little village doctor

Chapter 30 Discovery of Ginseng

Chapter 30 Discovery of Ginseng
Just like that, time passed.

Chen Yi felt a slight pain all over his body, as if his body was about to explode, he hurriedly regained his senses, only then realized that he had absorbed a lot of spiritual energy in one breath, and his body consciousness couldn't bear it, let alone the support of this capacity.

It will inevitably be a little uncomfortable, he is afraid that he will explode and die in the next second.

It is recorded in ancient books that the body is like a container. If it is absorbed too much, the body will be damaged if it is light, and the body will be damaged or the body will explode if it is serious.

Chen Yi didn't dare to think too much, he immediately opened his eyes, exhaled slowly, and looked at his body, which was flushed red from top to bottom, already sweating profusely, rubbing his sore arms, relieved for a few minutes, lying powerlessly Looking at the sky from the lawn.

He just rested for more than ten minutes, and the soreness in his body gradually disappeared, and the body that replaced him seemed to be washed by a stream, and his body was light and comfortable.

Chen Yi withdrew from the state of meditation, and he felt that his dantian was like a bead the size of a pearl, glowing with a faint green light. This realization surprised him.

After all, even though he said he was already working hard in cultivation, he still hadn't made any progress.

But in the past few days, he has treated diseases and saved lives, and set up many formations, and he obviously felt that his body was unable to do what he wanted.

If this method is feasible, then he will come to the mountain to practice meditation every day, so that he can grow and develop step by step.

Chen Yi felt very happy when he thought of this, and when he was going down the mountain, he clearly felt that there were treasures around.

He closed his eyes, the baby was right in front of him, and there were two white lights. This light was a bit out of place for him, but it was definitely a good thing.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi was overjoyed. Decades ago, he heard that wild ginseng was dug up on this mountain and sold for a lot of money. Could it be that he also had such luck?
After all, after so many years, this mountain has been dug and hacked long ago, and the good things have long since disappeared.

Chen Yi shouldn't have hesitated, the pace of his feet kept accelerating, and he peeled a weed with his feeling, and he was stunned by everything in front of him.


This is still wild ginseng. Looking at the leaves of this ginseng are not very big, it is obvious that it has just grown. It is covered by this pile of weeds, no wonder no one will find it.

Chen Yi looked around vigilantly, hid his body in the weeds, gently pushed the weeds away, and counted them carefully. There were five ginsengs, but they were all very young.

"These are all treasures, much more than those farmed ginsengs before."

Thinking of this, Chen Yi murmured softly. Luckily, he brought a small shovel with him before going out. Digging ginseng is very particular. If the ginseng is to be sold at a high price, none of the beards of the ginseng should be damaged.

If it is broken, not only the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced, but even the price will be half the price, which is not worth the candle.

Chen Yi thought of this, squatted down to find a comfortable position, and dug it up bit by bit with a shovel.

Fortunately, the annual cost of ginseng is very shallow, and the longest is only more than ten years. If it is dug up in a few short years, it will not take much effort. In order not to damage it, the lump of soil is dug out directly.

Chen Yi picked up a few large leaves nearby and stacked them together, carefully placed the ginseng inside, wrapped it neatly and hugged it in his arms.

Because it is summer, the weather is hot, and there are many insects, and it will be troublesome to be bitten. In addition, in recent years, the country has mostly protected wild animals in wild areas, and every family dare not hunt wild animals.

So much so that he was so bold because there was no one on the mountain at this time.

Chen Yi carefully wrapped the ginseng and prepared to move it to his field.

I suddenly remembered that the older generation said that ginseng has its own popularity, and if it is dug out, it is likely to escape while not paying attention.

If it were changed, he would definitely not believe these nonsense words before, but now, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and if there is such a rumor, there will naturally be his reason.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi casually drew a talisman in the air, and threw it directly on a ginseng. With this talisman, even some people can't escape.

He carefully hugged it like a child, and swaggered down the mountain.

When I came to my field, I looked around. Everyone was doing farm work in their own field. No one noticed his movements. After entering the field, no one would see the ginseng in his hand, and threw it on the ground with peace of mind.

Chen Yi picked up the shovel and squatted on the ground, dug five big pits, and buried ginseng in them one by one.

"These are all wild ginsengs dug from the mountains. As long as they grow into adults, they will definitely sell for a lot of money." He carefully separated the ginseng trees, and specially poured down another spiritual rain.

With the blessing of this spiritual rain, the ginseng that had been dug out and squeezed was instantly rejuvenated, and the leaves were glowing faintly.

"Yes, today's harvest is very good."

Chen Yi spent a long time digging this thing, looking at the mud all over his body, and the mud was all wet, not to mention patting it off, it was still sticky all over his hands.

However, it was not in vain that he dug up the ginseng for a long time, then carried it over and buried it on the ground.

Now that I bought it, I just waited for it to grow in the past few days. With the blessing of Lingyu, an ordinary sweet potato on the street can double in size, let alone this precious thing.

Chen Yi thought that he had made a step forward today and got a few ginseng by accident, so he wished he could go home and tell his sister the news.

It's a pity that he can only enjoy this joy alone, and tell his sister when the time is right.

Thinking of this, he happily turned around and walked along the path to go home.

But who knows, he just turned a corner and looked at the door of the house not far away, a red sports car parked, the color is very dazzling.

A man was leaning against the car carelessly, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, smoking it one after another.

And beside him stood a few hooligans with colorful dyes, everyone laughed and played around in a somewhat casual manner, not knowing what they were talking about.

Chen Yi looked at today's posture, and the visitor was not kind.

Thinking of the last few confrontations with Guo Yunpeng, every time he was so scared that he didn't dare to utter a fart, now that he took the initiative to show up, he is really capable with a few subordinates.

Chen Yi thought of this, stood where he was and didn't make a sound.

After all, Guo Yunpeng was here for him. This guy can not only yell but also yell, but he doesn't want his sister at home to listen to him, lest he see her making excuses again and scare her.

When he thought of this, he felt a little helpless. In fact, it was not difficult for this guy to ask for his home address.

Chen Yi drew a talisman on his back and quickly threw it in the air.

The blessing he drew temporarily can silence the sound.

Even if that guy yelled loudly, it wouldn't reach the yard, let alone be heard by my sister.

(End of this chapter)

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