Chapter 242
After a while, tears flowed silently from her eyes.

All along, she has held her breath, now that she sees her closest person, all the disguises will naturally be removed.

She tightly held Chen Yi's hand, crying so hard that she couldn't make a sound.

"Sister, don't cry. What happened? Why are you in the hospital? Did someone do something wrong to you?"

Chen Yi looked at his sister anxiously, but no matter what Chen Yi asked, Chen Chunlan just cried and didn't speak.

At this moment, Liu Yitao had cleaned the wound and walked out of the consulting room.

Chen Chunlan quickly let go of Chen Yi, went up to her, and asked nervously, "What did the doctor say, is your wound okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a small injury."

Liu Yitao waved his hands, his eyes fell on Chen Yi, the light in his eyes flickered, and he asked tentatively, "Who is this?"

"This is my brother."

Chen Chunlan pulled Chen Yi to him, and introduced: "Xiao Yi, I was kidnapped today, thanks to this gentleman who saved me, otherwise..."

As she spoke, Chen Chunlan shivered as if recalling some bad memories.

Chen Yi understood the whole story, and said gratefully: "Then what happened today is really thanks to you. If you hadn't rescued me, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"I just happened to pass by." Liu Yitao waved his hands, courteously.

"Xiao Yi." Chen Chunlan stood behind Chen Yi and pushed him.

"Yes, sir, I haven't asked your name yet." Chen Yi understood and asked.

Liu Yitao said: "My name is Liu Yitao, and I am a department manager of the Huahai Group in the town. If you have anything to do in the future, feel free to come and find me."

"Mr. Liu." Chen Yi said and took out a wad of money from his bag: "I came out in a hurry today, this is a small gesture, I hope you don't dislike it."


Liu Yitao took a step back: "Mr. Chen, you may have misunderstood. I didn't save people for money. I just don't like someone bullying such a woman, so you should take back the money."

"Mr. Liu, this is just a little bit of my heart."

Chen Yi insisted on giving it, but Liu Yitao refused to accept it no matter what.

Chen Chunlan couldn't stand it anymore, dragged Chen Yi back, and reprimanded: "Why are you so obstinate, kid? Since Mr. Liu doesn't want to accept him, don't make things difficult for him."

"What's more, he saved my life, and because I was injured, you give him money at this time, aren't you scolding him?"

"Miss Chen is right."

Liu Yitao smiled: "If you two don't mind, we might as well leave a contact information. After all, we only met by fate."

Liu Yitao said so, Chen Yi and Chen Chunlan naturally had no objection.

After the three communicated their contact information, Liu Yitao rejected Chen Yi's idea of ​​sending him back, but said to Chen Chunlan: "Miss Chen, my place of work is on Tianbei Road. If you have time, you can come and find me anytime."

"Okay." Chen Chunlan nodded slightly.

After saying a few more words, Liu Yitao walked out of the hospital alone.

"Sister, you are scared today, let's go home." Chen Yi said to Chen Chunlan.


Without getting a response, Chen Yi shook his hand in front of Chen Chunlan's eyes: "Sister, what are you looking at?"

I saw Chen Chunlan was still in the gesture of waving goodbye, staring blankly at the direction Liu Yitao left, with a slightly lonely expression.


Chen Yi lightly touched Chen Chunlan, and then called Chen Chunlan's attention back.

"What's wrong?" Chen Chunlan asked.

"I said, let's go home. I'll make you a pot of soup to calm your shock." Chen Yi replied patiently.


After Chen Chunlan replied absently, she followed Chen Yi out of the hospital gate.

What did the person mean when she told him that she could go to his place of work?
Chen Chunlan also thought to herself, when they met by chance, he saved her.

Thinking of this, Chen Chunlan quickly shook her head and said to herself: "Maybe what he said was just a polite word, what's more, a promising person like him must already have a girlfriend. He is just my benefactor. Don’t have any dangerous thoughts like just now.”

"Sister, are you alright?"

Chen Yi walked a few steps ahead, but found that Chen Chunlan was standing on the side of the road and did not keep up.

I saw Chen Chunlan giggling for a while, and shaking her head in distress for a while.

However, Chen Yi didn't think too deeply about it. He only thought that Chen Chunlan was scared and would drink a bowl of calming soup after going back.

at the same time.

In the open space in the outskirts, Humpty Dumpty found his eldest brother lying on the ground after turning around, and the woman had disappeared.

At this time, even a fool can guess what happened.

Humpty Humpty cautiously approached the elder brother, stretched out his index finger to explore, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the person is not dead yet.

The Humpty Dumpty breathed a sigh of relief and shook his eldest brother: "Brother, wake up, brother, are you alright?"

After a while, the leader of the gangster who was knocked unconscious by Chen Chunlan and Liu Yitao woke up slowly, and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Dumpty's pockmarked face with all the features gathered together.

The body reacted faster than the brain, and punched him with a backhand.

Humpty Humpty was in pain, sat on the ground, covered his face, and died of grievance: "Brother, what are you doing, I didn't do anything, why are you hitting me again?"

The eldest brother snorted coldly: "Whoever let you get so close to me, if you get so close to me in the future, it will be easy for me to kill you."

Having said that, the gangster stood up with the help of the short fat man, grinning and rubbing the big bump on his head, spat and said: "Damn, a little bitch, you are quite ruthless."

"Brother, where is that woman?"

Humpty Humpty then asked a crucial question.

They were hired by someone else to kidnap this woman, and now that she has been kidnapped, how should they explain to their employer when they go back.

The gangster fell silent.

This is a good question.

"Brother, didn't you say you wanted to try that woman first? Why did she disappear? What happened after so long?"

Humpty Humpty couldn't figure it out, it was just a woman, or a tied woman.

How could he run away.

The gangster gave him a sideways glance, and said coldly, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"No no."

Humpty Humpty shook his head quickly, not daring to worry about how the woman ran away, but thinking about how to explain to the employer.

"How else can I explain it? It's all because of that kid who came out of nowhere and rescued that little bitch."

(End of this chapter)

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