Chapter 8
"In that case, are you responsible?"

The corners of Chen Yi's lips curled up slightly, and he asked gently.

Guo Yunpeng was a little confused for a while: "What do you mean..."

"I can kill Ms. Jiang, but if she does anything wrong, can you bear the responsibility?" Chen Yi didn't want to waste time with him at first, but his tone became a little more serious when he looked like he deserved a beating.

Guo Yunpeng stared at him with contempt, and glanced up and down. This brat was poor and white, and dared to talk to him in this tone.

He mocked: "It's useless if you drink it here, but I'm worried that if she drinks this black bowl, will her condition get worse, or is it the same thing?"

"Guo Yunpeng, what are you doing again..."

Jiang Xinyi's weak voice scolded her weakly.

Guo Yunpeng's complacent expression just now changed instantly, and he cast a glance unwillingly, and stood silently on one side.

Chen Yi once again set his sights on Guo Yunpeng, his hair was combed shiny, and he looked smart in a suit. He was indeed so stupid.


Guo Yunpeng's face was livid with anger for a while, but he didn't like to attack.

"The medicine has been reconciled, drink it while it's hot." Chen Yi slowly gave it to Jiang Xinyi with a porcelain bowl in his hand.

Jiang Xinyi was half leaning on the bed, holding the bowl with some difficulty, just after taking it, her body almost fell due to lack of energy.

Chen Yi stepped forward quickly, grabbed her arm, and embraced her in his arms. With his slender waist and her special faint vanilla smell, he put the pillow behind her: "Be careful."

But I have to admire in my heart, the petite body of the woman in front of me, who is clearly enduring great pain, can still last until now.

The movements of Chen Yi's hands were also much gentler, and he slowly leaned her body against the pillow.


Jiang Xinyi forced a smile, pursed the corners of her pale lips slightly, smelled the strong smell of medicine in her hand, put it on her lips expressionlessly, and drank it slowly.

Chen Yi looked at her with a stern expression as she slowly drank a bowl of decoction without changing his expression. He took the porcelain bowl and put it on the table: "The medicine is a bit bitter, do you want some candy?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Jiang Xinyi drank the decoction, as if she had exhausted her last bit of strength, she lay powerlessly on the bed.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but there was no improvement.

Guo Yunpeng stood aside and listened all the time, yelling as if he had caught a horse's foot.

"Xinyi, let me just say, it's useless for him to do this. It's just a pile of rotten branches stewed in disorder. There is no medicinal effect at all. He still brags to me."

His chirping voice was extremely harsh in the quiet room.

Feng Hong's old face was a little helpless, and he sat on the chair beside him, drinking tea one after another.

Hearing this kid's noisy voice, his face was obviously a little impatient, but he didn't make a sound.

Feng Hong had checked the medicinal materials that Chen Yi picked up just now, but they were just ordinary medicines for dispelling cold, and they couldn't eradicate the disease, so he didn't care.

Guo Yunpeng wanted to jump up and clap his hands to applaud, but because the facial movement was too big and the wound on his face was pulled, he grinned in pain: "Oh, I'm going, it hurts me to death..."

He taunted the dog sneeringly, but he felt perplexed. When he thought that this guy had slapped him severely, he was so angry that he couldn't help but taunt him even more.

"Drinking it like this will have no effect at all, what are you pretending..."

"It takes time to digest, and you don't have time to digest those western medicines, so how can they be effective immediately."

Chen Yi stared at this guy, except for his chirping ability, he looked like a newborn baby bird, very irritable.

Guo Yunpeng was so angry that he still wanted to say something, but when he saw his eyes, he shut his mouth in fright.

Soon, the house fell into silence again.

Although Guo Yunpeng spoke in a toneless tone, he was naturally in awe of Feng Hong from the bottom of his heart, and he was terrified by just one look, so he didn't dare to say more.

As time passed, Jiang Xinyi's delicate and pale face gradually turned red, and her dull eyes were somewhat bright.

"I gradually feel that my body is slowly filled with warmth, and my whole body is warm..."

Jiang Xinyi stood up slightly and looked at her fingers in surprise, shaking them slightly.

Feng Hong sat on the chair with a sad face, got up quickly after hearing this, walked to Jiang Xinyi, pinched her wrist, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next second, the cloudy eyes suddenly opened, showing surprise, and all eyes turned to Chen Yi.

"how can that be?"

Feng Hong couldn't believe it, and checked again by picking up Jiang Xinyi's wrist.

The pulse was very chaotic, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Now, close to smooth.

It's just an ordinary decoction, it really doesn't make sense.

Jiang Xinyi's beautiful eyes were full of confusion. After she drank the bowl of soup, the warmth slowly emanating from her stomach swam all over her body like little tadpoles, as if she had absorbed the cold air in her body. Comfortable but beyond words.

"Jiang Xinyi, how do you feel now... Do you have any other strange feelings?"

Feng Hong still couldn't be sure, it was just an ordinary medicine, how could it have such other effects?

Jiang Xinyi shook her head slightly: "I feel that I am much better, almost without any discomfort, and I feel that after taking this medicine, I have already recovered from my illness."

"It shouldn't be..."

"It shouldn't be! This old man has been practicing medicine for so many years. If this prescription can cure the coldness in your body, it would have already taken effect. How could it be here?"

Feng Hong kept shaking his head with a stern expression, stroking his snow-white beard with his fingers from time to time, lost in thought.

Guo Yunpeng was gloating just now, but he didn't expect his condition to improve in the next second, and even Jiang Xinyi's face changed.

He also had a hard time accepting it consciously. How could the traditional Chinese medicine that he had always disliked have this effect? ​​Could it be that this brat did something wrong?

Chen Yi's deep eyes watched all this, seeing the old man sighing in amazement, the corners of his lips slightly curled up.

I'm afraid even Feng Hong doesn't know why an ordinary prescription has such earth-shaking effects.

If he hadn't brewed the decoction with his own hands and added spiritual energy, he wouldn't have known that it had such a miraculous effect.

Feng Hong gradually came back to his senses, looked at Chen Yi with cloudy eyes, and gradually changed: "Excuse me? How did you do it..."

He was mainly curious about how the young man in front of him did it.

"Old Feng, don't trust him, he doesn't know what this kid has done, he must have added other things in his insidious and cunning ways, in case there are any side effects..."

Seeing Feng Hong's admiration for Chen Yi, Guo Yunpeng immediately jumped out to refute.

It never occurred to him that this brat appeared out of nowhere and stole his limelight.

(End of this chapter)

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