Han Shimou

Chapter 445 Rotten Flesh and Rotten Food

The next day, Guo Si knew that Li Jue had robbed the emperor, and after preparing his troops and horses, he led the army to fight in front of Li Cui's camp.Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and Empress Fu were in the camp, and seeing Guo Bang's numerous soldiers and horses, and the frighteningly cold weapons, they were so frightened that their faces were livid and trembling frequently.

Guo Si led the troops to kill them, and Li Jue went out of the camp to fight.The two armies fought fiercely for several hours, but Guo Si's army retreated temporarily, seeing that the momentum was going against them.However, the strength of the two sides is equal, and it is useless to pursue and fight fiercely.So Li Cui didn't lead the army to chase after him.

However, after Han Xiandi and Empress Fu were taken into captivity, their every move was monitored. Li urged to cut off the internal envoys, and except him and his courtiers, no contact with Han Xiandi was allowed.Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and the ministers of the imperial court were treated like criminals by Li Cui.The diet was not sustainable, and Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and all the ministers and courtiers were hungry.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was so hungry that his whole body was weak and his head was dizzy. He couldn't bear it anymore and was forced to ask Li Jue for some food.Unexpectedly, Li Cui was upset with Guo Bang, and seeing Zhang Ji's future, he was very upset.Hearing that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty came to ask for food, he was furious immediately, and only gave rotten meat and rotten food, which were all stinky and inedible, and even pigs and dogs could not swallow them.

When Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty saw the food presented, he couldn't even eat pigs and dogs. Thinking that he, a majestic emperor, was treated like this, he was furious and cursed.

"Li Cui, the traitor, dares to bully each other like this! Is the emperor in his eyes inferior to pigs and dogs!!!"

Yang Qi, the servant, heard Emperor Xian of the Han scold Li Cui, knelt down hurriedly, and said admonishingly.

"Your Majesty, calm down. Li Jue is cruel by nature. If he hears about it, I don't know how he will insult him. As the situation is now, Your Majesty should bear with it and don't touch his whiskers."

After hearing this, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty smiled coldly, his heart was extremely cold. Since Li Cui is a tiger in the eyes of these officials, what is he?

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty felt more and more miserable, and tears filled his robe sleeves.Empress Fu hurriedly comforted her. Seeing this, the other courtiers also felt infinitely desolate, and wept bitterly.

At this moment, Guo Bang's soldiers and horses outside the camp came to plunder again.I saw outside the camp, Guo Bang's army was hit by guns and knives, and the golden drum shook the sky. The soldiers under Guo Bang's command all shouted the name of rescue.

When Li Jue heard the report, Guo Si led troops to attack again, and immediately ordered the soldiers to lead the troops out to meet Guo Si.The two armies looked at each other fiercely, Li urged his horse to go out, pointed his whip at Guo Si and scolded him.

"I asked myself that I treated you well, why did you betray me!"

Guo Si laughed coldly and shouted sharply.

"Treacherous villain, it's clear that you can't tolerate me, you were the one who killed me first, and now you dare to blame me! Li Zhiran, you are narrow-minded and ambitious, and you are holding the Holy Majesty hostage, and you are a traitor! I am the general of the court, Naturally, we must kill the rebels!"

"Ivory pops out of your mouth! It is obvious that you have bad intentions and want to murder the Holy Majesty! I am here to protect you, what is a traitor?"

"This is hijacking, why escort?"

"Needless to say! Both of us are not allowed to use sergeants, we fight alone, and whoever wins will take the emperor away. Guo Aduo, do you dare to fight!"

"Why not!?"

After the two of them finished talking, they even ordered the troops under his command to retreat a hundred meters, and the two fought in front of the battle.Li Cui slashed sharply with his big sword, and Guo Bang swung his sword to block it.Then Guo Bang drew his big knife, and chopped off Li Cui's head. Li Cui's eyes were quick, and he swept away when he mentioned it. After swinging away Guo Bang's big knife, he stabbed at his heart.Guo Bang knew Li Cui's tricks early on, so he quickly parried and slashed three times, but Li Cui blocked all of them in time.The two swords collided continuously, fighting fiercely in one place, and the soldiers on both sides could not take their eyes off it.Li Cui and Guo Si are on par in martial arts, and they have been fighting for two hours.After playing for an unknown number of rounds, there was still a tie.

Whether it was the defeat of Li Cui or Guo Si, it was a fatal blow to the forces of the original Dong Zhuo lineage.Li Ru still hoped that the two would be able to negotiate a peace, so he rushed over to yell.

"My lord! Both General Guo are the same robes from the old days. Why do you have to fight to the death. The current situation is chaotic. If there is another battle, both sides will be severely injured. If this is the case, other princes will take advantage of it. Let me temporarily truce, and wait for the resentment in the hearts of the two to be resolved, and then talk about peace."

After Li Cui and Guo Si heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, they rode their horses and retreated a few steps, not fighting for the time being.At this time, Li Cui thought to himself, it would be better to have a truce for the time being, so as to delay the time until Zhang Ji's army arrived.But Guo Si thought, Li Ru's words were about good and bad, if both he and Li Cui were to lose, then Ma Teng and Han Sui, who had been eyeing Xiliang all the time, would surely take advantage of the fire, so they also had the intention of a truce.However, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Empress Fu and all the ministers and ministers in the court that Li Cuidi had made Guo Si feel aggrieved, so he shouted.

"If you really want a truce, send all the ministers of the court to our camp. If this is the case, I can retreat thirty miles!"

"Guo Aduo misunderstood your heart. Do you really think that I, Li Zhiran, are afraid of you? Dare to fight another three hundred rounds!!?"

"If you dare to fight, I will definitely accompany you!"

Li Cui and Guo Si were both covered in flames, and as soon as they finished speaking, they wanted to continue fighting.

"Slow! Dong Xiangguo's revenge has not been avenged, and the traitor Lu Fengxian is still at large. At the beginning, the two generals agreed with me, Li Wenyou, that I, General Xu and the Liangzhou soldiers will take orders from you and the other two. Now you and the other two are killing each other, no matter who wins and who loses, both parties will be severely injured, so why do you have to avenge Dong Xiangguo!!"

Li Ru suddenly roared desperately, he was thin, his eyes were red at this time, like a raging wolf.When Li Cui and Guo Bang heard this, they immediately reined in their horses. At the same time, they also found that many soldiers showed strange colors among their soldiers and horses.Li Cui's heart immediately twisted. Li Ru held a very high status in the eyes of soldiers in Liangzhou. If he joined Xu Rong and led an army by himself, then he would lose most of his troops.The same is true for Guo Bang, if Li Ru leads an army by himself, there will definitely be many soldiers under his command to vote.

"I, Li Zhiran, dare not forget the great enmity of Xiangguo! Don't worry, military commander, I will agree to Guo Aduo's request right now!"

After listening to Li Ru's promise, Guo Si was willing to give in, and the resentment and anger in his heart dissipated a bit, and he immediately comforted Li Ru with kind words.After Li Jue and Guo Si agreed on the conditions, they each led their troops back to the camp.

And Li Cui had no intention of deceiving Guo Si, after returning, he ordered Yang Biao, Zhu Jun and more than [-] court bureaucrats to be escorted to Guo Si's camp. The army retreated thirty miles away.

Guo Si put all the officials in prison.For some reason, all the officials were rushed to Guo Bang's camp by Li's sudden urging, and they were all uneasy.Yang Biao first asked Guo Si why they came to Guo Ying.

Guo Si sneered and said.

"Li Jue can control the Son of Heaven, why can't I, Guo Aduo, control the Duke!"

After hearing this, all the officials felt cold from head to sole.When they were dignified officials, they were kicked around like a ball by Li Cui and Guo Si, wantonly playing and manipulating them, and they ended up being treated like this, which is really a big joke since the beginning of the Han Dynasty.Guo Bang looked around arrogantly and contemptuously, then turned and left with a sneer.

"Is the Han Dynasty really going to perish?"

Yang Mi, the general of Zhonglang, looked at the back of Guo Si leaving, with a sad and gloomy face, and suddenly murmured something from his mouth.And this sentence may also be the words in the hearts of the bureaucrats around.

Although Li Cui and Guo Si had a temporary truce, both sides had ulterior motives.Especially Li Cui, who had long wanted to kill Guo Si, how could he negotiate peace with Guo Si.However, after waiting for several days, Zhang Ji's army did not arrive, so he immediately became suspicious.Later, I thought that Li Ru was here, after all, it was an unknown factor, so I deliberately dismissed Li Ru at the moment.

"Military division, although Guo Aduo has temporarily ceased fighting with me, he is ambitious and ungrateful, so he cannot be trusted. The military division is highly respected. I also hope that the military division will go to Hongnong and call Zhang Ji to lead the army. If I join forces with Zhang Ji, The troops are stronger than Guo Aduo, so we can deter him."

Li Ru frowned, but what Li reminded made sense, and after thinking about it for a while, he agreed.Li Cui gave Li Ru a secret letter. After Li Ru received it, he and Xu Rong and a team of thousands of light cavalry rushed to Hongnong secretly.

Li Xuan can get a high position today, how can his strategy and intelligence be low.In fact, the content of this secret letter is to tell Zhang Ji to come to Chang'an as soon as possible, and at the same time use excuses to keep Li Ru and Xu Rong in Hongnong.And after seven days, Li Cui will send troops to attack Guo Bang's camp. At that time, Guo Bang will mostly flee to the mountains and forests from Chang'an to Hongnong.So Li urged Zhang Ji to lead a heavy army to lie in ambush there, and hit Guo Bang's retreating troops hard. When his army arrived, they attacked back and forth, so that Guo Bang's soldiers and horses could be wiped out.

At this time, [-] soldiers led by Zhang Ji in Shangluo were fighting fiercely with Lu Bu's soldiers and horses.Although Chen Gong didn't know why Zhang Ji sent troops to attack unexpectedly, but Chen Gong was cautious by nature and used to plan ahead when doing things.Shangluo was often attacked by soldiers and horses from Li and Guo Si, so Shangluo's defense measures have always been perfect.Zhang Ji attacked, and under the strict defense, he didn't take advantage of it for a while.

The two armies attacked one and defended the other, and they fought for several days, both of which suffered damage.However, Zhang Ji's soldiers and horses did not have a great advantage in terrain like the Shangluo defenders, so many soldiers were killed or injured in the past few days, thousands of them.

Zhang Ji was worried about the battle in Luo, when suddenly a soldier reported that Li Ru and Xu Rong came to see him.Zhang Ji was overjoyed when he heard this, he thought it was Li Cui who sent them to assist in the war in Shangluo.After Zhang Ji received Li Ru and Xu Rong, he finished the ceremony. Li Ru had a heavy responsibility and did not dare to hesitate, so he immediately gave Zhang Ji the secret letter from Li Cui.After Zhang Ji received the letter, his complexion could be described as brilliant, startled for a while, then darkened again, then a little unbearable, and finally slowly rose a resolute color.

Seeing Zhang Ji's complex expression, Li Ru frowned even tighter, wanting to ask Zhang Ji to take a look at the letter.Unexpectedly, before the words were spoken, Zhang Ji stepped aside and burned the letter by candlelight.

Li Ru frowned deeply, his heart was beating wildly, and then pressed down tightly, suddenly feeling weak for some reason.He found that there seemed to be many things, and there were many doubts.Just like Zhang Ji should be in Hongnong at this time, why would he suddenly fight Lu Bu in Shangluo.

After thinking about it, Li Ru asked Zhang Ji.And Zhang Ji was also at a loss. In the secret letter Li Cui gave him just now, it was written that Li Cui asked him to rush to Chang'an a few days ago.But the letter he received told him to capture Shangluo.Zhang Ji also became confused for a while, and found an excuse to prevaricate Li Ru.People like Li Ru knew that what Zhang Ji said was false, but they did not dismantle it.

Zhang Ji was confused, but he still decided to follow the instructions in the letter.Taking advantage of the night, Zhang Ji summoned all the soldiers and suddenly notified the troops to withdraw.After two days of driving with his soldiers and horses, Zhang Ji returned to Hongnong.

Then Zhang Ji said that in the letter Li Cui ordered that Lu Bu would probably attack Hongnong, and hoped that Li Ru and Xu Rong would stay on guard.Li Ru became more and more suspicious of the contents of the secret letter, and his sense of powerlessness became more and more intense.He felt that Li Cui didn't trust him.There must be something between Zhang Ji and Li Cui hiding him.Although Li Ru was knocking around Zhang Ji, trying to find the slightest clue, but Zhang Ji kept his mouth shut, and would choose not to answer unless he had to. Li Ru couldn't pry Zhang Ji's mouth open, so naturally he couldn't get any clues.

But Zhang Ji seemed to be in a hurry. After resting for a day, he only left [-] troops for Li Ru and Xu Rong to stay in Hongnong, and the rest went to Chang'an with him.

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