Han Shimou

Chapter 444

Li Cui and Guo Si listened to it, and both understood the truth. Under Li Ru's influence, the relationship on the surface gradually improved, but in their hearts, they still had a deep fear of each other.

In the imperial court, Taiwei Yang Biao has been secretly observing the relationship between Li Cui and Guo Si, the two thieves. Seeing that the time has come to eliminate the thieves, he secretly went to Han Xiandi one night.

Although Yang Biao was dismissed from his official position by Dong Zhuo at the beginning, he was invited back by Li Cui. Li Cui wanted to curry favor with Yang Biao, the important officials of the old dynasty, and asked Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to give him a high position as a Taiwei, so as to win people's hearts.However, how could Yang Biao associate with thieves, he has always had the heart to eliminate thieves.

"Your Majesty, I see Li Cui and Guo Si, two thieves, who are at odds with each other. They are afraid of each other, and sooner or later they will turn against each other. I also heard that Cao Cao, the general of Zhendong, has more than [-] troops, and his advisers and generals are all heaven-sent. Talent, if you get this person to support the country and wipe out the gangsters, why worry about the world being injustice!"

When Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty heard it, he heard that he finally hoped to get rid of the control of the two rebels Li Cui and Guo Si. He was thinking about himself. Guo Si's hand was being manipulated like a puppet, and he couldn't help crying on the spot.

"I have been bullied by the two thieves for a long time! If I can be punished, it will be a great fortune! Cao Cao's grandfather, Cao Teng, served three generations of the royal family, and his father, Cao Song, was also a veteran of the court. It would be a great fortune if Cao Cao came to rescue me! However, the bandits have a large force. In recent years, Li Cui and Guo Si have used my name to recruit troops from Liang and Yong prefectures, with a strength of 20. So, I'm afraid that General Zhendong will not be able to defeat the bandits!"

When Yang Biao saw Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty shed tears, his old heart felt severe pain, and he hurriedly played.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the old minister has a plan. He can make the two thieves kill each other, and then order Cao Cao to lead his troops to kill them, wipe out the thieves, and secure the court." After hearing this, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty stopped his tears and said hastily .

"The plan will come out?"

"The old minister once heard that Guo Si's wife was jealous, but people used countermeasures against Si's wife. The wind around the pillow is the most unstoppable, and the first wife is a close relative. How could Guo Si not fall for it?"

"Good! That's it, Taiwei Yang, everything depends on you. If the matter is successful and the Han Dynasty can be rebuilt, I will definitely not count on the merits of Taiwei Yang!"

After Yang Biao and Han Xiandi made an agreement, they rushed back to the mansion overnight, preparing for countermeasures.The next day Yang Biao secretly sent his wife into Guo Bang's mansion. Mrs. Yang had been on good terms with Li Cui and Guo Bang's wives under Yang Biao's orders earlier.Mrs. Yang is intelligent by nature, and she is also Mrs. Taiwei. It didn't take long for Li Cui and Mrs. Guo Si to become close friends in the boudoir who talked about everything.

Mrs. Yang found Mrs. Guo Si, went to a hidden place, and whispered.

"In the past few days, my concubine came to Sima's mansion, and I often saw General Guo coming in and out of Sima's mansion. I also saw him and Mrs. Li Sima flirting with each other several times. They had a very close relationship. If Sima knew about it, General Guo and Mrs. Li Sima would definitely suffer. My concubine, Mrs. Li Sima, and Mrs. Guo are all good friends, so why would you say something offensive if you don't want to save me? I hope Madam will not be rude, but it's better to cut off any contact with them."

Guo Bang's wife's eyes widened when she heard it, her face was full of surprise, but thinking of the past few days, Guo Bang used Li Ru's name as an excuse to often go to Li Cui's mansion for banquets, and every time it was After not returning all night, he immediately became suspicious.Guo Si's wife also thought that the relationship between her husband and Li Cui was extremely tense after hearing about what happened to her husband and Li Cui in the past few months. Perhaps Li Cui had faintly noticed that Guo Si and his wife were dealing with each other.

Guo Bang's wife, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was the same thing, and the more ugly her face became, she scolded Mrs. Li Cui for her shamelessness and seduced Guo Bang, while thanking Mrs. Yang.

"It's strange that he often stays out at night! It turns out that he did such a shameless thing with that bitch! It's not my wife's words, and I don't know it. I should be careful!"

Mrs. Yang Biao, seeing that Guo Si's wife had no doubts, sneered in her heart, and after a few words of concern, she returned home.Guo Si's wife thanked her again and again and said goodbye.A few days later, Guo Si went to Li Jue's mansion to have a banquet at Li Ru's appointment.Although Li Cui and Guo Si were equally powerful, Li Cui was the leader who was favored by the soldiers of Liangzhou at the beginning.In terms of affection and etiquette, this banquet is still suitable for Li Cui.

Guo Bang's wife, seeing Guo Bang went to Li Cui's mansion for a banquet, immediately turned dark and said bluntly.

"Li Jue is moody and deeply jealous of you. Kuang Yishan can't tolerate two tigers. If he poisons you after drinking, can you teach me and your son how to live alone?"

Guo Si refused to listen, but insulted his wife, who was ignorant and ignorant in the opinion of a woman.When Guo Si's wife heard this, she became jealous, thinking that her husband must be fascinated by that bitch, and she didn't know who was the real wife.

The next day, Guo Si came back drunk and felt a little hungry, so he called someone to cook.Guo Si's wife suddenly made a plan when she heard this, and put poison in the food.After Guo Bang ate the food, he suddenly felt severe pain in his abdomen. Guo Bang's wife had been waiting by his side, and quickly helped him spit out the food.

"Husband, this must be Li Cui's intention to harm you, and he was afraid that you would die in the Sima Mansion and be suspected by others, so he poisoned the wine slowly, so that when you return home, no one will suspect you." to his head!"

Guo Si was drunk at first, so he believed half of it without analysis, and then he remembered that Fan Chou died in the banquet hosted by Li Cui.Immediately, Guo Bang was so frightened that most of his drunkenness woke up, his eyes were so wide that the corners of his eyes almost burst, and he roared angrily.

"Hello, Li Zhiran! I'm planning great things with you, and I intend to share wealth and wealth. But you can't tolerate me, and now you want to murder me for no reason. If I don't strike first, I will be murdered!!"

Guo Bang is like a lion that has been awakened. The first thing a lion does when he wakes up is of course to look for food.Guo Si's eyes flashed with gloomy light, and he didn't care about taking a rest, so he rushed to the school field to meet his confidantes, carefully organized the armored soldiers of the headquarters, and discussed the deployment of attacking Li Jue's subordinates in three days.

Unexpectedly, among Guo Si's confidantes, there was a general who was urged to be bought by Li.Guo Si and his confidants agreed that after the banquet was over, the man would immediately report to Li Jue in secret.

After hearing this, Li Jue was furious on the spot, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and he yelled desperately.

"Guo A Duo'an dares to do this! If it wasn't for me, how could he get the high position today! You ungrateful person, I will definitely kill you!"

Even so, Li Cui also thought that in Chang'an he had only [-] troops under his command, and the other [-] troops were all led by Zhang Ji who was stationed in Hongnong.And Guo Bang's troops under his command are almost all in Chang'an, with a total of [-] troops, which is equal to him.If we rush to attack now, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of troops.

Li Cui thought about it, so he called a small general and ordered him to rush to Hongnong at night, and secretly ordered Zhang Ji to rectify his troops, and came to Chang'an three days later to besiege Guo Si together.

Unexpectedly, the young general called by Li Cui happened to be the pawn that Guo Si secretly ordered him to lurk around Li Cui. After receiving the order, the young general did not go to Hongnong, but rushed to Guo Si's mansion to report to Guo Si.Guo Bang's expression changed when he heard this, if he hadn't made arrangements in advance, he was afraid that disaster would strike three days later.At present, Guo Si took Li Cui's secret letter from the young general, imitated Li Cui's handwriting, and asked the young general to send a fake letter to Zhang Ji. Send troops to attack Lu Bu in Shangluo.

After that, Guo Bang secretly dealt with the traitor who was bought by Li.Li Cui didn't know at this time that Guo Bang used the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain and sent Zhang Ji to attack Lv Bu.

What Li Cui didn't expect was that in the middle of the night the next day, Guo Si suddenly raised his troops. After gathering the soldiers and horses of his headquarters, he rushed to the camp of Li Cui's subordinates.Fortunately, ever since Li Cui learned that Guo Bang had the intention of rebellion, he sent his eyeliner to monitor the surrounding camps of Guo Bang's subordinates inside and outside the city.As soon as Li Cui's eyeliner saw the camp of Guo Bang's subordinates, with people's heads surging, horses jumping, and the sound of weapons and armor colliding frequently, he knew that Guo Bang had rebelled in advance, and immediately reported to Li Cui.

Li Cui immediately rushed to the camp of the school grounds in the city, notifying the soldiers of all ministries to prepare for the battle, and then sent a few generals to the camp outside the city to inform them. Going to block it was a bit hasty and chaotic at the beginning, but as Li urged and led the Feixiong army to fight, killing the vanguard of Guo Bang's attacking army, the chaos was temporarily shaken.

In the camps on the east and west sides of the city, more than [-] soldiers and horses under Li Cui and Guo Bang came to Chang'an City one after another. Horses, taking advantage of the situation to plunder the residents.

Li Cui saw that the outcome was difficult to distinguish, so he first ordered his nephew Li Xian to surround the palace with troops, and used two chariots, one for the emperor and one for the empress, and Xu Rong and Li Rujian to escort the chariots. Li Ru and Xu Rong hurriedly led the troops, and [-] soldiers rushed to the palace in the city.Li Xian led the troops to rush there, and most of the guards in the palace were Li Cui's subordinates, and immediately followed Li Xian into the palace.Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and Empress Fu were on the dragon bed, but were forcibly pulled down by Li Xian.Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had no time to exclaim, and Li Xian stabbed him on the neck with a knife, so he dared not make a sound.Empress Fu was afraid that Li Xian would hurt Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, so she only cried and was at a loss.Later, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and Empress Fu were driven into the car by Li Xian, and the rest of the palace servants walked away.Li Xian led the troops out of Houzai's gate, just as Guo Bang's soldiers arrived, firing random arrows, killing countless people in the palace.Weiyang Palace was full of flying blood and pieces of flesh, the scene was extremely miserable.Everywhere was the sound of Li Cui and Guo Bang's soldiers fighting, and the screams of the palace people.

And Li Jue sent people to rob all the ministers and ministers in the city, and then led the Xiong army to Weiyang Palace to cover up and kill them. In the camp of Li Jue on the outer east side.Seeing that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had already left the city, Li Cui ordered all the troops to retreat slowly.Afterwards, Guo Si led the troops into the government, robbed all the concubines and daughters of the palace, and ordered people to search for the figure of Han Xiandi and Empress Fu to no avail. Only then did Li Cui find out that Li Cui had captured them. , Since venting hatred.

The flames spread across the sky, and the Chang'an City in the dark night was illuminated by the flames. The billowing flames showed the tragic images of countless people who were captured by Li Cui and Guo Si's soldiers and horses on the side of Chang'an Street, especially vivid.

This night, Chang'an City spent a long time under the sound of burning, fighting, screaming and crying.

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