Han Shimou

Chapter 417 Yuan Shao's Great Ambition

After that, Cao Cao took advantage of the victory and pursued, using the bandits as the forerunner, and fought fiercely with the Heishan bandits in Yanzhou.Wherever the soldiers and horses went, they were invincible and invincible. After a few months, the Heishan bandits were repelled back to Qingzhou.

Although Cao Cao's soldiers were exhausted after repeated battles, Cao Cao always used troops more than supernatural speed. He only let his soldiers and horses rest for three days before attacking Qingzhou. .

And in Jizhou Man County a month ago.

After a year of rest, all the soldiers under Yuan Shao's command were recharging their energy. Yuan Shao was about to lead the army to a decisive battle with Gongsun Zan of Youzhou, so he summoned all the civil and military men under his command to discuss in the county hall.

"My lord, ever since Gongsun Zan won Youzhou, he has become more and more arrogant. He has no sympathy for the common people. He remembers his mistakes well and forgets them. He must repay his grievances. He is renounced with his subordinates. I heard that Liu Yu is engaged in Yuyang Xianyufu, Qizhou, Qiduwei Xianyuyin, etc. Leading the remnant soldiers in Youzhou to avenge Liu Yu, they elected Yan Rou as Karasuma Sima. Yan Rou recruited Xianbei, Karasuma and other soldiers and horses, and gained tens of thousands of Han soldiers and Hu soldiers. North of the Lu River. From this point of view, if the lord leads the army to attack Youzhou at this time, it will not be difficult to defeat Gongsun Zan.

However, my lord, you shouldn't just set your sights on Youzhou at this time.A few months ago, Wen Han had acquired Bingzhou, and then Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, was killed by the Black Bandits. Cao Cao led the army to defeat the Black Bandits, and collected nearly [-] Black Bandits. The power expanded very quickly. I don't think Yanzhou will be It fell into the hands of Cao Cao.As a result, Jizhou was surrounded by Wen Han of Bingzhou and Cao Cao of Yanzhou.Wen Han and Cao Cao are close friends, and the lord only occupies them at the moment.If the lord doesn't make any arrangements, I'm afraid these two people will join forces to attack the lord in the future! "

In the main hall, Tian Feng remonstrated with Yuan Shao with a solemn face.Originally sitting on the front seat, Yuan Shao, who was high-spirited and vigorous, suddenly turned dark.At the same time, thinking of Tian Feng's words just now, my heart couldn't stop beating wildly.

"Yuan Hao's words are true. I don't know if there is any strategy. Can you teach me to solve the danger in front of me?"

"What the lord needs most urgently is time to increase his power. As long as the lord's power is so large that Cao Cao and Wen Han won't have any intention of meddling, the crisis can be solved. Therefore, Lord Fengwang made a decisive decision and sent 20 The army is divided into two groups, one to attack Youzhou and the other to attack Qingzhou. In this way, the lord can get the land of the three states and become the overlord of the north!

"The land of the three states, the overlord of the north!"

Yuan Shao took a deep breath, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, almost lighting up the entire hall, and the blood all over his body spurted and boiled.

"Yuan Hao, how to get this Youzhou and Qingzhou!"

Yuan Shao stood up unknowingly, exuding the aura of swallowing the sky all over his body, pulling his hands into fists.Tian Feng secretly looked at Yuan Shao's aura, and secretly thought that Yuan Shao had the qualifications to be a hegemon because of his ambition.

Tian Feng's face darkened, his eyes were concentrated, exuding the light of wisdom.

"In Youzhou, the lord can unite with Yan Rou and say that he is willing to send troops to avenge Liu Yu's tragic death. Yan Rou's troops are not strong enough to defeat Gongsun Zan, so he must agree. Based on this, the lord can let Yan Rou's troops attack the troops in Youzhou. The two counties of Yuyang and Shanggu, and then the lord sent troops to attack the two counties of Beiping and Liaoxi in Youzhou. And the current soldiers and horses of the lord are all recharging their strength. One hundred thousand recruits have been trained, but the recruits have no battlefield experience, so the lord , you can send 15 veterans and [-] new recruits to attack Youzhou. And Yan Rou also has tens of thousands of troops, and the combined force of the Lord and Master is [-].

Gongsun Zan was at odds with the soldiers under his command, and his troops were only a hundred thousand, so how could he be the opponent of the Lord and Yan Rou's troops.After defeating Gongsun Zan, the lord will avenge Yan Rou and others, and they will be grateful. Then the lord will treat each other with benevolence, righteousness and courtesy, and subdue him into the lord's command, so that Youzhou can be obtained.

As for Qingzhou, at present, the black mountain bandits in Qingzhou are attacking Yanzhou in full force, and their troops are empty.The Lord can take advantage of the fierce battle between the Heishan bandits and Cao Cao, and send [-] veterans and [-] new recruits to attack Qingzhou with a combined army of [-].At the same time, another general and [-] recruits will be sent to guard the Bohai Sea, so that they can respond at any time in case of accidents. "

Yuan Shao's heart was beating wildly, every word Tian Feng said, he looked carefully in his heart, after pondering for a while, he punched and shouted.

"Okay! So, according to Yuan Hao's words. Pass my order! Wen Chou, Yan Liang, Gao Lan, Tian Feng, Guo Tu, Xu You, you and I will lead an army of [-] to attack Youzhou. You and I will lead an army of [-] to attack Qingzhou. Chunyu Qiong, you will lead an army of [-] to defend the Bohai Sea. Pay close attention to the situation in Qingzhou and adapt accordingly. From now on, you will perform your duties, prepare your troops, and march immediately after three days Go to war!"

Afterwards, Yuan Shao quickly arranged the important positions of each person, and Yuan Shao's subordinates, civil and military, took orders with high spirits.They all seem to have seen the glorious future of Yuan Shao becoming the overlord of the north.

Under Tian Feng's strategy, Jizhou once again went to war, and three days later, Yuan Shao received Yan Rou's reply, and as Tian Feng expected, Yan Rou agreed to join forces with Yuan Shao without hesitation.Here, Yuan Shao led a group of civil and military forces, and sent [-] troops to attack the two counties of Beiping and Western Liaoning in Youzhou.As for Qu Yi and Zhang Jai, they led an army of [-] to attack Qingzhou.Not long after Qu Yi and Zhang Jai left, Chun Yuqiong led another [-] troops to Bohai Sea.

Seeing that Yuan Shao attacked Youzhou as promised, Yan Roujun's morale was extremely high. On the other hand, in Yuyang, when Gongsun Zan's army saw Yuan Shao's soldiers committing crimes, their morale plummeted. Half a month later, Yan Roujun defeated Gongsun Zan's army in Yuyang and beheaded Zou Dan, the prefect of Yuyang. .

At the same time, Yuan Shaojun defeated Gongsun Zan in Baoqiu and beheaded more than 300 people.Yan Roujun and Yuan Shaojun, like two huge guns, plunged into the land of Youzhou, and they were unstoppable along the way.In less than a few months, Gongsun Zan lost all four counties of Yuyang, Shanggu, Beiping, and Western Liaoning. Yuan Shao and Yan Rou each killed Gongsun Zan's chiefs and welcomed Liu Yu's son Liu He. The two armies joined forces in Western Liaoning.Since then, the two armies joined forces and fought fiercely with Gongsun Zan's soldiers and horses. Gongsun Zan was defeated repeatedly, so he fled back to Yijing and stood firm.More than ten heavy trenches were dug in the Linyi River, and mounds as high as five or six feet high were piled up in the trenches, and camps were built on the mounds.The mound in the middle of the trench was the tallest, reaching more than ten feet. Gongsun Zan lived in it, with iron gates, and the left and right sides were blocked, so that men over the age of seven were not allowed to enter, and they only lived in it with their wives and concubines, and hoarded [-] million hu of grain.Gongsun Zan also let the women learn to speak loudly, so that the voice can be transmitted hundreds of steps, which is used to convey orders.Gongsun Zan saw that Yuan Shao and Yan Rou were too powerful to resist, so he became more and more discouraged every day, and did not want to make progress.At the same time, Gongsun Zan alienated the guests and refused to listen to loyal advice, so that he didn't have a single confidant around him, and the advisers and generals gradually became alienated.

On the other side, when Qu Yi and Zhang Jai's [-] troops reached Qingzhou, Cao Cao had already repelled the Heishan bandits from Yanzhou and was fighting in the south of Qingzhou.Qu Yi and Zhang Jai fought in the north, because almost all the black mountain bandits in Qingzhou fought Cao Cao's troops in the south, so Qu Yi and Zhang Jai fought without bloodshed, and the two counties of Qi and Le'an were defeated.

As for Cao Cao's acquisition, he learned from the scouts sent by Yuan Shao that Yuan Shao's troops had arrived in Qingzhou, so he immediately accelerated his march and brought the people of Beihai, Donglai, and Jinan counties to Yanzhou with lightning speed.And in the past few months, Cao Cao defeated the Heishan bandits again and again, receiving 20 surrendered soldiers, and the bandits who were the vanguard in the battle lost 18 troops.At this point, Cao Cao had [-] troops, but almost [-] of them were all bandits from Montenegro.

At this time, there were less than [-] black bandits left in Qingzhou.The rest of the Black Mountain bandits, when they heard that Yuan Shao was coming to the north, they were so frightened that they no longer wanted to fight. A single Cao Cao had already killed them powerlessly, and now another vicious tiger came, no doubt driving them to a dead end .Zhang Yan immediately gathered the generals under his command, and after discussion, he decided to take the remaining Black Mountain bandits and rush to Le'an to surrender to Qu Yi, the general sent by Yuan Shao.

Zhang Yan's surrender allowed Qu Yiping to add [-] troops, which aroused Qu Yi's ambitions. While preparing his troops for the next battle with Cao Cao, he usually notified Chunyu Qiong in Bohai to lead the army.

But at this time, Qu Yi suddenly received a secret letter from Cao Cao. In the letter, Cao Cao told Qu Yi that he had no intention of taking Qingzhou, and hoped that he would give him half a month to withdraw his troops. Out of Qingzhou.Seeing this, Qu Yi called for Ju Shou and Ju Pei to discuss.

When Jushou heard this, he laughed.

"Cao Mengde's soldiers and horses must have been exhausted after repeated battles. Although his army has a strength of 20, almost all of them are surrendered soldiers from Black Mountain bandits. They are all a group of mobs. It seems that he knows that he can't defeat us. Waiting for the army, that's why he sent a secret letter, I hope I won't send troops to attack his soldiers."

"So, Ju Sima, do you think I should let Cao Cao go and let his troops withdraw from Qingzhou?"

Ju Shou and Ju Pei looked at each other, and after exchanging glances, they seemed to agree on their opinions.Ju Shou paused slightly.

"It is inevitable that there will be no deaths. Cao Cao and I both have a large number of soldiers. If we go to war, the casualties will be heavy. And my lord is currently fighting in Youzhou, so it is not appropriate to turn against Cao Cao. He actually won Qingzhou without bloodshed." Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to let his soldiers and horses evacuate."

"I have no objection to Ju Sima's decision. In this way, we can save a lot of troops for our lord. Well, I will immediately write a letter and pass it on to Cao Mengde, giving him half a month. If half a month later, Before he retreats, I will immediately send troops to fight with him!"

After Qu Yi made a decision, he went to the desk and began to write letters, while Ju Shou and Shen Pei walked to Qu Yi's side, giving advice from time to time.Ju Yi admired the wisdom of Ju Shou and Shen Pei, so he readily accepted it.

A few days later, Cao Cao laughed at Guo Jia when he received Qu Yi's reply.

"It seems that Qu Yi hasn't noticed it yet. I need the real intention of this half month. In this way, I will have enough time to take away the people from the three counties of Beihai, Donglai, and Jinan."

"Hehe, it's no wonder. If someone voluntarily dedicates the land of a state to Guo, let alone wait for a month, Guo is also willing to wait for a year."

In this way, Cao Cao got half a month's buffer, and brought nearly 70 men and women from the three counties of Beihai, Donglai, and Jinan back to Yanzhou.

Half a month later, Cao Cao, as promised, withdrew all his soldiers and horses back to Yanzhou.Qu Yi was overjoyed, he quickly divided his army into three teams, and marched straight up, occupying the three counties of Beihai, Donglai, and Jinan in just ten days.What made Qu Yi dumbfounded was that when he led his own army to Jinan County, there was not a single person in Jinan County. Such strange phenomena made Qu Yi mistakenly think that he had come to the underworld.Qu Yi hurriedly sent several teams of scouts to search around Jinan County, and then sent people to Donglai and Beihai counties to check the situation.

A few days later, the scouts sent by Qu Yi returned with several hunters who lived in the mountains. These hunters told Qu Yi that the reason why there was no one in Jinan was because Cao Cao sent troops to take all the people in Jinan to Yanzhou. .After listening to Qu Yi, he realized that he had hit the trick, and regretted it too late.A few days later, after Qu Yi received information from Donglai and Beihai successively, Qu Yi was so angry that he spurted blood on the spot. Donglai and Beihai were actually the same as Jinan, and almost all the people in the county were taken away by Cao Cao.

Ju Yi's hands trembled, and suddenly he had an attack, tearing the two letters into pieces.Qingzhou lost a full population of 70, and he must be severely punished by Yuan Shao after this incident.

"Give me the order!! Let the army!!! Let the army!!! I want to fight to the death with Cao Mengde, a treacherous villain!!!"

Koji's face was red and his eyes were red, and he roared like crazy.Ju Shou who was beside him hurriedly persuaded him.

"General Qu must not be engulfed in anger and lose his composure. Cao Mengde has already taken the 70 people out of Qingzhou, and at this time he has taken sufficient defensive measures in Yanzhou. If we attack rashly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win Nah!"

"General Qu, what Ju Sima said is true. Cao Cao is not an ordinary person, and his soldiers and horses have had a month's rest to recover their combat power. The terrain of Yanzhou is steep, and it has always been easy to defend and difficult to attack. We must attack. The matter of Yanzhou is a big one, and my lord has no intention of breaking the face with this Cao Mengde. I hope General Qu will think twice!"

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