Chapter 455
When they knew that Chen Yi was going to invite rich people to dinner, Li Li and Hao Jia both ran over to help Chen Yi. They both put themselves in the position of the hostess, and it was inevitable that there would be open and secret fights, and they would often get red-faced because of small things. of.

But because Hao Jia knew Chen Yi first, and Li Li was able to know Chen Yi through her introduction, so every time the dispute ended with Li Li compromising, in front of Li Li, Hao Jia was really big. Madam's manner.

Chen Li was originally Chen Yi's boss, but now he became Chen Yi's housekeeper, helping to arrange matters related to the banquet, while Chen Yi, the host of the banquet, was doing nothing.

In fact, it wasn't that he was doing nothing, but his mind was not on the banquet, because although Chen Yi and Yang Yun reconciled, Mr. Qiu still regarded Chen Yi as a serious problem.

Chen Yi cut off his biggest source of income, and his mantra is: "Whoever cuts off my money, I cut off his livelihood."

The fact that Chen Yi won the championship made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and he began to regret not getting rid of Chen Yi when he was a small person.

"Godfather, Yang Yun still doesn't answer your call. It seems that the president's guess is right. He really might have compromised with Chen Yi."

In Mr. Qiu's villa, Mr. Qiu's adoptive son reported the report very respectfully.

Old Qiu's face was gloomy. In his opinion, betrayers are the most unforgivable. Now he even thinks that Yang Yun is more damned than Chen Yi. Two days ago, he swore to the sky in front of himself that he would never betray, but now To play this hand with him is to treat him as old.

"Hmph, Qianlong City is just so big, he can still go to heaven, you go there yourself and bring his idiot son here."

In Qiu Lao's view, letting a person die is too easy. When dealing with a person, he has no choice but to let the other person die. As long as there is a chance, he will make the other person's life worse than death.

For Yang Yun, in addition to inflicting pain on him, it is also a good choice to use hands and feet on Yang Xiaotian, just like dealing with Chen Yi had to start with Pippi.

"Godfather, this Chen Yi is very famous now, and the rich people in Qianlong City basically follow him, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome to deal with him."

Mr. Qiu's adoptive son said worriedly that according to his plan, he planned to kill Chen Yi before the match, but Mr. Qiu likes to play cat and mouse games with the enemy, which invisibly increased the difficulty of the task.

"What are you afraid of? Have we killed fewer celebrities? If Chen Yi's fame increases again, will he be as famous as those before?"

Old Qiu said disapprovingly.

"Does Godfather mean that we can use the Hell Summoning Card?"

Elder Qiu's adoptive son asked excitedly, if he could use that card, then there would be nothing to worry about, but he felt that, as Chen Yi, he didn't seem to be able to enjoy such high-standard treatment.

"It's not yet the time, you go to catch Yang Xiaotian first, and then find a doctor who can replace Yang Yun. It's time for the president to spend money, so the money can't be cut off."

In an unfinished building, Yang Yun leaned against the mud-sanded walls in a state of embarrassment. Now he has a home and can't go back, and he doesn't even dare to live in a hotel, so he can only hang out with these construction workers.

Others earn money as a laborer, and he pays the contractor every day. He thought that after paying the money, he could be a master here, but unexpectedly, the people here regarded him as a wanted criminal and took the money he gave. As a hush money.

"Lao Yang, what did you do wrong?"

A worker squatted in front of Yang Yun with a bowl of dark food and asked gossip.

"Look at his delicate skin and tender flesh, what else can he do? Corruption."

Another worker said in a positive tone.

"Old Yang, look at your posture, you should be greedy a lot, you are not kind, if it is discovered that we are covering up, you will give us this little money every day?"

An old man with disheveled hair said insatiably, adding 200 yuan out of thin air every day. At first they thought it was very profitable, but soon they began to figure out that they should be able to ask for a little more given Yang Yun's willingness to give money.

Yang Yun looked at the old man with a vicissitudes of life, and felt an indescribable disgust. He was not short of money, but he didn't like the feeling of being held hostage.

"I'm a writer. I came here to experience life. Since you don't like it, forget it. I'm leaving now."

After Yang Yun finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave. At this moment, the workers immediately became anxious.

"Don't, Lao Yang, I was joking with you just now, you see, I just said, Lao Yang is so upright, he must be a cultural person, a writer, that's great, don't you writers like to listen to stories? More, and it’s all true.”

Seeing this group of workers looking at him flatteringly, Yang Yun could not help but sneer in his heart, and said in his heart, you poor ghosts still want to fight me. Not to mention you.

"Okay, whoever of you will buy me a tent and put it on the top floor."

"Lao Yang, there are no doors and windows installed in these houses, and the weather is getting colder and the wind is still strong. How about I arrange a separate room for you down here?"

The captain said with a flattering face.

"Don't you know how important solitude is to a writer?"

"I know, I know, I have never eaten pork or seen a pig running. I often hear people say that writers need inspiration. Are you looking for that thing when you are alone?"

Yang Yun waved his hand, he didn't want to say anything more to this group of people. If it wasn't for his distress, he probably wouldn't have any interaction with this kind of people in his life. He chose to be on the top floor because he could see himself through the telescope on the top floor. villa.

Every afternoon, the nanny would take Yang Xiaotian to bask in the sun on the balcony for a while, and this was also the time for Yang Yun to see his son.

Under Chen Yi's treatment, Yang Xiaotian's mental state has obviously improved, and he has shown a unique talent in music. No matter how complicated the song is, he only needs to listen to it once to memorize it completely.

This is especially true for musical instruments. He held a flute and no one taught him. At first he thought it was just an ordinary toy, but by chance, he suddenly let the flute make a sound, and then it was out of control .

According to the usual practice, this afternoon was the day when Chen Yi came to see Yang Xiaotian. Yang Yun set up his binoculars early, waiting eagerly for them to appear in the camera.

The current Yang Xiaotian is not much different from normal people, only the expression on his face, and the innocence that does not match his current age.

(End of this chapter)

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