Han Shimou

Chapter 652

After Ma Chao's offensive paused, Guan Yu suddenly raised his knife and slashed at Ma Chao's head.

Swish! ! ! !

The fierce wind of the knife hit, Ma Chao bounced up suddenly, with a roar of the lion, he raised the brocade and silver lion tooth gun and slammed away. Guan Yu was startled by Ma Chao's fierce attack. .

The knives and guns clashed non-stop, and the two killed dozens of rounds.Guan Yu is very powerful, and his sword moves are full of dangers. If he is not careful, it will be fatal.Ma Chao's spear is fast and his moves are fierce. He often kills in one go. If he can't resist his attack, he will die without a doubt.

The two men had their own strengths and weaknesses, and the sergeants of the two armies watched intently and exclaimed again and again.


On the battlefield, Ma Chao suddenly dodged Guan Yu's broadsword, and stabbed straight at Guan Yu's heart.Guan Yu seemed to have been prepared for a long time, the red rabbit horse under his crotch was connected with him, and with a neigh, he pulled his hooves back suddenly, and the Jinyin Lion's toothed spear stopped with a bang, only stopping a few millimeters away from Guan Yu's heart.

At this moment, Guan Yu had already withdrawn the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and with a violent roar, the sound was like thunder, he raised the saber in his hand and dropped it, and slashed at the Jinyinshi Yaqian.Seeing the situation, Ma Chao opened his mouth and screamed, and rushed to block the Jinyinshiya spear.

The sharp blade glowing with blue light suddenly slashed at the silver gun body, only a loud 'bang' was heard, violent sparks swayed, and the two weapons flew apart, Guan Yudanfeng's eyes were slightly startled The green dragon Yanyue knife, which cuts iron like mud on a daily basis, can't stop cutting the brocade silver lion tooth spear in Ma Chao's hand.

The Jinyin Lion Tooth Spear is the personal weapon of General Fubo Ma Yuan. The treasure of the Ma clan is certainly not an ordinary treasure. The body of the Jinyin Lion Tooth Spear is made of thousand-year-old black iron. , the head of the gun is in the shape of a gold-plated tiger's head, and the tiger's mouth swallows the blade. It is made of a mixture of platinum and lion's teeth, and it is extremely sharp.

And just when Guan Yu was amazed at how strong the Brocade and Silver Lion Tooth Spear was, Ma Chao's handsome face twitched. It must be the blood oozing from the tiger's mouth with both palms.

The two of them just had a very short time that was almost negligible, and soon the two of them reacted, indiscriminately, they grabbed the weapons almost at the same time, and suddenly attacked each other again.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

The two confronted four times in a row. Ma Chao's moves were a bit messy due to the injury in the tiger's mouth. Guan Yu had such a keen eye that he immediately noticed Ma Chao's abnormality. When the ear-covering slam kills him.

Pang De, who was in the Xiliang formation, suddenly rode out, raised the lion-headed machete, and quickly killed Guan Yu on the right.Hearing the sound of horseshoes behind him, Ma Chao knew that Pound was coming to plunder, and immediately launched a fierce offensive with the brocade and silver lion tooth spear.Guan Yu raised his sword to block first, and then Pang De came to attack. Ma Chao and Pang De fought furiously.How could Zhao Yun stand by with his hands tied? The Yezhao Jade Lion flew up long ago. Just after Ma Chao and Pang De had killed more than a dozen times, Zhao Yun rushed up from behind Guan Yu. De's lion-head machete, with a strange and irresistible traction on the gun body, slammed Ma Chao's gun with a lion-head machete.Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes flashed two Jing lights, and with a loud howl, he slashed horizontally with the knife, the style of the knife was as fast as lightning. De's line of sight was blocked by Ma Chao's body, so he didn't respond for a while. When he saw the Qinglong Yanyue knife flying past Ma Chao's body, Pang De realized that the knife was coming. , the helmet immediately flew away.

Seeing that Pang De's head was almost cut in half by Guan Yu, Ma Chao's lion's eyes widened, his brows stood erect, and he launched a fierce attack like a furious thunder.The Jinyin Lion Tooth Spear flicked suddenly, and when they saw each other again, they had turned into shadows that were difficult to catch with the naked eye. Ma Chao's momentum burst out, and he forced Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, two extraordinary warriors, to switch from attack to defense.Even so, if Ma Chao goes first, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun will inevitably fight back vigorously, putting him in danger.

Sure enough, as soon as the fierce attack of the Jinyin Lion's Tooth Spear stopped, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun's momentum soared. When they were about to launch an offensive, Ma Chao and Pang De seemed to have a tacit understanding, turned their horses' heads together, and fled suddenly.Guan Yu slashed down with his knife, almost hitting Ma Chao's horse's buttocks.Zhao Yun stabbed out with a spear, and the tip of the gun was only a few feet away from Pound's vest.Ma Chao and Pound narrowly escaped and flew into the formation.Guan Yu and Zhao Yun followed closely, but when they approached the Xiliang formation, they were shot back with strong bows and crossbows by thousands of crossbowmen who had been prepared for a long time.

After Ma Chao and Pound entered the battle, they immediately ordered the sergeants in the middle and rear to retreat.Guan Yu and Zhao Yun hurriedly ordered their soldiers to attack, and eight thousand cavalry rushed out in unison, as if they were about to break through the sky and earth.Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, one on the left and one on the right, both of them danced airtightly with weapons in their hands, and charged into the formation of the Xiliang army that was left behind. Guan Yu and Zhao Yun rushed left and right in the formation, killing dozens of Xiliang soldiers each, before the [-] cavalry under their command came.At this time, there were less than a thousand soldiers left in the Xiliang army. Guan Yu and Zhao Yun led the army to fight for a while. After killing nearly a thousand Xiliang soldiers, the Xiliang army was about to retreat to the city of Pingxiang.Guan Yu knew that Cheng Ying was very wise, so he didn't dare to pursue him hastily, so he withdrew his army and returned to the stronghold.

The two armies retreated separately. Ma Chao was defeated for a while and lost a lot of soldiers and horses. Seeing that Wen's army was not in a panic, Cheng Gongying came to ask about the battle situation just when they were in a hurry.

Ma Chao stopped the urgent fire for the time being, and reported the situation of today's battle one by one.Ma Chao's small defeat, Cheng Gongying seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he didn't seem to be moved. After all, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are both extraordinary generals that can't be seen in a century.However, when Ma Chaoyan did not see Wen Han, Cheng Gongying's eyes were rippling. In addition to the strange situation of Wenjun in recent months, Cheng Gongying seemed to have some calculations.

Cheng Gongying thought for a while, and then advised Ma Chao to allocate troops and horses the next day, and made another detailed attack and test.Ma Chao suddenly became suspicious, Cheng Gongying looked dignified, bowed and bowed.

"I also hope that the general believes in Cheng. Cheng's move has a lot of meaning, but at this time, he is not sure. The general's help is needed to confirm."

Ma Chao squinted at Cheng Gongying for a while, and Cheng Gongying had a thoughtful attitude. Ma Chao thought that Cheng Gongying would make a lot of contributions at the beginning, so he followed Cheng Gongying's advice.

The next day, Ma Chao divided the army in the city into three armies. At Chenshi, he ordered Ma Dai to lead an army of [-] to attack. The army retreated.Ma Dai withdrew in time, and the soldiers were well prepared, so Guan Yu did not kill a single soldier, but led the army back to the stronghold.At the end, Pang De led another [-] soldiers to attack, Guan Yu angrily led the army out of the stronghold, but Pang De, like Ma Dai, retreated immediately when he saw Wen's army coming.Later, when it was Xu time, Wenying was starting a fire and preparing to eat, when suddenly there was the sound of beating drums, soldiers and shaking outside the village.Guan Yu was very angry and led his troops to meet him again.Guan Yu galloped his horse, and when he was facing Ma Chao, Dan Feng stared and shouted harshly.

"You have no guts, dare to fight!!!"

Ma Chao smiled coldly, ordered the soldiers to retreat, then turned around and shouted back.

"Guan Yunchang, I, Ma Mengqi, will take your head sooner or later, so that you can be arrogant for a few more days."

After Ma Chao finished drinking, he led the army back.Guan Yu was so angry that he wanted to lead his army to kill him.At this time, a soldier rushed to report that Li You had come to remonstrate, saying that the Xiliang army had repeatedly attacked in detail, but their intentions were unknown.Guan Yu suppressed his anger firmly, and knew that what Li You said was right, so he let it go and withdrew his troops and returned to the village.

Just as Ma Chao was returning to the city, Cheng Gongying immediately came to ask Ma Chao if Wen Han could be seen in the Wen army formation.Ma Chao was slightly suspicious, Cheng Gongying asked this question many times today, Ma Dai and Pang De were also asked the same question by Cheng Gongying before.Ma Chao seemed to sense that what Cheng Gongying wanted to prove had something to do with Wen Han, his eyes lit up, and he answered quickly.

When Cheng Gongying heard it, Wen Han's figure still hadn't appeared, and his eyes instantly shone like stars.Wen Han has always fought, and almost always went to the front line, rarely absent.This time, Wen Han was not seen for several days. Cheng Gongying's guess became more certain in his heart, as if he was making some calculations again, silent and thinking quietly.

Right now there is a shortage of food, so reducing the food and dividing it up is just an expedient measure. Sooner or later, the soldiers will realize that there will be a lot of complaints, saying that Ma Chao is deceiving everyone.Therefore, every minute and every second is particularly critical right now.Cheng Gongying thought for a while, and suddenly advised Ma Chao to lead the army to attack Wenying tonight.Ma Chao was slightly startled, and frowned.

"Military division, there are scouts all around the Wen camp, and there are a lot of sentry towers. I am afraid that the attack on the camp will have a rare effect."

"What the general said is reasonable. However, Cheng did not intend to kill the enemy, but to gather information."

Cheng Gongying smiled suddenly, and his expression seemed to be quite thoughtful.

"Oh? I don't know what information it is?"

Ma Chao raised his brows, and the smile on Cheng Gongying's face at this moment made him less impatient.Cheng Gongying smiled and said three words.

"Wen Bufan!"

Ma Chao was startled for a moment, thought for a while, and Ma Chao suddenly exclaimed after a while.

"Military teacher, do you think that the Wen army has been guarding the camp for the past few months without any movement, so it has something to do with Wen Bufan!?"

"Yes. But this is just Cheng's speculation, and it has not been confirmed yet. Therefore, I hope the general will send troops to attack the camp tonight. Most of the soldiers and horses only need to surround the camp, and there is no need to forcefully attack it. Then each send a few light cavalry to break in His battalion ran around, if Wen Bufan was no longer seen, then something unexpected happened to Wen Bufan, so that he could not go to the front line and command the soldiers to fight.

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