Creation of Animals in the Extermination of Corpses and Ghosts in Xiangxi

【582】The Peerless Beauty and the Peerless Beauty's 1st Battle

"It's just you?" Lin Heier laughed wildly, her hands bloomed like lotus flowers, she pinched several seals in an instant, and shouted: "The sky is clear, the yin is turbid and the yang is clear, open my Dharma Eye, yin and yang are distinct! !"

Immediately, Bai and Huang became immobile as if struck by lightning.

Tang Fang and Zi Lingding couldn't help but gasped. They were finally sure that Lin Hei'er not only got Fang Yun's body, but also the power of Fang Yun's yin and yang eyes.

This Lin Hei'er was originally one of the best masters in the Taoist sect, and now she has a natural yin and yang eye that is hard to find in a thousand years.

Wang Yunguang had already withdrawn from the battle circle, and came side by side with Tang Fang and others. Wang Xianqiao came over at some point, and said calmly, "It's a beautiful defeat."

Wang Yunguang smiled wryly and said: "Victory is victory, and defeat is worship. This defeat is so beautiful..."

"No, no." Wang Xianqiao said indifferently, "The reason why too many people in this sect cannot cultivate to perfection is precisely because they are too obsessed with success and failure. , Those who can really look down on victory and defeat have the potential to see through life and death, and it is already very good to have such a cultivation level at such a young age."

Wang Yunguang nodded and said, "Thank you senior for your enlightenment, but the junior's skills are not as good as others, so I'm ashamed."

"It's okay," Wang Xianqiao waved his hand and said, "This witch was originally a figure who has been famous in Taoism for many years. You can fight against her in court and not fall behind. To be honest, when I was your age, I also asked myself what to do." No, besides, you were not defeated by this witch, but by my Zhu You ruler. After all, you lost to your own family, so it doesn't matter what you do...and..."

Wang Xianqiao's gaze was half a smile but not a smile, revealing a meaningful smile: "Are you really defeated?"

Wang Yunguang was stunned for a moment, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Senior's eyes are like a torch, and I'm not as good as..."

Wang Xianqiao said: "At such a young age, it is not a bad thing to have such a city, but you have to remember one sentence, the organization is too clever, so don't waste your life."

Wang Yunguang nodded in agreement, Wang Xianqiao ignored him and turned his attention to the battle situation.

After Lin Hei'er stopped the two of them, she didn't seem to have the intention to make trouble for them, she tiptoed to the ground, and sprinted with an extremely beautiful body movement, hooking with one hand, and only took third lady Su.

"I treat you like a family member, but you betray me instead!"

In Lin Hei'er's spiteful voice, Miss Su San's face turned pale with fright, and she was about to run away, but Lin Hei'er's movement was extremely fast, and with one-handed moves, it seemed to block all her escape routes, making Su San The lady gave birth to the frustration of a bird in a cage with nowhere to escape.

The third lady Su closed her eyes, she knew well that Lin Heier's methods were cruel, and she would never spare her own life, instead of wagging her tail and begging for mercy, she might as well die generously, she sighed, closed her eyes and waited for death.

thump!Hearing the sound of Jin Ming and iron, Miss Su could only feel the wind in her ears, her body seemed to be hugged by someone, and she was moving at an incredible speed, and there seemed to be Lin Hei'er's panic-stricken voice beside her. : "Tang Fang, are you really going to have trouble with me?"

Third Lady Su opened her eyes, and only then did she realize that she was actually in Tang Fang's broad and warm arms. Just now, when Tang Fang was in the nick of time, he inserted like a shooting star and saved her life from Lin Hei'er. .

Looking at her younger brother whom she hadn't seen for several years, Sanniang's eyes were full of familiarity and strangeness. Although Tang Fang was still changing his face at this time, relying on a woman's intuition, she had already faintly smelled the mature man's characteristic of Tang Fang. With a majestic breath, he murmured: "Finally, my younger brother... has grown up..."

"Fairy Zi, I think your position as the leading lady is about to be unstable." Wang Xianqiao, who was gloating at the side, clapped her hands red, not missing any chance to tease Zi Lingding.

Zi Lingding has been with him for many days, and knows that the more this old boy is provoked, the more energetic he becomes, the best way to deal with him is to ignore him.

Zi Lingding took a step forward, fixed her eyes on Lin Heier, and said coldly: "That day at Longhu Mountain, you tried to kill me again and again, and my internal injuries were not healed that day, so I almost ruined your hand. , I want to play with you uprightly."

As soon as the hands are changed, the Jinhan jade mirror and the Taiyi golden mirror are sacrificed at the same time, like the sun and the moon, hanging in the sky, illuminating the entire restaurant transparently.

"That's good, that's good..." For Zi Lingding, Lin Hei'er seemed to have unusual murderous intent and hatred, and even ignored Miss Su and Tang Fang, turned to Zi Lingding, and said: "New hatred, old hatred , Between you and me, we really need to sort it out."

"Xiao Zi, Lin Hei'er is not easy to deal with, and your injury hasn't healed yet..." Tang Fang was worried about Zi Lingding, and said, "Let me take this battle for you."

"You just take care of your good sister and don't care what I do." Zi Lingding said coldly.

Tang Fang hit a snag and was immediately speechless, not knowing what to do.

Miss Su San smiled coquettishly, jumped down from Tang Fang's arms, and said, "My dear sister, you are the number one lover in the world, if he decides something, he will be a nine-headed cow." You can't pull it back, don't worry, my sister is not interested in Tainen'er, otherwise how could it be your turn."

Whoosh!Next to Mrs. Su San was a salivating old Wang Xianqiao who shook her head and leaned over: "Are you interested in living for 1000 years?"

Zi Lingding and Lin Hei'er stood facing each other. Although one of them was wearing a black veil and the other was deliberately changing their appearance, and at the same time concealed their alluring looks, they were both unique and independent women. , but that otherworldly temperament will still impress people.

The two generations can be said to be the number one beauties leading the coquettish Taoist sect, and they are about to start a life-and-death struggle. Of all the people present, the happiest one is naturally Wang Xianqiao.

Zi Lingding was born in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate, and became famous since she was a child. She has already become a famous female hero in the Taoist school. Favored, personally handed down the untold secret of Longhu Mountain - Fengyun Jiudun, it is not what it used to be.

Needless to say, Lin Hei'er has been famous for many years, a feared figure in the Taoist school, and now the mother has taken over her son, and has the yin and yang eyes that everyone in the Taoist school covets. Although I don't know if the skill has improved, but Relying on many Taoist artifacts such as the Red Lantern, Zhu Youchi, etc., she can imagine her supernatural powers at this moment.

Zi Lingding's double mirrors flipped over suddenly, and with two streams of light, she stabbed straight at Lin Hei'er, before reaching her body, Lin Hei'er had already lit up the red light, and the red light around her was rolling like red silk.However, under the stimulation of the double mirrors of Longhu Mountain, it still pierced seven or eight points. A look of surprise flashed in Lin Heier's eyes, and she soon returned to normal. She pinched her hands repeatedly and stood still. The light flashed across the audience instantly. Lin Heier's hands were like lightning, and her fingertips were like wind. The red light shone, forming a rapid red air whirlpool within three feet around Zi Lingding!

Zi Lingding seemed to still stand where she was, forgetting to resist.

Lin Hei'er was slightly proud, the red light illuminated with countless hostility, as long as Zi Lingding's mouth and nose got a little bit in, it would be like falling into Shura Hell, and she would never be able to recover.

Whoosh!A short sword appeared in front of Lin Hei'er without any warning, and even passed through the ghostly aura of red silk covering Lin Hei'er's body.秦,一击必中!

How is it possible, Lin Heier's pupils began to shrink!A face full of emotions and anger appeared in the pupils.

Zi Ling Ding!

she.How could she appear here!

Only Tang Fang knew. .

Tianyue said affectionately!

It is almost an unsolvable assassination trick that is the best among all Taoist sects.

Zi Lingding's character is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and he must take revenge. It can be seen from his hatred for Wu Xie and Lin Buyi back then. On Longhu Mountain, Lin Heier took his own life several times. It seems that she has long been jealous, so One strike is a killer move!

Hiss, hiss... The sound of the dagger piercing through the air entered Lin Heier's ears. The speed of Tianyue Youqing was so fast that she had no room to dodge at all!

Everyone present was watching the battle, but no one thought that it would be a tough fight, and the winner would be decided in such a short period of time.

It's just that no one has seen the ins and outs of Tianyue's Youqing Dao, so they can't help but weigh in their hearts, if Lin Heier was replaced by themselves.

Do you have a reputation to escape this robbery?

Wang Yunguang looked up at the two mirrors, with doubts in his eyes, and murmured, "Is it because of them?"

The dagger pierced through the body without making any sound.

The situation on the field turned abruptly, Zi Lingding yelled coquettishly, and leapt out in mid-air, even the dagger that pierced into Lin Hei'er's hand was too late to retract, so she flew back backwards, while Lin Hei'er squinted at her. Go, with a sneer, he squeezed the seal in his hand, the red light shone brightly, caught Zi Lingding, and shot away quickly.

In such a situation where the situation suddenly reversed, Zi Lingding was able to maintain absolute calmness, and kept making decisions in mid-air.Jinhan Yujing and Taiyi Jinjing were launched at the same time, the sky screamed again and again, and the sound of piercing the sky was endless. Under the pressure of the red light, Ziling was able to move the dragon and tiger mountains. Tang Fang was frightened as she saw the butterfly wearing flowers, and finally, she didn't know what she used to break through the threat of the red light and retreated from the safe zone.

Lin Heier seemed a little unwilling, but still fixed the red light in midair.

Just now, what happened just now.Everyone had the same question in their minds, obviously——Zi Lingding's sword stabbed Lin Hei'er without any tricks, and with Zi Lingding's reaching and eyesight, Lin Hei'er would never survive!

At this moment, Lin Hei'er's black robe, which was torn apart by Zi Lingding's sword wind, finally shattered inch by inch.

Lin Heier finally revealed her body that had been hidden under the black robe.

A skeleton shining with strange luster!

Body of bright glass...

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