little village doctor

Chapter 243 Imprisonment

Chapter 243 Imprisonment
"It's useless to think so much, go back."

The gangster sighed in frustration, and returned to his employer with his little brother in despair.

When he arrived at a luxurious apartment in the city, there were already people waiting for him inside.

Tian Qing waited at the appointed place until the evening when his subordinates came back.

Tian Qing saw the subordinate alone at a glance, but did not see Chen Chunlan's figure.

A bad premonition floated in his heart, and his face couldn't help but change.

"Where is the person? Where is the woman I asked you to catch?"

Tian Qing couldn't wait to ask, it seemed that this could relieve the depression in his heart.

"Tian... Boss Tian..." The subordinate only glanced at Tian Qing's face, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to look up again.

They messed up the matter, and it stands to reason that they would have no face to come back, but no matter what, they should report it.

That face was really scary, and I don't know if it was because of his eagerness. Tian Qing's impatient look made him look almost hideous.

"Speak up if you have something to say! How decent is such a mother-in-law!"

Guo Yunpeng also got impatient with waiting, and couldn't help but curse.

The reason why Guo Yunpeng and Tian Qing got mixed up was that the enemy's enemy was a friend.

These two people have a common opponent, Chen Yi.

For Guo Yunpeng, Chen Yi took away his beloved woman, but for Tian Qing.However, Chen Yi joined forces with Ma Renli to cut off his fortune.

"Yes, yes." The gangster who was responsible for kidnapping Chen Chunlan was even more submissive, stammering.

"Boss Tian, ​​Mr. Guo, that woman... I, I didn't tie her back..."

Humpty Humpty also explained: "It's all because that woman is too cunning, she was caught obviously, but she was still let go."


Tian Qing's face was frighteningly black, he gritted his teeth and asked: "If you two go to catch a woman who is powerless, you can still let her run away?"

"Boss Tian, ​​are these two of yours okay? At that time, I said that I would send someone to arrest the woman surnamed Chen, but you assured me that your people are absolutely fine."

Guo Yunpeng couldn't help but complain too.

He also wanted to use Chen Chunlan to make some articles, but now no one has caught him, and the rest is useless.


After the gangster finished speaking, he quickly explained as if he was afraid of Tian Qing's scolding.

"I had already caught that woman and knocked her out, really!"

"However, just as I was taking her away, a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and snatched that woman away."

"Then, I got up with that man. He carried a burden and was injured by me, but he took the opportunity to knock me out and took the woman away."

Seeing Tian Qing and Guo Yunpeng's increasingly ugly faces, the gangster's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally he lost his voice.


Guo Yunpeng's face was completely dark, thinking that he had waited here all day.

In the end, after waiting for a lonely time, he wished he could tear up the useless trash in front of him.

"How many times have I told you to be careful! How did you do it? Just because I am not your master, you don't take my words at ease?"

After Guo Yunpeng finished speaking, the anger in his heart never subsided, and he couldn't help venting his anger on Tian Qing again.

"Hmph! Tian Qing, what else do you have to say now?"

"The kidnapping failed, and it's very possible that Chen Yi may have known that we were behind the scenes."

As Guo Yunpeng said, he couldn't help but sneered, and looked at Tian Qing with ridicule and disdain.

"I said a long time ago that I have to do the kidnapping. If you don't believe me, this time it's okay? Are you satisfied with the ending of exposing yourself, Boss Tian?"

Tian Qing's complexion was already ugly, but with Guo Yunpeng's endless complaints, he finally broke out.

"Damn it, who came up with such a bad idea of ​​kidnapping? Now that something happened and no one was brought back, who is to blame?"

When Tian Qing ridiculed people, he was not inferior to Guo Yunpeng in the slightest, and it could even be said that it was even worse than that.

After all, ginger is old and spicy, and wine is old and fragrant. These principles are universal.

"Obviously we have such a good bargaining chip as Jiang Xinyi in our hands, and we don't need these things as long as we just take a photo and send it to Chen Yi."

The more Tian Qing said, the more excited he became, and the more he resented Guo Yunpeng's selfishness.

"But what about you? What did you say and how did you do it?"

"You have to defend that little bitch! You fucking, would rather spend more time and energy to kidnap another person for that little bitch!"

"Now, for your sake, I not only agree, but also help implement your bullshit plan."

"Now, as soon as your plan fails, you start to blame me? What qualifications do you have to blame me?"

Unexpectedly, when Guo Yunpeng heard Tian Qing scolding Jiang Xinyi, his face suddenly changed.

That's not ordinary anger or anger, it's the terrifying murderous intent that only occurs when one wants to put someone to death.

When Guo Yunpeng heard about Jiang Xinyi, he couldn't restrain his heart from ruthless thoughts.For a moment, he really wanted to kill Tian Qing.

No one can insult the people he treats like jewels and treasures in front of his face.


After the crisp slaps sounded, Guo Yunpeng realized belatedly that he slapped Tian Qing out of anger.

Facing Ueda Qing's unbelievable eyes, Guo Yunpeng did not regret it, he still maintained the terrifying murderous look before the attack.

"Remember, you are not qualified to judge Xinyi. Next time, I don't mind killing you!"

After finishing speaking, Guo Yunpeng took a deep look at Tian Qing, brushed off his clothes, and went straight back to his home.

His home is not a big empty house, Jiang Xinyi is locked in the secret room with the best privacy and security in the house.

When he returned to his home, the first thing he did was not to rest, but to go to the secret room where Jiang Xinyi was locked.

"Guo Yunpeng! How dare you come back!" Although Jiang Xinyi was locked up, she was still treated with good food and drink, and now she is in good spirits.

On her flawless left wrist, there was a gleaming silver handcuff.

The other handcuff was worn with a thumb-thick iron chain.

The iron chain was very long, and the end was tied to a thick water pipe in the corner of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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