Creation of Animals in the Extermination of Corpses and Ghosts in Xiangxi

【581】The annual flower blooms less than the lotus

Lin Heier swayed a little, obviously she had suffered a secret loss from Mrs. Su just now, and she gave Sanniang a hard look and said, "Of course this matter is over, I will naturally settle the score with you!" Turning her gaze to Wang Yunguang, she said coldly: " Back then, your Xiangxi Zhuyou Wang family hurt thousands of disciples of my divine sect, so you got the retribution of exterminating your sect, today, my mother will let your Wang family completely erase your name from the Taoist sect!"

With a single finger in his hand, the red light behind him suddenly became brighter and brighter, and the overwhelming murderous aura infected everyone present. Wang Yunguang stood where he was, and didn't even have the slightest chance to summon the huge and unparalleled serpent again. , Pointing to the sky with one hand, scratching the ground with one hand, holding your breath and concentrating, the stars in your eyes are shining, the Yuan stopped and the Yue stood up, graceful and calm, not like a young man at all, but more dignified than those senior sect elders.

Wang Xianqiao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he began to look at Wang Yunguang attentively.

"Kill!" Lin Hei'er knew that this battle had to be fought quickly to deter the group of enemies, otherwise if she was really surrounded by this group of people, she would never be able to please her, so regardless of her status, she took the lead in attacking the juniors.

There was no wind stirring the black robes around him, countless black shadows sprang out from the black robes, and the seven-step decapitation was as fast as lightning, shooting towards Wang Yunguangguang densely.

But at this time, Wang Yunguang, with a flat expression, facing up and down with his hands, seems to have an artistic conception that is in harmony with this world, and his whole body shows an indescribable sense of Taoism, like an out-of-world expert, completely ignoring the approaching seven Step beheaded.

Wang Yunguang, the unpredictable Wang Yunguang, although Zi Lingding encountered him several times, every time Wang Yunguang managed to preserve his strength with ease, even a master like her would never know the details of Wang Yunguang. Duwang Yunguang is well-known, but he rarely makes a move.

This time, it was time to take this opportunity to understand the true level of this feud and old enemy. Zi Lingding naturally kept her eyes on Wang Yunguang's every move.

"Wang boy, be careful, that thing is hard to deal with." Tang Fang reminded subconsciously.At this critical moment, Wang Yunguang was actually able to look aside, turned his head and smiled at Tang Fang.With a jerk in his hand, he drew an extremely round circle.

"Dao Yun!" Wang Yunguang's heart thumped, never expecting that the younger generation, who made him look down on him so much, would have such a cultivation base.

The road of cultivating the Tao is extremely bumpy, but everything is in line with the internal and external training. A real master, every move is the Tao, so there is no need to rely on other monsters and gods.

For Wang Yunguang to be able to embark on this path, at such a young age, he can't help but need an extraordinary vision, and even more so, perseverance.Only those who have walked this road know how difficult it is, and Wang Xianqiao naturally knows it well.

Wang Yunguang stretched out his sleeves, like a cloud falling from the sky, covering his body. The movements of his hands seemed to be unhurried, but in fact the speed was extremely fast. It is an existence that has surpassed skill!

All the people present were all top Taoist masters, but at the same time, they all had a strange illusion, as if within three inches, they all became his Wang Yunguang's world, and with this as the boundary, they formed their own world, and anyone who entered this Those who are inside will be killed by you!

No one present could empathize with this mysterious state better than Tang Fang.

It's just that Tang Fang can only enter occasionally, but Wang Yunguang has already radiated from the inside out.

Whoosh! All the seven-step guillotines piercing into Wang Yunguang's body evaporated without warning, and disappeared without a trace. Wang Yunguang said loudly, "Holy Mother, I've offended you."

After speaking, stick out with one hand.It was silent, without any force, as if it was like fetching a teacup or grabbing a wild fruit, without any threat at all. Such a simple move made everyone who witnessed the process feel excited. A very weird but flawless illusion of nowhere to be found like an antelope's horns.

This hand seems to be just one, right in front of your eyes, but it seems to cover the sky and the earth, everywhere. If you don't know where it came from, you don't know how to crack it, and you don't even know how to avoid it.

The word "unable to continue" could not be more appropriate for Lin Hei'er at this time.

The world was almost silent, but Lin Hei'er and Wang Yunguang, one put his hand into his arms and the other raised his chest to meet each other. The two seemed to have no intention of fighting at all. Instead, they were like young wives making the most natural affectionate movements.

"Pfft!" There was a sound of splitting the silk, and the two retreated at the same time, facing each other. Wang Yunguang's move made people feel that this strike gathered the strength of the whole person, but it seemed to be light and weak, and the contradiction was so inexplicable.

Everyone clearly saw the ins and outs of Wang Yunguang's move, but felt that the whole process was natural, without beginning and without end, just like the movement of stars in the sky, which never had a beginning or end.

But Lin Hei'er broke even better, since he had nowhere to find, nowhere to vent, so he didn't look for a place, let Wang Yunguang only touch his claws, what was being deceived was that Wang Yunguang was a decent person, and didn't do lowly things like a slut. At this time, not only can the move be broken, but even Wang Yunguang's gradually consummating Dao Xin can reveal a flaw that he didn't notice.

Since Wang Yunguang cultivated his heart, he started from his softest place, attacked his heart with poison, and hit Huanglong directly.

The two are not only fighting skills, but also fighting hearts. Although there is no earth-shattering and splendid scene, the onlookers are all moved. Everyone knows that the more ordinary a master's fight is, the more dangerous it is.

Wang Yunguang took three steps back and said, "Thank you, Holy Mother, for your guidance."

Lin Heier's beautiful eyes were even more murderous.With one hand, the red light flashed, and the Yin Qi filled the air.If he failed to capture and kill this person in one move, he was already at a disadvantage. He could only use the red light of luck, and he could only use thunderous means to attack and kill this person with the strongest Taoism.

As soon as she wanted to kill, Lin Hei'er yelled coquettishly, and the huge killing intent rushed towards Wang Yunguang immediately, and the hall was full of cold air.Wang Yunguang rushed forward, rubbed his hands together as a knife, and quickly grabbed Lin Hei'er's key points, as sharp as lightning.

Just when Wang Yunguang swept his finger knife, Lin Heier's red lamp shone with light, turning into a piece of red light, covering Wang Yunguang's whole body.

The red light cut his body, like a knife hitting his body, and the pain was very severe. Wang Yunguang was in a bad mood and was about to withdraw, but the red light had spread three meters away from his body, like a red net enveloping him tightly. There are countless escapes.

Only then did Wang Yunguang's face change slightly at this time, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and the finger knife in his hand reduced the complexity to simplicity, followed the knife with his body, and slashed away with the knife.

"Ding"!There was a clear sound, and the black light interacted, and Wang Yunguang's finger touched something, which was the seven-step decapitation shot from Lin Heier's body.

The light in Wang Yunguang's hand disappeared, and the tens of thousands of seven-step decapitation shots were coming towards him. These seven-step decapitation kills are so cruel and fast. If Wang Yunguang was trapped by this thing, he would never die!

Everyone's thoughts are in the throat, the red light is shining, coupled with the seven-step beheading, even if Wang Yunguang is Da Luo Zhenxian, it will be difficult to retreat from Wang Lin Hei'er's hands.

Tang Fang couldn't hold his breath any longer, shouted loudly, and wanted to strike!

"Slow down!" Wang Xianqiao grabbed Tang Fang violently, and said, "Old Ancestor, take your time, if my Wang family's children are so unbearable, it's just right for me to die, so I won't embarrass myself!"

Tang Fang was held by Wang Xianqiao, and his body suddenly froze. At this moment of lightning and flint, Wang Yunguang's mouth suddenly curled his index finger and ring finger, and his thumb, finger, and little finger straightened forward, forming the Sanyin knife formula, saying As soon as I thought about it, the fingertips of the three fingers, big and small, condensed into three bright purple stars, and quickly pinched the five tactics of gold, water, wood, fire, and earth with one hand. Come out, turn it into a horse training, wherever it goes, there will be no survivors from the seven-step beheading!

"Three Yins Transforming Blood Knife! Capture the spiritual energy of the three Yins, and create a profound sword according to the five elements. Within three or five feet, you can swing it vertically and horizontally, nothing can do it! It is worthy of my royal family's magical skills. Use it well!" Wang Xianqiao couldn't help shouting On the one hand, after all, Wang Yunguang was born in the king's family, and the blood relationship is hard to let go, so he naturally turned to him;

"Injure my god! You want to die!" Lin Hei'er's murderous aura grew stronger, and she urged the red light in her hand to shine even brighter. Wang Yunguang, who was no longer threatened by the seven-step guillotine, immediately breathed a sigh of relief and became much calmer.He suddenly opened his mouth, exhaled and inhaled violently like a long whale sucking water, and a stream of white air was ejected from his nostrils, which was more than two meters long.The white air spewed out without dispersing, and gathered above the head.The brilliance flows like a blooming lotus.

"Break." Wang Yunguang yelled, the fingertips of the Sanyin Daojue with one hand shone with purple air, and swept it suddenly, forming a light wheel that slammed forward and cut the red light like a piece of brocade, splitting from it, Wang Yun Guang was waiting for this opportunity, Yu stepped on his feet in unison, stepped out of the Big Dipper step, and quickly escaped from the broken place.

"Soul-shocking, I wish you moving, thousands of lotuses bloom, not weaker than others, yes, I, Wang Xianqiao, recognize you as a disciple and grandson!" Wang Xianqiao seemed to be very relieved, with a happy smile on his face, "This is the real formula of my Wang family. Those villains who rely on broken copper bells and use random rulers to frighten people, have any real talents and lessons, I wish you a lineage, or my Wang family has real skills!"

Qianlian moves!Zi Lingding frowned greatly, is this Qian Liandong of the Wang family?The millennium flowers are less than Qianlian's movement, and this kid Wang Yunguang has cultivated such Taoism?

Zi Lingding took a deep breath and said: "Given time, this Wang Yunguang will become a great weapon, and he will soar in the daytime. It seems that he is more likely in a hundred years!"

"According to your words, Zhu Youchi of the Fang family is really worthless?" Lin Heier yelled softly, "You can also take the life of your little Wang family!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Heier waved her hand, and Zhu Youchi flew down towards the sky, and threw it at Wang Yunguang without warning.

Wang Yunguang looked up to the sky and inhaled, the lotus above his head had two life, two life three, three life countless, as if countless lotus flowers in a lotus pond were waving to meet the imposing Zhu Youshen ruler.

With a loud bang, the lotus flowers dispersed in every possible way. Zhu Youchi was blocked by the lotus lake, and was slightly delayed by half a minute, passing Wang Yunguang.

Come again!

Lin Hei'er yelled softly, and at dusk, Wang Xianqiao sternly said: "Little woman with no skills, don't rely on real skills to win, but use all kinds of dirty tricks. In terms of treasures, there are more people in the world than me, the Great Immortal Wang!" !"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, and something flew out, which happened to land beside Wang Yunguang.

Wang Yunguang looked at it intently, and according to his temperament, he couldn't help being shocked, and blurted out: "A hundred feet across the road!"

"That's right, a hundred-foot railing! Just use it, it's something from the Wang family. You use it to teach me a good lesson on this stinky bitch. Don't lose face to the Wang family! A hundred-foot railing is not enough, Qian Yuan Qingguang ring or something, your patriarch has plenty in his pocket, so let me use it freely, don’t be afraid of smashing things.”

Wang Yunguang probed with one hand, and the thing in his hand was just an ordinary small bamboo pole, but Wang Yunguang is such a sharp-eyed person, he could feel the great attraction coming from the body of this small bamboo pole with his tentacles.This Baichi Langan has a very prestigious name. Even though it has been lost for thousands of years, there are still legends about this thing in the Taoist sect. Everyone can't help but be surprised when they hear this name.

Wang Yunguang cupped his fists and said, "Thank you."

"Grandma, what the hell, I'm helping him like this, and I don't even call out to my ancestors. Such disciples and grandchildren are destined to lose money. If I didn't get used to that little stinky woman, I wouldn't bother to help this stinky kid!" Wang Xianqiao looked Unhappy, he said to himself.

Wang Yunguang took a deep breath and said, "Holy Mother, I have offended you."

Wang Yunguang held the hundred-foot rail in his hand, and suddenly a rush of pride rushed to his chest, white air rose from his mouth and nose, between hums and hahas, the white lotus congealed, pinched and recited a mantra, and said loudly: "I will carry the sun and the moon , walking on the Big Dipper, Qinglong, Baihu; Suzaku, Xuanwu, Xiongchen, and Tengshe ride me and go, go to a certain place, patrol left and right, follow up and stop, lie down and rise up, drive away thieves, ghosts and ghosts perish." After the mantra, Wang Yunguang suddenly covered his body with white clouds, and the rosy clouds were steaming, just like entering the holy land of Taoism. Thousands of lotuses scattered, and above the thousand lotuses, green dragons and white tigers appeared out of thin air; In the sky filled with glowing clouds turning like a vortex, the six beasts shouted in unison, their power and power moving.

"It moves once in a thousand years, what a move in a thousand years! The Wang family's thousand lotuses move, and you actually comprehended the essence. The thousand lotuses are scattered for disaster. Hurry up and suck up that little woman!" Wang Xianqiao couldn't help but shouted loudly as he watched.

Wang Yunguang stood there, moving the seven beasts, like a god, and said coldly: "Holy Mother, I, Wang Yunguang, will give you a chance. If you are willing to abolish your martial arts, follow me back to Zhu Youluodong. I promise to protect you well in this life. .”

"It's a joke, when I, Lin Hei'er, became famous, even the patriarch of your Wang family was afraid of me, what are you!" Zhu Youchi raised his head and hit him.

Wang Yunguang sighed and said, "I'm obsessed with it, I'm obsessed with it." With a wave of his hand, the six beasts roared together and flew towards Zhu Youchi.I wish Yuchi brilliance to appear, like a beautiful firework blooming.

"Break through ten meetings with one force, Zhu Youchi is Zhu You's number one artifact, even if you have a hundred feet of railings!"

disease!Wang Yunguang muttered silently, urged the hands of Baichi Langan, the two pieces of magic were in mid-air, and they bumped into each other without any fancy!

Boom, the loud noise shook the sky!

Under this touch, Baichilangan was turned into powder by Zhu Youchi's blow!

Bang bang bang!I wish Youchi didn't stop, and passed through the six beasts transformed by Wang Yunguang, and smashed them down on Wang Yunguang's head!

Wang Yunguang's face turned pale!

"The heaven-turning spiritual seal is in the palm of my hand. I am the emperor holding the spiritual seal. I will strike every day and crack the earth. I will beat everyone to live forever. I will beat ghosts and ghosts to destroy them. I obey the orders of the Supreme Lord!"


Fantianyin rose up in response, and bumped into Zhu Youchi.

Two shocking fetishes collide, but the result is still the same, no difference!

Tang Fang snorted and said: "Wang Xianqiao can believe what he says, and a sow can climb a tree. He is so stingy, and he will not die. Getting something out of his hands is more difficult than asking for the account from Lord Yan. It's just worthless junk, or some Xibei product was used to deceive you!"

Immediately, Wang Xianqiao's whole face turned pale, and he hid behind him and couldn't speak in embarrassment. Wang Yunguang was shocked, and smiled wryly, "It seems that I owe you Tang Fang again."

Tang Fang said coldly: "There are too many grievances and grievances between you and me, and it's hard to figure out who owes whom. I just don't want you to be killed by this person and take your life in vain."

Wang Yunguang nodded and said: "Brother Tang Fang taught me that at this critical moment of life and death, Wang Yunguang did not rely on himself, but instead placed his hope on others. It is reasonable for Baichilangan not to be its opponent for the advanced magic weapon, this matter is Wang's fault. Don't dare to blame senior."

"That's, that's, it was your kid's fault in the first place. It's all your kid's fault." Wang Xianqiao said hesitantly.

"Tang Fang, do you want more people to bully fewer people?" Although Wang Yunguang seemed to be defeated just now, it was not in her hands. Besides, she has been famous for many years, and she has been fighting with a younger generation for a long time. The score is already very low. After this battle, not only will Wang Yunguang's reputation not be ruined, but his reputation will grow day by day. On the contrary, he...

However, Wang Yunguang's Taoism can be regarded as an eye-opener for her today. She has cultivation at such an age, especially the comprehension of Taoism, which is unique even among the pagoda sects back then.

Wang Yunguang said calmly: "In today's battle, I am not the Holy Mother's opponent. If the brothers Tang Fang did not fight righteously, I am afraid that I would already be the soul under the feet of the Holy Mother. Naturally, Wang Yunguang will not be able to persuade the Holy Mother to do anything, but I still hope that the Holy Mother will have good thoughts. Back to shore."

"Yunguang, why are you doing this?" Seeing Wang Yunguang admitting defeat, Miss Su couldn't help feeling anxious. This Wang Yunguang was invited by her to help her punch. If Wang Yunguang didn't make a move, it would be difficult for the beast to keep Lin Hei'er. If it was today Let Lin Heier go away, the consequences will be disastrous!

"This kid refuses to make a move. Let's stand shoulder to shoulder. We must take the scriptures from this little girl!" Huang Hao said viciously.

"We must not let her get away, or we will all die!" The white hedgehog agreed, and the two shot at the same time.

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