Chapter 456

Since the last time he went to the airport to block Yang Yun, Chen Yi has never seen Yang Yun again. Now that he has promised to let Yang Yun go, he no longer cares about his movements. He just thinks about it occasionally. Is it possible that he was caught by Mr. Qiu?

But no matter what happened to Yang Yun, Yang Xiaotian was innocent, so Chen Yi still followed his previous promise and went to see Yang Xiaotian after a while. He didn't know it was because Yang Xiaotian's intelligence had been sealed for too long, and once he was released, it would cause strong rebound.

Or Yang Xiaotian should be a genius in the first place, Yang Xiaotian's growth is particularly obvious, everything can be seen at a glance, and soon, his intelligence surpasses most adults, but his emotions obviously did not keep up with his intelligence.

Yang Xiaotian has become very dependent on Chen Yi, as long as he doesn't see Chen Yi, he will be inexplicably irritable, even if he doesn't see Chen Yi, he must have Chen Yi's things around him, so that he can calm down a little.

In fact, this phenomenon is not difficult to understand. From the perspective of intellectual growth, Chen Yi was undoubtedly the person who accompanied him the most during his period from four years old to 20 years old.

In fact, when a person knows that he is needed by someone, he will have an inexplicable sense of mission. Chen Yi is like this. When he realizes that he has become the most important person in Yang Xiaotian's life, he will inexplicably think about it. He takes some responsibility.

His relationship with Yang Xiaotian has also changed from a simple doctor-patient relationship to a father-son relationship, although his actual age is about the same as Yang Xiaotian.

Chen Yi knew that Yang Yun was hiding like this, and Mr. Qiu and the others would attack Yang Xiaotian sooner or later, so every time he left, he would leave a surveillance rune at the door of Yang Yun's villa, which could detect who had come Yang family.

Through monitoring the runes, he discovered that Yang Yun hadn't returned home for a long time, and just as he guessed, several unknown people had visited Yang Xiaotian, and they all came at night.

Perhaps because of Pippi's relationship, Chen Yi hated the behavior of bringing his father's grievances to the innocent next generation, which is why he still decided to help Yang Xiaotian when he was in trouble.

Seeing Chen Yi, Yang Xiaotian trotted to meet him immediately, then he took out a flute and played a beautiful melody.

"Xiaotian, who did you learn this song from?"

Seeing that Yang Xiaotian could play the flute so well so quickly, Chen Yi felt very relieved, at least he would have a skill to make a living in the future, if Yang Yun just disappeared like this, Yang Xiaotian would not be unable to survive.

"I didn't learn from anyone, I just followed the guidance of my heart to play."

Chen Yi was startled, could it be that this is the so-called compensation mechanism of God, closing a door and opening a window.

Chen Yi grabbed Yang Xiaotian's hand, and then used his spiritual power to walk around his body, and found that his body had completely returned to normal, and the doctor-patient relationship between the two of them could end here.

"Xiaotian, your body has fully recovered."

"What do you mean, you won't come to see me again?" Yang Xiaotian was startled, and stood up nervously.

Seeing that Yang Xiaotian was trembling nervously, Chen Yi never imagined how he could be so dependent on him when his mind was already mature.

"Of course I will, but not as often as now. You are very talented in music. If I send you to the music academy, you may become a great artist in the future."

From the age of four to the age of 20, Yang Xiaotian has never stepped out of this villa. Although he knows that there is an extremely wonderful world outside through the study during this period of time, if he wants to come out like this and come into contact with a completely strange world, he still has no idea. I really have no courage.

Yang Xiaotian was like a child, with his head down and silent, looking at Chen Yi with pitiful eyes from time to time.

Chen Yi sighed softly. He originally wanted to put his hand on Yang Xiaotian's head, but in the end it slid directly to his shoulder. If he patted his head, Yang Xiaotian would feel like he was still a child, but if he patted his shoulder, Chen Yi would be Reminding him that he should grow up to be a responsible man.

"Xiaotian, do you know your father's current situation?"

Yang Xiaotian nodded.

"I didn't understand it before, but these days I understand through recollection that he actually did a lot of assholes."

Yang Xiaotian said with some shame.

"Do you hate your father?"

Yang Xiaotian nodded, then shook his head again, obviously, he was entangled between love and hate.

"Xiaotian, you shouldn't be ashamed. Although your father did a lot of bad things, it has nothing to do with you. But at the same time, you have to feel guilty for those who were cheated by your father, because your father That money was used to raise you."

"Actually, I understand the truth, but thinking about it will make me feel uncomfortable."

"It's nothing to be sad about. Your father is not a good man, maybe he isn't a good father, but he is definitely not a bad father. At least he still takes care of you with all his heart even though he knows that you can't give him anything in return. That's all. For one thing, no matter how bastard he is, you can't hate him."

When Yang Yun saw this through the binoculars, he was already kneeling on the ground, weeping uncontrollably. The mage gave him a lip language rune, and he could observe the lip language to make a corresponding sound synchronously, so Yang Yun knew the relationship between Chen Yi and Yang Xiaotian. every sentence of dialogue.

Yang Yun came from a difficult time. When he was a child, brothers would often fight over a piece of roasted sweet potato. From an early age, he understood that if you want to get anything in this world, you must do your best to fight for it.

Moreover, he is a staunch supporter of the theory of evolution. He believes that the essence of all things in the world is survival of the fittest. The resources of this world are just like the roasted sweet potatoes in childhood.

Moreover, the roasted sweet potatoes in childhood may fall into the hands of the weak under the intervention of parents, but God is a parent who doesn't care about anything. He never sympathizes with the weak and will not send any piece of roasted sweet potatoes to the weak.

Therefore, although Yang Yun has been criticized by so many people, he does not think that there is something wrong with his actions. If he has to find some reason from himself, it is because he is not strong enough. If he can be strong enough to compete with the elite Like the president of the association, who in Qianlong City dares to breathe in front of him?
But at this moment, he clearly felt that as a father, he had humiliated Yang Xiaotian. This was the first time he began to doubt the things he insisted on before, and from Chen Yi, he saw another kind, and the elite The president is completely different and powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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