The attack was beautiful, and the defense was even more beautiful. All the people watching the battle were terrified. Even the third lady Su, who had been on the front line of life and death several times, was dumbfounded, and murmured: "It's Zi Lingding who can move four escapes at the same time. It's amazing."

Wang Xianqiao shook his head and said: "No, no, it's not four escapes, it's five escapes."

"That's right," Wang Yunguang, who came over to protect Mrs. Su, couldn't help sighing because he was afraid that Mrs. Su would be in danger, "Take the wind escape as the basis, the dragon and the tiger escape as the guide, the seclusion as a feint, the ghost escape as a kill, and the five escapes all at once." ..." Wang Yunguang said bitterly: "I've heard that the Nine Escapes of Wind and Clouds is the secret of Longhu Mountain. In the history books, besides Zhang Daoling, the supreme celestial master, there are only two or three people. Even if they can escape in all directions, it is still very rare. I am afraid that it is difficult for Wu Yuehe, head teacher Wu, to do it. At such a young age, Fairy really makes me ashamed to be able to achieve this level of cultivation."

Wang Xianqiao sneered: "Fengyun Jiudun is just something that the bull-nosed Taoist of Longhu Mountain used to promote himself. Although it is good, it is by no means the number one in the world as they boasted. This little girl's talent is not bad, but compared to my Wang Daxian In terms of people, it's more than eight blocks away, but compared to this little girl's talent, what I appreciate more is this little girl's eyesight. Son, can you see that..."

Wang Yunguang sweated faintly on his forehead, and said disappointedly: "Ashamed, ashamed, Xiao Ke just thought of it."

"Everything in the world cannot be perfect, and every advantage must have a disadvantage. Lin Hei's mother occupying the child's body is like a bird occupying a dove's nest. It must have fatal disadvantages, but it is a pity that it is not you who can see it. It's the little girl Zi Lingding."

The two asked and answered, Wang Xianqiao bossed around, as if the younger generation taught the younger generation, while Wang Yunguang served carefully and politely, but none of the people present felt that something was wrong.

Wang Xianqiao pointed at the face that made Lin Hei'er pale with shock, and said, "If I'm not wrong, this is Lin Hei'er's fatal flaw."

Wang Yunguang nodded and said: "That person is the former head of the Fang family. The former owner of this body is Lin Heier's husband, Fang Yun's father, Fang Liu!"

Wang Xianqiao smiled and said, "That's right."

I saw that face looking at Lin Hei'er, with a gentle look in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Yun'er."

ah!Like a snake whose tail has been stepped on, Lin Heier screamed sharply, beads of sweat began to trickle down her face, and her eyes changed several times, sometimes confused, sometimes vicious, sometimes naive, sometimes sinister, After several transformations, Lin Heier seemed to be unable to control herself, and blurted out, "Father."

He heard it right, it was a male voice, it was Fang Yun's voice back then.

Ah, Fang Yun yelled suddenly, and changed into Lin Hei'er's voice again, saying: "Zi Lingding, you are so vicious!"

'Fang Liu' looked at Lin Hei'er, waved his hand, and said, "Yun'er, come with me, okay..."

'Fang Yun' nodded, with an innocent smile on his face, which suddenly turned into a terrified horror, holding his head and screaming loudly: "Zi Lingding, you are so poisonous... Yun'er, don't, don't listen to him Yes, it's all the trick of that bastard."

"Sure enough." Wang Xianqiao nodded and said, "This time, even if Lin Hei'er has ten bright glass bodies, a hundred red lights, and a thousand Zhu Youchi, he is doomed. In the game on the verge of life and death, Lin Hei'er won and Xiao He won this time, and Xiao He lost, but the defeat was too unjust."

The third lady Su was puzzled, and asked: "Shouldn't the seizing house be the master of the back house, and the former house should perish. How could there be two souls sharing one body?"

"Maybe this Lin Hei'er still has a sliver of conscience, and she couldn't bear to ruin her son's life, but she didn't expect that in the end, she was still killed..."

"No, no." Wang Xianqiao shook his head and said, "The reason is not that Lin Heier is kind, but because she is too greedy. The problem lies in this body of bright glass."

Wang Xianqiao said: "This body of bright glass can only be cultivated by a person born with yin and yang eyes. Lin Hei'er is not, but Fang Yun is. In other words, only Fang Yun can control this body of bright glass. If Lin Hei'er Taking away Fang Yun's body, killing Fang Yun's soul, and killing the rare yin and yang eyes, all he got is a useless skin. Lin Heier has worked so hard for so many years, and what he is waiting for is that Fang Yunyou will suffer again. He was able to sit in the Temple of White Bones in one day and cultivate the body of bright glass, so it is absolutely impossible for him to kill Fang Yun."

Wang Yunguang nodded and said: "I used to be very confused about the relationship between Fang Yun and Lin Hei'er, and whether the person in front of me is Fang Yun or Lin Hei'er."

"The person in front of me is Fang Yun. Fang Yun is a real fake." Wang Xianqiao said firmly.

"However, why is his personality Lin Heier?"

"Lin Heier's method of seizing the house is very strange. Throughout the ages, few people have used it. Rather than saying it is seizing the house, it is better to say it is planting the house."

"Zangshe?" Wang Yunguang was a little puzzled, and said, "Please ask the senior to clarify."

"Lin Hei'er didn't actually take away the house, but when Fang Yun was born, a thought was planted in Fang Yun's heart."


"That is to say, a seed was planted in Fang Yun's body. If my guess is correct, when Fang Yun was doing the Bone Temple, he encountered a time when a hundred ghosts were haunted and his thoughts were mixed. At that time, it was the most chaotic time in Fang Yun's spiritual platform in his life, and at that time, the idea planted by Lin Hei'er took advantage of the void, entered Fang Yun's spiritual platform, and began to germinate slowly. "

"Then this seed entered Fang Yun's memory, and he began to quietly brainwash and slowly hypnotize him. The longer the time, the better it would be for Lin Hei'er. In addition, Fang Yun and Lin Hei'er have a mother-child relationship. Flesh and blood are connected, so Fang Yun's body does not reject this seed, and over time, even Fang Yun began to believe that he is Lin Hei'er, tell me, has Lin Hei'er's goal of seizing the house been achieved?"

"In other words, Lin Heier also spent three years brainwashing Fang Yun, and then came out after completely occupying Fang Yun's body with her own memory?"

"That's right, but Fang Yun is Fang Yun after all. Lin Hei'er can brainwash, but he can't wash away Fang Yun's memory. Once Fang Yun's memory is awakened by something, it will be Lin Hei'er's limit."

"That's why Zi Lingding made Fang Liu's face, and let Fang Liu wake up Fang Yun's memory?"

"That appearance was not created by Zilingding, but refined by Zilingding, using the real blood of Fang Liu. How could Lin Heier's situation be broken at will? How can Fang Yun be awakened!"

"My dearest relatives..." Wang Yunguang was stunned for a while as if struck by lightning, and said in a hoarse voice, "That is to say...this situation...Zi Fairy has already seen it at the corpse exorcism meeting three years ago... "

Wang Xianqiao glanced at Wang Yunguang, who was pale, and said, "Actually, you don't have to blame yourself. It's true that Zi Lingding's eyesight is better than yours, but if Zi Lingding wasn't there when Lin Heier was thinking, She will definitely not be able to see that once you drink and cut, you have a pre-determination, such an old saying is as genuine as Sanniang's two Mimi, Sanniang, am I right?"

At the same time, Lin Hei'er has almost fallen into a state of madness, Fang Yun for a while, Lin Hei'er for a while, as if two people were fighting endlessly in his body, suddenly the two people in the animal way, yellow and white, shouted in unison: " The Holy Mother of Huanglian has already gone mad, if we don’t take the opportunity to capture her and ask where the scriptures are located, I’m afraid we won’t have such a good opportunity in the future!”

After talking about the animal path, several people rushed forward, followed Lin Hei'er and beat him fiercely. Suddenly, Lin Heier clasped his hands, and the red light shone with thousands of rays of light, covering the animal path. With a scream, they all fell out.

Lin Hei'er was disheveled at this time, looking like a devil, and said coldly: "Zi Lingding, do you think that you can really deal with me like this? Today, today, either you die or I die!"

After speaking, he waved the red light, and then went to kill Zi Lingding.

Zi Lingding's face was flat, and she said lightly: "This is natural."

Zi Lingding's double mirrors were flying up and down in the air, and she stepped out of the strange footwork, like a lotus in one step, graceful and beautiful, and lightly opened her lips, "The Heavenly Jade Emperor Tianzun, one breaks the heavenly plague road, two breaks the ground plague gate, There are three ways to break people, four ways to break ghosts, five ways to teach plagues, six ways to break ghosts and robbers, seven ways to break evil teachers, eight ways to break plagues and five temple gods, nine ways to break wizards and evil religions, and ten ways to break my teacher. Okay, since the teacher broke up, there is a way for people to come. All evil teachers and evil methods have nowhere to go. If there are blue-faced and red-faced people who come to use the method, they will step on the sky and the earth will not be merciful. Laojun is in a hurry like a law."

As soon as the incantation started, Wang Xianqiao's expression changed drastically, and he said, "My mother...the net of heaven and earth, this Zi Lingding is really going to die with Lin Hei'er forever!"

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the two precious mirrors flying in mid-air fell to the ground, and a voice came eagerly: "Xiao Zi, be merciful!"

With a flash of white clothes, Lin Buyi had already appeared on the battlefield. He touched Lin Heier's vital points repeatedly with his hands. Lin Heier let out a groan, and passed out in Lin Buyi's arms. Lin Heier didn't bother to say hello to everyone in Tang Fang, and left in a hurry.

Wang Xianqiao spread his hands together and said, "Okay, all the good shows were robbed by Lin Heier's old concubine, so there's nothing to play."

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