little village doctor

Chapter 7 Stimulating Drug Properties

Chapter 7 Stimulating Drug Properties

"Xinyi, how can his three-legged cat's kung fu heal you?"

Guo Yunpeng stared at Chen Yi angrily, his bean-sized eyes were full of anger, and he couldn't help shouting.

There was a bit of seriousness on Feng Hong's old face, but he didn't make a sound.

Guo Yunpeng was so angry that he still wanted to say something, but was glared at by Feng Hong again, and stood silently aside, like a very deflated balloon.

Seeing that the old man in front of him did not stop him, Chen Yi nodded slightly and took a step forward, pinching Jiang Xinyi's delicate wrist,

Cool touch, delicate and comfortable.

He quickly retracted his thoughts, felt her pulse, and then withdrew his hand.

"How about it……"

Jiang Xinyi watched him check the pulse, then turned around with a calm and dignified expression, and couldn't help asking.

Chen Yi's eyes lowered slightly, but a faint light burst out. He took a firm look at Jiang Xinyi and nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I have a solution. You lie on the bed and have a good rest. I'll go grab the medicine."


Jiang Xinyi heard his cold voice, but for some reason, she seemed to have taken a reassurance, and slowly lay down on the bed and waited.

Feng Hong stared at all of this, the boy's movements were smooth and flowing, especially his movements of feeling the pulse, without any intention of staying, obviously it was not simple.

Guo Yunpeng wants to see what tricks this kid can pull off.

Chen Yi didn't stay for a moment, and walked out of the room to the medicine cabinet.

After taking the pulse just now, a prescription automatically appeared in his mind, and he took the medicine according to the prescription in his mind.

The strange thing is that these memories are very strange to him, but they are very familiar.


An old voice called to stop Chen Yi, Feng Hong grabbed his wrist and stared at the herbs on the plate.

"Old Feng, is there something wrong?" Chen Yi felt his old and rough fingers, and frowned slightly.

With the other hand, Feng Hong pinched the medicinal materials in the medicine plate, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it carefully, his cloudy eyes were full of disappointment: "These...these are just ordinary medicinal materials for repelling cold, and these are the only ones that can cure her. sick?"

"Every medicinal material has its unique properties. Mr. Feng, I think you know better than me." Chen Yi didn't respond, but asked rhetorically.

Feng Hong saw that the kid didn't change his face, he still put the medicinal materials on the plate, his thick eyebrows were frowned: "Hmph, these ordinary medicines are useless."

Facing the old man's doubts, Chen Yi didn't refute, let alone explain.

He put the few herbal teas he had grabbed into the casserole with a blank expression.

Feng Hong looked at him with a confident look just now, but he didn't expect the medicinal materials he caught, and thought he was some kind of genius, nothing more than that.

With a bit of regret in his eyes, he shook his head and didn't stay any longer.

Feng Hong turned around and left.

On the other hand, Guo Yunpeng stared at all this gloatingly, and Feng Hong also left, making it even more certain that Chen Yi's medicine would be of no use.

He said disdainfully: "Old Feng always said you, you are a three-legged cat, and you still want to treat his illness, you really know how to pretend!"

"What kind of pretense are you pretending to be in front of me? You really think you are Hua Tuo alive? Turtle..."

Chen Yi sat in front of the stove with a bench in hand, fanned the wind with one hand, and felt the temperature of the casserole with the other hand.

In the face of his chattering ridicule, he didn't pay attention.

While Chen Yi was cooking the medicine, he turned his fingers slightly, secretly stimulating the properties of the medicine.

According to the memory of these medicinal materials in my mind, simple cooking only stimulates the superficial medicinal properties.

And Jiang Xinyi's body has been cold for a long time, so taking these medicines can't cure her, it's just a temporary relief.

Guo Yunpeng stood aside and watched him silently, fanning the stove with a fan on the one hand, and feeling the temperature of the medicine stove on the other side, ignored his intentions at all, and went out out of boredom.

When Chen Yi heard the sound of closing the door, he raised his head slightly, seeing that there was no one in the room, he felt relieved.

He based on the books left by the old man.

It is recorded in the book that if the coldness in her body is removed rashly, she has been tortured by the coldness for a long time, and if she removes it suddenly, her body may not be able to bear it.

According to the pharmacy in his mind, Chen Yi poured the boiled soup into the bowl, and a strong medicinal smell came, pungent and bitter.

He didn't take it out directly, he had just extracted all the properties of the medicinal material, and the next step was to infuse the decoction with spiritual energy.

Chen Yi is well aware of the importance of spiritual energy.

The cantaloupe he sold today was just infused with some spiritual energy, but the effect was very different. It made the withered vines bear huge and plump fruits, which tasted refreshing and made people energetic after eating them.

After all, medicine is three-point poisonous. If he really wanted to inject some spiritual energy, it would not only greatly increase the medicinal properties of the medicinal material, make it easier to absorb, but also moderate the toxicity of the medicinal material.

Chen Yi got everything ready and opened the door with the soup, but he didn't expect that the kid didn't leave, but leaned aside and waited.

Guo Yunpeng was even more rampant when there was no one around.

"What are you doing in there? Grinding and chirping?" Guo Yunpeng directly blocked his way, but smelled the pungent smell of medicine, and covered his nose in disgust.

"I'm going... this smells disgusting!"

Guo Yunpeng took a few steps back while talking, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were fixed on the soup in his hand: "Is this thing drinkable? What needs medical treatment? I think it's just a broken branch stewed in a pot."

"We need western medicine, why don't you see it?" Chen Yi smiled instead of anger, deliberately responding.

Chen Yi felt that the man in front of him was really ridiculous. It was really ridiculous that Chinese medicine was useless to open and close his mouth one second, but he couldn't cure Jiang Xinyi's condition the next second.

Guo Yunpeng wanted to take the opportunity to attack the sarcasm, but was refuted, and his face turned red: "Do you think that treating a disease is as casual as you are, and you can cure it by touching your wrist? You need professional equipment."

Chen Yi looked at him standing here, mother-in-law and mother had no reason to do so, so they walked past him.

Guo Yunpeng didn't expect this guy to ignore him directly, and grabbed his arm angrily.

"Hillbilly, I'm talking to you, what are you pretending to be?"

"Let go..." Chen Yi said coldly.

One was inattentive, and Guo Yunpeng almost touched the decoction.

You know, he has boiled it for more than half an hour, if the soup is spilled, it will be in vain.

Guo Yunpeng didn't expect this guy to suddenly change his face, even more playful, and deliberately forced: "Why are you still angry? I won't let you go...what can you do to me?"

Chen Yi's eyes slowly stared at Guo Yunpeng's arm, and then he was filled with coldness.

Guo Yunpeng was suddenly frightened by his angry appearance. Thinking of the slap just now, he unconsciously let go of his hand, but pretended to be calm: "I won't let you pass today. Mr. Feng also said that your herbs are nothing but It’s just a simple medicine to dispel cold, and it’s useless at all.”

"You are so sure that this medicine is useless."

"When I say it's useless, it's useless."

Guo Yunpeng yelled at him disdainfully with a gloomy face, acting like an angry bereaved dog.

(End of this chapter)

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