Han Shimou

Chapter 910 Fierce Battle on the Yangtze River

The Xiahou brothers fought fiercely with Ling Tong and Ding Feng, and all four of them tried their best to kill each other. () At the same time, he opened his jaws, straightened his horse and raised his spear, and went straight forward, swiping the spear tightly to block the incoming arrows.Suddenly, a gust of wind hit.Zhang Jaw's face turned cold, and he stabbed forward with a single shot.It just happened to stab a Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword that was flying towards it.Zhang Jai fixed his eyes and saw that it was Zhou Youping, the number one general in Jiangdong.Zhou Tai's tiger eyes were full of cruel murderous intent, and his whole body was bloody, his jaws were so shocked that his scalp went numb.Zhang Jaw's tiger's eyes narrowed, shaking his spirits, Zhou Tai let out a yell, and immediately launched an attack. With a flying slash, Zhang Jaw drove away to dodge, the knife was too steep and then circled, Zhang Jaw blocked with a backhand, and suddenly exerted strength, swinging away from Zhou. Tai's exquisite tiger roared with a broadsword, drew the gun and quickly looked at Zhou Tai's chest and stabbed it.But Zhou Tai didn't try to avoid it, instead, he moved with one hand, hoping to grab the gun that was piercing with his jaw open.Zhang Jaw knew that Zhou Tai was born with supernatural power, so he didn't dare to use it too much, so he shook the spear, suddenly raised it, and the sharp point of the spear aimed at Zhou Tai's jaw.Zhou Tai tilted his head anxiously to dodge it, swung his saber and attacked again, opened his jaw and danced his spear to block it, and the momentum of the two of them surged.If you want to describe it, the current Zhou Tai is like a ball of hot and boiling flames, fierce and violent, while Zhang Jaw is like a pool of cold glacier, calm and full of murderous intent.The two fought each other non-stop, and suddenly confronted each other, and there were bursts of clashing sounds, like thunder exploding, deafening.

Moreover, at the same time, the veteran Han Dang burst out of momentum, turned his grief into anger, and was full of fighting spirit, like an old lion who had lost his cub, galloping across the battlefield with a knife, and all the Cao soldiers who came to resist were suddenly scattered by Han Dang.Seeing the truth, Yu Jin reined in his horse suddenly, held down the gun, raised his bow and shot an arrow, hoping that Han Dang would shoot an arrow at his throat.

The arrow flew flying and shot, Han Dang was rushing tightly, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.Han Dang swung his broadsword suddenly, slashed through the incoming cold arrow, then widened his huge tiger eyes like copper bells, and stared at Yu Jin.Yu Jin smiled coldly, shouted loudly, and rushed over with a gun diagonally.Han Dang also slapped his horse and rushed up. The two horses rushed towards each other. When they were about to approach, Han Dang yelled violently, and the sound was like thunder.Yu Jin hurriedly twisted his gun and shot it away, but Han Dang had a huge force coming from nowhere.Seeing that the big knife in Han Dang's hand was about to split Yu Jin's head in two, at the critical moment of life, Yu Jin burst out with strength, turned his backhand, and opened Han Dang's big knife with the end of the gun.Han Dang suddenly stopped his momentum, his old eyes were murderous and frightening, which made Yu Can't help but feel his heart twitch.

Han Dang yelled angrily, and slashed at Yu Jin's neck again with the knife. Yu Jin was forced into a cold sweat by Han Dang's attack, and hurried to avoid it. The blade was almost close to Yu Jin's neck, and the sharp blade made Yu Jin There was a bloodstain on his neck.

"This old thing is amazing!"

Yu Jin squinted his eyes, and secretly paid in his heart.With the help of divine power, Han Dangruo is even stronger than before.Han Dang's face was ferocious, and suddenly he swung his knife and slashed again. The attack was extremely violent, as if he had endless strength.Yu Jin waved his gun to resist, and the two fought in one place, fighting desperately.

At the same time, the soldiers of the two armies were already fighting together.There was a crowd of people in front of him, and Cao Bing rushed to kill them.Lu Su shouted for the crossbowmen to shoot arrows to stop them.Lu Xun and Xu Sheng each led a spearman to attack the two flanks.When the Jiangdong army counterattacked, Cao Bing's charge was immediately blocked, and the situation was slightly chaotic.

Cao Cao watched eagerly in front of the formation, but smiled coldly and murmured.

"Xiao Xiaoxiao, dying!"

Cao Cao's thoughts stopped, he drew Yitian sword and roared sharply.

"Today Zhou Gongjin is like a fish in a cauldron or a tiger in a trap. If you don't catch it at this time, it's like letting the fish into the sea, and the tiger will return to the mountain. The generals can work hard to move forward!! Break through in one fell swoop!!!"

All the generals were ordered to fight fiercely one by one.The cry of killing shook the world, Cao Ren commanded most of the ambush soldiers to press up suddenly from behind, and the two tiger and leopard cavalry rushed from the left and right, watching the spearmen of the Jiangdong Army charge.The two teams of tigers and leopards charged forward like two huge spears, unstoppable. Lu Xun and Xu Sheng stood in front of the formation and fought desperately.However, the so-called no-nonsense soldiers under the reputation, Cao Jun's first elite troops are not ordinary people, the cooperation between the sergeants is perfect, there are dozens of tigers and leopards each killing Lu Xun and Xu Sheng, and the rest of the soldiers and horses are in their own right. Charged into the formation, killing the two Jiangdong spearmen on the left and right in an instant.At the same time, Cao Ren arrived with his army, and the morale of the soldiers in the Chinese army soared.

And in the midst of the melee between the two armies, Lu Meng led an elite cavalry, flew like thunder, dashed from left to right, as if entering an uninhabited land, he blazed a trail of blood and killed the past.All Cao Bing sergeants who went to resist were killed by the elite cavalry led by Lu Meng without exception.Cao Ren heard a horrific scream from somewhere in the formation, he cast his tiger eyes over and saw Lu Meng's army was breaking through.Cao Ren's face turned cold, and he quickly reined in his horse and led a team of swords and shields to resist.Just as Lu Meng broke through, suddenly a team of swords and shields rushed over to form a formation.The leading general is Cao Zixiao, the general of the Cao army.Lu Meng's eyes froze, and he secretly cast a look at Gan Ning who was in the formation.Gan Ning understood, grinned, and secretly took out his bow and arrow.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Meng let out a stern roar, twisted his gun vigorously, and suddenly his horse flew up, heading straight towards Cao Ren.At the same time, the team of Jiangdong Jingqi behind them all charged up.Cao Ren saw Lu Meng coming to kill him, but he didn't dare to trust him, and retreated into the formation.Dozens of sword and shield fighters shouted in unison and raised their shields high, forming a huge shield wall.In a short time, Lu Meng rushed to him, and with a single shot he shot violently, as if with a mighty force, with a loud 'boom', the frontal shield wall collapsed immediately.The dozens of sword and shield hands fell down with a bang.Lu Meng twisted his gun, swept or picked it, made a breach, and charged in impressively.Cao Ren yelled, and both sides of the sword and shield pressed down together. Cao Ren pressed himself in the center, holding his gun to meet Lu Meng and fighting.Cao Ren's tiger eyes were sharp, and he fired a shot, stabbing Lu Meng in the abdomen.Lu Meng quickly raised his gun to block it, and the swords and shields on both sides charged towards him.Lu Meng didn't panic, he swung Cao Ren's gun away with all his strength, but he didn't go to sweep away the Cao soldiers' swords and shields, but hoped that Cao Ren would attack.At the same time, the Jiangdong elite cavalry led by Lu Meng rushed up, their guns raised high, like reed columns, and instantly knocked away the swords and shields rushing towards Lu Meng's two sides.

Lu Meng's face was cold, and his guns fired like lightning. Cao Ren retreated while fighting, and was killed by Lu Meng for a while, and he was powerless to fight back.But Lu Meng didn't dare to be careless, because he knew that Cao Ren did this on purpose, and he was waiting for the opportunity to find a fatal murder.Seeing that Cao Ren reined in his horse and retreated a few meters, Lu Meng stepped up his attack and killed him suddenly.

Suddenly, Cao Ren's eyes burst out with two extremely fierce murderous auras. With a stern shout, he unleashed all his strength, and pierced Lu Meng's chest with a bang.Lu Meng's thoughts turned, and he subconsciously stopped the charge, reined in his horse, and raised his gun to stop him.However, Cao Ren's gun pierced earlier, and it hit Lu Meng's breastplate with a bang, causing a violent spark, but before his gun pierced the armor, Lu Meng's gun swept over and swung away Cao Ren's gun. .Lu Meng roared in pain, seeing that he was in a state of embarrassment, Cao Ren glared, and suddenly stepped up his attack, just when Cao Ren's attention was on Lu Meng, and he was about to kill Lu Meng with one blow.

It was said that it was too late, then it was too late, Gan Ning had already gathered his momentum and waited for it. Seeing that it was the right time, he put all his strength on the arrow, the bowstring fluttered and swayed, and the arrow rushed into the air and shot immediately.The string rings and the arrow arrives, so fast that there is no shadow.Cao Ren only heard a blast from the right, followed by a sharp pain in his right arm. Only then did he realize that his right arm had been hit by an arrow.

At the same time, Lu Meng pulled out his spear and hit Cao Ren's breastplate with one shot.Fortunately, the armor Cao Ren wore was made by Cao Cao himself, who spent a lot of money on it, so that the black iron Jinkai made by a famous craftsman is extremely hard.Lu Meng's gun failed to pierce the armor, but the tremendous force on the gun head knocked Cao Ren away.Cao Ren let out a miserable cry, and flew away violently, bumping into dozens of soldiers before stopping the castration.For a moment, Cao Bing was in a hurry, and rushed to rescue Cao Ren, and protected Cao Ren tightly.

Lu Meng's eyes turned cold, but he reined in his horse and led his troops to abandon Cao Ren, taking the opportunity to break through.Seeing Lu Meng rushing away with his troops, Cao Ren stood up in embarrassment, and he spit out a mouthful of blood before he felt a little relieved. Looking around, he saw Lu Meng breaking through the front of his own army and heading towards Cao Cao's place to kill Cao Ren. Guessing what Lu Meng was thinking, he exclaimed.

"Not good!! Then Lu Ziming wants to capture and kill the king, and force our army to throw a mouse!!! Don't let him succeed, go back and rush to help, and try to protect the king!!!"

Cao Ren yelled sharply, and several groups of Cao soldiers hurried away.Lu Meng galloped wildly on his horse, fixed his eyes on Cao Cao who was in the rear of Cao Jun, and suddenly his body burst out with a violent momentum that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods.At the same time, in the cavalry team behind Lu Meng, Gan Ning shot out two fanatical murderous auras from his eyes. If he can shoot Cao Cao, he will be the number one general under Sun Quan's command in the future, and he may even sit on the throne Zhou Yu's position as the Great Governor, commanding Jiangdong's soldiers and horses!

Gan Ning's ambition was great, but his murderous aura was hard to contain, together with Lu Meng's murderous aura, they rushed towards Cao Cao.Cao Cao suddenly felt a twitch in his heart, and a sense of ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. He saw that Lu Meng led an army to break through the encirclement, and he was about to kill him.Cao Cao cried out in panic.

"Who can stop the Jiangdong lunatics!!!?"

As soon as Cao Cao shouted, Cao Zhang saw Lu Meng, and remembered that it was Lu Meng who captured Cao Chun that day, and he was extremely jealous when he met him.Cao Zhang shouted loudly, raised his sword and rushed out of the battle immediately, looking for Lu Meng to meet him.When Cao Cao saw Cao Zhang rushing out, his face changed, fearing that Cao Zhang would make a mistake, when he was about to drink him back, Wang Yue slapped the horse hard and followed closely behind.When Cao Cao came back to his senses, Cao Zhang and Lu Meng had already been killed together.Seeing this, Cao Cao hurriedly ordered a group of tiger guards around him to rush to help.The Tiger Guards roared in unison and quickly caught up.Only then did Cao Cao gather his mind and look around.

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