years of separation, when he came back to Luzhuang, Lu Zhongji would have a lot of resentment towards him, as if he regarded him as an enemy.

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