Han Shimou

Chapter 317 Lu Boshe's Son

"Aman, what are you talking about, this is your home! It's your family, so how can you worry about being troubled by you! Eh... maybe the old man doesn't care enough about this Nier, I often compare you with him, hoping to inspire His fighting spirit is to make a good start in his career. How could he know that he is so narrow-minded, and instead he became angry with you.

However, Aman, don't blame the old man's Ni'er, he is not bad, maybe the old man has put too much pressure on him in the past few years, which caused his personality to change drastically.

Ah, yes.The old man almost forgot that he drank all the good wine in the village.I heard that ten miles away from Zhuangzi, there is a wine shop that sells a kind of wine called Zuixianniang.The old man went over and asked him to buy wine for you to show his apology. "

In fact, there is no good wine in Luzhuang, but Lu Boshe wanted to find a reason to make Lu Zhongji apologize.Lu Zhongji is his own son, and he regards Cao Cao as his son, with fleshy palms and backs. Of course, he hopes that the two of them are as close as brothers like before.

Moreover, Lu Boshe also had some selfishness. He knew that Cao Cao was a dragon and a phoenix among men, and he would definitely achieve a brilliant career.Therefore, Lu Boshe also hoped that Lu Zhongji would follow him. Based on the relationship between the two families, when Cao Cao became famous, the Lu family's income would not be small.

After Lu Boshe finished speaking, he walked out of the hall and went straight to Lu Zhongji's house.And Chen Gong, who had been secretly watching from the side, walked up to Cao Cao after Lu Boshe left, whispering in his ear.

"Master Cao, just now I saw that Lu Zhongji was narrow-minded, and his eyes were full of resentment. It seems that he has a deep grudge against Master Cao. When he goes out to buy wine later, I'm afraid he might do something that is not good for Master Cao on the way. thing."

Chen Gong didn't say something clearly, but with Cao Cao's wisdom, he immediately understood what he was secretly referring to.Cao Cao squinted his eyes, the lesson of Niuhe Village seemed to be vivid in his mind.

"Here we are running for our lives, and we must be cautious. Yuan Rang, you go and follow him secretly. If Zhongji really reports to the officials halfway, you should come back and report immediately. Gongtai, you may have to wrong your mother and others again." Wives for a while, you hurry up and get them ready, and if something really happens, you can leave in time."

"Master Cao is worried, I will go down and order them to prepare."

Chen Gong gave up his official position and dragged his family to follow Cao Cao, which can be described as a great sacrifice.However, Cao Cao thought of his family everywhere, which made Chen Gong feel relieved.Chen Gong was also determined in his heart, and after observing Cao Cao for a while, he formally called him Lord to express his heart.

But Xiahou Dun's face darkened, and after bowing his hands to Cao Cao, he walked out of the hall, out of the villa, and waited for Lu Zhongji in a hidden place.

After a while, Lu Zhongji, who was full of resentment, walked out of Lu Zhuang, still muttering something in his mouth.Xiahou Dun followed closely all the way, all the way to the wine shop ten miles away.

"This Cao Aman is really big! He is full of shit, but his father treats him with special respect. Now he still sends me, the young master of Luzhuang, to buy wine for their group. Can't we just ask someone to do it!? Could it be? , my status in Lu Zhuang, Lu Zhongji, is not even as good as a servant!!"

It was cold winter, and the surroundings were desolate and pale. There was a big tree without branches and leaves beside the wine shop, and many merchants, common people and hunters living nearby were sitting around, cooking wine to keep warm.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the dignified young master of the Lu family to be so leisurely and elegant today. Why don't you come out to buy wine?"

At a table where three hunters were sitting, one of the big men in a wolf fur robe saw Lu Zhongji's figure, and made fun of him out of nowhere.

When Lu Zhongji saw the speaker, his eyelids twitched. This big man was a hunter, and he secretly did a lot of money-seeking and killing activities, and his notoriety spread far and wide.But he has a good friendship with Lu Zhongji.

"Hmph, stop talking. A group of plague gods came to the house. Not only did my father treat me like a guest of honor, but even sent me out to buy wine for these plague gods. It's simply unreasonable.

Hey, the boss brought me twenty bottles of Zuixianjiu. "

"Okay. Oh, it turns out to be Young Master Lu Zhuang. Find a seat first, and I'll prepare it for you."

Lu Zhongji yelled at the owner of the restaurant while answering the big man.When the big man heard that Lu Zhongji wanted twenty bottles of Zuixianjiu, his eyes burst out.This drunken fairy wine is very valuable, a bottle is a sky-high price, although this wine is good, but a small person like a big man can only buy two bottles a year to satisfy his hunger.And Lu Zhongji actually ordered twenty bottles, it seems that this group of plague gods has a lot of backgrounds.

The big man bowed his head in thought, and then beckoned Lu Zhongji to come over, intending to investigate the origin of the plague gods that Lu Zhongji was talking about.Lu Zhongji knew that Cao Cao's identity should not be revealed, otherwise it would bring disaster, so he dared to say it, so he quickly made up a story to evade it.

Xiahou Dun, who was hiding aside, squinted his eyes, seeing Lu Zhongji communicating with a big man, he wanted to listen to their conversation, but he didn't dare to get too close. Lu Zhongji found out that the relationship between Lu Zhongji and Cao Cao would be even worse.

The big man talked for a long time, seeing that Lu Zhongji's tone was very tight, of course he would not believe the bullshit stories Lu Zhongji said.Suddenly the big man remembered that this Lu village seemed to have a lot to do with Cao Cao, who has been in the limelight recently, and this place is not far from Hulao Pass. After leaving Hulao Pass, he arrived in Chenliu soon.

"Could it be that Cao Cao exists among the plague gods that the young master of the Lu family is talking about!!"

The big man's heart beat faster, and then he suddenly sighed.

"Hey... the current world is in chaos. If you don't have a little bit of status and power, you will end up dead sooner or later. There is a great opportunity right now. If you catch that Cao Cao, I can be the Chen Liu Prefect, become Chenliu's local tyrant. A county, land, women, gold, silver, and soldiers are all mine. Maybe, in this troubled world, I can become a vassal and become famous from now on!

However, this Cao Cao was extremely cunning, the imperial army chased and killed him for almost a month, but they couldn't catch him.If he waits for him to go back to Chenliu, this great opportunity will slip away in vain. "

"What!! Prefect Chenliu!! Wasn't this just Wanhuhou before!!"

Lu Zhongji suddenly exclaimed, and Xia Houdun, who was at the side, slightly heard the word Chen Liu, his heart tightened, and he bumped into the big tree next to him unconsciously, and immediately a lot of snow that had accumulated on the tree poured down. There was a lot of noise.Lu Zhongji quickly turned his head to look, Xia Houdun flinched, but he was born with a hulking back, and Lu Zhongji still spotted his back.Lu Zhongji immediately recalled that when he first met Xiahou Dun today, the clothes he wore were exactly the same as this person, and he immediately understood that Cao Cao sent him to follow him.

"Wow. Cao Mengde, how dare you doubt me!!"

Lu Zhongji screamed viciously in his heart, at this time the big man said again.

"Originally, he was only a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, but Dong Xiangguo saw that Cao Cao was treacherous and hard to catch, and he was afraid that he would go back to Chenliu and rise up against him, so he added a reward. The prefect of Chenliu, Brother Lu, after passing this village, there will be no such shop... "

After a while, Lu Zhongji stretched out his hand to grab the big man, and then glanced behind him with his eyes, indicating that someone was eavesdropping behind him.The big man was stunned, and then he heard Lu Zhongji whisper again.

"Brother. To be honest, this Cao Cao is in my Lu village. If you want to be rich and rich, be careful, the person behind you has the power to tear tigers and bears."

"This Cao Cao is really in the Lu Mansion!!"

The big man stared, and although he deliberately lowered his voice, he still couldn't stop the surge in his heart.The big man rolled his eyes quickly, lowered his head and said.

"Brother Lu, if you want to achieve great things, the villain is willing to follow you!"

Lu Zhongji's blood was also gushing all over his body at this time, and his heart was beating so fast that he was about to burst out of his body.

"Cao Mengde is dead! I can no longer be compared with me by my father! No! After he dies, I can be the prefect of Chenliu! How dare you say that I am idle and doing nothing!!

You look down on me, saying that I can't achieve great things, not as good as Cao Mengde! !good!Today, I will do an earth-shattering event for you to see! ! "

Lu Zhongji roared desperately in his heart, and his face instantly became ferocious. Seeing his expression, the big man knew that he must have made the choice he wanted, and immediately smiled brightly.

"Brother, help me achieve great things, and I, Lu Zhongji, will live up to you after the event is completed! But Cao Mengde has already become suspicious of me, so he sent someone to follow me. After I go back after buying wine, I will try my best to delay the time. Brother Take advantage of this, go to the nearby government to report to the officials, and lead people to arrest Cao Cao!"

Lu Zhongji's face turned into a vicious ghost, and even his voice became low and cold.The big man's eyes were shining brightly, and he exchanged glances with the two subordinates beside him, each of them couldn't stop laughing wildly.

After several people discussed in low voices, after Lu Zhongji deliberately scolded them for a while, the owner of the restaurant had already packed the wine that Lu Zhongji wanted and asked him to come and get it.Before Lu Zhongji left, he left a glance, left the banquet to get wine, and went back to Luzhuang.

Seeing Lu Zhongji leaving, Xia Houdun glanced coldly at the three people who had talked with Lu Zhongji just now, feeling ominous in his heart for some reason, but as Lu Zhongji went further and further away, Xia Houdun had no choice but to suppress his thoughts and hold on tight. follow.

Lu Zhongji returned to Luzhuang, changed his previous attitude, treated Cao Cao very affectionately, and even apologized in person.Cao Cao frowned, but quickly suppressed his doubts. After all, he had such deep feelings when he was a child, and he didn't think Lu Zhongji would do anything that betrayed his promise.The change in Lu Zhongji's attitude also made Lu Boshe very happy and gratified, and kept laughing.

After a while, the banquet was ready.

Lu Boshe led the crowd to the table one after another, and Lu Zhongji toasted Cao Cao with a smile to make amends. Later, seeing that Xiahou Dun was not there, he deliberately asked where Xiahou Dun was.Cao Cao rolled his eyes and said that he was not feeling well, he was still resting in the room, and he would come out later.

After drinking for a few rounds, Xia Houdun just came back from outside. He came to Cao Cao and was about to report Lu Zhongji's whereabouts just now.Unexpectedly, Lu Zhongji had been toasting Cao Cao all the time, and Xia Houdun didn't even have a chance to speak.

Lu Zhongji was willing to eliminate his resentment towards him, Cao Cao was very happy, and while Lu Zhongji toasted, he kept mentioning the past of the two of them when they were young, intending to deepen Cao Cao's feelings for him.

"Zhongji! Zhongji~! You believe in me, Cao Mengde!! Cao Mengde will be able to stand at the top of the world, as long as I am here, the people will be able to live and work in peace and contentment without being engulfed by the flames of war!

When I become famous, I will definitely come back to Luzhuang, take Father Lu and you away, and let you all enjoy the glory and wealth! ! "

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