Han Shimou

Chapter 617

The surrounding area was crowded with people and horses, and it was extremely chaotic.When Gao Shun saw the fat man in golden armor, he mistook it for Ke Po Wushui, and immediately led his troops to kill him.

Gao Shun and the fighters in the trapped camp seemed to be one body, and they were so brave, and because the Qiang soldiers were exhausted and panicked, it was difficult to stop the attack.


As soon as the order was issued, the trapped camp flew away like the wind, and stopped the soldiers and horses of the golden-armored fat man in an instant.


All of a sudden, the [-] spears were fired like fire, and they stabbed in unison, rushing like a flame in the sky, killing the Qiang soldiers and horses.


As soon as the thunder sounded, the trapped camp erupted like a thunderbolt, rushing forward, and the soldiers of all trapped camps quickly killed the enemy, and Gao Shun charged in front of the fat man in golden armor.The long lance burst out like thunder, and pierced the heart of the fat man in gold armor. The fat man in gold armor screamed and fell backwards.

Gao Shun killed the fat man, before he had time to see his face clearly, countless golden sword warriors screamed miserably, and rushed towards Gao Shun as if they lost their minds.Gao Shun quickly swung his long spear, blocked it and retreated. At this time, the body of the fat man in golden armor was surrounded by a sea of ​​people, making it difficult to enter.At the same time, most of the chaotic Qiang army had formed a formation and rushed towards Gaoshun.


Gao Shun decisively ordered to lead the trapped camp to look back at the chaotic place and fly to kill, rushing left and right, breaking through repeatedly, and rushing to the gate.At this time, no matter whether it is trapped in the camp or Gao Shun, they are all exhausted and it is difficult to fight again.Gao Shun led his army across the gate, followed by countless Qiang soldiers.

The [-]-Han saber and shield hand, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately piled up huge shield walls and blocked them suddenly.Gain time for Gao Shun and the trapped camp to escape.

It is a great shame that [-] Han troops have turned upside down in the camp of [-] Hu troops!

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! ! !

The Qiang soldiers shouted angrily and waved their weapons wildly, causing the shield walls to roar violently.There were too many Qiang soldiers. If it wasn't for the three thousand Han soldiers with swords and shields to take advantage of the narrow terrain to resist, they would have been swallowed by the Qiang soldiers long ago.

After about half a stick of incense, the sword and shield fighters of the Han army were forced to retreat from the gate by the chao attack of the Qiang soldiers.The generals of the Han army saw that there were more and more Qiang soldiers, fearing that they would be surrounded and killed, so they quickly retreated.

Although this team of Han sabers and shields retreated hastily, their formation was not in disorder.On the other hand, the Qiang soldiers in the rear took care of their own side, rushed and rushed, and were trampled to death. There were hundreds of people.

It is said that when the Han army arrived at a crossing, because the crossing was narrow, the Qiang soldiers were in chaos, pushing forward and back, making the chaos like grasshoppers in a frying pan.

At this moment, two teams of Han army crossbowmen suddenly appeared on the high places on both sides of the crossing. Thousands of arrows were fired at once and fell into the crowd of Qiang soldiers. Each arrow must hit, killing a large number of Qiang soldiers.The Qiang soldiers at the front saw it and rushed to escape, but they didn't know that the back road was blocked and there was no room to escape.The crossbowmen of the Han army quickly set up their bows and fired arrows at these Qiang soldiers who were like targets.Thousands of Qiang soldiers were killed and injured, and the shrill screams resounded throughout the world.

These thousands of crossbowmen of the Han army seemed to overthrow all the hatred accumulated in their stomachs, their big hands kept opening wide, even if their muscles and bones ached, they didn't care about it, and quickly shot out the arrows in their quiver Arrows, seeing Qiang people being shot to death by their own arrows, killing them was extremely enjoyable!

Whoosh! ! ! !

For nearly half an hour, the arrows flew down non-stop. The road was filled with countless corpses of Qiang people filled with arrows. Thousands of Han crossbowmen almost shot all the arrows in their quiver. As for the Qiang soldiers Having been killed a long time ago, they were terrified, and when they saw that the arrow slowed down a little, everyone seemed to have gone crazy, and fled back desperately.


"Thunder!!! Thunder!!! Thunder!!!!!!"

The terrifying shouting sound suddenly broke out again.Gao Shun, who had rested, led the trapped camp to come again from the rear road to the narrow road.

The so-called meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Although there were many Qiang soldiers, their courage was broken and their morale fell to the bottom after being attacked by repeated arrows. When Gao Shun was attacked by the camp, they panicked and fled desperately. .

Gao Shun led the camp to attack quickly, killing the Qiang soldiers in the narrow road, and they were defeated.Most of the Qiang soldiers had no intention of fighting, and each fled back to the camp. Gao Shun killed the Qiang soldiers and fought until dawn before rushing back to Jiuyuan.

A few waves of Qiang soldiers came quickly under the leadership of Kebo Wushui, and seeing the corpses of the Xia Taoists piled up like a mountain, it was impossible to chase them.A gust of cold wind blew past, and there was a strong smell of blood, Ke Po Wushui's heart twitched, his stomach full of anger like a sea, but he couldn't express it!

Afterwards, Ke Bo Wushui made people count men and horses, and nearly ten generals were killed. Nearly three to 4000 people died under swords and guns, and more than ten thousand people died under arrows. There are also more than a thousand people.

In one night, the [-] Hu army lost nearly ten soldiers and nearly fifteen thousand soldiers and horses.The prestige of the Han army once again shook the soul of every Northern Qiang Hu people!

Hu Jun's morale was low, his soldiers and horses were exhausted, and he had just suffered such a big defeat.Although Ke Po Wushui wished to lead an army to overthrow Jiuyuan, but he knew the situation at this time and would never allow him to charge like this.Ke Po Wushui had no choice but to firmly suppress this idea, and ordered a group of soldiers and horses to strictly guard the surrounding area of ​​the camp. At the same time, he sent more scouts to inquire about the movement of Jiuyuan, so that most of the soldiers and horses could recover their physical strength as soon as possible, and then make plans.

After Gao Shun withdrew his troops and rushed back to Jiuyuan, although the troops under his command had been killed all night and their physical functions had long been exhausted, their eyes were still shining and their faces were tense, as if they hadn't killed enough last night, and they still didn't want to do their best!

Of course, Gao Shun would never send the soldiers to the front line to fight again, he ordered the soldiers to rest first, and at the same time sent a team of scouts to the Qiang camp to inquire about the news.The scouts returned at night and lost many troops. Gao Shun asked anxiously, and learned that the Qianghu village was strictly guarded, and there were sentry towers and scouts everywhere to guard against it.The scouts sent by Gao Shun were discovered by Hu Jun's scouts. The two sides clashed, and each had casualties.

As soon as Gao Shun heard this, he knew that Ke Po Wushui, the King of the Northern Qiang, must not have been killed last night.Gao Shun secretly regretted that if he could kill Ke Bo Wushui last night, Hu Jun would definitely lose his position. When reinforcements from Xihe, Dingxiang, and Yanmen arrived, he would take advantage of the situation and kill Hu Jun and return Hu Jun to Hu territory!

And opportunities like last night will never happen again.Hu Jun has learned such a painful lesson, he has already strictly guarded, and will not let Gao Shun's soldiers and horses easily enter the camp as he did last night.What's more, the number of soldiers in the Qiang camp is overwhelming. Last night, if these Qiang soldiers hadn't come through a difficult road, exhausted their energy, and because of lax defenses, they were attacked in the camp and reacted hastily. Otherwise, how could Gao Shun win the battle? This is a big win.

And Gao Shun also knew that when Hu Jun regained his strength and was exhausted, he would surely rush to Jiuyuan to overthrow.Here, Gao Shun urgently ordered the generals of the various ministries to prepare for the protection of the city.

Five days later, Xihe, Dingxiang, and Yanmen arrived one after another, and the strength of Jiuyuan City increased to [-].Because of this, Gao Shun lost his heart.With [-] troops guarding Jiuyuan, he has sufficient confidence to resist the Hu army's offensive and wait for the reinforcements from Hedong to arrive.

As for Ke Bowushui, he was too regretful to hear that Jiuyuan Company had increased its troops. If it wasn't for the great defeat five days ago, he might have captured Jiuyuan City and killed the general guarding Bingzhou at this time. Gao Shun.Now that Jiuyuan has [-] troops, most of Hu Jun's previous good opportunities will be eliminated immediately. If he wants to attack Jiuyuan, and even the entire Bingzhou, it will be an extremely difficult and protracted battle.

However, Ke Po Wushui did not give up because of this, because the champion Hou Wenhan, who he feared the most, was fighting in Liangzhou. If Bei Qiang wanted to stand up under Wen Han, this time was the only chance.Otherwise, once Wen Han captures Liangzhou, his power will be so great that it will become the foundation of seizing the world, then the Northern Qiang will never be able to stand up!

Keba Wushui raised his troops this time and recruited almost all the men in the Northern Qiang. Today, most of the Northern Qiang and Hu territories are women, old people, and children.

Ke Bawushui's rebellion can be described as a desperate, desperate fight.If you win, you can bring a glorious day to the Northern Qiang, and if you lose, you will lose the entire Northern Qiang family!

Therefore, as soon as the Hu army was exhausted, Ke Po Wushui hurriedly ordered the army to attack Jiuyuan City, leaving only 8 soldiers and horses to guard the camp, and more than [-] Hu troops almost completely surrounded Jiuyuan City.

Gao Shun remained calm in the face of danger, and guarded the north gate by himself. Deputy General Liu Bi guarded the south gate. Gao Shun sent steady generals to guard the east and west gates. Taking advantage of the danger of deep ditches and earth barriers, he used arrows, falling rocks, and rolling logs to block Hu Jun. offensive.The [-] soldiers in Jiuyuan City, united as one, and defending Jiuyuan without fear of sacrifice, tried their best to block the Hu army's offensive.

Because they all understand the burden on their shoulders, which is related to the safety of nearly a million Han people. If they lose, these million people will suffer all kinds of hardships in the hands of these vicious barbarians!

Gao Shun was fighting fiercely with the northern Qiang Hu army in Jiuyuan, Bingzhou, and at the same time in Anyi, Hedong.

When Xu Huang received an urgent report from Gao Shun, when he learned that the Northern Qiang had done evil in Linhe and was rebelling with the [-] Hu army in Bingzhou, Xu Huang immediately burst into a murderous aura.Xu Huang urgently summoned the soldiers of various ministries to raise [-] soldiers and horses, and was ready to rush to Bingzhou for rescue.

Bingzhou is the hinterland of Wenhan's power, and there is no room for loss.But even so, neither Gao Shun nor Xu Huang had a tacit understanding and did not send a message to Wen Han.

Wen Han's battle in Liangzhou is particularly critical. If it succeeds, it will be prosperous for decades, and it will have the foundation to conquer the world.If the decline is inevitable, it will be out of control, and it is more likely to withdraw from the ranks of heroes who compete for the world.

Therefore, neither Gao Shun nor Xu Huang wanted to distract Wen Han because of the danger of merging the state, so as to affect the entire battle situation in Liangzhou, and turn the rare golden opportunity into an endless disaster.

The current situation can be described as imminent, Xu Huang hesitated, and wanted to go to Xilong to discuss it, but he was afraid that it would delay Xilong's recovery.Wen Han had previously issued a strict order that Xilong was not allowed to have any contact with political and military affairs in the past six months, and let Xilong rest in peace in Anyi. If anyone dares to make Xilong worry, he will be severely punished!

Xu Huang pondered for a while, finally sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​looking for Xilong to discuss.Xilong's sickness is deeply rooted, and Cao Cao will not be allowed to work hard for the past six months, otherwise his illness will break out again and again, and he will be helpless.

Xu Huang understands very well that Xilong is even more important to his third brother than the whole Bingzhou!If he had to choose between Bingzhou and Xilong for his third brother, he would definitely choose Xilong without hesitation!

Thinking of this, Xu Huang strictly ordered those who knew about it to keep the matter strictly hidden, and never let the military division know about it.Unexpectedly, among the insiders, there is a general named Wang Lei who was born in Shuofang.Northern Qiang's heinous deeds in Shuofang made him almost uncontrollable and fell into a rampage.And he was worried that people in other cities and counties in Bingzhou would suffer the same tragedy as Shuofang. After several struggles, he decided to disobey the military order and rush to Xilong's mansion in private to look for Xilong.

Unexpectedly, the servants of the opera house told Wang Lei that his master was not at home. He had made an appointment with Tian Feng to play chess, and he should be on his way to Tian Feng's house at this time.Therefore, Wang Lei hurried to the field house.

It is said that since Tian Feng was captured by Wen Han and came to Anyi, his life can be described as quiet and quiet.Wen Han only ordered seven or eight soldiers to guard the exit of the house, and did not forbid Tian Feng to walk around with his family, but whenever he went out, the servants of the house would follow him.Although Tian Feng didn't want to join Wen Han, he was a man of flesh and blood after all. Under his family's begging, Tian Feng no longer had the tendency to commit suicide.

However, Zhou Long, Wen Han's sworn brother, invited Tian Feng to become an official several times, but was scolded by Tian Feng and returned.Tian Feng's posture seemed to be forcing Zhou Long to kill him.But Zhou Long has a very good temper and is a kind person. Every time he faces Tian Feng's scolding with a smile, Zhou Long will only go back when Tian Feng scolds enough.

Tian Feng was very helpless about this, and over time, he calmed down, put aside all foreign affairs, and lived a life with his family at ease.Of course Tian Feng is an arrogant person, he will never accept Wen Han's favor in vain, for him this is charity.

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