Han Shimou

Chapter 418 The situation of the parties

Under the persuasion of Ju Shou and Shen Pei, Qu Yi restrained his anger a bit, but still gritted his teeth.

"Cao Mengde deceived me so much, if I don't fight, it will be hard to get rid of my hatred!"

"General Qu, a man can bear and stretch, why bother to go to war just for the sake of a moment of anger. Besides, Qingzhou has now fallen into our hands, and the war in Youzhou is going well. I think soon, Youzhou will also be completely lost to the lord." At that time, the lord will sit in the land of You, Ji, and Qingzhou and become the overlord of the north. At that time, the lord will send troops to clean up Cao Mengde."

After Qu Yi took a few deep breaths, he finally gave up the idea of ​​attacking Yanzhou, and then asked Jushou and Shenpei, hoping that when Yuan Shao decided to attack Cao Cao, they would ask for the Vanguard General for him. The position, let him avenge today's revenge.Jushou and trial match naturally agreed.At the same time, Ju Shou and Shen Pei also suggested that Qu Yi should lead an army of [-] troops to Youzhou to help in the battle, so as to end the war in Youzhou as soon as possible.

Qu Yi listened to his reason, and after recuperating for a few days, he immediately prepared his troops, leaving Jushou, Chunyuqiong and 15 troops to stay in Qingzhou, while he led [-] elite soldiers to the Youzhou battlefield.

As for Cao Cao, he was close to the border of Qingzhou and took all precautionary measures. After waiting for a month, Qu Yi did not come to attack. Later, he learned that Qu Yi led [-] elite soldiers to leave Qingzhou, so he had no intention of invading Yanzhou. .At this point, Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time began to work on the revival of Yanzhou's internal affairs and the reorganization of troops and horses.Cao Rui, after rigorous selection, only [-] elite soldiers remained, and because most of the Black Mountain bandits came from Qingzhou, Cao Cao called him "Qingzhou Soldiers", and the remaining [-] Black Mountain bandits were all ordered by Cao Cao. return to farming.

As a result, Yanzhou has a population of nearly 80 people from outside. After discussing with Xun Yu, Cao Cao decided to follow the strategy of farming in the east of the river to resettle these people.Of course, Cao Cao's strategy of farming is slightly different from Wen Han's. Cao Cao came from a wealthy family, and the world's wealthy families are all in the same family, so Cao Cao can't tear himself apart from the wealthy people in Yanzhou, and he will still need the support of these wealthy families in the future.So Cao Cao only accounted for [-]%, wealthy people accounted for [-]%, and common people who cultivated land accounted for [-]%.As for the wasteland for cultivation, the government and wealthy people jointly come out.The food needed by the common people in the first year is also firstly paid by the government and wealthy people. The amount of expenditure is first counted, and then deducted from it when the harvest is harvested.

In this way, both the government and the wealthy people benefited, so the wealthy people in Yanzhou strongly supported Cao Cao's implementation of farming.

The situation in the north will be decided, and then watch the war in the west.

In addition, Li Jue and Guo Si were in power, cruel to the people, and lawless in Chang'an, and they secretly sent their confidants to serve Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to watch his movements.At this time, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty acted as a thorn, and was urged by Li and Guo Sicao.Court officials, and promoted by two thieves.Because of the popularity of the adopters, Li urged and announced that Zhu Jun would enter the court as a servant and lead the court together.

One day, people reported that Ma Teng, the prefect of Xiliang, and his sworn brother Han Sui, led an army of more than [-] people, and rushed to Chang'an, claiming to seek thieves.It turned out that the two generals first sent people to Chang'an, and they joined forces with Ma Yu, the admonisher Zhong Shao, and Liu Fan, the general of Zuo Zhonglang, as internal agents to conspire against the gang.The three of them consecrated to the emperor, named Ma Teng General Zhengxi and Han Sui General Zhenxi.

At the same time, Li Cui and Guo Si, in order to accept the wishes of Liangzhou soldiers, sent Zhang Ji and Fan Chou to Jingzhao Hongnong to conquer Lu Bu who had gathered troops in Shangluo.Lü Bu had unparalleled courage in the world, and later in Shangluo he worshiped Chen Gong, a resourceful counselor, as his military advisor.It is said that after Chen Gong was captured in Luzhuang, Zhang Liao saw Chen Gong's extraordinary bearing, so he knew that he was not a thing in the pool, so he kept him by Lu Bu's side all the time, and told Lu Bu to be kind to each other.

But at that time, Lu Bu was Dong Zhuo's adoptive son, and Chen Gong looked down upon him very much.Lu Bu was so annoyed that he wanted to unscrew his proud head several times on the spot.However, Chen Gong was not only not afraid of this, on the contrary, he was upright and ignored the threat.Lv Bu was secretly startled, and remembered Zhang Liao's advice, so he had no intention of killing.But such a character as Lu Bu naturally has his arrogance, Chen Gong despised him, how could he bow his head to Chen Gong, so since then he has rarely had contact with Chen Gong.It wasn't until Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo and led the army to defend Shangluo that Chen Gong's attitude towards him changed.Later, Shangluo was besieged and killed by Zhang Ji and Fan Chou. Zhang Ji, Fan Chou and other Liangzhou soldiers hated Lv Bu to the bone, and even implicated the people in his county. They threatened that if they broke the city, they would definitely slaughter it.

Chen Gong couldn't bear to implicate the people, so he went to find Lv Bu himself, and repelled the two armies of Zhang Ji and Fan Chou with his plan.So far, Lv Bu and Chen Gong have cooperated seamlessly with each other, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou can no longer take advantage of Lv Bu.

At this time, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou were still fighting fiercely with the troops of Shangluo and Lu Bu. After discussing with each other, Li Cui and Guo Si did not dare to let Zhang Ji and Fan Chou withdraw from the front line at this time.Otherwise, when Lu Bu leads the army to fight back, Chang'an will be in danger.

Li Cui and Guo Si had no choice but to find Li Ru for advice.Li Ru was startled when he heard that Ma Teng and Han Sui were the leaders of the army and committed another crime. After thinking for a while, he said.

"Zhang Ji and Fan Chou can't be mobilized. Since Lu Bu got the Chen Gongtai, he has become even more powerful and unstoppable. If Shangluo makes a move, he might affect his whole body, but Lu Bu will seize the opportunity. Therefore, we must resist Ma Teng, Han Sui could only rely on the [-] Liangzhou sergeants in Chang'an.

But the two generals don't need to worry. Ma Teng and Han Sui's two armies are coming far away.Confucianism expected that in less than a hundred days, when his army ran out of food, he would retreat by himself, and then the two generals would lead their troops to pursue him, and the two generals, Ma Teng and Han Sui, could capture them as much as possible. "

When Li Cui and Guo Si heard this, they saw Li Ru's relaxed face, with a well-thought-out plan and no rush.After the two unconsciously looked at each other, they both settled down a bit.

Li Ru has always been a magic weapon in the Liangzhou army. Starting from Dong Zhuo, his talent has already penetrated into the hearts of every Liangzhou soldier.Therefore, Li Cui and Guo Si relied heavily on their strategy and only paid attention to guarding the pass. The soldiers and horses of Ma Teng and Han Sui fought under the city and did not go out to meet them.Sure enough, the Xiliang army was unable to attack for a long time under the deep ditch and high fortification. As time went by, the Xiliang army ran out of food and grass, and the Xiliang soldiers were exhausted, and their morale declined day by day.

At the same time, in the county government hall in Shangluo County.

Lu Bu and Chen Gong heard reports that Li urged Guo Si to be fighting the Xiliang army in Chang'an.Lu Bu habitually cast his eyes on Chen Gong, and Chen Gong said with joy on his face.

"The siege of Shangluo can be resolved."

Lu Bu's terrifying tiger eyes lit up, he knew Chen Gong was very resourceful, since he said this, he must have a plan, so he hurriedly asked Chen Gong.

"What's the trick of the public platform, teach me quickly."

Chen Gong could tell from Lu Bu's eyes and expression that he trusted and valued him.Ever since Lu Bu worshiped him as a military advisor, he has been respectful and obedient to him.For a counselor, it is really fortunate to be treated like this.A woman tolerates herself to please herself, and a man dies for his confidant.Chen Gong's heart warmed, and he gradually accepted his status as a military adviser unconsciously, and regarded Lu Bu as his lord.

"It's not difficult. You just need to make a false emergency report and send it to Zhang Ji and Fan Chou, saying that Chang'an is in danger. Let them lead the army to rescue them. Zhang Ji and Fan Chou must be very anxious when they receive it, and rush back to rescue. Impatient There will be chaos, and I will set up an ambush on their way back to rescue, and I will definitely kill them and defeat them."

"Hahaha. This plan is very clever!! The wisdom of Gongtai is really amazing."

"My lord, it's absurd. However, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou are cautious in nature. I don't know if the lord still remembers Li Ru's handwriting. Maybe there are still letters that Li Ru wrote to the lord in the past?"

Lu Bu paused, thought for a while and then said.

"Most of the letters Li Ru wrote to me stayed in Chang'an. But I vaguely remember his handwriting."

"Okay. In this case, I will write a few words first, and the lord will watch from the sidelines. It is enough that the handwriting has a seven-point similarity."

After Chen Gong finished speaking, he walked to the desk and sat down, picked up a pen and wrote the numbers according to various calligraphy, while Lu Bu watched from the sidelines and made some revisions to some of the words written by Chen Gong from memory.Half an hour later, when Chen Gong wrote almost the same characters as Li Ru, Chen Gong began to write the false information by hand.

That night, Lu Bu personally led dozens of Qingqi and galloped out of the city. Thirty miles away, he secretly noticed a scout team from Liangzhou.Lü Bu led his men and horses to lie in ambush in the forest, and waited quietly for a long time. When the night became dim, the scout team from Liangzhou walked in.Lu Bu suddenly galloped out from the shadows on his horse. With a movement of Fang Tian's halberd, he instantly killed the leading scout chief and the two soldiers beside him. Blast away in fright.At this time, in the dark, dozens of troops brought by Lu Bu rushed forward and killed all the troops in the scouting team.

Immediately, Lu Bu ordered these scouts to take off their armor, and then ordered the soldiers under his command to form a Liangzhou scout team, and then handed over the fake emergency report written by Chen Gong to a big man who seemed to be smart. Then Lu Bu gave a few more instructions, and galloped back to the city.

As for the pseudo-Liangzhou scout team, they rushed back to the Liangzhou camp.The camps of the Zhang Ji and Fan Chou armies were not far away. The puppet Liangzhou scout team chose a place at random. After approaching the camp, they saw a large character 'Fan' on the surrounding flags, and then they knew Fan Chou's identity. camp.

The puppet Liangzhou scout team became flustered as soon as they entered the camp, because all the soldiers under Lu Bu's command had served under Dong Zhuo's command for two or three years, and they spoke Liangzhou dialect with some taste.I only heard the pseudo-Liangzhou scout leader yelling something hastily in Liangzhou dialect to the guards in front of the door. The guards were shocked when they heard this, and quickly pointed to the tent where Fan Chou was.

After that, the pseudo-Liangzhou scout chief got off his horse in a hurry, and under the leadership of several Liangzhou sergeants, he ran to Fan Chou's tent in a panic.

"Report~!! General Fan, there is an urgent report from Chang'an!!"

Fan Chou was in the tent discussing with Zhang Ji about capturing Shangluo, when he heard the urgent report from Chang'an, the expressions of both of them changed, Fan Chou hurriedly shouted.

"Quickly spread the word!"

Soon, the pseudo-Liangzhou scout chief walked into the tent, fixed his expression, and spoke in fluent Liangzhou dialect.

"General Fan, Chang'an was attacked by the Xiliang army. There are people in Chang'an colluding with the Xiliang army. If the military division hadn't discovered it in time, Chang'an would have been almost destroyed. This is a secret letter from the military division!"

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