little village doctor

Chapter 31 Charges

Chapter 31 Charges
"What are you here for?"

With a slight smile in Chen Yi's cold voice, he walked slowly in front of them.

Guo Yunpeng thought that Chen Yi was hiding at home and dared not come out.

I've been stuck outside, but I didn't expect this guy to come back from the outside, covered in dirt and embarrassed.

He glanced up and down with contempt, and there was mockery in his eyes: "You country bumpkin, you just came back from the field, right?"

"What are you here for?"

Chen Yi stood opposite them, facing his unreasonable abuse, he smiled instead of angry.

"You kid, play tricks in front of my fiancée. Of course, I will teach you a lesson. If you are sensible, just leave Jiang Xinyi obediently and don't force me to do it."

Seeing the boy's indifferent expression, Guo Yunpeng got angry and pointed to his nose to criticize.

Chen Yi looked calm, with one hand deliberately pretending to pick his ears: "What are you talking about? What are you pretending to do?"

"Which eye of yours saw me pretending to be a ghost? Why can't your western medicine save your fiancée, so you just use me to make fun of me."

"You boy... you country bumpkin, what do you mean? You question my ability?" Guo Yunpeng was so angry that his tongue tied for a moment.

"I came back from studying abroad. You are a crap and want to lie in front of me. I will expose you today."

"Don't be bloody, if I'm lying, okay, then you can do it, then you have studied for a few years, isn't it in vain?"

Seeing his incoherent appearance, Chen Yi was amused by him for a moment.

Guo Yunpeng stared at him, but he was just an ordinary farmer's soil turtle.

He also played tricks and frightened people in front of him, so he ignored it, but stood on the side and waved.

"You guys, what are you doing blankly? I invited you here, not to watch a play."

For this reason, a few ground snakes standing beside him came over casually.

"You spent so much money to invite us to come, just to deal with this kid, it would be too exciting to mobilize the crowd."

The head man had a striking red hair permed, and his hair stood up straight up, like a dragon fruit.

And the few little followers behind the man, dressed in strange clothes, staggered and weighed the iron rod in their hands.

When Guo Yunpeng remembered that this kid had some skills, especially that day, he was gently subdued by him.

He has lingering fears, otherwise he wouldn't have spent so much money to invite these local snakes to take revenge on him.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, let you come and come."

He said something impatiently, then leaned directly to the side, quietly watching the good show.

Chen Yi looked at them without changing his face: "Just these few people, don't they look down on me too much?"

"Hey, this kid has a very strong tone, let you taste our strength." The local snake laughed mockingly, and rushed over directly. When he stretched out his hand, he was suddenly caught by him.

Chen Yi's speed was astonishingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, he grabbed his arm and subdued him.

" boy!"

The boss shivered in fright, and wanted to say something, but he felt unable to move his whole body, as if he was being manipulated by someone.

Several of his subordinates were also frightened, they froze where they were, and took a step forward cautiously.

"You let go of our boss, what did you do to him?"

"Be careful, this is our territory, if you dare to touch him, be careful... Be careful of your life."


Seeing that the boss was caught by him, the little Luo Luo was too frightened to go forward and could only threaten.

After all, with the skill of the boss, few can beat him.

And the man in front of him moved an arm lightly, subduing him easily, making them timid.

Guo Yunpeng stood at the back angrily, jumped up and cursed: "What are you guys doing, why are you standing still, fuck me?"

When Chen Yi heard their threats, he had some impressions of these snakes.

They are the local snakes in this area, and they bought a lot of people's hearts.

If you offend them today, you will be in trouble in the future, countless.

He is still clear about this, and he didn't hit them.

Chen Yi thought about it, there are many spells in this ancient book, but one spell is very interesting.

Integrity character.

This spell is very interesting, the way he is attached to the person.

With this distorted three views, even a murderous maniac instantly turns into an upright and honest person, abiding by laws and regulations, eradicating evil and promoting good.

It's just that he lacks the ability to fabricate this spell, which can only last for one day, but that's enough.

Taking advantage of their inattention, Chen Yi stretched out his hand behind his back and squeezed a talisman secretly, and slapped him on the back.


He slapped the ground snake on the back, making a loud sound, accompanied by a faint light, so fast that it was hard to detect.

The boss staggered a few steps, staring forward with distracted eyes.

Waiting for the power of the talisman to develop, his eyes suddenly lit up, he blinked his eyes, pulled the corners of his mouth, and revealed a smile.

Originally with a fierce look, he smiled strangely in an instant. .

His little follower had never seen the boss look so simple and honest, could it be that he was slapped stupidly?

"Boss? Boss, are you okay?"

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Why don't you talk? Talk!"

Several attendants shook the boss's arm, only to see that the boss drove them away with his hands, and turned his eyes directly to Guo Yunpeng.

"Guo Yunpeng, do you know what mistake you made?"

"You are sick. I paid you to come here to deal with him. What are you calling me for? What did I do wrong?"

Guo Yunpeng looked at them cursingly, and responded impatiently.

"What are you guys still doing in a daze, why don't you arrest him quickly?"

The boss suddenly had an upright character, and he grabbed Guo Yunpeng's arm and ordered.

Faced with this sudden situation, several followers were startled.

Guo Yunpeng was grabbed by his arm abruptly, and took a few steps back.

Jumping and cursing: "Let go of me, you are sick! I spent money, why are you arresting me?"

Chen Yi folded his arms around his chest.Leaning against the big tree, he watched all this quietly, laughing from time to time.

"Chen Yi, did you play some trick? What did you do?"

Guo Yunpeng was grabbed by his arm forcibly, bent behind him, unable to move, pressed forward, and cursed angrily.

Chen Yi stared at him indifferently in the twilight, and laughed: "What else can I do? It may be that he suddenly changed his conscience, regretted it, and didn't want to embarrass me, a farmer, and just eliminate evil and promote good."

In a few words, he pushed the responsibility away completely.

The local snake's followers looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew the boss's character well, and this sudden change made it difficult for them to accept it for a while.

Just like that, the local snake pressed Guo Yunpeng, rode on his sports car, and left with his little followers.

This farce is over.

Chen Yi shook his head regretfully, the fun was over.

(End of this chapter)

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