little village doctor

Chapter 29 Formation Influence

Chapter 29 Formation Influence
Chen Yi once again made sure that the array at home was intact, and then walked towards the field.

Along the way, I watched the people coming and going along the narrow path. At this time, many people in the field started planting farms, and they were so busy that they couldn't stand upright, and no one noticed him.

When Chen Yi just came to his own field, he found that the fog formation that had been set up had spread slightly, and even affected other people's fields. No one cared about the corn planted around them.

Otherwise, if you come today, you will be frightened.

Chen Yi didn't think too much in a hurry, and circled around the field. Due to the influence of the formation, a large piece of the surrounding field was missing. At first glance, it seemed that someone had cut it off abruptly.

He sighed slightly, only feeling a headache. According to the secret book left by the old man, even though he said he had read it thoroughly, he didn't even have a [-]% inherited skill.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have treated Jiang Xinyi, and when she returned home, she was exhausted and fell asleep as if she had been drained of energy.

In order to make up for the loopholes in the formation, Chen Yi still didn't know which step of the formation he set up went wrong. It was clear that it was fine last time, so why did it become like this after one day?
He really had no choice but to sit in the field and meditate, closing his eyes slightly and feeling the changes in the surrounding atmosphere with his senses.

Chen Yi held his breath, and gradually felt the spiritual power fluctuating around him, and there was an obvious loophole in his fog formation, which was right in front of him.

Sitting in the field, he felt the movement of the formation, and realized that the mistakes he made were also the most basic and easy to ignore, so he slowly opened his eyes again to make up for the loopholes.

Chen Yi filled the gap and closed his eyes again.

He learned from it that all of this not only needs to memorize what is in the book, but also to find out its loopholes slowly through practice.

He patched up the loophole, the formation in front of him changed, and the surrounding fog slowly retracted, and then he sighed softly.

Just as he was dealing with all this, he suddenly discovered that the seeds he had planted yesterday had grown to the height of his calf and knee overnight.

Chen Yi got up and looked at the seeds of these medicinal materials. Because there are many kinds of medicinal materials in this bag, the medicinal materials grown are also uneven.

In order to promote the growth of these medicinal materials, he waved his hand and let down another spiritual rain.

But this time the spiritual rain poured on the land, not as spectacular as yesterday.

They are like newborn babies, absorbing the spiritual energy and slowly stretching the leaves.

Chen Yi was startled by the spectacle in front of him, staring intently at it before absorbing more spiritual rain, trembling the branches.

But just when he was surprised, he took a few steps back and accidentally stepped on something.

Chen Yi turned around and saw a bunch of mushrooms growing in this small open space.

strangeness?How can there be mushrooms here?

Is it possible?Mushroom seeds in it before planting?

Chen Yi was perplexed. He squatted down and the mushroom in front of him was completely different from what he had seen. It was flat and blurry, small like a finger, and brown in color. He felt a little familiar.

This mushroom looks like Ganoderma lucidum.

With this idea, the appearance of Ganoderma lucidum quickly appeared in his mind, and the miniature version in front of him was exactly the same as Ganoderma lucidum.

"Damn, it can't be such a coincidence..."

Chen Yi quickly took a few steps back, seeing that the one he stepped on by accident just now had been crushed to the ground, his heart ached, he touched it lightly, and immediately summoned the spirit rain.

Under the wetness of the rain, these Ganoderma lucidum flowers grow, and unlike those leaves, they don't respond much.

Chen Yi murmured in his heart that he didn't have any seeds either, why did a bunch grow out of this small piece.

Suddenly, I thought of a black bag that jumped out yesterday, which contained a handful of black things, like soil scattered here, maybe it was the spores of Ganoderma lucidum.

Thinking of this, he thought it was not good, because he didn't know, and if he sprinkled it here, only a few seeds would grow.

"Unexpectedly, there are treasures in the lump of seeds Feng Hong gave. If this Ganoderma lucidum is planted, it will be irrigated with spiritual energy. I don't know how many times the price will be multiplied." Chen Yi thought more and more happily, and even looked forward to this paragraph. How much will Ganoderma lucidum sell for when the time passes?
Chen Yi poured a spiritual rain, and the plants became much more energetic. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief and meditated in the field.

Just as he was meditating in the field, he felt that although there was something attracting him, there was some guidance somewhere.

Chen Yi gently opened his eyes, and it was the mountain where he was unconscious last time that attracted him, so he narrowed his eyes and looked.

Could it be that?There is still something there.

He didn't dare to delay the moment he thought of this.

After all, this thing is based on fate, if the next second passes, I am afraid it will not be there, so he quickly got up and beat the dirt off his body.

Chen Yi slowly went up the path on the mountain, and the feelings in his heart continued to deepen. Not only that, he was able to quickly perceive everything around him in his consciousness.

But he was only able to detect a few meters around, and he closed his eyes slightly, but he couldn't detect a few meters away, as if covered by a layer of fog, making him unable to detect.

From here, Chen Yi also felt that there are more places for him to exercise and learn, not just the immediate ones.

Before he knew it, he had reached the highest point of the mountain, looking down at everything in front of him.There are hills and green forests overlapping in front of you, and you can still hear birdsong from time to time.

And it was noon at this time, the hottest and hottest moment in this summer, but why?He is very comfortable here, and the breeze seems to blow his heart.

Chen Yi then found an open space to meditate.

Before she knew it, when she opened her eyes again, she seemed to have come to another place.

"What is this place?"

Chen Yi looked at everything in front of him, he saw a vast expanse of whiteness and nothingness, and entered into a mysterious and mysterious state.

He seems to have entered another place.

Chen Yi saw this gradually, and gradually understood, could this be the place he arrived at through meditation.

He looked at the vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, like a dream, and very unreal, without anything, he was hanging in mid-air, trying to control his limbs, but he went up and down, very uncomfortable.

Chen Yi didn't know why he came here, since he came here, it meant that this place was the safest for him.

According to the records in the book, this is his position and his meditation. He is like a novice who has just started, without much cognition, so what he sees is a vast expanse of whiteness.

When he reaches a certain level, this place can change with his thoughts.

Chen Yi also gradually understood, the mystery of this, according to the records in ancient books and his understanding, he slowly pondered.

He was suspended in mid-air, slowly closed his eyes, and entered the fantasy in a meditating posture.

(End of this chapter)

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