Han Shimou

Chapter 651

Taoism seems to be gradually weakening, and the mysterious and mysterious ghosts and gods are gradually being rarely mentioned.Those omnipotent Taoists who can move mountains and seas gradually fade out of the sight of the world and are forgotten.

"Luck is full, Dao fruit is gone, Dao is down, within a hundred years, there will be no immortals in the world! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Somewhere in the world, an old Taoist priest in his seventies wearing a tattered Taoist robe looks at the sky and laughs loudly, as if there are endless vicissitudes in the laughter.It seems that this person has gone through countless years, and the mundane world is just a gust of sand blowing by the wind before his eyes.

Mysterious and ethereal things, but let's stop here.As the old Taoist said, the Dao is down and out, and within a hundred years there will be no Taoist with the ability to move mountains and seas like Zuo Ci and Yu Ji.Although Sima Hui's life and death are unknown, but in the battle of Anyi, even if he can still survive, his Taoism will be ruined, and he will be physically disabled.As for Zhang Lu, he was seriously injured, and most of his Taoism was destroyed. It is absolutely impossible to return to his previous Taoism practice in his lifetime.As for the rest of the Taoists, they are all inexperienced in Taoism, with a little knowledge, and they are all clowns, and it is difficult to be elegant.

Look at the battle in Liangzhou again.Two months ago, Wen Han, who was attacking Ma Chao in Pingxiang, Liangzhou, suddenly fell ill and fell into a coma.Guan Yu, Li You and others were afraid that the morale of the army would be turbulent and that the Xiliang army would take advantage of it, so they strictly concealed the news.

The [-] Xiliang army in Pingxiang City, due to Cheng Gongying's previous plan, wanted to wait for the chaos in Bingzhou before attacking, so there has been no movement.And Wen Jun has been standing still because of Wen Han's strange disease.

Half a month passed in such an eerie calm.When Cheng Gongying saw Bingzhou, there has been no news for a long time, but the more than 6 civil troops not far outside the city have been defending and not attacking.Cheng Gongying became suspicious, and always felt that something was extremely dangerous, but he didn't know where the problem was.

At that time, in the Wenjun camp, because of the appearance of a general, Guan Yu, who had been frowning all day long, showed an ecstatic smile.That general was Xu Huang who came from Hedong. At that time, the emperor's blood was still being raised. Xu Huang received Xilong's death letter and rushed to Pingxiang.In this fatal letter, there is an ingenious plan that Xi Long exhausted his mind when he was in critical condition, which can severely injure the Xiliang army and lay a victory for Wenhan's attack on Liangzhou.

Since Guan Yu met the horse trainer that day, the horse trainer told Guan Yu that there is no need to worry about Wen Han's condition or the battle situation in Liangzhou.After hearing this, Guan Yu was immediately relieved, and had been waiting for the turning point.

The arrival of Xu Huang made Guan Yu feel that his fourth brother was the turning point.Guan Yu rushed out of the camp to meet Xu Huang. Xu Huang's expression was rather irritable and uneasy. He had just rushed to the camp, and when he saw Guan Yu, he immediately dragged Guan Yu and took him to find Wenhan.

Guan Yu originally thought that Xu Huang came here this time, probably through some means, he learned about Wen Han's condition, and then brought a panacea from Hedong, which could revive Wen Han.Unexpectedly, Xu Huang didn't seem to know Wen Han's condition at all, Guan Yu's expression was slightly dim, and he quickly led Xu Huang into a tent.Seeing that Guan Yu did not lead him to see Wen Han, Xu Huang was anxious, and Zheng Yu urged him again, but Guan Yu actually told Xu Huang that Wen Han was in a coma due to a strange illness!

After Xu Huang heard this, he turned pale in shock, and then, through the time mentioned in Guan Yu's words, he discovered that the day Wen Han fell ill turned out to be the day when the war in Bingzhou broke out.

Xu Huang seemed to think of certain possibilities, and immediately asked Guan Yu what happened to Wen Han before he fell ill.When Guan Yu heard Xu Huang's question, Wo Can frowned. He was not with Wen Han that day, and he didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Li You suddenly entered the account.It turned out that when Li You heard about Xu Huang's arrival, he learned from the soldiers that Guan Yu and Xu Huang were there. Li You also thought that Xu Huang must have something important to report, so he hurried over.

Li You heard Xu Huang's question behind the tent, and immediately recalled Wen Han's scene before he fainted that day. At that time, their monarchs and ministers calculated that Bingzhou University might be attacked by Xiqiang, and Wen Han suddenly seemed to think of something extremely terrible. After repeatedly calling Xilong's name, he passed out.

Therefore, Li You has always believed that Wen Han's strange disease has a great relationship with Xi Long.And Xu Huang came from Hedong, so he could just ask Xilong what happened.Li Xian quickly told the past, and then immediately asked Xi Long how he was, Xu Huang's expression changed suddenly, and after hesitating for a while, he gave an inarticulate answer, saying that Xi Long is fine and his condition is over. Much improved.

Xu Huang never lied, Guan Yu, as his sworn brother, would not know that Xu Huang was lying at this time.Guan Yu's face turned red, and he grabbed Xu Huang's shoulder heavily with one hand, asking Xu Huang to tell the truth.Unexpectedly, Xu Huang, who never dared to disobey Guan Yu's order, insisted on insisting on the previous statement, making Guan Yu tremble with anger, and repeatedly reprimanded Xu Huang.

Xu Huang knew that Xilong was in danger, and he must not tell it, otherwise it would disturb the morale of the army, and he also promised Xilong not to tell this matter.Out of emotion and reason, Xu Huang had no choice but to tell the lie to the end regardless of Guan Yu's angry reprimand.Li You's eyes were vicious, observing Xu Huang's extremely complicated expression, he immediately guessed that there must be something hidden in it.He stretched out his hand to call Xu Huang to a place, and asked several questions in a row, Xu Huang's expression changed drastically, but he didn't answer.Li You probably understood it through Xu Huang's answer.Li You's face was deep, and he asked softly in Xu Huang's ear.

"Is there any help for the military division?"

Xu Huang's complexion changed again, he secretly marveled at Li You's terrifying calculation power, hesitated for a while, and then nodded emphatically.

"Although Li doesn't know medical skills, he has a vague feeling that as long as the military advisor is out of danger, the lord's strange illness will definitely be cured in no time. General Xu, do you have any entrustment from the military advisor when you come here?"

Li You whispered in Xu Huang's ear again, Xu Huang didn't respond with any words except for the change in his expression, he quickly took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Li You.

Li You took it solemnly with both hands, and suddenly felt that the letter was extremely important!

"Li Jijiu, this letter was written by the military master's painstaking efforts. The mystery in the letter can help the third brother defeat Nama Mengqi, and even conquer the entire Liangzhou! I also hope that Li Jijiu will be kept well. After the third brother wakes up, he will send this letter immediately. Hand it over to him!"

Xu Huang lowered his voice and focused his eyes.Li You put away the letter and bowed to salute.

"General Xu, don't worry, this letter is like my fate, it will never be lost! Li will definitely get things done."

Xu Huang returned the salute with a bow, then turned to look at Guan Yu.Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes widened and he stared at Xu Huang angrily. Xu Huang suddenly bent his knees and knelt down on the ground in shock.

"Little brother, how dare you lie to second brother!! The military master really got better and is fine!! If third brother wakes up and asks, please tell second brother like this!!!"

"Xu Gongming you!!!"

Xu Huang knew that he had seen through his lies, but he was still so stubborn. Guan Yu was so angry that he rushed towards him like a raging tiger.But Xu Huang looked directly at Guan Yu with bright eyes.Guan Yu stopped suddenly, he didn't know that his fourth younger brother must have some hidden secrets to insist on this, he turned around suddenly, and shouted angrily.

"That's all!!! As far as I have never seen you Xu Gongming today, if the third brother wakes up and asks, I will not answer!"

"Today it is Li who will meet General Xu! Li will definitely report to the lord everything that General Xu has entrusted to him!"

Li You reacted very sensitively, and immediately agreed.Guan Yu snorted coldly and got out of the tent angrily.Li You and Xu Huang looked at each other, they were well aware of Guan Yu's temperament, Guan Yu acted aboveboard, if he were to fabricate lies, even if he was threatened with a knife on his neck, he would never succeed.

After that, Xu Huang didn't stay any longer, and rushed back to Hedong that night.After several days in a row, Wen Han's condition still did not improve, and the soldiers in the army did not see Wen Han for many days, and many rumors began to spread in various camps and villages.

At this time, there was an extremely uneasy atmosphere in Pingxiang City. The Xiliang army had little food left, and now it was spent with the Wen army for nearly a month, and the city's food storage could only last for one month.If within a month, the [-] Wen army outside the city cannot be defeated, then the [-] Xiliang army will be exhausted due to the depletion of food and grass, causing the army's morale to be chaotic, and they will be destroyed without attack.

Seeing that there had been no battle report from Xiqiang for a long time, and seeing that there was not much food left, Ma Chao couldn't bear it any longer, and urged Cheng Gongying to fight again and again.Cheng Gongying also felt that this month's silence was very strange, but Cheng Gongying was not in a mess because of the immediate emergency, and seconded Ma Chaoyu's decision to attack with a large army.

He first remonstrated with Ma Chao to dismiss the sergeant with rations, and he had the right to save the emergency first, and then sent soldiers to attack for several rounds.If the rebellion in Bingzhou really spread to Wenying, it is very likely that most of the soldiers and horses in Wenying did not know what method they used to escape their scouts' investigation and rushed to Bingzhou.Therefore, the Wen camp must be empty of troops, and an attack will cause chaos.

If not, it is very likely that the news of the chaos in Bingzhou has not yet spread, or the Western Qiang may have lost the war in Bingzhou.At that time, Cheng Gongying will have to make urgent countermeasures for this.

Cheng Gongying's remonstrance was very reasonable, and Pang De and Ma Dai both persuaded him.Ma Chao suppressed his anger and eagerness, and obeyed.The next day, Ma Chao and Pang De led an army of [-], rushed out of Pingxiang City, and rushed towards the Wenjun camp overwhelmingly.

A soldier reported to Guan Yu, Guan Yu listened, and with a roar of a tiger, he immediately came out in armor, and sent soldiers to call Zhao Yun, and the two generals hurriedly led [-] cavalry out of the camp to meet them.

Ma Chao saw that Wenying was not in a panic, and soon two cavalry rushed out, and hurriedly ordered the army to stop the castration three miles outside Wenying.Ma Chao slapped his horse out of the battle, and was quite surprised to see Wen Han's figure in the opposite team.It can be seen that Wen Han has always been at the forefront of marching and fighting, stimulating the morale of soldiers, and rarely avoiding the camp.

Ma Chaoying frowned, and called out Wen Han's name before the battle, asking Wen Han to come out of the camp to answer.Guan Yu Danfeng's eyes were fixed, and the horse flew out, and the red rabbit horse came like a red wind and fire.Guan Yu raised the Qinglong Yanyue Saber slightly, and shouted loudly.

"Ma Mengqi, if you fight, you fight, why do you need to act like a villain in front of the battle, you only know the power of your words!!!"

Guan Yu yelled and cursed, and Ma Chao's complexion suddenly darkened, how could he have been so humiliated before, Jinyinshiya gun slammed and roared sharply.

"Guan Yunchang, don't be arrogant! Watch me, Ma Mengqi, take your head off!!!"

After Ma Chao roared, he slapped his mount and galloped out quickly.Guan Yu smiled coldly, the red rabbit poked its hooves, and immediately killed Ma Chao.Qinglong Yanyue Knife leaped up, as fast as lightning, and slashed at Ma Chao's chest.Ma Chao hurriedly swung the brocade and silver lion tooth gun to block it, there was a loud bang, and sparks flew violently.

Ma Chao's handsome face showed a slightly ferocious look, and he thought to himself that Guan Yu's strength was really terrifying, and the force of this knife made his tiger's jaw ache.

"Drink!!! Get up!!!"

With strength in his arms, Ma Chao pushed with all his strength with his gun, and swung Qinglong Yanyue Knife away.Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes shot out two stern lights, and with one hand he held the saber in the direction of the castration, and slashed at Ma Chao five times in a row.Ma Chao steadfastly held on to the five knives, chopping and slashing wildly. After Guan Yu's five knives passed, he roared angrily, and the brocade silver lion's toothed gun fell towards Guan Yu like a torrential rain.Guan Yu swung his saber to resist, but was attacked by Ma Chao with dozens of shots. It seemed dangerous, but Guan Yu was able to handle it with ease.

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