Han Shimou

Chapter 616

Because of the Linhe tragedy, there was a lot of shouting and killing in Taiyuan. Gao Shun quickly gathered [-] soldiers and rushed to Wuyuan in the starry night.Gao Shun's heart that was on the verge of burning was a little relieved that the [-] Hu troops were blocked by the seven-day heavy rain, and they were still in Shuofang territory at this time, and had never invaded Wuyuan.

Gaoshun rushed to dig deep ditches and build high forts in Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County, and urgently built defenses.The leader of the Northern Qiang, Ke Po Wushui Wen Gaoshun, led the troops to Jiuyuan. In a hurry, he forced the Qiang soldiers to cross the mountain road. Hundreds of thousands of Qiang soldiers, like ants crawling around, rushed to Jiuyuan. Twenty miles away, set up a camp.

Hundreds of thousands of Qiang soldiers crossed the difficult road, and they all showed signs of fatigue, but before Kebo Wushui marched, he had learned from the scouts that there were no more than [-] soldiers in Jiuyuan County.Therefore, Ke Po Wushui Ding Gaoshun did not dare to attack the camp. After all, there were [-] Qiang soldiers in the camp, and a mouthful of saliva from each of them was enough to drown them.

When the Qiang soldiers were rushing to set up the shed, a group of Han Chinese scouts were rushing into Jiuyuan City.The scout quickly reported to Gao Shun that the [-] Qiang Hu had arrived [-] miles away from Jiuyuan.

Gao Shun's complexion was as cold as hailstones, he nodded heavily, and ordered the scouts to quickly call the generals to discuss.

It was night, and it was autumn, the night wind was cool and cold, and the black area outside Jiuyuan City seemed extremely quiet.In the Qiang camp, there are only two teams of several hundred Qiang soldiers patrolling. Originally, there was an order from Kebo Wushui to have five teams be on guard everywhere. The easy victory made these Qiang people forget the misery of a few years ago.There were three groups of Qiang and Hu troops who did not obey the law and rested in their tents.Of course, when the time comes, these three teams will take turns with the previous two teams.These Qiang people all expected that the Jiuyuan Han army would not dare to attack the battalion, and even the scope of defensive patrols was greatly reduced.

In the stronghold of the Qiang camp, there would be bursts of indulgent laughter from time to time.

In the dark night, a group of men and horses walked quickly on the ground outside Jiuyuan City.Gao Shun wore a tiger-headed black armor and rode a fiery red BMW. When he approached the stronghold of the Qiang camp, Gao Shun ordered two crossbowmen to stand guard on both sides of the road, and the rest of the soldiers followed him to the stronghold of the Qiang camp.

What is extremely surprising is that besides a troop of more than [-] soldiers, Gao Shun also has a sword and shield soldier of more than [-] soldiers. With such a force, Gao Shun dared to offend The military power of one hundred thousand Hu soldiers.

What is the difference between such a hasty move and death?

Some people may think that Gao Shunding was so enraged by the evil deeds of the Qiang people in Shuofang that he lost his mind.But if Gao Shun had only this kind of magnanimity, how could Wen Han hand over the entire Bingzhou to him! ?

The Qiang Camp was like a giant sleeping beast. Gao Shun waved his army forward, and all the soldiers were ready to go. Gao Shun stared coldly and shouted violently. , steel spear armor, jade belt treasure helmet, this equipment can only be equipped by generals above Dubo, but only soldiers in this army can be equipped like this.No matter how powerful it is, this army must have been built with huge sums of money!

"Great wind!!!"

With the sound of Gao Shun's order, the eight hundred soldiers moved together, shuttled like the wind, like eight hundred tigers and wolves flying towards the stronghold of the Qiang camp.The remaining [-] sabers and shields followed closely.

The sound of rapid footsteps immediately attracted the attention of the Qiang soldiers in the Qiang camp, but before they could recover, Gao Shun led [-] soldiers and was about to rush into the gate of the great village.What a footstep this is, the marching speed of the infantry led by Gao Shun is not at all detrimental to the ordinary cavalry, and even surpasses it!

"Attack the camp!! There is a Han army attacking the camp!!!"

A Qiang general cried out in alarm, Gao Shun walked like flying, rushed into the gate, and saw a group of Qiang soldiers rushing to kill him.Gao Shun held a long lance in his hand, and flew like a rainstorm, smashing the ground to scatter the Qiang soldiers who blocked the way. Not long after the yelling Qiang general finished speaking, a lance suddenly stabbed at his throat.The Qiang general was killed on the spot, and at the same time, the hundreds of Qiang soldiers around him also encountered the [-] elite soldiers rushing towards them, like tigers attacking sheep. The deadly parts, without the slightest flashy moves, are all the most concise killing moves.

In an instant, the pair of Qiang soldiers were wiped out, and another group of Qiang soldiers ran away in fright.Gao Shun didn't pursue and kill them, but led the 3000 men to the place where the crowds were constantly pouring out and gathering.The other [-] swordsmen brought by Gao Shun quickly guarded around the gate, and did not follow Gao Shun to participate in the fight, as if their mission was limited to guarding the exit!

Eight hundred soldiers and horses dared to attack the stronghold with one hundred thousand Qiang soldiers. Such awe-inspiring arrogance is really astonishing!

Countless Qiang soldiers ran out of the tents, most of them were still sleepy and exhausted, they had overcome the difficulties, and most of their body functions were exhausted, and after they came here they had to rush to build camps, and after a short rest, they went to work again. Hearing the call to attack the camp, these Qiang soldiers almost all came out with a strong spirit.

Most of the Qiang soldiers did not have enough armor, and many even went out empty-handed before they had time to pick up their weapons.Just when they were wondering what the Han people had eaten, the Xiongxin leopard dared to sneak attack from their camp.

Gao Shun led his troops to kill him. He didn't have many troops, only [-] soldiers, but these [-] soldiers had the majestic momentum of thousands of troops!


"Fire!!! Fire!!!! Fire!!!!!!"

Gao Shun shouted an order suddenly, and the eight hundred soldiers responded violently. The eight hundred soldiers seemed to be on fire, and the guns in their hands seemed to be covered with flames.Gao Shun made a big move, and flew away, the spears in his hands kept dancing, the eight hundred soldiers moved in unison, their spears fired in unison, and stabbed violently at the Qiang soldiers in all directions.

All of a sudden, this group of 800 Han troops set off a bloody storm in a large sea of ​​Qiang soldiers!The eight hundred steel guns erupted like a torch, attacking wherever they attacked, they would definitely be able to break.There was a shrill scream, shaking the sky, and the Qiang soldiers were in chaos. It was not until the [-] elite soldiers killed half of the crowd that several Qiang generals in the rear stabilized the chaos in time and commanded the troops to stop the attack.

Gao Shun kept fighting, while looking around in the sea of ​​Qiang and Hu people, Gao Shun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a fat Qiang man wearing golden armor and a golden helmet on his head. He guessed that this man must be the Northern Qiang Wang Ke dialed out the black water.


"Thunder!!! Thunder!!! Thunder!!!!!!"

As soon as Gao Shun's voice changed, the eight hundred soldiers sped up as if they had transformed into a huge lightning bolt, flying violently and turbulently in the sea of ​​Qiang soldiers, as if they had cut a bloody path.

Ke Po Wushui heard that there was a sneak attack by the Han army. After rushing out of the tent, he quickly ordered soldiers to come to protect him.Nearly thousands of warriors with golden swords protected Kebo Wushui so tightly that no water leaked, so Kebo Wushui felt at ease and looked away from the sea of ​​soldiers.

When he saw a Han army with less than a thousand soldiers fighting in his large army, his face was filled with inconceivable horror.But when he saw the leading general, his horror instantly turned into fear.

"Gao Boyi!!! Then this supreme infantry, isn't it the first army in the world known as 'Invincible Attack', trapped in the camp!"

Ke Bo Wushui had fought against Gao Shun and Xu Huang in Xihe back then, and the shocking Ruifeng who fell into the camp at the time left a deep impression on him.

Ke Po Wushui swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and saw Gao Shun leading the camp to kill him, frightened, he hurriedly ordered the golden sword warriors around him to help prepare for the battle.Thousands of golden sword warriors quickly formed seven formations, each shaking their spirits, ready to fight.

In the blink of an eye, like a thunderbolt flying into the camp, under the leadership of Gao Shun, he had already killed one place, and headed towards the seven formations in front of Keba Wushui.

Gao Shun stared at the tiger's eyes, Yi Qiang swung a golden saber to stop him, Gao Shun shot like lightning, stabbing his throat first in an instant.Gao Shun succeeded with one blow and continued to charge. The first group of golden saber warriors came to surround him. Gao Shun was not afraid, but his killing intent was overwhelming. The soldiers from the camp arrived, and the thunderous offensive killed the first group of golden sword warriors in time.

"Ke pull out the black water!!! Take your life!!!"

The closer he got, the more clearly Gao Shun could see Ke Po Wushui's hideous fat face.The hatred between the Han people and the Qiang people is as deep as an ocean, and it can even be described as endless.However, because the Han Dynasty was in troubled times, Wen Han was unable to conquer the Hu territory, so he accepted the Northern Qiang's surrender.I originally thought that after the huge fiasco experienced by the Northern Qiang a few years ago, they should not dare to make mistakes in the past ten years.

Therefore, Gao Shun was less wary of the Northern Qiang. After all, the name of Wenhan Champion was deeply rooted in the hearts of every Northern Qiang like a nightmare. If there were no accidents, the Northern Qiang would never dare to rebel easily.

But what I didn't expect was that these Qiang people, who had been decimated by Wen Han, gathered their courage from somewhere, dared to rebel again, and even committed countless vile and inhumane evil deeds in Shuofang!

Gao Shun's deep hatred exploded, as if possessing divine power, he broke through three formations in a row, and the [-] soldiers trapped in the formation were even more unstoppable, killing the Golden Sword Warriors and causing chaos in each formation.

Ke Po Wushui saw that Gao Shun was still trapped in the camp, like a heavenly soldier, he was invincible, and the formation was broken like a fragile egg.Ke Bo Wushui was filled with infinite fear, he was so frightened that he ran back, leading a group of warriors with golden swords, and rushed into the chaotic army behind.

When Gao Shun saw that Ke was trying to escape, he immediately stepped up his attack, killing all six warriors with golden sabers and rushing away.Meanwhile, Ke Bo Wushui grabbed a Qiang general who was very similar to him in stature, and asked him to exchange armor with him for preparation, and he ordered another soldier to exchange with him again, Ke Bo Wushui pierced the soldier's armor, Sneak into the chaos.And the fat man in Keba black water gold armor led a group of troops, eagerly looking to escape to another place.

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