Han Shimou

Chapter 911 Fierce Battle on the Yangtze River

I saw that Cao Zhang was very brave, and he swung the heavy black iron giant sword in his hand so lightly that he killed Lu Meng in a moment.Seeing how brave his third son was, Cao Cao couldn't help recalling the past in his mind.

In addition, Cao Zhang is uniquely endowed, with extraordinary physical strength, and is capable of fighting beasts. Although he is quick-witted and extremely intelligent, he is not good at reading literature.Cao Cao once tried to warn him, and asked Cao Zhang about it.

"Zhuzi doesn't study but is good at bowing horses. How valuable is the courage of this man? If you don't know how to repent, you won't be able to become a great weapon!"

At that time, Cao Zhang was only twelve years old, but he was very ambitious. He had no fear of Cao Cao's scolding, but refuted it.

"A man stands upright, can raise the sky with his hands, level the world, put his feet on the ground, and protect his homeland. A child is a man, and he aspires to learn from Wei Qing and Huo Qubing. He has made meritorious deeds in the desert, drove hundreds of thousands of people across the world, and deterred foreigners! As that kind of scholar, in today's troubled times, relying on the sharpness of the spear, only knowledge, how can it be of great use!?"

When Cao Cao heard the words at that time, he couldn't help being shocked, but when he came back to his senses, he scolded Cao Zhang angrily, so angry that Cao Cao took off his shoes and smashed Cao Zhang.Cao Zhang was beaten and scolded by Cao Cao, but he still upheld his ambition and devoted himself to learning martial arts, regardless of studying.Cao Cao had no choice but to know that Cao Zhang always respected his elder brother Cao Ang, so he made Cao Ang his ambition.Cao ang agreed, and the two brothers knelt down and had a heart-to-heart talk for a day.Cao Cao hid behind the screen and watched it secretly.

When Cao Ang asked about Cao Zhang's ambition when he was young, Cao Zhang answered with a smile, he was a general.Cao Ang was surprised when he heard this, and asked again.

"Father is the hero of the world. Sooner or later he will be called king and emperor. At that time, my Cao family will be a royal family. Why doesn't my third brother learn the way of a king, but instead wants to be a general of an army?"

Cao Zhang smiled when he heard the words, his face was calm, and he looked at Cao Zhang very indifferently.

"Brother, you are kind-hearted, broad-minded, tolerant of the world, respected by others, and you have the air of a Ming emperor. The second elder brother, Cao Pi, is close-minded and sophisticated. Although he is unrestrained and often scolded by his father, I Waiting for brothers, only the second brother is the most like the father. Although the father is strict with the second brother, he actually loves the second brother the most. In the future, if the father wants to choose someone to take over his father's foundation, he must choose between the two brothers. With the temperament of the second brother, to From time to time, there will be some flesh-and-blood fights with my elder brother. I only hope to keep the Cao family’s land, and I really don’t want to compete with the two elder brothers for the imperial court. Therefore, I want to be a general. Although my father said that I have no ambitions, I just want peace of mind.”

When Cao Ang heard this, he was surprised and could not speak for a long time.Although Cao Zhang is young, his mind is extremely sophisticated.Cao Cao, who was listening in the back hall, sighed in vain at Cao Zhang's words.

Later, Cao Cao came to ask Cao Zhang in private.

"Ziwen, as a father, I heard from your elder brother that you aspire to be a general. As a father, I ask you, what will you do as a general?"

Cao Zhang replied with a smile.

"If you are a general, you should be strong and sharp, ignore difficulties, lead the soldiers, rewards must be done, and punishments must be believed. Only in this way can you lead the army, and the soldiers will be single-minded, and they will be invincible in every attack!"

Cao Cao clapped his palms and laughed when he heard the words, so far he no longer forced Cao Zhang to study and study literature, and let him develop into a general.

"The third son knows the etiquette and righteousness, and he will be modest and brave. If he can establish prestige in the army in the future, he will surely win the hearts of the generals. The country is the most important army, and the one who controls the army is the real power." !" <ren's Cao Zhang was very thoughtful for a moment, and said secretly in his heart.

Just when Cao Cao was thinking, Cao Zhang had already confronted Lu Meng for dozens of rounds.Although Cao Zhang was young, he had supernatural powers, and his sword dance was like a strong wind, killing Lu Meng to the point of pain.Lu Meng fought and retreated, Cao Zhang stepped up his attack, and when Gan Ningyu shot a cold arrow, a sharp shout rose in his ear, and Wang Yue suddenly swung his sword to kill.

Wang Yue is a master of swordsmanship and is extremely sensitive to murderous intent.Gan Ning, a master hidden in the army, has long been discovered.Seeing Wang Yue coming to kill him, Gan Ning quickly swept his bow away.Wang Yue's sword shot out like lightning, and a sword stabbed out, piercing Gan Ning's bow in an instant.Gan Ning glared, and hurriedly threw the bow towards Wang Yue.Wang Yueqing danced the iron sword and swept away the attacking bow.Gan Ning took the opportunity to pull out his treasured sword, hoping that Wang Yue would kill him.The turbulent murderous aura surged like a hundred waves, Wang Yue's mind was shaken, his mind was still, his spirit was highly concentrated, and he greeted Gan Ning.Gan Ning roared violently, and swung his knife violently, slashing, chopping, picking or stabbing, firmly suppressing the upper hand.Wang Yue was defeated by Gan Ning and was in danger.

From the corner of Cao Zhang's eyes, he saw that Wang Yue was in an urgent situation. As soon as he was distracted, Lu Meng immediately counterattacked, violently swung Cao Zhang's black iron giant sword away with one shot, and quickly fired another shot, hoping to stab Cao Zhang in the heart.Cao Zhang hastily evaded, and narrowly escaped.

"Ziwen!! Concentrate on fighting!! This kind of rat can't hurt the teacher at all!!!"

Wang Yue noticed that Cao Zhang's breath was messy, and immediately guessed that Cao Zhang must be distracted because of his precipitousness, so he shouted loudly.After Cao Zhang listened, he concentrated on fighting again.Hearing Wang Yue's words, Gan Ning grinned evilly, furious, and tried his best to slash Wang Yue's throat.Wang Yue twisted his sword lightly to block it, and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"You villain, you have a violent temper, but you know that you are easy to break if you are strong!?"

But Gan Ning didn't answer, his face was even more ferocious, he swung his knife and hacked wildly, the attack was extremely swift and fierce.Wang Yue fought and retreated, and was repelled by Gan Ning for dozens of hours. Several tiger guards feared that Wang Yue would lose, and rushed from left to right to fight.Gan Ning shouted violently, the saber was as fast as light, he swung five or six sabers in a flash, and killed all the tiger guards.Wang Yue reined in the horse, looked at Gan Ning who was covered in blood, and suddenly burst into aura.Gan Ning noticed that Wang Yueyu was going to show his true skills, and the fighting spirit in his eyes instantly became more fanatical.

Seeing Gan Ning approaching, Wang Yue was as calm as water. When Gan Ning was approaching, the extremely ordinary iron sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out, and there was a sharp sword energy lingering on the blade.

Gan Ning raised the saber once, the sword head stabbed on the blade, and several sword qi flew towards Gan Ning, blowing Gan Ning's shirt billowingly, and at the same time, several cracks appeared strangely.Gan Ning's sinister face suddenly trembled, and a bloodstain suddenly appeared.

"Sword Qi? Old man, his skills are not bad."

Gan Ning finally opened his mouth, and said in a cold voice as if the tiger's eyes were burning.

To Gan Ning's provocation, Wang Yue didn't answer, and withdrew his sword abruptly.Gan Ning took advantage of the situation and slashed down.Wang Yue was extremely sensitive, and he dodged it. The iron sword suddenly moved, drawing five or six streaks of cold sword light in succession.Gan Ning either blocked or avoided, and there were a few more tiny bloodstains on his arms.The slight stabbing pain seemed to arouse Gan Ning's blood, Gan Ning let out a loud roar, his voice was like thunder, and he slashed five times.

With the first strike, Gan Ning slashed at Wang Yue's head.Wang Yue turned his wrist and hit the center of the blade with his sword.Huya's broadsword suddenly lost momentum, Gan Ning's arm muscles suddenly tensed up, suppressing the momentum, he drew the knife and slashed diagonally twice.Wang Yue's sword was also fast, he twisted his sword to block it, and Gan Ning attacked again before he recovered his senses, and the tiger-toothed sword flew towards Wang Yue's neck like lightning.Wang Yue had no time to resist, so he turned his body to avoid it, but Gan Ning seemed to have expected it, and suddenly changed the saber style, the tiger-toothed saber turned and fell, and lifted it on the spot.Wang Yue's complexion changed suddenly, and in a panic, he turned around and fell down.Gan Ning swooped down with his saber, and cut the head of Wang Yue's war horse in two with one blow.Wang Yue fell to the ground, Gan Ning drew his knife and was about to kill him, a group of Cao soldiers quickly surrounded him.Gan Ning swung his knife and slashed wildly, charging forward.

Gan Ning's astonishing move shocked everyone.Fearing that Gan Ning's identity would be leaked, Lu Meng killed Cao Zhang with a single shot and rushed towards Gan Ning.Seeing that Wang Yue was killed by Gan Ning, Cao Zhang rushed to Wang Yue's place.

Just as Lu Meng was killing all directions in the rear of Cao's army, on the other side, the soldiers and horses of Cao's front line had broken through the obstruction of Jiangdong's soldiers and horses, forcing them into the Yangtze River.

Zhou Yu's eyes were piercing, and he saw Cao's soldiers and horses gradually approaching, but he didn't panic, instead he kept suppressing his murderous aura.When he was young, Zhou Yuhao stared, burst out two sharp murderous auras, turned around and swung his sword at Zhuge Jin who was in the rear army.Zhuge Jin finally saw Zhou Yu's order, bursting with joy, and quickly ordered the soldiers of the rear army to beat the drums.

There was a sudden sound of drums along the banks of the Yangtze River, and the sound of the drums was even louder than the waves of the Yangtze River.All of a sudden, countless Jiangdong soldiers and horses rushed out of nearly a hundred ships moored on the bank of the Yangtze River. Flags were waved one after another, and the teams of Jiangdong soldiers and horses rushed out from the ships to look at Cao Bing in all directions.

On the banks of the Yangtze River, the crowds were like a tide, and the flags covered the sun, as if there were thousands of troops rushing towards them.Cao Jun was killed by surprise, and in an instant, like a landslide, Cao Jun was killed and gradually dispersed.Zhou Yu raised his sword high and drank sharply.

"Capture the thief Cao and avenge the Lord!!!"

Zhou Yu's voice was like a bell, resounding between heaven and earth.The Jiangdong soldiers and horses listened to the order, their anger and hatred broke out, and seeing that the battle situation took a turn for the worse, their morale soared, their fighting spirit burst out, and they all fought forward bravely.Zhou Yu rode his horse and wielded his sword, rushed to the front line and led the army to kill. Jiangdong soldiers and horses were greatly encouraged. Zhou Tai, Ling Tong, Ding Feng, Han Dang and other generals roared and drank desperately as if they were being helped by divine power.

"Capture the thief Cao and avenge the Lord!!!"

The voices of the generals are rolling, shaking people's hearts.The Jiangdong soldiers of each team also raised their swords and guns high, charged in a turbulent manner, and roared together.

"Capture the thief Cao and avenge the Lord!!!"

All of a sudden, the Jiangdong army was overwhelming the sky, and the generals and soldiers fought angrily as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.Cao Jun was suddenly startled by the Jiangdong soldiers and horses rushing from the boats on the bank of the Yangtze River, and was counterattacked by all the Jiangdong armies.

Zhou Tai, who was at the forefront of the battle line, was worthy of being Jiangdong's number one fierce general. He was launching the Jiangdong Army's first wave of counterattack.Zhou Tai shouted violently, his momentum burst out, and he opened his jaw faintly, as if he saw five or six huge black dragon dragons rushing out from behind Zhou Tai.

"Awwhhhhh!!! Whoever blocks me will die!!!"

Zhou Tai slashed vigorously with his sword, and the Dragon Flood Formation suddenly appeared.Zhang Jai's expression changed in astonishment, and he also hurriedly gathered his ultimate move to resist, but Zhang Jai was a bit slower, and only gathered [-]% of his strength.

The sword has the power to split the sky, and the spear has the power to break the ground.The two peerless weapons collided suddenly.

within the phase potential space.

Far away in the sky, it was pitch black and the fog was thick, and a huge black dragon flew out of the sea of ​​fog.On the other side, the sky was dark and the sky was thundering, and there was a roar, like breaking the sky and the earth.I saw a blue evil lion surrounded by thunder roaring upwards.With a flick of the black dragon's giant body, it flew away suddenly, and flew towards the blue evil lion with its fangs and claws.The blue evil lion's bloody mouth opened wide, and countless thunderbolts gathered in the mouth and opened wide.The black dragon rushed towards it, the blue evil lion roared, and a huge thunder ball rushed towards the black dragon.

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